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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Raw Spoiler

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Steve Austin is expected to return to RAW tonight, now that the Rock is expected to be gone for months. No details regarding the role Austin will play are currently available.


One can assume that Jim Ross will be a factor in the Austin return angle, but that is not confirmed. Jonathan Coachman is still set to announce RAW tonight.


Credit: WrestlingObserver.com

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Guest the pinjockey

It is funny. The common thought is that Goldberg comes in and once he flops the writers will have to think of something new. Somehow they manage to keep giving themselves something to always go back to.


There really is no hope. They WILL NOT change no matter how much it is needed.

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Guest the pinjockey

Why was it posted in the Raw thread? Aren't the One and Onlys usually non-spoiler threads?

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

They should put Goldberg and Austin together as a team and call them The Ding Dongs 2003

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May 5th is a week from today isn't it?


So has anyone contacted radio shows, wrestling sites, etc. like they said they would?


Or is this just going to end up being the board doing a boycott and accomplishing nothing since no one on the board that I know of has a Nielsen Box.

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Guest the pinjockey

I think the big question is:


Will he bring Lita back with him?

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Raw won't be on in Canada at the regular time...looks like it won't be taped by me either. Like those times in 97 and 98 when I wanted to tape to see what was going on. When it didn't come at the scheduled time.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

Austin coming back i can stand (provided he's not in a 'Austin vs the Boss' angle for the millionth time), i just wish he wouldn't bring JR with him though, i definately can do without him on my TV.

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Guest NoCalMike

If Austin does come back, I hope they scrap the whole feud with management SHIT. It is so boring, wastes too much time and really never progresses ANYTHING. I know there a of steph haters, but currently I like the way she is executing her GM role more than Bischoff.

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Guest AndrewTS
If Austin does come back, I hope they scrap the whole feud with management SHIT.  It is so boring, wastes too much time and really never progresses ANYTHING.  I know there a of steph haters, but currently I like the way she is executing her GM role more than Bischoff.

Yeah, I know. I actually like Bischoff's character since he's a sleazeball "love to hate him" kinda guy.


Steph is just such a whore for attention it's funny. The first time we see her in a couple weeks, and she shoves her BUTT into the camera. This family is waaaay messed up.


I'm also sick of Austin vs. Authority Figure.

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Guest SP-1

I wish the GM's would go away all together. It's like saying the wrestlers have to have a parental figure to play in the big, roped sandbox.


Let the boys (and girls) take care of themselves.

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Guest wwF1587

maybe i will tune in to RAW... just to see how they use austin.. i dont know..

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