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Guest Your Olympic Hero

Wwf backlash 2002 (part 2)

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Guest Your Olympic Hero


Billy Gunn & Chuck Palumbo (w/ Rico Constantino) © vs. Raven & Perry Saturn


Raven & Saturn have a huge cult following, and the pop for them is really big.  There are even a few fans grouped together that are dressed like Raven.  There’s some huge heel heat for the champs, including some “f*ggot” chants.  The faces clean house in the early going and the champs roll to the outside to regroup.  They all give each other hugs and roll back in the ring.  Saturn and Chuck face off, and the heels get the advantage with a low blow.  Billy and Chuck work over Saturn for a minute with double team offense while the ref is trying to force Raven out of the ring.  Saturn hits a super kick out of nowhere on Billy, and then bounces off the ropes, only to be tripped by Rico.  Rico insists to the ref that he didn’t do anything.  Billy makes the tag to Chuck, who prevents Saturn from tagging Raven.  They work over Saturn with consistent tags for a couple more minutes until Saturn finally makes the tag to Raven.  A huge pop for that.  Raven cleans house and eventually hits the Evenflow DDT on Chuck.  But, there is no referee, because he’s trying to force Billy out of the ring.  Finally the ref turns around, but it only gets two.  Billy and Saturn both come in and it’s “bonzo gonzo” as Scott Keith would say.  Billy and Raven are brawling on the floor, and Saturn lifts Chuck for the Death Valley Driver.  Rico jumps up on the apron, however, and sprays hairspray in Saturn’s eyes while the ref isn’t looking.  Billy whips Raven into the ring steps and gets back in the ring.  They hit a spike piledriver on Saturn to retain at 10:35.



Chris Jericho vs. Booker T


Booker attacks Jericho during his entrance and it’s on!  They brawl all the way back to the ring.  Jericho goes for a belly to back suplex on the floor, but Booker flips over and pushes Jericho face first into the ring pole, busting him open early in the match.  He then hits a belly to back of his own on the floor.  He rolls Jericho back in the ring and works over the back for a couple of minutes.  Jericho mounts the comeback, only to get crotched on the top rope.  Top rope superplex gets two for Booker.  Missile dropkick from the top gets two.  Jericho ducks the Harlem Sidekick, and hits a lariat, taking both men over the top rope.  They brawl on the floor, and Booker T hits a stun gun on Jericho, face first into the guardrail, busting him open even further.  Back in the ring, Jericho lands on his feet during a Booker back body drop attempt, and leans back to deliver a neck breaker on Booker.  He rolls over on Booker for the cover and a two count.  Jericho to his feet, and goes for the Lionsault.  Booker rolls out of the way, but Jericho lands on his feet.  Jericho charges at Booker, and Booker hits a spinebuster for two.  He goes for another top rope superplex, but Jericho shifts his weight to land on top of Booker for two.  German suplex gets two.  Lionsault gets two.  Jericho gets Booker in the Walls, but he’s too close to the ropes.  Booker reverses an Irish whip and flings Jericho over the top rope.  He pulls the monitors out of the Spanish announce table, and hits the Book End through it.  Booker rolls Jericho back into the ring for a two count.  He applies The Walls of Booker on Jericho, but Jericho makes the ropes.  Jericho reverses a powerbomb attempt into a rana for two.  Jericho again goes for the Lionsault, Booker moves again, and Jericho hits face first on the mat.  Then Booker does the spinaroonie and a Harlem sidekick right to the jaw for the win at 16:29.

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Guest Zoltan

My next 2 ratings:

                     TAG TEAM TITLES

                     Billy Gunn & Chuck Palumbo (w/ Rico Constantino) © vs. Raven & Perry Saturn

rating: I really doubt that Raven and Saturn can carry these 2 slugs ( especially Gunn) to a descent match so *3/4


Chris Jericho vs. Booker T

rating: This has the abiltiy to be a great match and you gave it the right amount of time so ****

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