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Guest Bling-Bling Buchanan

William Regal may never be able to wrestle again.

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Guest phoenixrising
Quite disturbing, isn't it? Y'know, people are very passionate about things in their lives - some people are very passionate about religion; others about politics. It grieves me to say that there's an alarming group of people that are passionate about Hulk Hogan. These so-called Hulkamaniacs - they're the lowest form of the low, they're quite pathetic; I mean, why would you worship a man, I mean, who ponces around like a fifty pence tart in these feather boas? It's - it's disgusting. It was bad enough eighteen years ago when Hulk - Hulk Hogan and his Hulkamaniacs were running wild, but now in the year 2002, it's just quite sad. People buy this crap, you know - I mean, look at it. Look. I mean, they hang this on their walls. I mean, look, look, look, look at this, look, look, (puts cap on) ooh look at me, look at me, I'm a - I'm a Hulkamaniac, and I've got my silly little Hulk Hogan cup any my hat and my silly little doll and I look a complete bloody pillock! Why...I just don't understand, it's a travesty, that you people can't respect and follow someone like myself. I wish I could say it was just you pathetic Americans, but it's not - it's a worldwide phenomenon. I mean, you could...I mean, worship someone like me, someone with pride and dignity. Someone who speaks the Queen's English, someone who can finish a sentence without saying 'brother' at the end of it. That really gets on my bloody nerves, that one. Tonight, after I get Hulk Hogan in the ring for the very first time, things are going to change. Hulkamania will be running wild no more. So I'll direct this at you, Hogan, so you can understand it in your simple way. What are you going to see, when the Power of the Punch runs wild on thee? No, I don't think so.

Was that the promo he did with all the Hogan toys and stuff behind him? That's one of my favorite promos ever.


I agree with most people here, hopefully he'll come back as a commentator or in a GM/manager role, where he wouldn't have to wrestle, just call people miserable toe-rags. That would be great.

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Guest notJames

If/when Regal is cleared to make appearances again, he and Morely should definitely change their on-air roles. He and Storm meshed a lot better as a tag team than Regal did.

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Guest humongous2002

At least Regal won't be stinking up wrestling matches anymore.I guess he caught that disease by swallowing HHHitler's demon seed.

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I'll miss Regal b/c everytime he had a match i used to take a bathroom break.

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Guest bob_barron
If/when Regal is cleared to make appearances again, he and Morely should definitely change their on-air roles. He and Storm meshed a lot better as a tag team than Regal did.

Yea- Especially with Austin as co-GM. Those guys would probably have great chemistry together and the backstage skits could be a hoot.


Plus Morley is really starting to impress a lot of people with his ring work so I like that idea

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Guest mach7
Quite disturbing, isn't it? Y'know, people are very passionate about things in their lives - some people are very passionate about religion; others about politics. It grieves me to say that there's an alarming group of people that are passionate about Hulk Hogan. These so-called Hulkamaniacs - they're the lowest form of the low, they're quite pathetic; I mean, why would you worship a man, I mean, who ponces around like a fifty pence tart in these feather boas? It's - it's disgusting. It was bad enough eighteen years ago when Hulk - Hulk Hogan and his Hulkamaniacs were running wild, but now in the year 2002, it's just quite sad. People buy this crap, you know - I mean, look at it. Look. I mean, they hang this on their walls. I mean, look, look, look, look at this, look, look, (puts cap on) ooh look at me, look at me, I'm a - I'm a Hulkamaniac, and I've got my silly little Hulk Hogan cup any my hat and my silly little doll and I look a complete bloody pillock! Why...I just don't understand, it's a travesty, that you people can't respect and follow someone like myself. I wish I could say it was just you pathetic Americans, but it's not - it's a worldwide phenomenon. I mean, you could...I mean, worship someone like me, someone with pride and dignity. Someone who speaks the Queen's English, someone who can finish a sentence without saying 'brother' at the end of it. That really gets on my bloody nerves, that one. Tonight, after I get Hulk Hogan in the ring for the very first time, things are going to change. Hulkamania will be running wild no more. So I'll direct this at you, Hogan, so you can understand it in your simple way. What are you going to see, when the Power of the Punch runs wild on thee? No, I don't think so.

God, I'm so glad I have that one on tape! :D

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Guest ManKinnd

But... but, but..... I want Benoit/Regal II and III and IV and V....


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Guest evilhomer

It's good to see him come to grips with the fact that he may never wrestle again and be at peace with that. He seems to have a good handle on his life.


I'll miss Regal in the ring but not a great deal, it's been a while since I really enjoyed one of his matches. It'll be great to see him come back in a non-wrestling role though. Regal and Austin butting heads in co-commissioner roles should be entertaining.

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