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Guest nWoScorpion

WWF February-April 1994 Rant

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Guest nWoScorpion

I Covered the first two parts of this show in different posts, plus I never rounded out the last hour and twenty or so minutes, so here you go...- This tape covers mostly everything from before and after Wrestlemania X.


Bret "Hitman" Hart Vs. "Dr." Tom Prichard (w/ Jim Cornette):

I had Kid/Jannetty vs. Quebecers & Kid/Ramon vs. Quebecers on the tape before this but it got severely damaged so I had to throw it out. So now all my tapes have been preserved excellently. Old school raw, except no Manhattan Center. Fine card girl today, er, that day. "You screwed Bret" chants start. Just kidding. No signs in the crowd just about. I'm guessing this is late February. Lockup and go behind by Prichard reversed by Bret but Dr. Tom gets an armdrag in. Bret this time with the lockup and armbar with a reversal by Prichard and takedown side headlock, Bret with the kip up breaks it. Hammerlock by TP(lol) reversed into an armbar by Bret into a side headlock. Irish whip by Prichard Bret scores a shoulderblock and runs into a drop toe hold, but soon recovers the advantage with an armbar and knees to the wrist. Cheap shot in the corner by Prichard and a knife edge chop. Roundhouse rights by Bret takes the advantage and scores a back bodydrop followed by a drop-kick, which sends Prichard to the outside where Cornette consults him. Hammerlock again by Bret into a takedown armbar. (don't ask, its like he pushed him down). Prichard with a handful of hair and gets in a slam, but an elbow misses as Bret goes back to work on the left shoulder. NIKOLAI!! IN HIS ONLY SUIT!!! If he's so poor how does he get front row seats? I guess Vince felt sorry for him or something. shoulder thrusts in the corner by Prichard and Bret comes back with a roundhouse right and headbutt followed by a snapmare and armbar. Commercial. Bret gets a 2 count for something. Eyerake by the Body. Bret stiffly eats a buckle and gets choked. Donny Walburg on the phone. He sound like Savage after busting his tongue from Crush;s ass whooping. Snap Suplex. By WM 10, I only saw WMs 2-9. took me 14 yrs after it occurred to watch it. Chinlock applied by the doctor followed by a headlock. Jawbreaker releases the hold and Bret with a backslide for 2. Eyerake by tom and he goes back to work. Snapmare and Chinlock with a knee to the back. Just like Psycho Sid. Modified Surfboard now applied. Tom is using his whole body to inflict pain to the Hitman. Lets go Bret chants. Knee to the back just as when Bret reverses the hold. Savage talks some smack about winning the title next week. Prichard with a choke on Hitman. Jimmy with a.....no! Savage throws him to the floor and takes the racket. Russian Leg Sweep after break by Bret for 2. Backbreaker and second rope elbow gets 2, as does a Victory roll. Bret gets knocked to the floor. Owen comes out, and throws Bret back into the ring. Owen yells he always needs my help. Bret with a snap suplex and Sharpshooter gets the submission win at a well extended 12:18. Damn that was a pretty good match, I never took time to acknowledge it. ***1/2. Bret and Owen have a stare down afterwards.


- Wrestlemania X Report. Wrestlemania banner is waving like a flag. Todd Pettingle!! Heres the run down of the card so far. Well celebrities, Little richard, Burt Reynolds, Donnie Walburg, Jenny Garth, Bucky & Vinny.........who?! Cy Sperling, Rhonda Shears. Matches! Savage vs. Crush in a falls count anywhere match. You have 60 seconds to get back in the ring. Razor Vs. HBK for the IC Title in a ladder match. Quebecers vs. M.O.M for the tag titles. Alundra Blayze has no opponent yet. Quake Vs. Borga! Doink & Dink Vs. Bam Bam & Luna in a mixed tag team match. Also, Bret Hart Vs. Owen Hart, Lex Luger Vs. Yokozuna, and Yoko/Lex Vs. Bret Hart!


- Ray Rogeau interview with "IC Champion" Shawn Michaels, who ends up sitting atop the ladder. Raven (AKA Johnny Polo) is always entertaining to listen to on the stick.


- Wrestlemania X report again! Only thing new is Gunns, Tatanka, Kid, Plugg Vs. Shrinkers, IRS, Jeff Jarrett, Rick Martel.


Bret "Hitman" Hart Vs. Adam Bomb (w/ Harvey Wippleman):

Bret with a go-behind doesn't work as Bomb pries Bret's fingers apart. Rake to the eyes by Bomb, Cross body caught and Bomb slams Hart, and yes, misses an elbow. Bret With 3 clotheslines sends Adam Bomb 360ing to the floor. Bomb pulls Bret to the floor and unloads with a few roundhouses. Bret dodges a fourth and Adam hits the post. Bret with some roundhouse rights and runs into a big boot followed by a series of elbows. Three to be exact. Didn't polo manage Bomb at one time? Owen is in the entrance way looking on. Wippleman chokes on Bret while the ref back is turned. Spinning Elbow by AB gets 2. Hip toss by Bomber followed by a stiff clothesline. Boots to the midsection in the corner and misses a charge to the corner(!). Headbutts by Bret and a shot to the midsection, Russian leg sweep!! Second rope elbow drop misses!!! Powerbomb is blocked with a backdrop and Wippleman eats fist. Sharpshooter and that's it as Bomb submits at 4:59. Nothing really significant, but worthy of **.



- Lord Alfred Hayes shows some pictures of a younger Bret & Owen.


- "The Rocket" Owen Hart Vs. Bart Gunn (of Smoking gunns):

This is from a Wrestling Challenge a few weeks before Wrestlemania X. I believe its MSG this match. Lockup. Shoulder thrusts by Owen in the ropes. Armbar by Owen reversed several times and Owen connects with an armbar to a Hammerlock. Kneedrops to the shoulder. Shoulderblock off the ropes and runs into a drop toe hold into a Gunn Hammerlock. Kicks to the arm by Gunn. Owen with a knee lift and chops. ENZIGURI OF DOOM! Leg drop to the back of the head of Gunn. Series of European Uppercuts and a spinning heel kick for 2. We want Bret chants. Gunn with a huge backdrop and midair clothesline. Powerslam & Suplex reversed with a Russian leg sweep. Sharpshooter ends the match at 4:50. Owen the winner obviously. **. Just a squash match, but pretty decent.


- Wrestlemania X report.....AGAIN. Quake Vs. Bomb is the change to the card this week.


- Funeral Parlor with Owen Hart. I guess with Taker gone, this was all Bearer had left.


- Recap of the previous interview and Bret/Bomb.


- Wrestlemania Moment: Ray Charles singing the national anthem at WM2. I always liked his version best.


Earthquake Vs. Bastion Booger:

Polo is laughing like a psycho. Wait, its a sound machine playing the psycho music. I have a bad feeling bout this match. His names has stretch marks in it says Polo. Who would request this!?! Booger just BULGES out. Double shoulder block does nothing but make titties jiggle. Mainly Boogers. Polo plays some 60s music. Drop-kick by Quake(!) sends Booker to the floor. Booker with a series of forearms to the back. Quake powerslams him after a Booker Dance and nails a big fat elbow. With a Springy noise by Polos machine. Quake with the Vertical splash ends this dog at 2:34. DUD. Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later.


- WWF March To Wrestlemania:

Lex Luger Vs. "Jigalo" jimmy Delray (w/ Tom Prichard & Jim Cornette):

Lugers theme sucks monkey testicles, until he teams with Bulldog......in a year. Delray makes me vomit GOD DAMN IT. Wait, its the cheesy theme from Summerslam 1993 and on. Still sucks. I spot a Coliseum video banner. Jigalo dances, Luger poses. Move that annoys me most #1 by Luger. (if ya don't know, its headlock/shoulderblock). Repeat. Polo rings a buzzer. USA chants start up. Luger is NO Hogan. nuff Said. Clothesline by Luger after a hip toss is blocked. Eye rake by Tom. gorilla Press Slam by Luger! Luger flies to the floor as Polo plays organ music. Dr. Tom with a slam on the floor and he puts the boots to him. Kneedrops by Jigalo. More working on the back. Corny with a choke in the ropes. Headlock and knee to the back by Delray. God this match stinks. Jigalo with a knee to the back as a submission. Gutwrench suplex by the sleezy guy for 2. Moonsault misses and Luger catches a second wind. Elbow to the midsection and a series of roundhouse rights. Spinning elbow drops the Jigalo. HUGE Back Bodydrop. Running clothesline after he knocks Dr. tom to the floor. Powerslam follows up and finally the Torture Rack ends it at 8:36. Nothing really good. *. Luger catches Cornette and makes him his prison bitch with it.


- WWF Wrestlemania Hotline! 1-900-454-4WWF!!!!


- Wrestlemania X Report. I have them magazine with WM1-9 still but its in bad condition. Polo interview with Hitman.


- Bret "Hitman" Hart Vs. Crush (w/ Mr. Fuji):

This is the last match I'm doing for tonight, ill pick up with Tatanka/Yokozuna and so on tomorrow Fuji is managing Crush for a second time in his WWF stint. What luck I have, 3 Bret Hart matches in a span of 2 hours. WM X at 4:00pm, 1pm Pacific. I remember now, lol. Polo tells the kid who gets Bret's glasses to go see a dentist. He is funnier then Lawler. go-behind by Bret and of course, Crush breaks the hands apart. Test of Strength teased. Polo plays a crying baby cause of Savage whining about last week. Crush makes Bret beg in the Test of Strength. Bret back up and back down. Bret chants. Bret breaks out and Crush bails to the floor after Bret reverses it with a painful reversal. Series of roundhouses by Bret and a hart attack like clothesline for 1(!). Sleeper Hold applied but Crush snaps him off his back and misses a fist drop which Bret capitalizes with a running forearm sending Crush to the floor. STIFF Crescent Kick by Crush. This I believe gives Bret a Black Eye. Eye rake by Crush. Since when is Hawaii part of Japan by the way? second rope fist to the back by Crush. Backbreaker gets 2 for Kona man. Armbar/Head Scissors by Crush. Bearhug now applied. Crush loses control but takes it back with a STIFF roundhouse. Hebner CATCHES Fuji going after Bret. Crush from behind makes Bret eat Steel Steps. Back in Crush gets a 2 count. Bret fights back but runs into a backbreaker for 2. Gutwrench backbreaker gets another 2 count. School boy by Bret gets 2. Crush takes the control with a headbutt but eats a boot. Bret on the second rope comes down with a bulldog for 2. Victory Roll by Bret gets ANOTHER 2. Russian Leg Sweep for 2!! Second rope Elbow Drop connects. Ten punches of doom reversed with an inverted atomic drop! Backbreaker by Crush, and he goes to the top rope and misses a kneedrop. Sharpshooter is prevented as Fuji gets on the apron. Crush accidentally nails him and Bret scores an inside cradle for no count. Owen pushes Crush on top for 13:36 behind the referees back, a DEFINITE upset here. ***. Bret is pissed off, and not at Vince. "He was robbed." I guess he took his own advice.


- Non-Title Match:

Tatanka Vs. Yokozuna (w/ Jim Cornette & Mr. Fuji):

If you forgot, I was in the middle of March to Wrestlemania X. Vince & Raven, I mean Polo doing commentary. Yoko attacks from behind and headbutts Tatanka. Irish whip and a forearm clothesline, and Polo plays a something sung by a chorus. Clothesline misses and Tatanka with a series of chops, a third though is blocked with a back elbow, but a Yoko elbow misses, and in retaliation, Tatanka misses a drop-kick, and Yoko misses a Splash. Cross Body off the top by Tatanka gets 2. Tatanka now with hammerlock and Polo flushes the toilet on The Indian. Knee lift by Yokozuna takes the advantage. Knife-edge chops by the champion puts Tatanka down and Yoko locks on the nerve hold. Tatanka try's hulking up but kisses canvas and is tossed to the outside. Yoko takes off a turnbuckle pad while Fuji distracts Hebner. back in and Yoko continues to put the boots to Tatanka and again applies a nerve hold. Tatanka back up and he eats a clothesline. Tatanka blocks the exposed buckle and sends Yokozuna into it. Tatanka with the cover for only 2. Tatanka with his native dance and chops get 2 after the crowd goes nuts for him just knocking Zuna down. Tatanka goes for the Wigwam bomb Says Polo. Yoko catches him and belly to belly suplexes him. Banzai Drop later and its over at 9:20. *1/4. It was good for what it was, Yoko squashing a top mid carder leading up to Wrestlemania.


- Wrestlemania Rap by Men on a Mission. I be digging this, but they still suck.


- Non-Title Match:

The Bushwhackers Vs. The Quebecers (w/ Johnny Polo):

NO!!!!!! I hate ranting Bushwhacker matches. Whackers jump the Quebecers to start and Polo begs them off. Quebecers back in and they pound on the Whackers. Double Irish whip, Quebecers do a do-se-do and both get hammered. Double clotheslines put both men down. Pierre with the save but he hits Jacque by mistake. Butch misses him and hits Luke, and Jacque levels Butch as well. Jacque putting the boots to Luke now and he taunts Butch. Luke with a school boy on Pierre for 2. Butch with a headlock on Rogeau and a shoulderblock and Luke gets in and does the same. Butch in and he punches Rogeau some more. I find it easier to spell Rogeau then Jacque. Luke with a headbutt to the rib cage and a chinlock. Rogeau with a series of elbows and a slam, and he tags in Pierre who gets nailed already and Butch pounds on him. Who in their right mind can say the Bushwhackers DIDN'T suck? Back from commercial and the Quebecers double team Luke. Pierre slams Rogeau on top of Luke for 2 and Pierre drops an elbow for 2 again. Rogeau back in and of course boots and punches Luke. Slam by Rogeau and he backdrops Pierre onto Luke for 2. Volkoff is in the front row in his one suit. If he's so poor, how can he afford front row tickets? Rogeau gets a 2 count off something I missed and Pierre beats on Luke from the outside. Pierre off the second rope and he eats boot. Butch in and he punches everyone. Backdrop on Pierre and a clothesline to Rogeau. Quebecers collide and the battering Ram to both men and no one cares. Polo nails Butch as he covers Pierre, Both Whackers go for Polo but Pierre knees Butch in the back for the 3 count at 8:44. 1/4*. Thank God that one is over. Capt. Lou Albano comes out after the match and challenges the Quebecers to a tag title match against a team he puts together.


- Wrestlemania X Highlights narrated by Stan Lane. Can someone remind me about his career? Cause I'm drawing a blur on him.


- Vince Mcmahon interviews new WWF champion Bret Hart. I doubt we'd see them next to each other again anytime soon.


- Koko B. Ware (RETURN) Vs. "Double J" Jeff Jarrett:

We know Koko loses, but I just love the guy for being so funny. Everyone getting jiggy to his theme music. He woke up this dead crowd. Lockup and Jarrett with a hip toss. Repeat the before mentioned lockup. Armbar by Jarrett and Koko with a series of shoulderblocks and he gets funky! Koko has the baggy pants on. Koko with a forearm and misses a corner splash and Jarrett boots him. Irish whip and back elbow connects. Drop-kick by J.J. and he chokes the birdman in the ropes. Koko eats buckle, blocks it the second time and send Jarrett into it, but Jarrett fights back with an eye rake, followed by a snap suplex and an elbow drop. Whip to the buckle followed by a clothesline. Slam by Jarrett and he goes to the second rope, and misses a fist drop. (ALA Jannetty.) Koko Birds-up and nails a series of shoulder tackles and a drop-kick. Koko with a slam and running elbow for 2. Irish whip and Jarrett catches him with a DDT for 3 at 5:03. *1/2. Good for a squash match, cause it didn't have a slow period except for the 10 seconds Jarrett took for a breather. Jarrett gets in Savage's face after the match and Savage mocks him by sissy throwing fists. Koko comes off the top rope with an axhandle off a Savage Irish whip, and Randy tosses Jarrett to the floor. Koko & Savage celebrate in the ring as we go to break.


- Tatanka Vs. Kwang (w/ Harvey Wippleman):

Lawler insults Chief Little Turtle, Wahoo McDaniel, & Jay Strongbow for giving Tatanka the ceremonial headdress. Anyway, this tape is lacking bad. We need some Owen or Bret on here. Kwang attacks Tatanka in the corner and nails a karate kick to the face and spits mist into the air. This isn't the match where IRS um, I won't spoil it yet. Tatanka with a series of chops, and he puts him down with an axhandle and drop-kick. Kwang misses a charge and gets hip tossed and slammed. Tatanka to the top rope and he nails a chop to the head for 2. Tatanka with a spinning neckbreaker gets 2 again. Tatanka with an armbar. School boy in the corner by Tatanka gets 2 and back to the armbar. Kwang fights out and heel kicks Tatanka over the top rope to the floor. Back inside and Kwang with a nerve hold. Tatanka try's breaking out but gets booted, and Kwang goes back to the nerve hold. Both men exchange chops but Kwang wins and more nerve pinching. Sunset Flip by Tatanka is blocked and he gets nailed in the head. Kwang with a leg drop gets 2. your not Hogan Kwang. More nerve holds. Damn! I.R.S comes down and claims Tatanka didn't put his head dress in his Tax forms, so I.R.S is auditing him. Tatanka fights off IRS and the bell sounds at 6:48, the match is a no contest I guess since Tatanka attacked Kwang and neither him or Tatanka got back in the ring. 1/2*. Boy, we need a *** match fast.


- "Made in the USA" Lex Luger Vs. Rick "The Model" Martel:

Stop the pain God! Here is a tape that beats out how bad KOTR 95 was. Lockup goes nowhere. Lockup again, and Luger chases Martel to the ropes. Martel with a knee and he pounds on Luger. Luger unloads on him with punches, nails a hip toss and 2 clotheslines, and Martel goes running. Dibiase is sitting in the front row, this means something in up coming weeks. Luger makes Martel eat buckle, and he takes Martel over with a headlock for 2. Wow, Luger has his working boots on tonight. Martel try's breaking free but to no avail. Martel with an Irish whip and luger follows up with a shoulderblock and another headlock takeover. Martel reverses for a few seconds for 2. Martel gets on the apron on the outside but gets seesawed back in and back to the headlock AGAIN. Luger with an atomic drop and clothesline send Martel to the floor. Martel with some illegal tactics take the advantage, mainly choking. ChinLock by Martel which looks more like a choke, but eh. Martel with a few knees to the back, and locks on the chinlock again followed by more choking with his knee and using the ropes. Luger gets Martel on his back and plants him in the corner. Martel goes to the second rope and gets nailed and Luger unloads a series of punches on him, but misses a drop-kick. Luger dodges a clothesline and scores 2 on a backslide. Luger blocks a clothesline and nails his own. Luger nails Martel with more roundhouse rights and a back bodydrop and a powerslam. Torture Rack finishes the match and Luger is the winner and 11:46. *. Man, the match started great, but it just DRAGGED.


- The Quebecers with an interview, and Lou Albano bring out his team..........the Head Shrinkers!!!! And they were heels at the time, but are now default faces.


- "Sparky" Thurman Plugg Vs. Jeff Jarrett:

Sparky is from Talladega, Alabama here, not Mobile, Alabama. I know, who cares, but their stalling. Jarrett with a headlock and go behind arm bar and back to the headlock. Hip toss by Jarrett and he goes back to the headlock. Holly with a leap frog, but gets caught later with a slam, and Jarrett goes to the headlock. Sparky reverses and gets his own headlock, and a few shoulderblock for a series of 2 counts. Cross Body Press gets another 2 followed by an armbar. Both men reverse several times and Sparky back on top. I pitty the fool who can read this whole rant and not cry from the torture. Plugg eats buckle several times thanks to Jarrett and a back elbow connects. Jarrett uses the ropes to choke out STP. Snap suplex by Jarrett and he decides to choke him and not go for the cover. Elbow to the corner misses and Plugg with a series of slams. Clothesline misses and Jarrett connects with his own. Drop-kick by Jarrett and Sparky has his foot on the outside for......3? But the referee reverses the decision and the match continues. Plugg with a school boy for 2. Jarrett gets suplexed and both men are down. Jarrett misses the second rope fist drop and Plugg with a back elbow and a running knee lift for 2. Sunset Flip by Plugg gets another 2. Back slide scores 2 again for Sparky. Stiff clothesline by Sparky gets 3, but Jarrett's foot was on the rope, but Sparky takes it off for the win at 8:56. Jarrett argues and attacks Sparky, but Sparky pins him for a quick 3 with the count given by Doink the Clown. don't ask. The match itself was **1/2.


- Wrestlemania Rematch:

Earthquake Vs. Adam Bomb (w/ Harvey Wippleman):

Bomb attacks with a series of rights, but Earthquake with a hip toss and clothesline sends Bomb to the outside. Well, It just went longer then their Wrestlemania match. Shoulderblock goes nowhere. Quake nail a clothesline and Bomb goes to regroup. Bomb grabs Quake and drapes him across the top rope and nails a missile clothesline from the outside, followed by an elbow drop for 2. Running clothesline and Quake is stuck in the ropes as Wippleman jaws at Finkel. Finkel gets up and Howard runs off. Bomb misses an elbow drop and Quake misses HIS own also. Bomb goes to the top rope and nails a clothesline for 2. Bomb chokes Quake in the corner and misses a charge getting booted, and Quake with a belly to belly suplex. quake drops the elbow and a leg drop and the tremors begin. Quake off the ropes and finishes Bomb off with the Vertical Splash at 4:18. 1/4*. Nothing can save this tape now.


- Ten Man Tag Team Match:

"Sparky" Thurman Plugg, Tatanka, 1-2-3 Kid, Smoking Gunns Vs. Jeff Jarrett, I.R.S., Rick "The Model" Martel, Head Shrinkers:

I smell a cluster fuck! Billy Gunn, Fatu, 1-2-3 Kid, Sparky Plugg are all Ironically still in the WWF, 3 of them under different names and all 4 under different gimmicks entirely. Billy Gunn starts with Samu. Armbar by Gunn and Samu with a funky hip toss. Several knife-edge chops by Samu and Gunn with a bridge-up and backslide for 2 followed by an arm drag and hammerlock, but he runs into a clothesline, selling it with a 360 spin. Both shrinkers headbutt Gunn and Rikishi Vs. Gunn! Back breaker by Fatu and he tags in Jarrett. He gets a side suplex and does some strutting, but Gunn catches him with a tilt a whirl head scissors and Tatanka in. Jarrett send shim to the post and gets hip tossed and slammed. Japanese armdrag by Tatanka and armbar and Bart Gunn tags in. He works the armbar now. Knee lift is avoided and Gunn with a school boy for 2. Jarrett sends him to the buckle and connects with a snap suplex and tag to I.R.S. Gunn makes him eat buckle now and nails a shoulderblock. Sparky in and IRS with an eye rake. Martel boots him and tags in. Sparky with an elbow to the midsection and sends Martel to the buckle. Martel misses an elbow and Plugg with a cross body for 2. Series of armbars and leg drop to the arm by Plugg and back to the hammerlock. Sparky jerks on the arm. Only Kid hasn't tagged in. Plugg off the ropes and I.R.S drives the knee into his kidneys, and connects with a slam, but misses the elbow. 1-2-3 Kid in and he nails a front face enziguri for 2. He slings IRS onto the top rope by his tie and nails a drop-kick off the top rope for 2. He goes to the top rope for a body press for 2 and everyone brawls. I.R.S gets beat on with Kid's kicks but Kid misses a corner charge and IRS pins him at 8:43. **1/2. Well, It was good. And yes, I noticed I've been giving a lot of 1/2 & 1/4's all night.


- Shawn Michaels debut's the Heartbreak Hotel. He basically shows off the set.


- Koko B. Ware Vs. Irwin R. Shyster:

More I.R.S. God! Koko gets the crowd going a bit. I.R.S with a hiptoss to start. I.R.S with a slam and more stalling. Koko continues to warm up the crowd. Koko with a few punches and a scoop slam and arm drag and a midget like drop-kick. Koko is on fire and the crowd loves him!!!! Koko sandwiches IRS head but misses a blind cross body off the second rope and I.R.S drops a series of elbows on him. I.R.S with a hip toss for 2 and he goes to a rear chinlock. Koko eats buckle, but scores a sunset flip for 2 and I.R.S goes back to jerking on his leg. Elbow by Irwin gets 2. Koko Birds up and plants a clothesline and starts dancing. He scores another clothesline and shoulder tackle. IRS catches him with a snap suplex and forces him to submit to a modified STF at 6:32. *. Well, we haven't reached a DUD yet I don't think.


- WRESTLEMANIA REVENGE TOUR!!! Bret Vs. Owen, Ramon Vs. Diesel, Doink Vs. Jarrett, Mabel vs. Bigelow, Luger Vs. Mr. Perfect, Steiners Vs. Quebecers & Polo, Plugg Vs. Kwang & Blayze Vs. Luna! The updated Card would have changes to Head Shrinkers & Afa Vs. Quebecer & Polo, Luger Vs. Crush, Wippleman Vs. Finkel in a Tuxedo Match, and Earthquake Vs. Yokozuna I believe.


- "Sparky" Thurman Plugg Vs. Jeff Jarrett:

Rematch from last week. Jarrett knocks Plugg off the top rope to the floor and slams his face into the rail like Crush did Savage in October. Sparky eats steel steps. back in and Jarrett basically punches Sparky a bit. Clothesline by Jarrett and he continues to put the boots to Sparky. Jarrett goes to the second rope and ACTUALLY connects with the fist drop. Snap Suplex gets 2 and Jarrett with a chin lock. Sparky fights out but gets nailed with a knee lift. Snapmare by Jarrett and he goes back to the rear chinlock. Sparky fights up and nails a back suplex. Jarrett continues pounding on him, but Sparky nails a cross body for 2. Sparky blocks a suplex and nails his own. Inside Cradle by Plugg gets 2, but Jarrett with a quick clothesline, and he goes to the second rope, and nails an axhandle to the back of the neck a series of times. Sparky nails him on the third attempt and unloads on him. Back Elbow and Sparky screams How do You like me now!?". Sparky with a drop-kick and scoop slam, and he goes to the second rope, and misses an elbow drop. Jarrett misses his own drop-kick and Plugg whips him to the buckle. Jarrett nails him with a knee and pins him Ric Flair style at 6:54. **. Better then some of the garbage on this tape. Now Sparky argues the pin. Dink comes out and shows Morella what happened but the decision is never reversed. Jarrett chases Dink to the locker room, but Doink dumps a bucket of water on him as he reaches the exit.


- Heartbreak Hotel with Bret "Hitman" Hart! Nothing notable.


- Virgil Vs. Diesel:

OOOOOOOOOOK. This one's over. Virgil's theme rules though. Remember when Virgil was jakked!? Diesel with a knee lift and nails some forearms. Foot choke in the corner and some more knee lifts. Virgil avoids a charge and works an armbar and he jerks the arm of Diesel. He goes up top and nails a double axhandle and goes back to an armbar but gets clobbered. Diesel scoops him up and nails a side suplex. Diesel with some elbows in the corner. Short arm clothesline by Diesel and a Bearhug is applied. Virgil rake the eyes and connects with a second rope axhandle but gets caught in the Bearhug again and is rammed into the buckle. Diesel with a Bearhug again. Virgil with steps on Diesel foot and nails a clothesline for 2. But Diesel boots him to hell. Diesel signals for the end and Jackknifes Virgil to hell for the win at 5:23. DUD. Well, theirs our first in a while.


- The King's Court. Funny Spot. The Jobbers dump him off and Lawler hits the canvas. One of the jobbers is none other then a FAT D'lo Brown. Lex Luger is the guest this week and does nothing notable as usual.


- The Quebecers are set to face a team the fans pick. Either the Smoking Gunns, Bushwhackers, or Men on a Mission. How sad the face side was in the tag team division in 1994.


- WWF-Tag Team Championship Match:

The Quebecers vs. ??? (Men on a Mission):

Well we've only seen this a few weeks ago at Wrestlemania. Actually, it was better than I expected so, eh. Pierre tries a pearl harbor job but gets taken out in short order. Mo with a shoulder block and he gets nailed by Pierre. He stomps him down in the corner but gets thrown onto the ropes, crotch first, and Men on a Mission rock him off. Mabel in with a big fat leg drop but he misses a corner splash. Jacques in and he kicks away at the leg. Pierre hammers him but runs into a sidewalk slam. Double suplex by Men on a Mission but Jacques prevents a pin, and stomps at Mo. Pierre chokes Mo in the corner as we cut to a break. Backdrop combo by Quebecers on Mo gets two. Double Stun Gun by Quebecers gets two again. Big clothesline by Pierre gets another two. Lets go Mo chants. Mo backwards Pierre to the floor and back in the ring we get a double clothesline. Double Team doesn't work and Mabel gets the fat tag and clotheslines everyone. Back drop on Pierre and an elbow to Jacques. Clothesline sends Pierre over the top rope. Mabel with a slam, but misses a splash on Jacques. Top rope Shoulder block by Pierre puts down Mabel, but Mo rolls Mabel on top for the cover, but only gets two. Avalanche by Mabel. Mo with a small package but Jacques reverses it...for TWO! I swear I thought it was done there. Mo takes a spill outside and Polo beats him up. Mabel slams Polo on the floor while Quebecers hit their finisher (Air Canada?) on Mo for the win at 9:23. 1/2*. Way too long and very boring.


- Tatanka Vs. Kwang:

Something famous happens here. Tatanka still has his headdress, which plays into the end of this match. Lock up and Tatanka with an arm ringer. Kwang chops a few times and nails a spinning heel kick. Red mist is spit out. Tatanka off the ropes with a shoulder block and chops to the head. Kwang misses a charge and Tatanka with a Japanese arm drag and slam. Tatanka goes Arial with a chop to the head for two. Kwang with a few rights followed by a snapmare and nerve hold. I accidentally change the channel and I'm watching Honky Tonk Man vs. Ravishing Rick Rude! Small as hell arena. Honky has a head lock on him. Rude breaks free but gets kicked low. Rude back drops out of the shake rattle n' roll and...KWANG STILL HAS THE FUCKING NERVE HOLD ON 2 MINUTES LATER. Tatanka fights out but gets stopped doing a sunset flip. More nerve holds. Tatanka gets pissed off when IRS rustles his feathers, but gets misted, green this time, and wins by DQ at 5:06. DUD


After the match IRS beats the crap out of Tatanka and ties him into the ropes. He grabs the head dress, puts it on and imitates being an Indian, then slaps Tatanka with it. IRS then rips the feathers off it and stuffs them in Tatanka's mouth. Chief Jay Strongbow comes out to make the save, and does momentarily, recovering the torn up head dress, but IRS beats the shit out of him too and continues ripping the thing to pieces. Officials finally help Tatanka out, who tries salvaging the remains of his sacred head dress, and screams in agony as his "idol" has been laid out, and that IRS tore up something that meant the world to him. Pretty fucking awesome for 1994.


- Heartbreak Hotel Segment. Shawn Michaels interviews Owen Hart. He rubs in he beat Bret at Wrestlemania and that he will take the title from him.


-WWF-World Championship Match:

Bret "Hitman" Hart © Vs. Kwang:

Kwang jumps Bret to start and uses some karate chops on him. Spinning heel kick puts Bret down and he continues the assault. Bret avoids a charge and nails a headbutt and several hard rights, followed by an arm-bar. Knee drops to the arm of Kwang, and he works the arm some more. Bret Hart rolls up Kwang for two and goes to the arm-bar again. Shoulder block by Bret, but he gets thrown to the outside. Kwang with a forearm off the apron to Hitman and he eats apron. Bret eats steel and we go to break. Spinning leg lariat in the corner and Bret is out. Snapmare gets two and Kwang goes to the nerve pinch. Bret breaks free and nails a cross body for two, but Kwang regains the advantage and chokes him. More rest holds. Bret breaks out and nails a clothesline for two. Small Package gets another two count. Back breaker connects, and he follows up with a second rope forearm for two. Bret with a Russian leg sweep, and the sharpshooter ends it at 6:52. * match was just boring and for Bret, this is like negative stars.


- Heartbreak Hotel Segment. Shawn Michaels interviews Mr. Perfect. They don't bring up their past history, instead, HBK kisses his ass. Perfect does bring it up, and says he won't hold a grudge, and offers a handshake, making amends. Perfect says he doesn't hold a grudge with Luger, because Luger knocked him out 393 days ago at Wrestlemania 9. He insults the Lex Express. They do a hype job for the Wrestlemania Revenge Tour, where Mr. Perfect takes on Lex Luger. Too bad the match never happened, and Crush ended up taking Hennig's place.


- WWF-Intercontinental Championship Match:

Razor Ramon © Vs. Adam Bomb:

Finally, the last match on this tape. Danny Davis is the referee for this match. Adam Bomb jumps Ramon to start and beats him around in the corner and follows with a hip toss. Bomb with a choke lift slam on Ramon followed by a big powerslam. Bomb misses an elbow drop and ramon hammers away with hard rights and clotheslines him to the outside. Bomb pulls Ramon outside and lays him out with a clothesline. Back inside and Bomb nails the sling shot clothesline for two! Ramon with a school boy for 2, but Bomb takes over again. Back suplex by Bomb gets two. Ramon lays in some boots to bomb and nails the Razors edge out of nowhere to retain the title at 3:35. * Jerry Lawler gets in his face after the match, and Ramon says he accepts Diesels challenge.


Final Analysis: This tape sure does TANK after the first hour or so, so this time frame is either a hit or miss, and basically, is a miss. Thumbs Leaning slightly Down.

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Guest Aero
- Vince Mcmahon interviews new WWF champion Bret Hart. I doubt we'd see them next to each other again anytime soon.

Actually, they just met up with each other a few months ago, and according to Bret, they've just about worked the entire thing out.

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