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Kurt Angle Mark

Raw Rating a 3.9

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Guest ViciousFish

It's because of Hi-Lite Reel and Christian I tell ya!!! Actually Raw last night was pretty good compared to usual....I wsa really shocked time went so fast until I hit Bischoff/Trish. Of course I was yelling at the TV to get rid of hockey.

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Guest Downhome

Also from 1wrestling .com...


This week's edition of Raw did a 3.9 cable rating with a 5.8 share, according to Nielsen Media Research.  The show did hours of 3.7 and 4.1.


This is up from last week's 3.8 rating with a 5.7 share.


...hmmm, interesting. I know it's after a PPV, but still, good news is goods news period when it's from WWE, heh. I wonder what NEXT week's show will do, seeing how they made Goldberg look really strong last night, and that Austin is now co-GM with Eric Bishoff. Will it go back down to 3.8 or so, or will it up up just a tiny bit? :D

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Guest Downhome
It's because of Hi-Lite Reel and Christian I tell ya!!! Actually Raw last night was pretty good compared to usual....I wsa really shocked time went so fast until I hit Bischoff/Trish. Of course I was yelling at the TV to get rid of hockey.

The Hi-Lite Reel kicks all kinds of ass. I hope they continue this, and I pray it's not just for one angle, aka, Goldberg/Christian/Jericho. Jericho is the type of guy who can REALLY get this type of segmet over in this day and age, and BAH GAWD, maybe just maybe it will end up promoting himself.

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Guest Choken One

I'll bet since Austin's first announcement of his return got a small raise...People might be intrigued at him being the GM...


Goldberg looking good certaintly helped...


I am prepared to see a 4.1 next week...Throw in that Hot NS crowd...It could be good...

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Guest ViciousFish

This is completely off topic but has any face besides Beefcake with the Barbershop have an interview segment?

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Guest Downhome

A really good thing, is that the rating went UP from hour one to hour two, which it hasn't done quite a few times in the past few months. I wonder what the highest rated segmet was (not including the over run as that almost always gets the highest number), and I also wonder if Austin's return showed in THESE numbers. I mean, was it even expected for him to show up last night?

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Guest Downhome
This is completely off topic but has any face besides Beefcake with the Barbershop have an interview segment?

Was Mike "That 70's Guy" Awesome a face when he had his show in WCW? :D I forget what it's called already, damnit.

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Guest creativename

I'm floored. How the hell is Raw magically getting good numbers all of a sudden?? We all know this won't last more than a few weeks, but it's still quite amazing. A 3.9? Unreal.

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Guest ViciousFish
This is completely off topic but has any face besides Beefcake with the Barbershop have an interview segment?

Was Mike "That 70's Guy" Awesome a face when he had his show in WCW? :D I forget what it's called already, damnit.

Let me rephrase....has a face had a GOOD interview segment?

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Guest Choken One

I will bite and Say Rock was a catyalst since people love him and raw was good so people stuck around...

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Guest Will Scarlet

Whoa. Week 1 of the White Boy Challenge, the ratings increased. Now, in Week 2, the ratings increase a bit more. Obviously, this means that Rodney Mack = ratings.

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Guest Downhome
This is completely off topic but has any face besides Beefcake with the Barbershop have an interview segment?

Was Mike "That 70's Guy" Awesome a face when he had his show in WCW? :D I forget what it's called already, damnit.

Let me rephrase....has a face had a GOOD interview segment?

Oh my God, you mean you DIDN'T just love that!?


I can't thnk of another one either, just so you know. I think those types of segmets only work when a heel is doing it anyway. The entire point is for the face to come on the "show" and to get picked on by the big bad meanie heel.

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620

I'm surprised. I would have given it a 3.5 or maybe a 3.7 since Austin came back. But it wasn't that great. IMO

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Guest ViciousFish

Dammit it was Christiana nd the HI-Lite Reel and that will be my stance until the day I die.

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Guest Downhome
Jesus...So What was it? Nash or Goldberg?

In my opinion it was Goldberg, I doubt Austin had TOO much to do with it seeing how he was a pure suprise. I guess people could have heard he was on the show and then tuned in, but I don't know about that, I don't know how that type of things works.


In reality, we all know it was a mixture of backing the Mack, and the awaited in ring return of Gillberg, which sadly to say, was not to be.

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Guest Choken One

I want to see the quarterlys and see how Mack did and how Hi-Lite Reel did and compare with HHH segement...


Notice a SHOCKING lack of KLIQ? the show was devoted to Goldberg and The Gang of Pissed Off People...we need a nickname PRONTO!

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Guest AndrewTS
I want to see the quarterlys and see how Mack did and how Hi-Lite Reel did and compare with HHH segement...


Notice a SHOCKING lack of KLIQ? the show was devoted to Goldberg and The Gang of Pissed Off People...we need a nickname PRONTO!

I doubt anyone cares about the Clique. Well, beside that Nash mark on this board and a few other stray ones here and there out there in TV land.

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Guest razazteca

Jazz & Victoria vs Trish brings in the ratings! This should be the Main Event next week with Austin as the guest ref of course, I promise if this happens it will bring 4+ numbers.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

I wouldn't start celebrating just yet. Let's wait and see if they can maintain this level for more than a couple of weeks.

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Guest NoCalMike

Well they finally made Goldberg look like the Goldberg of old, by taking out 5+ wrestlers at once. I mean, he should have done this his first day in the company if they wanted him over. Weird though now that Austin & Goldberg are both on RAW. If Austin is truly FINISHED in the ring, Vince better make sure to seperate the two, because the first time they see eyes, or cross each other's path, you know the fans(marks) will be begging for this match.

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Guest justsoyouknow
Was Mike "That 70's Guy" Awesome a face when he had his show in WCW? :D I forget what it's called already, damnit.

I believe it was "The Lava Lamp Lounge" or something equally tacky.

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Guest Choken One
Well they finally made Goldberg look like the Goldberg of old, by taking out 5+ wrestlers at once. I mean, he should have done this his first day in the company if they wanted him over. Weird though now that Austin & Goldberg are both on RAW. If Austin is truly FINISHED in the ring, Vince better make sure to seperate the two, because the first time they see eyes, or cross each other's path, you know the fans(marks) will be begging for this match.

Yep...It's like shoving JLH and Jessica Alba in closet together and putting a chastity belt on them.

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

I thought last nights show was a good one, so I'm glad the ratings increased. I thought they did a good job with Goldberg, the Highlight Real has the potential to be a regular winner, with very little of Nash and HBK with plenty of Christian. I didn't watch the last segment so I missed Austins return (Eric Bischoff in main events don't do much for me). But overall a good show.

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Guest swilk

A good show last night with Christian/Jericho/Goldberg and Hurricane's Val Venis impersonation being the highlights of the night!


Too bad it won't last.

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Guest Army Eye
Was Mike "That 70's Guy" Awesome a face when he had his show in WCW? :D I forget what it's called already, damnit.

I believe it was "The Lava Lamp Lounge" or something equally tacky.

Yeah Lava Lamp Lounge. It was kind of funny. The set would get destroyed every week.


Why they gave that gimmick to Mike Awesome of all people, I still don't know though.

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