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Guest Lord of The Curry

Warning to all Matrix: Reloaded fans...

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Guest Lord of The Curry

Ain't it Cool News is reporting that in the new issue of TIME Magazine in their article about The Matrix: Reloaded the stupid fuckers give away the ending.


Just a heads up for anybody who's thinking of buying the mag.

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Guest HHH123007

I think it's been approved...


I read the article, big deal....:rolleyes:


It won't make me enjoy the movie any less...

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Guest NoCalMike

I have read a "blow-by-blow" synopsis of Matrix reloaded, only because I don't hold it in such high regard as most other matrix fans, and quite frankly I don't give a shit about knowing the spoilers to action flicks.

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Guest Lethargic

Could it really give away the ending when it's just gonna be a cliff hanger anyway? It's not like we don't already know that.

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Guest Marshall

I do have the feeling it's gonna be a disapointment. I try not to look forward to movies, if something is built up to be the greatest thing ever ever ever, it'll probally an anti-climax.


Anyone read that review say it wasn't as good as the first one?

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Guest Choken One
I do have the feeling it's gonna be a disapointment. I try not to look forward to movies, if something is built up to be the greatest thing ever ever ever, it'll probally an anti-climax.


Anyone read that review say it wasn't as good as the first one?

Then it will really suck...



Seriously though...U take this long to release the movie...you set up great hype...it's certain your gonna get disapointment...

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Guest Lethargic

The thing that helped the original Matrx a great deal is that there was NO hype for it. It wasn't expected to be as huge as it was. It flew in under the radar and dropped a bomb on everybody. Even somebody like me who pays more attention to movies than most people, I had no idea about it. All I knew is that it was supposed to be a live action anime. I didn't know the story or anything and I didn't even know about the movie until a week or two before it came out. Most people went into that movie with no expectations. Now hundreds of millions will be flocking to this new one with gigantic expectations.


The trailers really don't interest me at all. If hadn't seen the first one, I wouldn't care anything about this movie. So I'm kinda getting ready to be let down but hoping I'm not.

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