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Guest Memphis

JR stepping down as Head of Talent...

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Yeah, that sig is pretty darned big. I didn't really get an idea of the enormity until I saw it five times in this thread.

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Guest CanadianChris

Seriously, that sig is JUST TOO FAT. It takes up about a screen and a half on my monitor, and I'm running on 1024x768.

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Guest razazteca

If Ace is taking JR's job does this mean Dynamic Dude Shane Douglas could get signed soon?

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Guest razazteca

Ace should sign Silva to smack around "champions" of WWE. Silva looks alot like Rodney Mack its scary.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

*Reads first half of Raza's post*


*nods head*


*Reads last half of Raza's post*


*shakes head*

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Guest BoboBrazil



"It is not enough to be good if you have the ability to show off your huge fucking camel toe"

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Ah, the life of a guy with sigs turned off. It makes this board so much more fun to discuss. Plus y'all seem more intelligent when every single one of your posts DOESN'T have badly resized pictures of women in thongs or a picture of your favorite indy wrestler + 12 Photoshop filters you were screwing around with at the bottom.


I think JR stepping down could be nothing but good. Too many guys are hired purely on their stats and/or college credentials. How sad is it when even on THE FRIGGIN PLAYSTATION GAME Albert runs into the Royal Rumble and JR shouts out "Albert - six-seven, three hundred pounds - is entering the ring"


As for Matt Hardy, I don't think it really impacts anything. The writers clearly don't know WTF to do with him anymore, and I get the feeling the Verison 1 gimmick was supposed to die after WrestleMania and now they're confused as hell because it's over and they didn't plan for that.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

1)She's not in a thong.


2)Not indy wrestlers


3)Not photoshopped.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I'm encompassing almost every sig in the forum, not necessarily yours, RRR.

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Guest DawnBTVS
I'm encompassing almost every sig in the forum, not necessarily yours, RRR.

Eh...no thongs here, women yes. Photoshopped too, but it's all for a good cause :P

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Ace also booked WCW from late 2000 until it was sold to the WWF, right? Because I felt that time period (from 10/00 until 3/01) was probably the most entertaining period in WCW since 97-98.

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Guest Memphis

^ Agreed. If only that sort of sense had come 2 years earlier so that the company could have recovered and began to make some money again.


It's such a shame they were really starting to take off, in terms of quality product, towards the end of their lifespan.




Former WCW Employee - M

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Guest Memphis
Ace good

Ross bad




NOAH star Tsuyoshi Kikuchi says "......."



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Guest Vyce

Ace ain't spectacular, but he is leagues better than Ross.


And GODDAMN that's a NICE toe.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I miss my sig already.


Damn the political landscape of the smartmarks forum. Next I'll have to cut my hair because Dames sees it as being more 'hip' and 'trendy' and 'current'. WELL I WON'T GO THAT FAR! DAMN YOUZE~!


I was waiting for Jason Jett vs. Shane Helms... That would have been off tha charts.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

That's a damn big toe she's got going there.


And he's got an amazing ass for a guy. Just saying.


And JotW, I've got a CAR in my sig, so I've escaped the stereotype~!

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Guest Memphis

I have not read ONE post by Kotz today that does not have a reference to the car in his sig or towards cars in general.


Would someone just buy him the fucking thing so he'll shut up?


...I hear Rudo's loaded....



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Guest AndrewTS

Hmm...didn't Zenk predict Ace taking JR's job a long time ago?

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Guest notJames

LOD supposedly signed, with the possibility of Shane "Sandy Vagina" Douglas lurking in the shadows?


Sounds like Johnny Ace is just another example of "same shit, different day". And not for nothing, but wCw didn't really improve in my eyes with all the backstage political shake-ups. It just gave people more to talk about.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

When it was Ace and Taylor booking WCW, I thought the company was very good, especially considering the talent they had (most workers were either too green, too old, or too shitty).


And yes, Rudo. Jason Jett vs. Shane Helms, preferably for the Cruiserweight title, would have ROCKED IT. Jett/Kwee-Wee from Greed was an extremely hot opener.

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Guest Cover of Darkness

Ace can only do so much. He's going to be talent relations, the on-screen talent is only half the picture, if they writers are unable (or unwilling) to get a talent over, then it won't matter who the TR guy is.



Despite that, I am excited. It's the first bit of good news to come out of the WWE in a while, and it could be Step 1 on the road to recovery.

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Guest deadbeater

That also means that Fit Findlay, who had the 'joke' job booking Divas matches, gets to be head of agents. Notice that no wrestler touches Fit even during a brawl, because all the Divas would run in to his defense.

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