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Guest Trivia247

Brock News

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Guest Trivia247

# WWE Champion Brock Lesnar confirmed in his weekly appearance on KFAN radio show that he was involved in a minor car accident on April 24th. Lesnar said he was pulling into a turn lane, when another car that was passing traffic on the shoulder bumped into him.


Lesnar said he was extremely angry with the driver and got out of his car screaming until he noticed that the driver's young daughter was crying because she was scared Brock would hurt her father. He said he felt so bad that he apologized for losing his temper and promised to do something for them that would be even better than free WWE tickets.


# Speaking of Brock Lesnar, he was spotted at a recent Elton John & Billy Joel concert in the Twin Cities. He also recently purchased a $783,000 home in the area.


(Thanks to The Pro Wrestling Torch)


So if there wasn;t a little girl there he would Rip the man apart? Whewwww I guess little girls are whats Brock needs to control his impulse problems... Maybe Big Show can rent some to put around the ring.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Roid rage and road rage - it's a terrible combination.

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Guest AndrewTS
He said he felt so bad that he apologized for losing his temper and promised to do something for them that would be even better than free WWE tickets.


Free WWE tickets aren't that great. At this rate they'll be giving them away just to make the arenas look somewhat full on TV.


# Speaking of Brock Lesnar, he was spotted at a recent Elton John & Billy Joel concert in the Twin Cities.


In conclusion, Brock is a gigantic wuss. At least maybe he doesn't listen to Kylie Minogue.


I hope he did the HAPPY DANCE!~

Edited by AndrewTS

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Guest Anglesault
promised to do something for them that would be even better than free WWE tickets.

Stab them multiple times?

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Guest Kotzenjunge

You know, I'd fear for my father also if I saw that big motherfucker get out of the other car. I was hoping that maybe it was Brock's almost-frightening "I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!" goofy smile that scared the girl.


I wonder what kind of car he drives.

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Guest Youth N Asia
Lesnar said he was extremely angry with the driver and got out of his car screaming until he noticed that the driver's young daughter was crying because she was scared Brock would hurt her father. He said he felt so bad that he apologized for losing his temper and promised to do something for them that would be even better than free WWE tickets.


Oh man...that would be the greatest thing of all time to see up close, as long as you're a 3rd party that's not involved in the incident.

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Guest AndrewTS
You know, I'd fear for my father also if I saw that big motherfucker get out of the other car. I was hoping that maybe it was Brock's almost-frightening "I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!" goofy smile that scared the girl.


I wonder what kind of car he drives.

Judging by SD, a big honkin' very fuel-inefficient black truck. Dunno the make or model, though.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

It was a Hummer H2. Hopefully he doesn't really drive one of those. I can see him in an older muscle car.

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Guest Youth N Asia

For some reason when I read it I got this image of Brock turning green like the Hulk and giving the guy's car an F5 with him and his children screaming inside.

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Guest HHH123007

I would've loved to drive by and see Brock F-5 the guy onto his car hood or something...

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Guest HartFan86

I read somewhere he gave her a hug too.


She probably was like...2 years old and this huge mother fucker is going ape shit. I would of cried too.


He'll get them more than WWE tickets? I bet she'll be wrestling Jamie Noble (and beating him) on Velocity..considering every else does these days.


Brock was probably driving a 1988 Ford Escort.

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

I'm picturing Brock doing the happy dance as he gets out of his car, then jumping on the other guy's hood the same way he jumps onto the apron. Then he F5's the car.

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Guest Jobber of the Week



I'm suprised he didn't do the DK Dance and throw a barrel at the guy.

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Guest EdwardKnoxII

All I've got to say is that if more drivers were like Brock I'd start carrying a shotgun under the drivers seat.


Brock (With goofy grin and doing happy dance): MOTHERFUCKER THAT'S IT HERE COMES THE PAIN!!


Me: Damn right. (Pulls out shotgun ::click:: BOOM ::click:: BOOM ::click:: BOOM.) Damn it he's still standing.

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Guest Choken One

I would be shitting my pants if I saw Lesnar Happy Dance out of the Hummer and with his Goofy Grin came at me hollering "HERE COMES THE PAIN!"...


If I did that...I'd get laughed at...


6'5 325 Pound Monster like him strikes fear into the hearts of little girls...


5'10 210 Pound Slighty Ripped Punks like me fears little Girls in cars...

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