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Guest Vern Gagne

Tim Duncan

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620
How can You consider Kobe the best player since Jordan when he can't carry his team to victories.


Scoring 40 pts for 10 games means shit if your going 21-56 and losing.


I understand that you are a mark for The Lakers and you are blind but you can't even seriously say that KOBE is better then Duncan, T-Mac, Garnett and Hell, Iverson.


All you can throw up is 40 Pts for 13 straight games and 3 championships that were ALL because of Shaq. Kobe is Pippen to Shaq's Jordan if that makes sense...


You put Kobe alone like T-Mac, Garnett and Iverson before you proclaim him as the best...Oh, Wait they went 9-17 or something without the Big Aristole. That shows KOBE can

t win on his own and that he is a selfish player that went for every shot he could.

I have been watching basketball and playing it for the better part of 20 years. Nobody has the skills Kobe has. Selfish, maybe, but Jordan was also called selfish throuhout his career. All those names you named are great players. But years from now Kobe will be remembered and the others will only be names. Kobe will be a legend.

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Guest Vern Gagne

Remember during Kobe's 9 consecutive 40 point games, it was Phil Jackson who told Kobe to carry the team, and allow Shaq to get back into playing shape.

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Guest goodhelmet
But years from now Kobe will be remembered and the others will only be names. Kobe will be a legend.

whoa whoa whoa...


tim duncan, by virtue of being only the 8TH person in league history to win back-to-back mvp's will go down alongside the greats. this is why i don't see giving the mvp to a bunch of flash in the pans.


mcgrady and garnett already proved they can't elevate their team to the higher echelon. kobe faltered when he had to carry the team. his numbers were impressive but his winning record wasn't.


if garnett and mcgrady went down, their teams would truly suck...but with them they aren't that great anyway. if kobe went down, as long as shaq is playing they would win a sizable chunk of games anyway... he has already proven that. if duncan goes down the spurs are the cleveland cavaliers (look at game 2 of the seattle series last year). tim duncan had an even better career year than last year recording highs in blocks, rebounds and assists. he means more to his team than any other individual in b-ball today save for MAYBE iverson. he led his team to the #1 SEED IN THE PLAYOFFS!... in a rebuilding year.


if the mvp goes to the most deserving player than it went to the right man.

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Guest Choken One

Yeah but don't tell Stern that or he might actully "ADVERTISE" Duncan once in a blue moon...



I feel for Duncan...Came in the NBA after Jordan ruined it all for the REAL players...


U ani't nothing unless you can sell Underwear and Bugs Bunny.

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Guest Spicy McHaggis
... and 3 championships that were ALL because of Shaq.

Pure, unadulterated bullshit.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Okay people, cut the bullshit.


The fact is...


9 consecutive 40 point games don't and shouldn't win MVP's.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

You can't put Kobe and MVP in the same sentence unless it includes the words "is not deserving."


That dude is overrated! P-E-R-I-O-D.

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Guest Choken One

Kobe is Vince Carter without the Big Aristole...



Popular, Flashy and Hopeless.

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Guest goodhelmet

hey, i'll give kobe his props... he has three rings, is a quality player, can entertain the crowd. fair enough....


but would someone please give some VALID reasons why the guy should be MVP? or mccgrady? or garnett? everyone's saying it but no one actually is justifying their answer. i think i have proven in very few lines why duncan deserves it above the rest.


the legends thing is still bothering me however. what exactly makes a legend? is it hitting the game winning shot? does that make john paxton a legend? is it career accomplishments? does that make david robinson a legend since he has won every award possible that the nba has to offer? is it being able to light up the floor with big scores? does that make bob mcadoo a legend? (mcadoo may be stretching it).


start supporting your statements. if not, your opinion has no foundation to carry weight.

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Guest Spicy McHaggis
Kobe is Vince Carter without the Big Aristole...



Popular, Flashy and Hopeless.

Yeah, just look at all the rings Shaq won for Penny Hardaway...



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Guest Choken One

They played for what 3 years? Shaq was still a growing Puppy...

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Guest goodhelmet

exactly!!! plus, peeny was nothing more than a glorified puppet. another product of the nba marketing machine. a great commercial... that's it.

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Guest Spicy McHaggis

But I thought it didn't matter who was on his team, he'll win with anyone...

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Guest goodhelmet

it has been proven that shaq can carry a team on his back and carry them to winning seasons and to the playoffs. he has done it his entire career. it has also been proven that without shaq, kobe's team wasn't even a playoff contender. never said that shaq would have won the title without kobe. i just said kobe was risking missing the playoffs altogether w/o shaq.

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Guest Polish_Rifle
it has been proven that shaq can carry a team on his back and carry them to winning seasons and to the playoffs. he has done it his entire career. it has also been proven that without shaq, kobe's team wasn't even a playoff contender. never said that shaq would have won the title without kobe. i just said kobe was risking missing the playoffs altogether w/o shaq.

Agreed. Make no mistake about it, the Lakers are Shaq's team. They beat the Wolves because of Shaq, not some overglorified ballhog who thinks he can box.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

No Phil Jackson - No Championships.


Bottom line...


Cut and dry...

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Guest Ripper

You want to talk overrated. Put Tex Winter(Jesus, I think that is his name...brain fart) with any motovational speaker and you have a great team. Phil Jackson is a great motavator and all but the real coaching genious comes from that white haired man with the clipboard sitting next to him. That guy is the most underated coach ever...who happens to be sitting next to the most overrated...Go figure.


As for why Garnett should be in the running for the MVP...He lead the #4 team in the West in Pts, Rebounds, Blocks, Steals, and Assist... THAT is carrying your team. He basically did the same thing Duncan did, only duncan had a better team. (If you wouldn't trade Troy Hudson for Parker, or Ginobli for Peeler or Joe smith for Malik Rose, you have got to be on crack...Or a Suns GM..)


Kobe...there is no argument for why this guy should have gotten a vote...period.


It is actually shameful that Kidd came in 9th in voting, and Dirk came in 7th with the years these guys had.


Shaq didn't win with Penny but he did get to the finals...and there was that Akeem Olajawon guy in the other uniform. Don't get it twisted. Akeem in his prime could and would eat Shaq alive. And you are missing the point. A shaq-less lakers wouldn't make the Playoffs. A Kobe-less Lakers would.


BTW, I hope you aren't suggesting that David Robinson isn't a legend...

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