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Guest Breetai

Ric Flair on Rove Live (Aussie talk show)

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Guest Breetai

Ric came out doing THE STRUT!!!


- Talked about how wrestling in much more mainstream than the days of the territories, put over SCSA, Rock, HHH, Jericho(!), and Undertaker as being equal to any entertainer or sportsman today.


- Talked about the days of Kayfabe, and how it was a fighting matter back in the day.


- Talked about his plane crash and rehabilitation; put it down to being too young to know that he couldn't get better.


- They showed a pic of him when he was 25; he had white hair even then.


- I marked out when Rove called him Naitch, and let out a Whoo.


- To finish they had Rove put Flair in the figure four (more whooing, and he was actually pretty good at putting the move on too). Flair did all of the typical selling mannerisms, the shoulders-down pinfall break, and tried (unsucessfully) to reverse it.

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Guest edotherocket

Flair didn't really address the issue of there being no WWE programs or PPVs in Australia which was disappointing. I guess its not coming back anytime soon then.


Flair will also be Jabba's Morning Glory on Channel V, on Saturday.

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