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Guest Just call me Dan

Backlash thoughts

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Guest Just call me Dan

I can't help but frown after tonight's broadcast.


Cena and Brock was a total shitfest.


Goldberg/Rock was almost the exact same match as Hogan/Rock from NWO '03 with Goldberg making Rock look like a total puss (Who beat Steve Austin clean at WM and before was booked as top shit even if he is a heel) Rock played the I'm a coward heel and I hate that, and it just sucks to have to endure such a character killing. The crowd would boo the hell out of 'Berg and then pop for him (That was one of the worst crowds as far as disrespect I've personally ever witnessed)


Triple H DID NOT need that win. If the heels were going to go over, why not have Chris win, just for the minimal credibility a meaningless match like that could possibly give?


Big Show literally killed Rey, and it sickens me that he goes from having a war with Angle at SS '02 to getting squashed, and this can only be the foreshadowing of Brock/Show. Rey could be really hurt, and that was just a bad call, he had no chance of protecting himself.


The crowd was against Brock and then behind him, and they just all in all pissed me off.


The PPV sucked ass and the booking was pathetic. Thumbs down all the way here. I'm severely dissappointed, although I didn't expect too awful much.


How about the rest of you who viewd it?

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Guest bob_barron

You didn't notice the One and Only Backlash thread??


I thought it sucked a dick but I got the show for free and wasnt expecting anything to begin with

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Guest Just call me Dan

I always kind of viewed those threads as a PBP thing and I figured a post-show thread would be OK. Sorry if that pisses you off.


I gotta agree with tp, the show as nothing.

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Guest wwF1587

the event was pretty bad... i snoozed during brock/cena, i was bored during most of the 6 man (HHH gets the pin who cares), Rock/Goldberg was welll ... it was what i expected.. BORING!... Show/Rey was bull crap.. as was O'Haire/Rikishi.. why was the fat basturd on that ppv on anyway?... the rest was good to decent... Angle/Guerraros was great.. i enjoyed RVD/Kane... womens match wasnt bad either.. the rest pretty much blew.... thumbs down... the last hour killed the show... man I cant wait for RAW tommarow..

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Guest tpww7

My match of the night was RVD/Kane vs Duds, followed by Team Angle- Guerreros.

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Guest Just call me Dan

The Raw tag match was pretty decent, but it got sloppy at times. They covered up the blown spots well and bubba worked pretty well. Three of the guys in there have nice movesets, so that is always good. It got hot at the end and I like the way the Duds/Morely angle has been booked , even if it is the old stale Dudleyz.

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Guest Mole

I didn't watch it, I was traveling all day from my summer job that I was at for the weekend.


One of my friends there is a wrestling fan, and we were talking about Backlash. I asked him if he was ordering the PPV, and he said that he might, but I just told him not too. Then we started talking about the matches, but only could think of two. Berg/Rock and the 6-man match.


If a hardcore fan like me can't think of the matches, it just shows how bad WWE is doing.

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Guest godthedog

how did it compare to, say, KOR '02? sounds like nothing was a TOTAL shitfest, but lacking in any memorable moments at all.

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Guest Just call me Dan

This PPV was about the equivalent of No Way Out 2003. Bleh.

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Guest RedJed

Well I'm not buying another WWE ppv until SummerSlam at the earliest.......this ppv totally blew. They made a show which looked bad on paper even worse than I thought it was going to be. It amazes me how they can pull off a spectacular WrestleMania and then come the next month they pull a total shitter like this. They could have at least tried to book the matches tonight right since it looked so bad on paper, but you could tell there was no effort in such, which translated into a weak workrate by just about everyone too. There were tons of old In Your House ppvs back in the day that were ten times better than this. Worse yet, their plans for the upcoming month, ugh. I think this may be the year that by the end of it we see the biggest decline of WWE yet. It's not gonna be pretty.


Goldberg wasn't booked to go balls out so he didn't, instead he came off like "just another WWE guy".......he's already became a total non-draw, no doubt about it. If they wonder why Rock was so over and he wasn't, one only has to look at how the goof was booked since he came in, including this match. They should have thought about his obvious limitations and worked against them, but they dont even bother. Its just sad. I'm not even a Goldberg fan, yet I can believe how ridiculously bad he's been booked since he's come in.


As I expected, Cena will likely lose heat from the match with Lesnar. He flat out looked like shit in there, IMO. Wasn't ready for the spot. The six man was a HUGE letdown, and the undercard really moved slow. I think I enjoyed the womens match more than anything, and I think that was only *** at best. The booking all across the show was stale and predictable, even irritating at times.

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Guest nikowwf

Wow, a show where even Rock doesn't put his opponent over. Not that I'm saying he screwed Goldberg, but the face promo before the match and the way the match was booked was inane to such a high degree.


I loved how the crowd popped when Nash came out and went silent when Nash actually tried to move.


I thought the best things were the Guerrero's stealing the titles, the Sable stuff (yes, i thought her stirring up trouble actually made SENSE) and Piper putting over O-Haire in his promos.


A real suck fest of epic proportions with not even any good suprises to compensate.



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Guest HartFan86

The show live was tons of fun....crowd was red hot. I enjoyed myself last night then I did at Rumble 2003.

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