Guest PencilJobber Report post Posted April 28, 2003 That was extremly funny but i got to say i never expected them to be so harsh towards Kickers i mean they were calling them lazy,none football players,not important, idiots.Some of that may be true but they were laying in massive especially Romo who i think has a great future in broadcasting as well as Jensen and Chavous i thought McAllister was not as good and a little nervous towards the camera but still did an ok job. What they were saying was true no way should a Kicker be questioning a QB's desire he may be a member of the team but he doesn't have to take the hits or play the whole game but what they said about none of the guys sticking up for there QB and coach was also true seems my Colts don't have a true dominating leader like a Romo which could be why we never win the Big game we need a guy who will shout and be passionate about the game which is something Peyton will never be he is a laid back character when sometimes you need a intense guy to step up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Lethargic Report post Posted April 28, 2003 I think they should shut the hell up. What he said about the team and about Manning was absolutely 100% correct and everybody knows it. All the football experts were saying the same thing. They said they agreed with what Vanderjagtsaid but yet HE shouldn't say it because he's the kicker. WTF? Who cares if he's the kicker? He's still on the team. You could say the same thing about all these so called TV experts who were saying the exact same thing about Manning. They're all old and washed....what gives them the right to say something about diaper wearing Manning? I admired Vanderjagtfor having the balls to call out Manning like that. It was needed without a shadow of a doubt. This is the problem with sports today. Much like everything else, it's too PC. Nobody can say ANYTHING. Yesterday, Kevin Garnett said that if Minnesota won and went up 3-1 on the Lakers they felt the series was over. The announcers then throw a shitfit about how he shouldn't have said that. Why? What's wrong with an athelete simply speaking the truth? Everybody knows if they went up 3-1, the series would basically be over. Why can't HE say it when WE can? What's wrong with having confidence? Calling out other teams? Calling out your own team? What's so bad about having a personality? Why can't a kicker call out his own team? The team needed it. Hell, the kicker is more important than 90% of all those players that were putting him down anyway. Who scored the most points for the Colts last year? Hmm...maybe Mike Vanderjagt? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Vern Gagne Report post Posted April 28, 2003 This is old news, and the only reason ESPN brought it up his they knew Romanoski would call Vanderjagt a piece of shit, or insult him some other way. As far has I know Manning and Vanderjagt have talked and patched up any differences. This is typical of ESPN, who tries to make stories out of something that isn't there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest phoenixrising Report post Posted April 28, 2003 (edited) During the entire two days Andrea Kramer was trying to get the guys to say things about their team in order to create controversy - ex. badgering Bill Romanowski about the Barrett Robbins situation. Jansen and Chavous should pull double duty as GM's. Nice to see they all don't like kickers. Wonder how they feel when their kicker hits the game-winning field goal for them. But it does say something when the most vocal guy on the team isn't the quarterback but the kicker. It says more about Manning than Vanderjagt if Vanderjagt is pissed and Peyton's more worried about throwing touchdowns to Jerry Rice. Edit: It was Bill Romanowski they wereasking, not Barrett Robbins. Edited April 29, 2003 by phoenixrising Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DrTom Report post Posted April 28, 2003 Peyton has never won a big game in his life. But since he makes a billion dollars a year and is the "franchise," and Vanderjagt is "just the kicker," he takes the heat. The truth hurts, Peyton. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Bosstones Fan Report post Posted April 28, 2003 Yesterday, Kevin Garnett said that if Minnesota won and went up 3-1 on the Lakers they felt the series was over. The announcers then throw a shitfit about how he shouldn't have said that. Why? What's wrong with an athelete simply speaking the truth? There's nothing wrong with it. I, for one, love it when someone says something like that because it's guaranteed to stir up some controversy from some corners of the world, even if it is a 95% accurate statement like Garnett's. By the way, the announcers got all huffy about it because neither the NBA or ABC will have ANY idea what to do if their precious Lakers get booted in the first round. I swear to God, I wanted to smash my TV yesterday because the announcers were so pro-L.A. that it was bordering on completely absurd by the time the 4th quarter rolled around. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Satanico Report post Posted April 28, 2003 The announcers probably meant it in a "Don't spit on the other team before you actually beat them" way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites