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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

Three Backlash 'Tests'...

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

I read Dave Meltzer's preview and he said Backlash was a massive night for O'Haire, Cena, and Goldberg (for obvious reasons).


His review of the show sorta intimated that none of them 'passed' - what do you think?


I think O'Haire was ok (not sore about the distraction in the crowd), Cena was so-so, and Goldberg I am undecided based on the other variables (crowd behaviour, Rocky behaviour).

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Guest BifEverchad

Based on everyone's performances tonight, I give:


Sean O'Haire C

John Cena B-

Goldberg B

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The only Test one needs to worry about is this:


Did the WWE do their best to entertain the fans?

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Guest Choken One

Sounded like Goldberg Failed...I STILL don't remember what SOH did...


Cena failed? He got a huge pop and was over...but that likely was the Hometown factor which no one played up...

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Guest RepoMan
The only Test one needs to worry about is this:


Did the WWE do their best to entertain the fans?

Nothing great tonight, but I'd still say yes.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

O'Haire I don't mind, so it's allright there.


Cena? Ugh. An overrated peice of crap.


Goldberg? Just another victim.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Oh lord, you'd say yes? So I assume you think that their best is incredibly low...


Such is the WWE fan...


Burn Baby Burn.

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Guest Blue Bacchus

O'Haire - Some Promise and Got an Entertaining Match out of the 'Kish

Cena - At Smackdown this past tuesday, I thought hey "He Could be a Great Main Eventer Someday"... Not any day soon after tonight

Goldberg - Did better than what I expected he would do. Decent Match. Worth the Wait and the Money.

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Guest Choken One

Why is Meltzer considered the FINAL word? If the buyrates were 2.2 for this but Meltzer says it failed...You'd believe him instead.

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Guest Choken One
Goldberg did 5 moves, Punch, Shoulder Block, Spear, Jackhammer, GoldBottom

HEY! He expanded his Moveset! He HAS improved!

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Guest Just call me Dan

Goldberg had a Brock like moveset that usually consisted of the same things, but every now an then he'll just counter a move into something weird. He liked to showcase strength, and now it seems he has adapted the WWE style faster than any WCW wrestler ever!

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Guest Choken One

Goldberg used to Bust out MMA Moves in WCW...Not bad too be truthful...

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Guest JAxlMorrison

I didn't see the O'Haire match, and I thought Goldberg was......well, Goldberg. I wasn;t surpised about the crowd reaction, the WWE live crowds seem to be anti-anything that isn't Rock or Austin and is pushed as a big star.

Now as far as John Cena goes, I have never in all my years of watching pro wrestling seen so many botched spots in a World Title match. I don't know exactly whose fault it was, but that kid looked clueless out there. He has proven he can have a good match, with an Angle or a Jericho, but that isn;t saying much. He might be ready one day but Vince is crazy if he thinks he is ready for any type of run near the top of the card.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

O'Haire - For a Rikishi match, he passed. Time will tell if he lived up to the hype.


Cena - Pass. Crowd bought him as a legitimate threat, no matter how predictible the finish.


Fuck Goldberg - Fail. Not suprised.

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Guest Choken One

Can Anyone clarify the SOH match for me in Astute Details...


Was it clean or what?

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Guest Blue Bacchus

Kinda Tainted. Kish hit Piper with a Coconut and SOH won from the distraction.

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Guest Blue Bacchus

Yeah I guess it is. I used to think that a Belt Shot was the end all of Foreign Objects but the Coconut is getting up there.


I kinda think it's being a little over played... Once in a blue moon a Coconut would be fine but it's basically Piper's finisher now.

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Guest Choken One

The Coconut is STILL better then his Old Finisher...




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Guest geniusMoment

All three failed in my opinion. I have a black box and now wish I didn't. That 3 hours I wasted will haunt me for all eternity. At least the Reds won.

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Guest Choken One
All three failed in my opinion. I have a black box and now wish I didn't. That 3 hours I wasted will haunt me for all eternity. At least the Reds won.

HELL YEAH! How about that Kearns Catch? Reds dont look too shitty all the sudden...

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Guest RedJed

OHaire: Nothing special but when you're in there with Rikishi, you cant expect much. He should have been in his first ppv match with someone more similar in styles at least. But they need new music for him already, and generally really need to turn up the heat on his gimmick or else he's going nowhere.


Cena: Bleh, he looked like shit in there with Lesnar. Certainly wasnt built up enough for this shot either. It was hard to consider him a legitimate level player with Lesnar in there considering his workrate was nothing to shake a stick at. He's not main event material..........a solid midcarder though that in the future maybe will be able to go with the right workers though, kind of like Edge.


Goldberg: Typicial Goldberg shit with less intensity and importance to the characteristics that made him so huge in the first place. He's losing appeal with the fans week by week, which isn't his fault more than it is the bookers. But he didn't show me anything in the match that made me think he will be making an impact anytime soon. I cant believe it but he looked more impressive and charismasic in the ring at a W-1 show against Rick F'n Steiner. Amazing.

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Guest geniusMoment

Paul Wilson, Chris Reitsma, Jeff Austin, Ryan Dempster and Graves seem to be a decent rotation all of a sudden.

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Guest notJames

I think the guy under the ring controlling Goldberg had his PlayStation Game controller stuck on "Taunt" and "Pose" once too often. Good thing the "Steal Opponent's Finisher" button worked OK.



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Guest Anglesault

Goldberg: F, he was terrible


SOH: D, Really bad even for a Rikishi match.


Cena: B-, not good, not terrible.

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Guest Showstoppa Icon

SOH:C+ his entrance was ok...and hes working w/ rikishi


Cena: B...i thaught the match was decent, i just dont see what the big hype about him was


Goldberg: F......UCK goldberg

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