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Guest ViciousFish

I Have A Dream

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Guest ViciousFish

Last night I had a dream of a match that can and will never happen. I was front row as Chris Benoit and Dynamite Kid wrestled to a 1 hour draw. Sadly it will never happen, but when I woke up I had this entire thought in my head......


-Benoit win a match to become the #1 contender at Summer Slam which theres I fairly decent chance of happening I think


A series of intervies start, begnning with Benoit talking about his hero the Dynamite Kid and his training in the Dungeon. They then show a couple of clips with Dynamite doing the diving headbutt, the snap suplex and the superplex followed by Benoit doing the same things. Have a short interview with Dynamite telling his feelings on Chris and talking about what he sacrificed and how he's confined to a wheelcahir and how he's afraid the same things will happen to Benoit.


The next week have Benoit talk about his time in Japan and how he continued to train and refined his style. He talks about his world class opponents liek Jushin Lyger, Chris Jericho and Eddie Guerrero. Aquire some clips and splice those in there as he talks. Have Jericho and Guerrero talk about Benoit's dedication and his drive. Then move to his short ECW career, focussing mainly on how he got his 'Crippler' moniker by breaking Sabu's neck.


The third week move into his WCW career, starting his epic fued with Jericho and his best of 7 series with Booker T with Booker giving some comments afterwards. Then talk about his Cruiserweight and US title victories which lead him into the tournamanet for the Heavyweight title in '99 where he lost to Bret Hart in Toronto. He then talks about winning the title a couple months later against Sid but having the win stricken from the records because he was leaving for the WWE.


During the next week talk about his WWE career and continuing his feud with Jericho and meeting Kurt Angle, the man who has challeneged him more than any other opponent. have Chris talk about his ladder match with Jericho and his series of matches with Angle including the 2/3 falls, submission match and the cage match. Then talk about his tag team title victory with Jericho and the triple threat match with Stone Cold Steve Austin and Jericho, and how much pain he was in from his neck. move into the surgery and year long recory, the disappointmentfrom missing Wrestlemania in his come country and his comeback in Edmonton, his home town. Benoit then talks about continuing his feud with Angle, before reluctantly becoming his tag team partner. He then talks about Rumble match with Angle and how disappointing it was to lose to Angle in one of the best matches of his career. He then says that his match with Brock is his redemption.


In the final week before Summer Slam there's a sit down interview woth Benoit and Brock like the one Rock and Austin had before Wrestlemania X-7. benoit and Brock tell each other how much they respect each other's skills but that they aren't going to hold back in the ring. the interview ends with Benoit telling Brock that the WWE championship is his dream and since his family and Dynamite Kid are going to be at Summer Slam there is no way he's leaving without the title and disappointing them.



I know it kind of rambles and it will never happen but if it hapened I think it would be a great face vs face feud.

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire






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Its a cool idea just unlikely to happen any time in the immediate future if ever.

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Guest ViciousFish

I know it wll never happen because while it may not be the greatest idea ever it would build a decent match and Vince can't do that....might elevate someone

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Guest wildpegasus

I like the idea. If they show footage from the past they should definitely show the Stampede show where Dynamite gave his boots away predicting Benoit as the (or one of the best, couldn't quite make the audio out) wrestler of the 90's.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

They should do a character profile/history series on wrestlers called "WWEvolution" where they talk about a particular wrestlers background, experiences, thoughts on wrestling etc. I can't see how it would HURT a wrestler - it can only benefit them.

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Guest justsoyouknow

Pardon the ignorance, but isn't the Dynamite Kid dead? Or is he just confined to a wheelchair? I seem to recall something like that, but my memory is a little fuzzy at the moment.

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Guest Memphis





I was going to post something witty containing a puro wrestler, but fuck it, how do I top that.


Eyebrow is Jesus.



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