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ron killings leaving for the wwf

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To follow-up the story I posted yesterday regarding Ron Killings being offered a contract by WWE, it's now known that Killings and WWE are still negotiating a deal. If a deal were to be reached, Killings would be a member of the Smackdown roster and would be placed into a feud with John Cena.


WOL and PWTorch.com


i think it would suck. when he gets there, he feuds with cena for a month then what? he just fights rikishi every other week?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



Now I'm depressed.


When's Smackdown on?

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

...this is what happens when you don't treat your first (and so far only) true breakout star with the proper respect.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

What hurts the most is knowing he'll lose the Cena feud and then go to Velocity...and then stop getting booked.

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Guest Bart913

Are you sure about this? Where did you read this? Last week the Torch newsletter reported about WWE contacting Ron Killings. These cut and paste sites are reporting this as if it is new news. The Torch this week mentioned that he is close to signing a new deal with TNA. It is funny that these sites are reporting this after they stole news from the Torch VIP EMails from last week. The Torch Email was after the deadline for last weeks issue. It was reported that Killings turned down the WWE offer because of a low downside guarantee. As for WOL, it was a taped show last Sunday. The show the week before that never mentioned anything.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I'm still not impressed with the guy. And expanding the roster is the last thing they need to be doing...least wait till they cut some dead weight.

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

The guy is passable in the ring but not particularly good. Great mic work if he's allowed to be himself and not "Blackman stereotype" guy.


I agree that they don't need him though. They've got a million guys more talented they could be doing something with.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

I like Truth in the ring. He brings his charisma into every move. Needs to work on psychology? Yeah. Needs perhaps a better moveset? Possibly. But the guy generates pretty good heat with just a few punches.

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Guest TonyJaymzV1

hmmm...isnt this the same guy that basically said he'd never go back to the WWE?


All I ever hear Killings do is bitch and whine so whatever.

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Guest Banky

TNA should spend less time putting over recent WWE cast-offs, and more time pushing the guys who gave the company its cult following. Jerry Lynn, AJ Styles, Low Ki, and Ron Killings were the big guys who made the company what it is. None of them are in the Main Event scene, and they've had their roles drastically reduced. Its a big big big mistake. The TNA are biting the hand that fed them.

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Guest The Notorious CRD

I really hope Killings isn't going to WWE. He's just going to be another face in the crowd there and if he does feud with Cena you can be assured it will only serve to put Cena over.


All that being said, I can understand why Killings isn't happy with his role in TNA, nor do I understand why TNA has ceased to use him after doing such a great job with him in the early weeks of the promotion.


Here's hoping both parties can come to an agreement.

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Guest areacode212

According to the latest Torch, Killings backtracked from his previous comments and turned down an offer from WWE because the downside wasn't high enough.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Let's hope that's true.


I look at it from his perspective and I don't know what I'd do.


At first I would have been loyal to TNA because the WWE discarded me...but then TNA stopped booking him to for reasons beyond my comprehension.


The guy isn't great in the ring or anything...but I maintain that no one else on the TNA roster can make a crowd react to something like he can.


Above all I hope he gets a sustained try wherever he lands.

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It sucks but if WWE really wants him, they will get him.


He's better off putting over the next big WWE star John Cena on Smackdown than being a midcarder in TNA.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

That sux if it's true. Besides a feud with Cena, honestly what else would they do with him? His mic skillz still need work and I think the WWE would get sick of him real quick. STAY RON STAY!!!!!!

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Guest hardyz1

So WWE's way of cutting costs is firing staff members and hiring wrestlers from other promotions to spite said promotions? Makes sense to me. Or not.

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