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Guest Kotzenjunge

In-ring Style to be SLOOOOOOOWER....

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Guest BoboBrazil
Sooo . . . who's gonna catch TNA this week?

I am. The anarchy in the asylum match will be awesome. I can't wait to see who is in it.

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Guest SP-1

Yeah, bps, I'm sure it'll happen sooner or later too. But I don't see them becoming as rediculous as WWE about it.

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Guest Vyce

Slower huh?


I guess HHH really does work the main event style now.


NOTE: Forgive me if someone else had that lame joke, I didn't feel like reading through 3 pages.

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I guess they gotta make sure that those cruiserweights don't hurt themselves...


Whattya mean the only real visible cruiser that's obviously hurt right now is Rey?


Whattya mean he only got hurt because Big Suck dropped him on his face?




Geez let's just let Bill Watts take over and have done with it. Let his kid and Terra Ryzing fight for the World Title until the company falls apart. The WWE is becoming what they mocked WCW for 5 years ago, and there's no end in sight. We Won't Entertain needs to pull their collective heads out of their asses and let the folks who can wrestle wrestle and get all the wastes of space and money out of the way.

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Guest razazteca

Was it me or did Nash get tired fast during that brawl with HHH?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Wow, this is like the Ross Report come to life. Except EVERY match will be a very 'deliberate pace' with 'old school style storytelling' and whatnot.


Here's the problem. It's not like the WWE will increase the amount of time wrestlers get to wrestle. There still will be those 3 minute matches, only now there will be MORE rest holds and LESS moves.

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Guest El Satanico

rest holds during a 3 minute match...oooh boooyy i can't wait

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Guest Big McLargeHuge
Hey, it helps "tell a story" ;)

Yeah, a bedtime story. *rimshot* You know, cause restholds are boring and put you to sleep and they're stupid and retarded and other shit. :P

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Guest Goodear

Rey Mysterio

Eddie Guerrero

Chris Benoit

Scott Taylor

Bret Hart

Steve Austin


All have had stints with serious injuries. While they're still roided up to a certain extent (that extent being HUGE for some of them), they aren't hosses and don't work a low impact style.

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Guest bigdunn20

There is no such thing as a "rest hold," except when its yarders on the indy scene putting on a headlock for 4 seconds as a "transition" between high spots. Wrestling is BASED on holds, is it not? If they give this a chance, we will actually be able to see who can work, and who can get over just by doing flipply-flip-take 20 arbitary bumps a match for no real reason style.


Then again a moderater on this forum thinks im "stupid" just because I don't agree with the masses.


Leave HHH, Nash, and Stiener out of the argument because we know nothing will save them


TNA stuff is irrelevant....they have one show per week, and most of their talent picks of one or two dates throughout the week. When you work a lighter schedule, it's much easier to take more risks since you will have more recovery time.

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