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Guest Trivia247

L.O.D signed with the WWE evidently

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Guest El Satanico

A fast guy getting slower with age is better than a slow guy getting even slower with age.


A guy who was always slow getting slower would make him unbearable to watch.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

Sting was fast and a decent worker in his early days.

He's been mediocre and slow since mid-late 90's.


I can't wait for the next re-hirings:



Koko B Ware

and Godfather to come back as PAPA SHANGO~!

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I think this trend should cross over into legit sports since it's such a good idea. Muhammad Ali should make a boxing comeback, the Jets should resign Joe Namath, Dr J should make a comeback and Reggie Jackson might be able to make an impact with the Yankees.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I'd rather see Repo Man back...at least he could still be intertaining at this stage of his career.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
In LOD's defense, Yeah they're old and they can't keep up in a workrate sense, but didn't you find them entertaining once? Couldn't you find them entertaining again?

Their 1997-1998 run where they clearly showed time and time again that they looked out of place in a modern sense answers that question.


And if you think that they'll lose to Team Angle - BAAAHAHAHAHA!


Of course, we have to get the obligatory "I'll mark" post, and from the usual suspect(s).

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Guest Memphis

What's a man have to do in order to 'intertain' someone else?


Sounds painful.



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Guest Youth N Asia

I saw the shoot interview they did a couple years ago. And to hear them tell it they were over like Austin in their 97-98 run, they were so goddamn full of themselves. And they thought that just cause they were over in Japan and drew money there (on stacked cards) that they should headline WWF shows.


1989's over guys

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Guest Trivia247

it amazes me because like Goldberg, Hawk also bashed the WWF every chance he gets...... because of what happen to him.


but hell Maybe Hawk doesn't think the WWE is the same company than the WWF. heh


maybe he signed the dotted line then went to Titan towers and went......Aw Fuck!

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Guest Eagan469
Good job, Vince. It's not like you ran an O.L.D. gimmick FIVE YEARS AGO.

Oh, come on, this is wrestling. Nobody remembers anything from THAT far back.

that was 6 years ago, actually



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Guest Memphis

It's a shame people don't realise what went on 6 years ago because maybe they'd be aware of how terrible the product has become.


Also for wrestling fans today to not be aware of Bret Hart matches is just wrong.


There should be laws for that.



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Guest swilk

This is great! I was supposed to see the Warriors 12 years ago in Calgary, but they no-showed! Hopefully they'll make the trip this time!


Wait...what do you mean they're a shell of their former selves? :rolleyes:

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"RARGH ! WHAT-DA-FUCK ?!" should be the entrance to their theme music now.


Seriously, I just see Vince at his computer reading Wrestlecrap.com a few weeks ago, and getting flooded with a whole bunch of good ideas.


"Hey guys, let's get Sable and Legion of Doom on the phone. Shane, what the hell are you doing ?! Bring Roddy Piper into the federation now ! Stephanie, sweetie, mind sending Lex Luger a candy-gram....what....don't have those anymore ? Then just send him a carrier pigeon, dammit ! Linda, get me Hulk Hogan and tell him he'll be putting a mask on for me. Those masked angles have ALL worked successfully over the years. And JR, get me Freddie Joe Floyd. Oh yeah, call Chucky. I want to pull an angle between him and Rick Steiner, who shall be signed also ! I am a genius, dammit ! I am Vince McMahon."



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Guest Your Olympic Hero

It should be a one-shot deal used for the sole purpose of putting Team Angle over a legendary tag team clean.

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Guest buffybeast

I don't even buy LOD's worth in putting over younger stars.


Yes, they still have name recognition and people will cheer them simply for nostalgia purposes.


But the minute those two broken-down has beens step in the ring, everyone will see how diminished they are. A fan will look at them and say, what the hell is wrong with Team Angle for NOT beating them.


My point is it doesn't take much for two younger stars to beat two older, broken down ones. It's totally believable. Therefore I don't think LOD can do anything for anyone any more.

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Guest UndertakerHart
I bet with all these old names coming back you have guys like Tugboat and Hillybilly Jim just waiting by the phone hoping Vince will call.

Hillbilly Jim works in the WWE Home Video Department and I doubt the Warrior has a phone. BTW watchout for Wrestlemania 20 main event of Hulk Hogan vs Iron Sheik (This time it's for money.)

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Guest Blue Bacchus
It's a shame people don't realise what went on 6 years ago because maybe they'd be aware of how terrible the product has become.

Maybe that's why Vince doesn't release "Classic" DVD and Videos? Makes the current product look worse maybe?


Maybe I'm naive but I seriously think that LOD will put over Team Angle. Otherwise why would they hire them? And don't give me the "To Make Our Lives Miserable" response, RAW does a good enough job of that. :P

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Maybe I'm naive but I seriously think that LOD will put over Team Angle. Otherwise why would they hire them?

Maybe you are. Vince has a hard-on for past stars from a more successful period - I don't see how that can be denied. I doubt he even thought of Haas and Benjamin when he thought of bringing them back. And why would LOD even agree to coming back only to job? Wasn't Hawk notorious for his no-selling?

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Guest Space_Cowboy

I have a feeling of dread the Smackdown following Judgment Day the LOD go over Team Angle or the Guerreros for the belts, I wouldn't put it past the WWE's current braintrust to do something that idiotic and counter-productive.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Nobody beneifts from this except for the LOD. Team Angle would hurt their credibility in a program against them. Would a boxer look good by going 8 rounds and beating Muhammad Ali? People would say, "why is Lennox Lewis defending his title against an old boxer with Parkinson's?" Similarly, anyone looking to work with Piper should think twice too. In reality, you should be able to punch Piper in his gut to end a match, but I don't think these old guys would be paid a bunch of money to be squashed.Nobody benefits from these signings except for the old guys who get to receive a nice pay check now.

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Guest tank_abbott
Negative to LOD returning: they'll suck, not draw, & be pushed over the likes of Team Angle, the Guerreros, etc.


Positive of LOD returning: sponsers in Geritol, Ploygrip, not to mention a classic DVD of Road Warriors shit.

Road Warriors DVD *Marks out*


Road Warriors vs Lane/Eaton

vs Eaton/Condrey

vs Rotondo/Williams

vs Arn/Tully

vs Hart Foundation

vs Rockers

vs Demolition

vs Nasty Boyz

vs Hayes/Garvin

vs Samoan Swat team

vs Doom

vs Sting/Dusty

vs Luger/Tully (Crocket cup) (or was it Luger/Arn?)

vs Powers of Pain

and so many other options!!!



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Guest jester
I think this trend should cross over into legit sports since it's such a good idea. Muhammad Ali should make a boxing comeback, the Jets should resign Joe Namath, Dr J should make a comeback and Reggie Jackson might be able to make an impact with the Yankees.

Pinnacle, I think you just identified the whole problem behind this nostalgia thing. Whenever I go to a hockey game, they bring out a superstar from the past to drop the ceremonial puck. He's old, sometimes he's got a cane or he's holding on to an usher for support. In his prime he was a hard hitting, speedy goal-scoring dynamo. We see him, of course we love him for what he's done, so we give him a big cheer.


Does that mean we want him in put on the team's scoring line? FUCK NO.


Now with wrestlers, Hogan et al have entertained us in the past (well, except me, I fucking hate Hogan) so when we see them we give them a cheer to thank them for what they've done in the past. That does not mean everybody wants to see them wrestling guys a third their age who pretend to be amazed by the hulk-up.


And as for putting people over, Hogan has been one of the better people for that, and he's only put over the Rock and Brock. Remember when the HBK fans claimed he was only here to put over people? Like uh, Jericho and RVD?


Sorry, I ramble now.

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Guest tank_abbott

Add Garvin/Magnum TA


Steiner Bros

New Age Outlaws






Money Inc

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Guest JMFabiano524

Yeah, Hogan, outside of that Undisputed title reign, hasn't been as noxious as he once was. Now, go back to his 1995-97 reign of terror in WCW, THAT was bad. Besides Brock and Rock, he put Angle over clean (BY SUBMISSION!!!!) as well. He also shared the spotlight with Edge as the tag champs.

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Guest The Czech Republic
Maybe Vince will try and sign Barbarian and Warlord to feud with LOD!!

And Downhome would love it.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly
Besides Brock and Rock, he put Angle over clean (BY SUBMISSION!!!!) as well.


Since he can barely hobble to the ropes to hit his shitty legdrop, there was no way he could possibly go over them cleanly. That's why I was against a Hogan face turn because I can buy him winning in an underhanded way, but for him to go toe to toe with someone half his age and have him come out as the best man, I would half to consume large quantities of alcohol to believe that.


He also shared the spotlight with Edge as the tag champs.


Edge shared the spotlight with him. Edge competing with Hogan as a tag partner is the equivalent of Stephon Marbury teaming with Charles Barkley to play against Shaq and Kobe in a game of two on two.

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Guest WhenDanSaysJump
"RARGH ! WHAT-DA-FUCK ?!" should be the entrance to their theme music now.

It's more likely to be the "EUUUUUUEEUEEEUUUEUURGHHHHH" descending into a paroxysm of coughing, hacking and wheezing.

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Guest NoCalMike

wwe is about 3 signings short of being able to start a third brand extension for the old-timers. Seriously though, Even if for one second all these old folks get over, is it even worth it since all it does in return is further de-push and de-elevate all the young stars that NEED to be over for the sake of the future of the company?

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Guest El Satanico

Wow, that Hogan what a saint. He agreed to job to Rock and Angle, who are two of the most over people on the entire roster. Oh yes, such an act of charity surely clears him of his past wrong doings.

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