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Guest Dmann2000

A little comment about Bill Watts

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Guest Dmann2000

I've got a lot of 1992 WCW recently and I just was wondering.


Does Bill Watts remind anyone of Hank Hill?

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Guest The Czech Republic

The WCW writing committee is basically the group from King of the Hill.


Hank = Bill Watts

Boomhauer = Dusty Rhodes

Dale = Jim Cornette

Bill = Ole Anderson

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Guest The Czech Republic

King of the Hill: Atlanta Edition


::Bill (Hank), Jim (Dale), Ole(Bill), and Dusty (Boomhauer) stand outside WCW headquarters drinking beer.::




Dusty: SayguysIjustthinkinmaybewe oughtawritethatdthemthereshowone thesedaysgetbigcashTedlikedat know right?

Jim: Shut up, Dusty. We all know you have a vested interest in the booking of this company and I have documents to prove it! Even Stevie Wonder in a cave would know who you're looking out for!

Ole: Oh come on guys....

Bill: Okay! That's enough! So...everyone keeping kayfabe?

Jim: Yep.

Ole: Yup.

Dusty: Dang tootin!

Erik: Daddy! The boys in the back said I have a rockin' dropkick!

Dusty: DangBillthatain'tthekindatalentwe needstobepushin if you know what I meeeeeean,IgotthemanwithdaplanandthecanaSpam and heliveswithme too. Yous an embrassmenttotheMuddasheeeeapdere Bill.

Bill:....that boy ain't right.

HHH: (poses, spits water)

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Guest Dmann2000
King of the Hill: Atlanta Edition


::Bill (Hank), Jim (Dale), Ole(Bill), and Dusty (Boomhauer) stand outside WCW headquarters drinking beer.::




Dusty: SayguysIjustthinkinmaybewe oughtawritethatdthemthereshowone thesedaysgetbigcashTedlikedat know right?

Jim: Shut up, Dusty. We all know you have a vested interest in the booking of this company and I have documents to prove it! Even Stevie Wonder in a cave would know who you're looking out for!

Ole: Oh come on guys....

Bill: Okay! That's enough! So...everyone keeping kayfabe?

Jim: Yep.

Ole: Yup.

Dusty: Dang tootin!

Erik: Daddy! The boys in the back said I have a rockin' dropkick!

Dusty: DangBillthatain'tthekindatalentwe needstobepushin if you know what I meeeeeean,IgotthemanwithdaplanandthecanaSpam and heliveswithme too. Yous an embrassmenttotheMuddasheeeeapdere Bill.

Bill:....that boy ain't right.

HHH: (poses, spits water)

You sir are a better man than me for coming up with this

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