Guest Polish_Rifle Report post Posted May 6, 2003 May 6, 2003 Well, sit back, relax, and get your weekly dose of my sometimes zany and madcap thoughts. I'm actually having a tough time typing this bad boy out. I'm in some serious pain here! Now hopefully I just hooked you like fish, because my neck feels fine, but I got burnt like a lobster at Clearwater Beach yesterday. It actually hurts to move. I'm sticking to leather chairs. It was 97 degrees yesterday, but Dr. Youngblood said walking in water is good therapy, so I didn't really feel the heat. Throw some horns on me and I'm Daredevil. My killer poodles (yes, I have two poodles, but they're tough!), Branny Boy and Sarah, keep jumping on my shoulders. YEEEEOOOOWW! Between all of this I've had another of my lifelong friends, Nick (aka Sinn on the independent circuit), down for the last week being his always annoying self. Actually it's been great having him here. We've hit the gym and watched about 35 eight-hour wrestling tapes. He recently tore his ACL, so we're the walking wounded and look really pathetic, but it's been great to hang with one of my best buds, since I've been going non-stop for the last six or seven years. Speaking of watching wrestling, I'd like to talk about some of the entertaining aspects of RAW last night. So, so happy the Intercontinental Title is back. I wish it were the old-school one that Randy Savage had, though. Still, that can be a great tool for elevating guys, like I mentioned a couple of weeks ago. It's also great to see Stone Cold Steve Austin back. He had that goose-bump feeling from the crowd reaction. It's an amazing feeling, and I know it must be tough for him not to compete. Here's a Molson to you, Stone Cold! Not to get any American heat on myself here, but last night Jim Ross said Lance Storm was kissing up by bringing out the Canadian flag in Halifax. But he always brings it. And does that mean when Undertaker or Hulk Hog ... oops, Mr. America bring the American flag out in Oklahoma that they're kissing up to Americans? Hmmm. I'm not just saying this because he's my brother in law, but I feel "Chief" Sean Morley is one of the most underrated Superstars we have, along with Lance, Rhyno, Christian, Matt Hardy, Billy Kidman, Kanyon and Jamie Noble. That's why I was so happy to see Morley involved in the J.R./Stone Cold/Eric Bischoff storyline last night. Hopefully, now he can have some kind of cool direction going forward. That segues right into how great Christian is doing lately. I saw a confidence in his promo last night I've never seen before. I'm really happy to see new (even though he's been here five years), deserving talent start to move up the ladder. And trust me, Goldberg, when the bastard hits ya it feels like a rubber mallet. Just ask anyone who's worked with him. For some reason, La Résistance remind me of early Jean-Claude Van Damme movies. The Highlight Reel has been ... well, a highlight. Thankfully, Chris Jericho got some cool, new carpet this week. Now we just need to get him some new pants. B-R-utal. Also been happy with the evolution of John Cena and the Spankmeister, Brian Kendrick, over on SmackDown! The old-school rap-off was awesome. The gold tooth capped it all off (Get it? Gold tooth, capped. OK, bad joke outta the way this week.) Now last week I got flooded with e-mails for good wrestling schools. Like I tried to explain, I wouldn't know which ones are good or bad. I've never done a worldwide tour of wrestling schools. Sorry, I can't help there. Well, time to grab hold of the ol' Edge sack and answer some more questions. Have I ever dated anyone in the business? No. Where do I get my very cool shades? They are from a company based out of Southern Cal called Black Flys. They totally hook me up with boxes of the things, which have become a big part of my look. Do we carry our belts on the road with us? Yes, and they make our carryon bags about 20 pounds heavier. Not to mention the metal detectors, where it becomes show-and-tell time for everyone while you're rushing to catch a flight at 5 a.m. in Boise, Idaho. OK, rant of the week out of the way. Strangest thing a fan has done or given me? I received a black velvet book with a purple cross on it, entitled "Adam in Chains," with some funky drawings. That one scared me a bit. I had one woman tattoo my autograph on her ankle. Don't ask me why, because when I'm fat and doing the Al Bundy with one hand slid under the belt of my pants after dinner with my wrestling career far behind me, what will her explanation for the tat be? I always end up getting underwear. No offense, but I always throw them out. What the hell am I gonna do with women’s underwear? Say, "Hey, Alanah, here's some used underwear?" I know there's more I'm forgetting, but all those chairshots have made me punchy. My memory ain't what it used to be. Now, don't me wrong, I love that someone would actually put the time and effort to make or give something to me, and I've received many very cool things, but you asked for the strange ones, so there you have it. On a final note, Nick and I, being comic geeks, went to see "X2" this week, and it kicked some serious ass. It made me want to be an X-Man. Hey, if there are any casting agents out there, do you remember the character Longshot? OK, I know it's a longshot, but I figured it's worth a try. Cool little side note is the fact that Hurricane and I got to visit the set, meet some of the stars and run around like little kids in the X-mansion, X-jet and Magneto's prison last year while they filmed it in Vancouver. Yes, we're geeks, OK? There have been a lot of requests for old road stories, and my connection to Rob Zombie, so I'll answer those next week. Until then, you have been Edgeucated! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest the pinjockey Report post Posted May 6, 2003 Not to get any American heat on myself here, but last night Jim Ross said Lance Storm was kissing up by bringing out the Canadian flag in Halifax. But he always brings it. And does that mean when Undertaker or Hulk Hog ... oops, Mr. America bring the American flag out in Oklahoma that they're kissing up to Americans? Hmmm. Uh oh, a wrestler pointing out a continuity error. Well at least JR has heat otherwise this would be the last column we would be seeing from Edge. Hopefully next week he points out how heels are evil for running in but faces arent according to JR. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Boomer Sprinklespax Report post Posted May 6, 2003 Once again, Adam Copeland delivers an interesting, funny read. Am I the only one who likes Edge more now than ever before due to these columns? The guy is pretty humorous and seems to have a good mind for the business, markish tendencies aside (I think the markishness is probably a good thing, actually). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChris Report post Posted May 6, 2003 So, so happy the Intercontinental Title is back. I wish it were the old-school one that Randy Savage had, though. Edge agrees with me! I love it. I would've loved it if he'd mentioned the Canadian crowds and how we always seem to do our own thing rather than blindly cheer and boo who THEY want us to. Still, another great read. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Polish_Rifle Report post Posted May 6, 2003 JR's an idiot. You don't have to constantly remind the fans why they are cheering for someone. Just let it flow. Canadians, especially don't want to be like mindless sheep and cheer for whoever JR is cheering for. And yes, I do like Edge more now that we get an insight into his thoughts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mattdotcom Report post Posted May 6, 2003 Edge might as well start posting here. Am I the only one who likes Edge more now than ever before due to these columns? No. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NoCalMike Report post Posted May 6, 2003 that is why I don't like how wwe won't allow fans to have their own opinion. If they cheer for a "heel" there ALWAYS has to be some lame cover for it spouted out by JR. Being in Canada, therefor cheering for canadians is reason enough. Yet JR has to think of stupid things to say. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest notJames Report post Posted May 6, 2003 Edge makes me proud to be a Canadian. Well, an expatriate Canadian living in New Jersey, but a Canadian nonetheless. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Goodear Report post Posted May 6, 2003 If the Canadian heels didn't play suck up to the crowd all night, Ross wouldn't have had to cover for the crowd's unusual cheering methods. Would it killed any of them to actuall do something heelish as not to hurt the faces they were going against? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest treble charged Report post Posted May 6, 2003 I think they had Jericho play a face last night so that if the crowd turned on Nash (which they were almost certain to do, and did), they could have a reason to explain it. Nash could have killed Osama bin Laden in the center of the ring and he still would have been booed. The Storm/Booker thing confused the fuck out of me, though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MaxPower27 Report post Posted May 6, 2003 My favorite was JR calling HHH "Canada's native son" during the Kliq Brawl. Something like "Oh, these fans are getting on Nash for beating up their own Canadian superstar" Edge is getting good. I like his list of underrated superstars. Especially Jamie Noble. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted May 6, 2003 HHH is from Nassua, New Hampshire. So he's almost geographically a frostback but not quite. I'm surpised he didn't mention King blurting out that the Frenchies were really Canadians, which totally screws up kayfabe. So Mr. America's real name is Hulk Hog? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MaxPower27 Report post Posted May 6, 2003 If Canada wants New Hampshire, I'm sure we can part with it. Just give us some fine maple syrup and a box of hockey pucks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest papacita Report post Posted May 6, 2003 My favorite was JR calling HHH "Canada's native son" during the Kliq Brawl. Something like "Oh, these fans are getting on Nash for beating up their own Canadian superstar" I didn't watch Raw last night, but from what I read in recaps, are you sure he wasn't talking about Jericho? And nice column from Edge. He did good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MaxPower27 Report post Posted May 6, 2003 It was during the Clique Brawl, the crowd started RIPPING on Nash, and JR came out with that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mattdotcom Report post Posted May 6, 2003 Yeah, and he did it to explain why they were booing Nash, i.e. "Canadians like Canadian Chris Jericho. Kevin Nash attacked Canadian Chris Jericho. Canadians don't like Kevin Nash for attacking beloved Canadian Chris Jericho, so they will boo Nash while he beats up HHH." I hope that makes sense. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest newblood03 Report post Posted May 7, 2003 I think the reason canadiand booed nah is because canadians know what a good wrestler is as opposed to an american mark. Most of there wrestlers cana ctually wrestle adn they booed nash because well HE SUX Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted May 7, 2003 Newblood: They've cheered HHH on many occasions, last night and at No Way Out for instance. They love Hogan also. So no, Canada doesn't just cheer for good wrestlers and homegrown boys. Canada doesn't care about Test either, right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Nanks Report post Posted May 7, 2003 Speaking of watching wrestling, I'd like to talk about some of the entertaining aspects of RAW last night. Looked like it was gonna be a really short article at this point. And trust me, Goldberg, when the bastard hits ya it feels like a rubber mallet I can't work out if this means he's stiff or not.... Another really cool column from Edge. I love the bit about him and Hurricane playing around on the X-2 set. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted May 7, 2003 I wanna hear the Hurricane/Xmen set story. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites