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Guest Bannable Offense

Was it just me, or...

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Guest Bannable Offense

...did the Rock seem like he was on some sort of substance at last night's Backlash? I couldn't help but wonder with all his non-standard and erratic mannerisms toward the crowd last night, especially when he looked away from Terri, stood there with a goofy grin on his face and staring somewhere off camera, and simply walked away to segue into his entrance. Is he trying something new to garner heat?

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

I think it was great impromptu acting. He was expecting to be booed - the crowd cheered - so it sorta acted surprised and happy and strode off to the ring to enjoy it.


At least, that is my take on it.


Alternatively, he could have been happy to be leaving the company for 8 months given the state of it...

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Guest Blue Bacchus

I just thought he was playing a cocky fraidy cat heel. He'd smile when the crowd cheered him or when he thoght he had the upper hand but looked like he shat himself whenever Goldberg shot daggers at him. Rock was at his finest IMO last night.

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Guest Mole

I didn't watch Backlash, but I remember at Summerslam when Rock was being booed he went along with it. Instead of trying to be the face, he was acting as if he were the heel.


I might be wrong, but that is what I picked up.

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Guest AndrewTS
I didn't watch Backlash, but I remember at Summerslam when Rock was being booed he went along with it. Instead of trying to be the face, he was acting as if he were the heel.


I might be wrong, but that is what I picked up.

Yup, same as at WMX8. He adapts on the spot.

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Guest nikowwf

That was a terrible terrible Rocky interview, cause it turned him semi-face before a match they desperately needed him to be a strong heel in.



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Guest Pigsy
That was a terrible terrible Rocky interview, cause it turned him semi-face before a match they desperately needed him to be a strong heel in.



I didn't see Backlash, and I don't intend to. Did it seem like he deliberately turned himself face?

It seems unusual that he would do something like that which could harm Goldberg.



(Although... I've heard Rock and Jericho are friends, so maybe Goldberg's a CONSPIRACY VICTIM ;) ).

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Guest Austin3164life
That was a terrible terrible Rocky interview, cause it turned him semi-face before a match they desperately needed him to be a strong heel in.



Not only did Rock make fun of Mass., but he downplayed Goldberg really well too. I guess Goldberg just isn't the mega-face that everyone claims he is. Plus, Rock is very entertaining so it's hard to boo him.

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Guest evilhomer

Yeah, it's hard to hate a guy whose making you laugh your ass off and putting a smile on your face. Combine that with the less than stellar reception that Goldberg's getting and there's the problem.

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