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The Raw Reveiw for 5/4 - 5/10

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May 10, 1993

Bam Bam Bigelow def. Typhoon; KOTR Qualifier

Yokozuna def. P.J. Walker

Mr. Perfect def. Iron Mike Sharpe

Mr. Hughes def. The Cannonball Kid

Shawn Michaels def. Jim Duggan by DQ in a Lumberjack Match for the IC Title


May 9, 1994

Razor Ramon def. Kwang; KOTR Qualifier

Crush def. Raymond Roy

Doink def. Mike Terrace

Mabel def. Mike Bell


May 8, 1995

Jeff Jarrett def. Doink

Hakushi def. Gary Scott

Bart Gunn def. Owen Hart


May 6, 1996

Marc Mero def. The 1-2-3 Kid

Davey Boy Smith def. Fatu

The Body Donnas def. Techno Team 2000

The Undertaker def. Owen Hart


May 5, 1997

Rockabilly def. Ahmed Johnson by DQ

Vader def. Goldust

Crush in a Gauntlet Match; def. two jobbers and then is def. by Ahmed Johnson (who wore a mask)

Doug Furnas & Phil LaFon def. The Legion of Doom

Steve Austin def. Davey Boy Smith


May 4, 1998

Owen Hart & The Rock def. Faarooq & Steve Blackman

Dan Severn def. Savio Vega

D-Generation X NC L.O.D. 2000 & D.O.A.

Kane def. Goldust by DQ

Mick Foley def. Terry Funk in a No Holds Barred Match


May 10, 1999

Kane NC Billy Gunn

The Big Show def. Paul Bearer by DQ

Sable def. Debra in an Evening Gown Match for the Women’s Title; Commissioner Shawn Michaels reversed the decision and Debra was named the new Women’s Champ

The Big Bossman def. Test in a Nightstick Match

Cactus Jack def. Midian & Viscera in a hardcore handicap match

Bradshaw NC Faarooq in a Lumberjack Match

Gerald Brisco & Pat Patterson def. The Mean Street Posse

Jeff Jarrett def. Val Venis

Steve Austin, The Rock, & Vince McMahon def. The Undertaker, Triple H, & Shane McMahon


May 8, 2000

Edge & Christian def. The Acolytes by DQ; Tag Title Match

Chris Jericho def. Kurt Angle; IC Title Match

The Dudley Boyz def. Gerald Brisco & T&A in handicap, tables match

Chris Jericho def. The Big Show by count out; IC Title Match

Too Cool def. The Big Bossman & Bull Buchanan

The Hardy Boyz def. Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn

Rikishi Phatu def. Pat Patterson by DQ

Chris Benoit def. Chris Jericho to win the Intercontinental Title; Triple H, Special Guest Referee


May 7, 2001

Bradshaw def. Kurt Angle by count out

Edge & Christian, & Rhyno def. The Hardy Boyz & Eddie Guerrero

Jerry Lynn def. Grand Master Sexy, Taka Michinoku, and Crash (pinned) in a fatal four-way; LHW Title Match

Chris Jericho def. William Regal in a Steel Cage Match

Lita def. Molly Holly

The Dudley Boyz def. X-Factor

Steve Austin def. Rikishi


May 6, 2002

Jazz def. Trish Stratus in a No DQ Match; Women’s Title Match

Hardcore Crap Segment: Steven Richards retains after a bunch of title changes

William Regal def. Spike Dudley to win the European Title

Brock Lesnar def. Shawn Stasiak

Rob Van Dam & Jeff Hardy def. Eddie Guerrero & Booker T

n.W.o. NC Ric Flair, Steve Austin, & Bradshaw

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Crush in a Gauntlet Match; def. two jobbers and then is def. by Ahmed Johnson (who wore a mask)


How could he not tell it was him??

Here was a recap of the match done by G.P. Ryan (a recapper on thesmarks.com at one time) on the RSPW message boards back in '97:


Crush (w/Faarooq, Savio and PG-13) vs. 3 Jobbers

Crush hits jabrone #1 with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, press slam

gutbuster for the pin at 0:28. Jobber #2 tries to get a response from

the crowd and utterly fails. The jobber goes for a turnaround

moonsault bodyblock and Crush dumps him awkwardly on the mat. A

takeover suplex, 3 legdrops and a heart punch put him away at about

1:17. Number 3 comes out in a Packers coat and nylon mask. He grabs

Crush and delivers a tiger bomb for the pin in 10 seconds. Who, oh

who, could it be? Not Neidhart, but Ahmed. Quelle surprise.

WINNER: Ahmed Johnson 1/2*



Well I guess it sounds like he had his whole body was covered so maybe it was possible you couldn't tell it was him. They should have brought back Ahmed as Mr. America. :P

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Guest Mattdotcom
May 4, 1998

Owen Hart & The Rock def. Faarooq & Steve Blackman

Dan Severn def. Savio Vega

D-Generation X NC L.O.D. 2000 & D.O.A.

Kane def. Goldust by DQ

Mick Foley def. Terry Funk in a No Holds Barred Match


Ah, the RAW infamous for Chyna's in-ring debut and me getting bit by a dog three hours earlier and missing the first half. OK, infamous for just the former.

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Guest RepoMan
The Big Show def. Paul Bearer by DQ

because he just wasn't ready to go over Paul Bearer clean.

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The Big Show def. Paul Bearer by DQ

because he just wasn't ready to go over Paul Bearer clean.

haha Yes this was during the "legendary" Corporate Ministry/Union feud. Probably could have called it a no contest as it was hardly a match. Here is the recap by CRZ:


WELL IT'S THE BIG SHOW v. PAUL BEARER - now THAT'S a chokeslam hand signal! No music - and no Paul Bearer. Big Show doing jumping jacks in the ring. Bearer appears at the top of the ramp and gives the "Nonono" head bob - but COMMISSIONER MICHAELS, back in flak, pushes Bearer down the ramp in comedic fashion and rolls him into the ring. Michaels joins the commentary team as we see Bearer plead for his life, saying "I'm not a rassler!" Big boot from the Big Show. Big elbowdrop. Grabbing the mic. "Excuse me, Commissioner Michaels, sir, I wonder if maybe we could waive that little stipulation and just let that long legged tattoed dead man walk his ass down here and get it capped!" Michaels says okay as we look in the ring and see Bearer lay like a slug. BONG... well here's THE UNDERTAKER. You really think we're gonna get this confrontation for free? Undertaker stops at the bottom of the ramp and does his eyeball trick. Big Show says bring it on, then comes off the rope with another elbowdrop for Paul Bearer. Whoops, here's the rest of the CORPORATE MINISTRY to gang up on him, proving that Big Show is kinda not bright. Fortunately, UNION is out, 2x4's in tow, to put a stop to all this foolishness. "Theme from Big Show" plays... (three minutes or so)

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