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Guest Jobber of the Week

The one and only WM XIX Pictures thread

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Seems they're starting the slow rush of pictures of this thing, and with E3 coming, there's going to be even more footage, so here we go:


From IGN:


From the single player game, Undertaker beats up Vince's Security Guards somewhere


The finger wag! Also, I don't think these pictures are at the right dimensions after looking at this one. Silly IGN


Cliquefest in the lobby. Poor ref was knocked out and thrown on the escalator. Heh.


Rock bottom




From GameSpot:


Rey gives the Hurricanrana to Mattitude. Ugly pants for everyone!


These are all the most recent pictures (as in, since the small flood that were released at Fan Axcess.) If you find more on another site, be sure to post links.

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Looks nice. I don't really care what the story mode is...if the game is fun I'll....wish I could play it since sadly I don't have a Gamecube.


There's trump plaza again...are they putting that as an arena in all the games now? It sure looks like Trump Plaza where they had WrestleMania 4 and 5 in that last pic.

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Guest SP-1
Why does the Rock Bottom look like a ChokeSlam?

I think it's just the angle. And Undertaker's arm is in the way so you can't see Rock's arm going on over his shoulder. It does look like a chokeslam.

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Guest KANE

The reason the Rock Bottom doesn't look right is because it's cartoony. No one gets that kind of air on a Rock Bottom. Taker is over his head.

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