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Guest Downhome

Which "old school" rules do you miss...

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Guest Downhome

Just another random pointless post just to start conversation, lol. I DO miss the rule where in tag matches, your partner must be standing in his corner holding a rope, in order for you to make the tag. I LOVED this rule, as it just added that bit more of an effect to tag matches. Plus, the rope was just the perfect "weapon" for the heel team to use, lol...


...I do NOT miss the "if you throw your opponent over the top rope, it is a D/Q. That is one of my least favorite rules ever, I DESPISED that b.s., :angry:.


What about you guys?




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Guest cobainwasmurdered

my least favourite rule was the no top rope moves that Bill Watts had in WcW.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

I gotta concur with the "over the top rope = DQ" rule. I used to really HAAAAATEEEE that rule and was happy as all #### when WCW finally abolished it for good a while back.

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Guest Tony149

I miss the DQ for throwing somebody over the top rope. I thought it was so stupid it was great. I don't miss the DQ for getting a low blow. The WWF brought that out of the bag a few months back.

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Guest Downhome

I see you guys agree with me about the over the top rope thing. ####, I wonder if ANYONE liked that rule, lol. I did think of a rule I miss, that being that the US Champion was instantly the #1 contender, and the IC champ was instantly the #1 contender (to a lesser degree). When they made the US & IC titles less than what they should have been, it saddend me greatly. :(

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Guest Some Guy

I kind of miss there actually being rules that get followed somewhat consistantly.  In some matches the ref doesn't count guys out and in others he does, etc..

The only thing I miss about the over the top rule was the announcers weak ass explanations for it not being called.

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Guest The Great Wesuke

I also miss the tag rope, it just doesn't make sense now... the guy on the outside has no real place he has to be standing.


One of the saddest things is going to an indy show where the refs don't know a thing about what the rules are supposed to be (I'm guessing they've been trained by the last 5 years of WWF). Most of them don't know to count during double teams, double knock outs, wrestlers out of the ring etc. I've given a lot of indy refs a hard time for standing around looking like idiots during a match.


Although for 5 bux a night I wouldn't be working my ass off either.


A rule I sort of miss is the 3-fall rule in 6 man tags. All 6 man tag matches in WWF (was this true everywhere?) were under 3 fall rules. I dunno, just made them seem special.

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Guest Luke Argyle

I dug that rule for the simple fact that if someone went over while the ref wasn't looking, they sold it BIG TIME.  Doom vs. RnR Express from GAB '90 comes to mind.  But, yes, a lame way to end a match...

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Guest Tony149
I did think of a rule I miss, that being that the US Champion was instantly the #1 contender, and the IC champ was instantly the #1 contender (to a lesser degree). When they made the US & IC titles less than what they should have been, it saddend me greatly. :(

I agree about that one. When's the last time somebody used that to get a World Title shot? I think WCW was going to use it for Austin to get his shot at Flair in '94 before Hogan came in.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Now...the over the top DQ only had one good thing EVER come of it.


Remember Steamboat vs. Austin from Bash at the Beach 94?


Austin was close to getting beat so he kept trying to throw Steamboat over the top to get DQ's and retain the title.


Steamboat kept holding the rope and fliping back in.



The ref asked Austin if he had thrown Steamboat over the top and Austin kept telling him yes.


That was classic.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

i'd almost forgotten abou that match. that was such a great idea and one of the reasons why austin was such a gret heel.

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Guest Downhome
I agree about that one. When's the last time somebody used that to get a World Title shot? I think WCW was going to use it for Austin to get his shot at Flair in '94 before Hogan came in.


My God, can you imagine how much of an f'n great match that would have been? Austin Vs. Flair, Stunning Steve Vs. The Nature Boy, US Champ Vs. World Champ, for the WCW World Heavyweight title? That would have been a #### of a match and feud if done correctly. Anyhow...


...I'll agree that the over the top rope thing had SOME advantages, like Steamboat vs. Austin from Bash At the Beach 94 and the fact that when the Refs back was turned and the heel threw a face over the tope rope the annoucers DID sell it like there was no tomorrow, and it made for some #### good moments, but I just HATED when a match ended because of it. I don't remember a SINGLE time in history when a match ended on a good note because of that rule, thus, my reason for hating it so #### much, lol.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

When you look at Bash 94 in retrospect...


It's always remembered as Hogan vs. Flair for the first time on ppv...or tv for that matter.


But it also had a smarks dream match between Austin and Steamboat.


It had..little else...but Steamboat Austin is smarks gold.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The 'if you false pin him 3 times you are dq'd rule' (as in if you pin him and could have gotten the 3 count but decided to be a prick and let him up at 2)...


Only because I have seen it used once, and it was ted debiase that got fucked by it...


Didnt like the 'you cant ram your opponent into the steel post' rule in wcw.

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Guest Tony149
Didnt like the 'you cant ram your opponent into the steel post' rule in wcw.


I belive they did for a while. I remember Tony Schiavone pimping that during the Arn Anderson vs. Barry Windham match at Slamboree '93 for the NWA Title (It was still the NWA Title before they had a fall out with WCW). Tony said "Under WCW rules that would of been a DQ."



During the Austin/Steamboat match at BATB '94. Austin did a hilarious spot that he started doing for a while in '94. Steamboat was on the ropes and Austin runs across the ring then lands on Steamboat's back (Nash does it), then Austin grabs Steamboat's hand, waves it and says "Hi everybody!" right into the camera. It was great.

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Guest Some Guy

I'm glad that Bill Watts' rules are gone.  No mats on the floor and no jumping off the top rope.  What a stupid ass rule that is, especially when you have Liger, Pillman, Steamboat, and others.  The only time I liked the rule was at Beach Blast 92.  During the Rude/Steamboat Iron Man match Rude came off the top on to Steamboat to intentionally draw a DQ and tehn pinned him to pad his lead in the match.

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Guest razazteca

I hate the rule of count out you get to keep the title.  Especially if the champ decide to just walk out of the ring taking the countout on purpose to keep the title.  Or if the champ gets a DQ he gets to keep the title.

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Guest The Masked Yodeler

One thing I miss about old school isn't really a rule.  I really miss wrestlers locking up to start the match.  It's almost never done anymore.

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Guest Dangerous A

That's because a lot of today's wrestlers don't go for that slow build match crap. The wwf has been programmed with "Russocity". You know, where psychology is thrown out the windows and all you do is your high spots.

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Guest TheHulkster

I miss time limit draws. Those were the shit when done right and both guys came out looking like a million bucks unless the match totally sucked.

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Guest muzanisa

When they made a big deal of a move being banned like the piledriver, and the heel would use it and not get caught and then the face would do it and get the DQ. I think the Piledriver is banned in the WWF but they do nothing with it.

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