Guest crusen86 Report post Posted March 24, 2002 SJL Crimson Card Venue: The final Australian show, at the Adelaide Oval in Adelaide, Australia, Axis's hometown! Your commentators: Axis, Edwin, wouldn't be Australia without SACRED. DUN-NUH! TRIPLE THREAT - send to crusen86 Cutthroat vs. The Dark Reaper vs. "Deathwish" Danny Williams -Reaper got Genericked, Deathwish topped Cutthroat, and now these three are intertwined in a first fall wins match for hopefully the final time. Sorry if this bores you, guys, but you're the only guys on the card who didn't fit in elsewhere. I promise bigger and better things come Metal...suuure I do. Mwaaaa. WORD LIMIT: 3409 TAG MATCH - send to Zero_Cool Tom "Superior One" Flesher & Kojack vs. Z & Ced Ordonez -Flesher and Kojack pulled out wins, respectively, over Z & Ced Ordonez on Metal. Ced and Z aren't about to take this lying down, and here they come in a sure to be hot tag match! This should be an impressive display between three hot newbies and one rising vet... WORD LIMIT: 4499 STAIRWAY TO FUCK TV TITLE MATCH WITH A LADY ON THE LINE - send to HvilleThugg Shawn Brody © vs. Mike Van Siclen -Since the censor filters out H-E-L-L, I've replaced the gimmick with a more appropiate name. Brody set it up on Metal, and now it's MVS's job to see if he can knock it down. The match is for the TV title and Melissa, and it's the blow-off to a long-standing battle between these two TV contenders. You have to wonder if Brody has something planned here, and if he really cares about this belt as much as the damage he can do to MVS...but only time will tell. WORD LIMIT: 4818 SINGLES RE-MATCH - send to Zero_Cool Xero vs. Mafia -On Metal, these two were upended by brutal nutshots courtesy one amazing Jobber-Crusher, Mr. Galatea! Here's a chance for the two men to redeem themselves, with the possibility of great rewards in their futures... WORD LIMIT: 4320 DOUBLE MAIN EVENT - THE SWF CONTRACT TOURNAMENT FINALS! TWO OUT OF THREE FALLS MATCH FOR AN SWF CONTRACT - send to Suicide King Ash Ketchum vs. Lady Red -Ash Ketchum brought Annie Eclectic into the JL and into XF9, and she betrayed him to join Havoc. But Annie couldn't stay rooted for long there, either--the lovely little Judas has most recently sided with the Clan and become Lady Red. Tonight a long-standing rivalry comes to a conclusion, and the prize is greater than anything they've ever fought for before. DQs and count-outs are in effect, and the first wrestler to score two falls over his/her opponent is on their way to the big time... WORD LIMIT: 6501 LAST MAN STANDING MATCH FOR AN SWF CONTRACT - send to crusen86 K-Os © vs. Erek Taylor © -For one of these champions, a hot ticket to the SWF is on the way! K-Os, the reigning world champ and representative of the Clan, goes up against the most dominant European Champion in recent times, Erek Taylor, arguably the number two man in the company and a double champion with the Stables/Tag titles for a looooong time. There are no rules tonight: for the brutal innovator K-Os and the high-flying hot-shot Taylor, the only way to make that final leap to the SWF is to get your opponent down for the any means necessary. WORD LIMIT: 6501 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest crusen86 Report post Posted March 24, 2002 The SJL Crimson Logo appears on the screen. The camera spins around the arena, filming the wild crowd, as a massive amount of pyro and fireworks go off. I guess they saved up for the last show. The camera finally comes to rest on the announcers table. Axis is sitting in between Sacred, and Edwin. Sacred is wearing a punchbowl on his head. A loud “Axis” chant breaks out, delaying the opening comments. It finally dies down and Axis speaks. Axis: Hello everybody, welcome to Crimson. Were coming to you live on tape delay in the Adelaide Oval Arena, in my hometown Adelaid, Australia! (the crowd again erupts into a loud “Axis chant.) Edwin: Wow, they really love you here, Axis. I guess they don’t know you as well as I do. Zing! Sacred: Muhahahahahaha, this crowd is loud, but it is not evil. (begins singing) Rollercoaster! of Evil. Rollercoaster! of Evil, of Evil. Edwin: Shut up, you bloody fool. Axis: Gentlemen, come on. I am very much aware of the trouble between you to, but lets just put that aside tonight. We have a great show planned tonight, lets not let it get out shined by the Edwin, Sacred, theme music controversy. Look, Funyon’s ready with the introductions. Lets just call the match. (camera cuts to Funyon, ready with the mic.) Funyon: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Crimson. The following match will be a triple threat, and is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first weighing in at 300 lbs, and hailing from London, England . He is the Dark Reaperrrrrrrr. (Deep thuds sound out from the smarkspeakers, the thuds are evenly spaced out, the smarktron flickers to life as it shows a big man walking down a dark road, the thuds speed up as he gets closer to the camera. As you can just about make him out the thuds stop and the arena decends into darkness. the fimiliar voice of the Reaper stars to speak, "I'm Back", the sound of Control by Puddle of Mudd hits with it's great guitar riff and the light returns to the arena. The Reaper appears after two white pryo's are shot from the roof and hit the entreance. Reaper walks down to the ring and climbs in.) Funyon: And his opponent, weighing in at 244 lbs and hailing from Greenwich, Connecticut. He is Cutthroatttttt. (There is an instantaneous blackout with an electric sound and a pause. Then...a huge explosion fills the stage with enchanting light and the lights come back on and Cutthroat come out as Limb Bizkit's number one hit "My Way" flows through out eh arena. Cutthroat flips into the ring, jumps up onto the second rope with his arms up in the air. Then he tosses his orange unbuttoned shirt with a dragon design onto the turnbuckle and throws his sleek sunglasses into the crowd) Funyon: And their opponent, weighing in at 235 lbs, hailing from Louisville, Kentucky. He is “Deathwish” Danny Williamsssss. (The heavy grinding grooves of Dillinger Escape Plans "Calculating Infinity" blasts over the loud speakers. The titantron simply says Deathwish in white letters and follows that with highlights of Dannys Indie and New Japan Matches. Danny comes out on to the platform. He simply looks around, and shakes his head to a chorus of boos. He walks to the ring with a focused, no nonsense look on his face. He gets in the ring and just warms up.) Axis: Cutthroat has been in the ring with both of these men, and has met defeat at their hands. But the most brutal being his defeat by Deathwish. Edwin: Yes it was nice and brutal, as Deathwish stopped the obvious three count, to give Cutthroat more and more punishment. Sacred: It was brutal, but it wasn’t EVIL. Muhahahahhaha. (Ding! Ding! Ding!. All three men circle the ring with caution. They quickly turn their heads back and forth waiting to see who will make the first move. Out of nowhere Cutthroat charges Deathwish, but gets caught with an armdrag. Deathwish than runs at Reaper, but eats a boot to the face. The loud smack echoes through the arena, as the crowd “oh”s. Deathwish lays motionless on his back, as Reaper spots Cutthroat slowly getting up. Reaper charges him with a clothesline, but Cutthroat ducks it, spins around, and catches Reaper with a vicious Slice Kick. The impact knocks Reaper through the ropes and onto the apron. ) Axis: Cutthroat the much faster of the three, really using that to his advantage, here in the opening moments. Edwin: He just better hope, Reaper doesn’t connect with one of those big clotheslines tonight. Sacred: Cutthroat is fast, but he lacks the speed of pure true evil. Muhahahahahha. (Deathwish staggers to his feet holding his jaw. Cutthroat immediately springs towards him, and Irishwhips him into the ropes. Deathwish bounces off the ropes to the waiting Cutthroat. Cutthroat locks on a front waistlock, and slams him to the mat with a hard belly to belly suplex. Cutthroat covers for the pin. Kivel counts.) One.... Two...... (Deathwish kicks out, but is still unable to get up. Cutthroat rises to his knees, and argues with Kivell. The crowd gives a hudge pop, as Reaper climbs the top turnbuckle behind Cutthroat. Cutthroat gets to his feet and turns around, and gets caught with a flying clothesline from the big man. Reaper covers Cutthroat. Kivel counts.) One.... Two...... (Cutthroat kicks out! Reaper pulls him to his feet and sets him up for a suplex. Reaper lifts him in the air, but Cutthroat gets free and lands on his feet behind him. Cutthroat grabs Reaper’s arms and traps him. Deathwish now back on his feet, takes notice of the situation. Deathwish gives Reaper two kicks to his stomach, taking the wind out of the big man. Deathwish follows with a stinging knife edge chop. The crowd of course “Whooos”.) Axis: I was wrong, it looks like these two can work together. Edwin: They have a common enemy, who is much stronger them. Very smart move, some of Deathwish’s brains must of rubbed off on Cutthroat. Sacred: Two men may be able to match the power of the Dark Reaper. But two men can not match the power of the True Evil. (Deathwish chops away with about 5 more. Cutthroat walks the weaken Reaper to the center of the ring. Deathwish gets behind him with Cutthroat. They set Reaper up for a hudge double back drop suplex. Both men lift Reaper into the air and smash him into the mat, as camera lights flicker the ring. The ring shakes like there has been an earthquake.) Axis: That has to be the hardest back suplex, I’ve ever seen. Edwin: Our announce table is shaking. Sacred: You are only shaking, because you are in the presence of Pure Evil. (Deathwish and Cutthroat try to catch their breath and ponder what to do next. Deathwish points to the top turnbuckle and signals for Cutthroat to go up. Deathwish kneels by Reaper and holds him in place by his arms. The crowd gives a hudge pop as Cutthroat nods his head and climbs up top. Deathwish releases Reaper, turns around and shakes the ropes. Cutthroat loses his balance and get crouched The crowd “boos” as Deathwish walks toward Cutthroat and gives him a couple knife edge chops for good measure.) Axis: Well that alliance didn’t last long. Edwin: Yes, but who can resist crouching someone on the turnbuckle. Sacred: Turnbuckle crouches are truely evil. (Deathwish climbs the turnbuckle and pulls the crouched Cutthroat up top with him. Reaper rises to his feet and wisely just steps back, as Deathwish superplexs Cutthroat form the top rope. The ring shakes violently from the hard impact.) Edwin: A SUPERPLEX!! No way Cutthroat is gonna get up from that. Axis: But the move took a lot out of Deathwish too, and Reaper has fully recovered. Sacred: The Dark Reaper is strong, but he lacks the advantage of being Evil. Muhahahahahah. (Deathwish staggers to his feet and into the waiting arms of Reaper. Reaper grabs him by the throat with both hands, and lifts him over the top rope, dropping him to the floor. Reaper takes the opportunity to cover Cutthroat. Kivel counts.) One.... Two...... Thr (Cutthroat raises his shoulder. The crowd applauds the near fall. An angered Reaper, lifts up the lifeless Cutthroat, grabs him by the throat and throws him into a corner. Reaper goes to the cross corner, and gets ready to charge. The crowd knows what’s coming next, and makes a lot of noise. Reaper charges Cutthroat and spears.......the ring post. Cutthroat spins out of the way at the very last second. The Reaper hit so hard, he landed on the outside. With both men outside, Kivell begans counting. Fighting the pain, Cutthroat struggles to gain his composure. He climbs the turnbuckle, to the tope rope. He spots Deathwish staggering to his feet. Cutthroat dives from the top rope smashing Deathwish with a plancha. The crowd roars with approval. ) Edwin: A flying body press to the outside by Cutthroat. Axis(annoyed): You mean a plancha, there is a difference. Sacred: Rollercoaster! of Evil! Rollercoaster!........ (The impact took a lot out of Cutthroat, but he quickly gets to his feet and slides into the ring. He waits for Reaper who is just now starting to get up. Cutthroat runs to the other side of the ring, bounces off the ropes and comes charging back. Reaper now to his feet, spots Cutthroat charging, but its to late. Cutthroat dives over the tope rope, hitting Reaper with a plancha. The crowd again gives a hudge pop. Deathwish begins slowly getting up again. Cutthroat slides into the ring, and patiently waits for Deathwish to get to his feet. Deathwish staggers up, but Cutthroat springboards over the top rope and hits Deathwish with a body press. The crowd goes nuts applauding Cutthroat’s spotfest and a “Cutthroat” chant breaks out.) Axis: What a show Cutthroat is putting on for us, here tonight. Edwin: He won’t be able to keep this pace up for long. (Cutthroat slowly gets to his feet and slides in the ring. He briefly soaks up the cheers before taking notice to Reaper climbing to the apron. Cutthroat lets him in, and gets in a attack stance. Reaper slowly lumber toward him, holding his left shoulder. Cutthroat cracks him in the jaw with a Slice Punch. The crowd pops for the trademark move. A barely conscious Reaper falls in the corner. Cutthroat pulls him out, spins him around, and applies a front headlock. Cutthroat steps on two the second rope and sets Reaper up for the Final Cut. The excited crowd cheers, but Reaper comes to and gives Cutthroat a couple uppercuts to the ribs. Reaper grabs Cutthroat’s tights with his right arm. Reaper screams from the strain, as he lifts Cutthroat into the vertical suplex position, from the second rope with no leverage. The crowd applauds this awesome display of power. Reaper holds him like that for several seconds before dropping him sickly on his head with a brainbuster DDT.) Axis: What a counter from the final cut, to the brainbuster DDT. Just raw power from the Dark Reaper. Edwin: Thats the second time this week, he got a brainbuster for trying that move. Will he ever pull it off right. Sacred: No because, he lacks the power of true evil. Muhahahahahaha. (Reaper sets up holding his wounded shoulder, but is to exhausted and in to much pain to make the cover. Deathwish climbs the opposite turnbuckle to a chorus of “boos”. Reaper doesn’t notice and finally crawls on top of the laid out Cutthroat. Kivel counts. ) One... Two...... Thre...... (Deathwish comes from the top rope just in time, smashing an elbow into the back of Reaper’s neck. Deathwish pulls Reaper off, and covers Cutthroat himself. The crowd “boos” the heelish pin attempt. Kivel counts.) One... Two...... Thr........ (Cutthroat puts his foot on the rope. Deathwish goes into a rage, he leaps up and begans kicking Cutthroat repeatedly, until he rolls out of the ring. Deathwish turns his rage towards the floored Reaper. He grabs Reaper’s wounded left arm and slowly drags him to the center of the ring. Reaper grinds his teeth and screams, as his wounded arm is nearly pulled from the socket. Deathwish makes it to the center of the ring, and applies the headlock chickenwing. The crowd erupts with “boos”. Reaper has a lot of fight left in him and begans inching towards the ropes. Deathwish begans yelling “Quit!” over and over again. Reaper doesn’t give up and continues to inch his legs towards the rope. However, the pain begins to overwhelm him, and he reaches out his free arm and gets ready to tap.) Axis: Reaper really tore his shoulder up with that miss spear, earlier in the match. The pain has got to be excruciating while being trapped in that headlock chickenwing. Sacred: The headlock chickenwing is no match for the power of the evil punchbowl. (removes punchbowl from head and starts swinging it around at air) Scared Edwin? Edwin: You bloody idiot. The only reason I fell was because I tripped. Sacred: It was a delayed reaction........the pain was painful for your brain to register at first. (Cutthroat rises to his feet on the outside. He sees what’s happening and grabs Reaper’s leg and begans pulling it towards the ropes, and finally underneath the ropes. Kivel asks Deathwish to break the hold. Deathwish refuses, and keeps it locked on. Cutthroat slides into the ring, and pushes Kivel out of the way. Cutthroat gives a brutal soccer kick to Deathwish’s head. Deathwish still keeps the hold on. Cutthroat draws back and gives a second soccer kick. This time, Deathwish releases the hold. Reaper rolls out of the ring holding his damaged shoulder.) (Cutthroat pulls the stunned Deathwish to his feet and Irishwhips him into the ropes. Deathwish bounces off the ropes. Cutthroat leapfrogs over the returning Deathwish, and runs into the opposite ropes. As they pass each other, Deathwish extends his arm for clothesline, Cutthroat ducks. They both hit the ropes and come charging back towards each other. Cutthroat leaps into the air catching Deathwish with a spinning heel kick. The crowd pops. Cutthroat gives an emotional scream, as the crowd cheers. Cutthroat pulls up Deathwish and shoves him in a standing head scissors. Deathwish surprises Cutthroat by back dropping him off. But, Cutthroat grabs Deathwish’s legs and attempts to pull him down in a sunset flip. Deathwish tries to keep his balance, and reaches out his arms frantically, but all can find his air. Cutthroat pulls him down into the pin. The crowd cheers as Kivel counts.) One... Two...... (Deathwish gets free, rolls backwards on his knees, grabs both of Cutthroats legs, and does a front flip landing on Cutthroat for the cover. Kivel counts.) One.... Two....... (Cutthroat wraps his arms around Deathwish’s waist, and bridges both men back up to the standing position. Cutthroat puts Deathwish right back in a standing head scissors, this time hooking both his arms. The crowd goes nuts as Cutthroat lets out another emotional scream, and executes the Tiger Driver! Kivel counts.) One... Two...... Thre........ (Deathwish kicks out. The crowd gives a disappointing “Ahhhh”.) Edwin: Zing! and Deathwish pulls a Kawada. Axis: at this point, Cutthroat must be asking himself what more can you throw at the guy to put him away. Sacred: An evil punch bowl. (Cutthroat rises to his feet holding up three fingers at Kivell. The two argue, as Reaper slips back into the ring and sneaks up behind Cutthroat. Cutthroat hears the crowd pop, and spins around. Reaper grabs Cutthroat by the throat and slams him with the Death Bomb! Reaper drops his legs over Cutthroats arms and tries the pin. Kivel counts.) One.... Two...... Thre....... (Cutthroat somehow kicks out, to a big pop from the crowd.) Axis: Oh! so close, we were just centimeters away from ending this match. Edwin: No we wasn’t, that was the ending of the match. Kivel just gave Cutthroat a lucky break. (The move took a lot out of Reapers injured left shoulder. He still gets up, and drops a massive elbow with his good arm on the limp Cutthroat. Reaper again covers for the pin.) One... Two...... Thre....... (Cutthroat raises his arm. The crowd applauds his heroic effort.) Edwin: Another slow count. C’mon, Kivell let me in there, and I’ll show you how its done. Axis: Will you give Cutthroat some credit. This kid is showing so a lot of guts here tonight. Sacred: Who needs guts, when you can have evil. True, Pure, Evilllll! Muhahahahhahaha. (Reaper gets pissed, and rises to his feet. He notices Deathwish is getting up. Reaper bounces off the ropes and delivers a scissor kick to the back of his head. Reaper covers Deathwish.) One... Two...... Thre........ (Reaper jumps up, and holds his head in frustration.) Edwin: Now that was a good count, Kivell. My faith in your abilities is restored. Somewhat. Axis: It was the same speed as the last count. Sacred: Its not as fast as pure evil. Muahahahahah. Wait I already said that once tonight. (Reaper picks up the lifeless Deathwish and tosses him through the second ropes out of the ring. He turns around and sees Cutthroat moving. He drops a massive elbow on him, than a another, than a another, than a another, than a another.....) Axis: Reaper appears to be taken out his frustration on Cutthroat. My God, enough is enough. Edwin: Frustration? Sure he is being a little aggressive, but he is just trying to win the match. Sacred: He can drop all the elbows on him he wants. But, Reaper has by no means came even close to being evil. (Reaper finally stops the slaughter. Cutthroat looks dead, as Reaper rolls him over and hooks the leg. Kivell counts.) One... Two...... Thre........ (Again, Cutthroat kicks out in the nick of time. The crowd is loving it.) Edwin: Cutthroat has died and risen from the dead before my very eyes. Axis: Cutthroat may not have a win, but his courage and determination has won him the hearts of these fans. Sacred: But it will never win him the black heart of pure evil. Muahahahah. Edwin: I quit trying to make sense of your ramblings a long time ago. (Reaper is steaming, he paces around, kicks the bottom rope, and yells at somebody in the audience. Finally he lifts the lifeless Cutthroat up and puts him in a gut wrench position. The crowd knows what is next and erupts even louder. Reaper puts Cutthroat in the gutwrench, and lifts him in position for the Crucifix. But Reaper’s left arm gives, and Cutthroat rolls through and lands on his feet behind Reaper. He runs into the ropes and comes charging back, Reaper tries a clothesline, but its ducked. Cutthroat bounces off the opposite ropes and comes back nailing Reaper with a wheel kick. The momentum knocks Reaper into the ropes, and his arms get tied up.) Axis: Cutthroat has caught yet another luckly break. As the Dark Reaper has become entangled in the ropes. Edwin: CT better look up! Deathwish is perched on the turnbuckle like an eagle waiting to strike. Axis: Edwin, I quit trying to make sense of your ramblings a long time ago. too. Sacred: Muahahahhahahahaha. (Cutthroat gets to his feet, not seeing Deathwish perched on a top turnbuckle behind him. Most of the crowd was so into the in ring action they didn’t even seem him climb up. Cutthroat turns around and eats a missile dropkick to the face. Deathwish does a kick up, and gives a taunting stare at the trapped Reaper. Reaper struggles to get free, but he can’t get untangled. The crowd “boos” as Deathwish breaks their hearts. He scoops up Cutthroat, and delivers a neck snapping jumping tombstone! He covers Cutthroat. Kivel counts.) One.... Two....... Three! DING! DING! DING! Edwin: Once again, Deathwish proves brains are better than ability. Axis: Cutthroat again comes up short in yet another heartbreaking defeat, but the Reaper has to be experiencing the most frustration from this loss. He came within inches of winning several times. Sacred: You know why neither man won? Edwin(sarcastic): No? Sacred: Because they lack the power of true evil. Only I am evil. Deathwish may have been a little evil tonight. But I am.......Eviler. Axis: Is that even a word? Sacred: Yes! A very evil word. (Reaper finally gets free, and makes a charge. But Deathwish just rolls out of the ring, and calmly walks back to the locker room. After a about a minute, a frustrated Reaper gathers himself and leaves to a modest applause. Cutthroat struggles to his feet, as the crowd rewards his latest effort, with another “Cutthroat” chant. He climbs to the second turnbuckle, raises his arms, and proudly walks back to the lockerroom.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest crusen86 Report post Posted March 24, 2002 The lights dim after the end of a match and “Darkest Days” emanates from the speakers. The song drifts through the fans as they turn to the entranceway, the last competitors heading to the back on the way next to the ramp, unseen in the darkness. Boos and insults start up as the fans eye the stage, throwing trash as they wait... waiting for what does not come. Then song starts to die out as Edwin starts in. “I don’t know,” he ponders. “The Fallen Angle isn’t scheduled to come out just yet. His match is later tonight folks.” Just then the blank Smarks Tron comes to life, showing the Fallen Angel, Tom Flesher and Melissa at his sides. Angel is in his ring attire with his glistening Television Title around his waist, poking out from his black robe. Flesher sports his common jeans and t-shirt with the signature Doc Martens off screen. He is beaming as always, but in contrast, Melissa looks like an emotional wreck. She is in a short black skirt with a matching top. Her mascara is running a little at the corner of her visibly distraught eyes, still beautiful even after the dried tears. Brody holds up a mic and starts in over the loud boos and jeers... “It all comes down to tonight...” The Angel’s calm voice pierces the loud hatred of the fans and they soon quiet down to hear. “In one corner, we have the challenger Mike Van Siclen, a gullible fool who’s out of his league.” The Angel smirks, quieting the rising boos back down before he continues. “What is it going to take, Siclen? I’ve taken your title, your woman...” he pauses, eyeing Melissa beside him with a sadist’s grin and then looks back at the camera. “...and now it seems as if I’ll have to take your health.” He finishes his sentence by slitting his throat with the thumb of his free hand. “You seen first hand what I can do what I get my hands on barbed wire and that reminds me, how is your neck?” The camera shows Flesher rubbing his throat with one hand, an “Oooohg” look on his face as he remembers the past events. “You see Siclen, you can count your losses and give up now or you can pursue your hopeless attempt at getting Melissa back. She’s with me now, and she’ll learn to like it.” With that, Melissa tries to pull away but the Angel’s drip doesn’t falter. “Don’t even think about it. You’ll just have to wait for ‘your man’ to come and save you... but he won’t. He’ll try but he’ll come up short once more, losing not only his chance at the title but you.” Melissa defiantly shakes her head form side to side and mouths a few words that aren’t caught on sound, but she’s obviously rooting for MVS anyway. “Don’t worry Melissa...” She watches the Angel guide his hand to her brow and brush a few strands of head back from her eyes. “You’re probably better off with me. You really think Siclen values you over this strap? C’mon, Melissa, you’re smarter than that.” She still defies him, not trying to listen. Brody passes the mic to the eager Tom Flesher who accepts and stands, showing the Angel up for charisma. “Well, Shawn, it goes a little something like this. It's me and Kojack up against Ced Ordonez and Z. Kojack... he's a tough guy, and I'm glad that if I've gotta have someone in my corner it's him... but I can do this all night. I'm in great shape, Shawn. I can take out Ordonez any day of the week, and as for Z... well, you saw what I did to him.” Brody nods, looking preoccupied. “On to more important things... namely, Danny Williams. Danny, you know what happened the last time we met. I bet your head's still ringing from the Boilermaker I gave you. At least, it would be if you weren't nuking it with Vicodin you swiped from Cutthroat, your undercard buddy. You want another match, Danny? You want to get back in the ring with me, the Duke of the Driver, the Sultan of Submission, the Superior One? Danny, if that's REALLY what you want... sure. I'll let you get back into the ring with me. But you better get all your prescriptions refilled, and forge a few more just for good measure. Numb yourself up real good before you hit the ring, Danny. You won't be able to hear the fans cheering for me, and you won't be able to feel your head hitting the ground when I hit you with the Boilermaker to silence you once and for all.” Flesher flashes a final smirk as he hands the mic back to the Angel. “So this is how it must be,” he starts. “You, me a fifteen foot ladder and a couple feet of barbed wire hung twenty feet above the ring.” He looks to the ceiling and back to the camera. “I’m still giving you the chance, but I know you’re too stubborn to back out now and not with Melissa, and more importantly to you, the title will also be on the line.” Melissa eyes him with anger, but he continues, now gesturing to the belt. “There it is, everything out on the line. Will Van Siclen be triumphant and win it all or...” The Angel eyes Melissa and starts to chuckle, frightening her a bit as they fade out on the Smarks Tron screen. “I don’t like the look of this, Edwin.” “I AM EEEEEEEEEEEEVIL!!!” The feed fades out and Axis and Edwin can tell Sacred to shut up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest crusen86 Report post Posted March 24, 2002 (Notes: Just for reference, Z and Ced are in the left corner from the entrance, closest to the entrance. Kojack and Flesher are in the right corner from the entrance, furthest from the entrance.) …And we’re back! The overhead camera from the BadYear™ blimp gives a fantastic view of the Adelaide Oval, sight of this weeks Crimson! The camera cuts inside the big, doughnut-y-looking thing, swirling around the just JACKED crowd. Halting its spiral, the camera focuses on the announcers’ table, hosted by Edwin MacPhisto, Axis, and special guest commentator Sacred! The crowd is, of course, engaging in dueling “Axis!” and “Sacred!” chants. Axis: The heat of the outback is nothing compared to the crowd packing the Oval tonight! We are LIVE from the sold out Oval in Adelaide, Australia! I am joined, as always, by the ‘Panda Wrangler’ himself, Edwin MacPhisto! Edwin: Oi! How’s the onion, mates? Axis: Edwin… that’s not— Edwin: Hey, Biznaiiiiich! You messin’ with my ish, yo? Axis: Edwin, that’s not even Aus- (Edwin ‘hmphs’ loudly, and shows Axis his palm.) Axis(sighs): And to my right, joining us for commentary this evening, is… Kefka! Sacred: Uwehehehehehe! What an EVIL hometown crowd this is, cheering louder for YOU than I, Axis! Do they not know that EVIL should always be celebrated?! Axis(resigned): I doubt it, Sacred. Sacred: Bah, what do you know anyway? Edwin: Our next match is a direct result of the decisions on Metal. Kojack had Ced Ordonez submit to the Torque, while Tom Flesher tablefied Z. In a ray of brilliance, I booked this match for… REDEMPTION! GWA’ FWAHAHAHAHAHAAA! Axis: Jeez, now there’s two of them… Edwin: Anyway, I smushed Z and Ced, Tom and Kojack, like the play-doh they are in my hands, into teams for this match. It should be tag-o-riffic. Tagtastic, even. Maybe even tagtacular! Scrumptagilliumptious! Supercallatagtileisticecpe— Axis: Okay, Edwin, I think the audience gets it. I think Funyon’s ready, anyway. Funyon: The following match, scheduled for one fall, is a TAG-TEAM MATCH! Introducing first… “Uh…!” Axis: What in…? “Unh!” Funyon: At a combined weight of 453 pounds… “WHOO!” Funyon: ‘The Superior One’ Tom Flesher and KOOOOJACK!! “Y’all gon’ make me lose my mind, up in HERE!” On cue with the lyrics, an explosion of pyrotechnics at the top of the ramp reveals Tom Flesher and Kojack, striding from the gorilla area, both sporting the sort of grin that makes one want to walk up to them and slap it off. Axis: Well, Kojack and Flesher enter using the American Wild Sides’ old music. I have to think that’s almost mocking Mike Van Siclen; it’s almost as if Kojack’s thinks he’s… replaced him, or something. Edwin: Hey, why not? Worked for Y2Chris. Axis: Don’t *ever* mention that name again. The hail of jeers seems lost on both men, as they play them up as if they were cheers, which only seems to further the crowd’s rancor. The two men strut down the ramp, as the hardcore rhythms of DMXs’ ‘Party Up’ funk on. Flesher and Kojack slide under the bottom rope, as Funyon retreats to safer ground. Kojack wanders into one of the corners, leaning back against it as Flesher drops to his knees in the centre of the ring, bathing in the crowd. Sacred: How EVIL can these two be, using music like that? Even the Midnight Carnival’s music is better! Edwin: Don’t start that again, Sacred… Funyon: And their opponents… “Esaka?” kicks across the sound system as the crowd gives an EXPLOSIVE pop! The main drum beat picks up as the crowd claps along, and Ced Ordonez appears at the top of the ramp, a meek Z following thereafter. Funyon: At a combined weight of 320 pounds… Ced ORDONEZ and Z!! Ced waves Z along, before running down the ramp, full steam ahead. Z follows suit, unfortunately forgetting to account for the grills in the steel rampway, ALPHABET CHARGE rapidly tuns into ALPHABET TRIP, as he tumbles down the ramp! Edwin: Look, Z just did his Gerald Ford impression! Ignoring Z’s predicament, or maybe just not noticing, Ced jumps onto the apron, and over the ropes, as Matthew Kivell signals the timekeeper. **Ding!Ding!Ding!** Axis: Well, with Z, erm, down, it looks like Ced is going to be on his own for a while. Sacred: Heh! Truly, Flesher and Kojack are evil! I am in awe at their brilliance. Axis: What do you mean ‘brilliance’? Z tripped! Sacred: You don’t think they plotted that? They accounted for one thing in this match, evil would triumph because GOOD… is STUPID! Muahahahahahah! Kojack walks from his corner, staring down Ced as Tom Flesher exits to the ring apron. Realizing that there Z is nowhere to be found, Ced reluctantly takes arms with Kojack, garnering a collar and elbow tie up. Breaking it quickly, Kojack seizes Ced in a headlock, before spinning clockwise, getting another with his other arm. He spins again, grabbing Ced’s arm for a hammerlock. Ced stumbles around in pain for a moment, before nabbing Kojack’s arm with his free one, turning and reversing the hammerlock. Axis: Nice little bit from there two. I don’t think that Kojack wants to get into a *wrestling* match with Ced, he has an obvious skill advantage. Edwin: He shouldn’t want to wrestle him? How else are they going to settle this? Have booty boogie disco dance off? Axis: Thanks, Edwin. The idea of seeing Kojack in hotpants is enough to flatline my libido. Besides, ‘booty boogie’ is Sacred’s job, you should have seen him in high school. Sacred: Hey! ‘Gah!’ing, Kojack looks for a way to reverse the hammerlock, before reaching down and pulling one of Ced’s legs from under him, sending him thudding to the mat. With his free leg, Ced gives Kojack a solid kick in the back, shoving him headlong into the ropes. Jumping to his feet, Ced turns to the rebounding Kojack, locking his arm under Kojack’s and attempting to hiptoss him. Ced struggles with Kojack’s weight, before Kojack spins, reversing the hiptoss and attempting one of his own. Ced leans back, as Kojack strains to get him up. Quickly, Kojack pokes Ced in the eyes, doubling him over, and puts his leg across Ced’s neck, trying for a Fameasser! Abruptly, Ced stands up, sending Kojack in a total flip! Nabbing Kojack’s wrist, Ced pulls him towards himself, creaming him in the schnoz with a balled fist. Kojack scrambles to his feet, and is thrown to the ropes by Ced. Dropping to the ground, Kojack rebounds and jumps over Ced, before he gets off of the ground and runs off the ropes himself. Axis: Ced and Kojack run at each other, with Ced leapfrogging Kojack. Their off the ropes again, and Ced ducks under a hasty clothesline! Edwin: Ced comes off the ropes a third time, and gets Kojack with a cross body block! One! Two! He got him! … No, no he didn’t… Axis(Sour): Thanks, Vince. Ced rolls off of Kojack, getting to his feet. Kojack only rises to knees, before cracking a southpaw to Ced’s midsection. Taking the doubled-over Ced in a front facelock, he throws his arm over his shoulder aiming for a textbook vertical suplex. Kojack lifts Ced into the air… and Ced flips out! Kojack falters a moment, his equilibrium thrown out, and Ced takes advantage, running off the ropes and delivering a kneesmash to Kojack’s back. Kojack lurches forward, before Ced dropkicks him in the knee, dropping him to one leg. Axis: Looks like Ced is going to rely on his usual joint based offence. Sacred: Psychology is EVIL. Especially the rat bastards that make me stay in those stupid padded rooms. Axis: Those are *psychiatrists*. Sacred(ignoring him): Though I did like those pills they gave me… Ah… Before Kojack can do anything else, Ced delivers another dropkick to his other knee, just to be a prick. With Kojack face flat, Ced seizes one of his legs, slapping on an inverted kneebar! Before Ced can really start wrenching on him, though, Kojack dives to the ropes. Axis: No luck. Edwin: Hey, looks who’s awake! At Edwin’s comment, the camera cuts to see Z, having recovered from his fall, and shuffling to the corner furthest from where Tom Flesher is standing. Meanwhile, with the hold broken, Kojack pulls himself to his feet, with the assistance of the ropes. Not wasting any time, Ced immediately yanks Kojack’s arm throwing him to his own corner… but Kojack reverses! Ced is flung at the turnbuckle with amazing force, screaming as he crashes sternum first! As he recoils near the ropes, Flesher takes advantage, sprinting down the apron and throwing his arm over the ropes, clotheslining Ced! Sacred: Mwahahaha! Flesher is evil! …Though, not too evil, as he spends more time on his hair then doing evil deeds. Unless he uses hairspray with PCB’s which is evil, which would mean doing his hair is an evil deed! Hahahahaha! Axis(rolls eyes): Right. Well, Kojack gives Tom a tap for the first tag of the match. As Flesher steps into the ring, Kojack pulls back Ced’s arm, allowing Flesher to get several choice shots to his abdomen. Slipping his arm under Ced’s and around his back, Flesher pulls him over, landing on top in a judo-ish throw. Flesher takes a step back, and drops a solid elbow into Ced’s chest. Ced rolls and clutches his sternum in pain, but is rolled back onto his back, as Flesher drops a second elbow. Axis: Flesher really concentrating on Ced’s chest, after that awesome irish whip reversal by Kojack. Edwin: Normally, I’d question that, seeing as it was *leg* submission that Ced submitted to in the last match. But, seeing the beating Ced took in the no-DQ match, he probably hurts *everywhere* so it might not matter. Axis: Informative commentary… from you? Surely, this is a sign of the apocalypse. Edwin: Mm, maybe. And don’t call me Shirley… Flesher mounts Ced’s chest, taking a moment to select a few poses for the crowd to enjoy. Naturally, this only raises the crowd’s ire, but Tom doesn’t notice. He blows a kiss to a cute girl in the front row, before giving a last lave to the jeering audience, before balling his fists and bringing them down on Ced’s chest! The crowd boos furiously, but Flesher continues to viciously punch Ordonez in the chest. Finally satisfied, Flesher stands up from Ced, as he rolls around the canvas in obvious agony. Flesher strikes a few more poses, before the seething crowd boils over… “Flesher takes it up the ass!! Flesher takes it UP THE ASS!!” Axis(chuckles): An… imaginative crowd chant from the Aussie crowd. Edwin: Ah, so *this* is what they mean by ‘thunder down under’. Sacred: No, Edwin that’s you after too many Taco Supremes. Heh, heh, heh! Flesher, for the first time actually hearing the crowd’s anger, stops posing with a wide mouth gape, and *recoils*, staggering backward and tripping over Ced. Flesher rolls backward onto his knees, before shaking his head and mumbling something about a ‘stupid, backwards penal colony’. Getting to his feet, Tom yanks Ced up by his hair. He gives him a solid palm blow to the chest –for good measure- and tosses Ced toward his own corner… and Ced leans back, reversing and sending him hurtling towards Z! Said letter is leaning against the ropes, his face buried in his hands not wanting to watch Ced’s beating. At Ced’s cry of ‘look out!’ Z raises his head… and sees Tom Flesher barreling at him! Before he can do anything, Flesher bounces off of the ropes, sending him soaring from the apron and into the STEEL rail! He crashes into it, flipping over and onto the laps of the first row. Axis: Good lord! Edwin: Z just got thrown into the first row! Literally! Sacred: What a diabolically EVIL move! Again, Flesher shows his genius! Kyahahahahaha! Axis: Is that *all* you ever do? Again, not really noticing Z’s predicament, Ced continues, telegraphing a backdrop. He grabs Flesher, tossing him behind himself and bridging for a pin! One! Two—No! Flesher bridges up, arching himself off the mat. He continues to push up, grabbing Ced by the waist. Finally, Flesher turns Ced around, stands full upright, and lock Ced in a standing legscissors! He moves his hands from Ced’s waist to under his arms, and pulls him and turns simultaneously, dropping to his knees for a… Axis: Backslide pin! One! Two! No! Ced rolls backwards, tackles Flesher and grabs his legs for a jackknife! …And another two count! Flesher pulls his legs free and tucks them under Ced’s arms, rolling backward for an inverted prawn hold! Edwin: Barley a one count! Ced carries Flesher’s momentum and counters with ANOTHER inverted prawn hold! One… Two… Kick out! WOW, what a clinic! Sacred: Chain wrestling almost as EVIL as mine. I approve. Axis: Both men are scattered in the ring, catching a breather. Tom rises to one knee, banging the mat frustratedly. He stalks over to the lying body of Ced, who has yet to recover. Pulling Ced to his feet, Flesher shoves him roughly into a neutral corner, before climbing onto the second rope. But he stops… to flex. Axis: Looks like Flesher’s going for a mounted punch, here. Edwin: After he’s done being Lex Luger, anyway. Axis: You’d think he’d learn about posing, considering what happened last match. Edwin: Yeeeeees… (he sniggers in remembrance) you might think so. Sacred: Ugh, you two are boring. Maybe I should be doing play-by-play for this. Edwin: Hey! I thin— “Heave… HO!” Axis: What the-? As Flesher continues to pose, the crowd interrupts a pending announcer argument by getting together and tossing Z back over the steel rail and back to the outside! Edwin: Hey, that’s the kind of crowd I like to see! Rallying in support of Z! Axis: They tossed him out like garbage, Edwin! Edwin: Nonsense, Axis! Their urging him on, telling him to get up and go! (Axis sighs) Flesher finishes with his posing, and looks down at Ced. He brings back his hand, readying one of his big open handed, Austin-ish punches. Flesher brings his hand down with all the force he can hand hits… NOTHING! At the last minute, Ced jerks downward, avoiding Flesher’s blow! Grabbing Flesher around the thighs, Ced picks him up and walks forward a little, struggling with his weight a bit. Finally, Ced falls back, dropping Flesher face firs on the turnbuckle with a malicious Hot Shot! Flesher spins on his heel, before slumping against the turnbuckle, holding his nose in pain. Ced gives him no time to recover, as he shoves Tom’s arms form his nose, and unleashes a wicked knife edged chop! A loud ‘Whooo!’ echoes around the arena, only increasing in volume when Ordonez does in a second time! A third! Ced gives Flesher a fourth and final chop, before he stumbles from the turnbuckle and along the ropes. Axis: Somewhere, Ric Flair is smiling. Edwin: Smiling?! Somewhere, he’s grinning like Alice Cooper while he’s boiling kittens! Those were SWANK~! I swear they echoed from here to Murmansk! Sacred: Alice Cooper? Muahahahah… If the Carnivals theme music is any indication, it figures you would have a miserable taste in music. Edwin: Well, at least my most prized music possession isn’t a collection of Def Leppard albums. Sacred: What’d you say?! Edwin: Oh-HO! DISS! All your Aussie are belong to EDWIN! Sacred: What! How dare you quote something more evil than I! Why I oughta…! Axis: STOP IT! If I have to Factor Bomb you two… (Edwin and Sacred grumble and glower at each other.) As the announcers argue, Ced, full head of steam, seizes Flesher’s arm throwing him in an irish whip, Flesher even in his fog of pain, grabs Ced with his other arm and digs his feet into the canvas, pulling back with all the strength his flyweight body can muster. He reverses the irish whip, before toppling to a knee, catching his breath. Seeing Ced coming at him, Kojack knees Ced through the ropes just as he bounces off of them. Ced totters forward in pain, before a barley recovered Flesher limps in his direction… Axis: Flesher winds his leg around Ordonez’s, going behind him and pulling his arm back for an abdominal stretch! Edwin: Remember Ced’s sore chest? Flesher does! Matty K kneels next to Ced, asking him if he wishes to give up, and Ced replies with a gruff ‘No!’. Taking note of Kivell’s distracted state, Flesher extends his free arm back to Kojack, who takes it with both hands and pulls back, giving Flesher extreme extra leverage. The crowd responds by getting ugly, jeering Kojack and Tom, but mostly yelling at Matty K to look up. Kivell doesn’t seem to hear them, however, as he ask again if Ced wishes to quit, this time getting a pained shake of Ced’s head. Axis: Well, you could say Kojack and Flesher are doing a bit of ‘rooking’ in the human chess game of professional wrestling. Though, I have to wonder why we hire deaf referees… Sacred: Muahahahaha! Human resources are EVIL, and thus my department! Edwin: *I* run the JL, you Australian, ho. Do you honestly think I’d hire someone as mentally unstable as you? Axis: True. Edwin’s insane enough on his own. Edwin: Axis, if I have to rip my Adams Apple out and throw it at you I—HEY, MY PANDA! At Edwin’s yelp, the camera cuts from Tome Flesher’s stretch on Ced, to Z, who has picked himself and his dignity off of the floor, walks by the announcers table and grabs the stuffed panda off of the corner. Ignoring Edwin’s protests, he makes a B-line to Kojack. Coming up behind Kojack, Z grabs his tights, yanking him down to the floor (and throwing Flesher off balance in the ring, causing him to break the hold.) Kojack turns to regard Z, and blinks… Before fore getting brained with a Panda Punch!™ Kojack staggers backward into the steel steps with a ‘clang!’, as Z tosses the panda behind him. Edwin: Ling Ling! I’ll save you! (Edwin takes a flying leap after the panda) Axis: What a *punch*. What in blue blazes am I supposed call that? Sacred: You’re asking me? I deal in vile, cruel evil. Not fluffy, pink evil. Quickly recovering, (he got hit by a plush toy, afterall) Kojack lurches toward Z, murder in his eyes. Actually realizing what he’s done, Z slowly begins to back away. But Kojack breaks into a sudden rush, leaping forward and attempting to lariat Z… which he easily ducks! Kojack crashes into the timekeeper’s table, yelling an obscenity. He pivots to look at Z, who blows a raspberry at him. Kojack lets out a roar of rage, reaching over and ripping the ringbell from it’s place. He charges Z, who backs against the ring apron, and sidesteps the stampeding Kojack, who goes gut first into the ring apron, tossing the ringbell just into the ring, and getting the wind knocked from him. Seeing his only chance, Z grasps Kojack in a reverse headlock, running along the apron and washing Kojack’s face, before bulldogging him into the metal pole! Axis: Z, opportunistic as ever, actually *takes advantage* of Kojack! I’m in shock here, folks. (Edwin retakes his seat.) Dusting off his hands, Z clambers onto the ring apron, walking to his corner. Clutching his face, Kojack follows suit, sulking to his own. While all this has gone on, Flesher and have engaged in dueling chinlocks. As Flesher tightens his grip on Ced’s neck, Ced reaches behind himself, pulling Tom over in a snapmare. Tom lands on his derrière, as Ced takes a step back, then jumps forward, grabbing Tom’s neck while somersaulting and snapping it forward. Tom rolls back in pain, and Ced collapses, exhausted. Sacred: Ordonez with his EVIL… uh… Thingamajig. You know, the whatchamacallit. Axis: Here, sacred makes use of his extensive knowledge of the JL, clearly gathered through meticulous research. Sacred(Acidic): Shut up. Leaning over the ropes, Z yells some word of encouragement at Ced, before standing on the bottom and clapping rhythmically. The crowd comes alive, beginning an ‘OR-DON-EZ! OR-DON-EZ!’ chant. Flesher and Ced claw towards their own corners, tag partners eager to relieve them. Still standing on the bottom ropes, Z leans as far as he can, straining to reach out his hand. Ced and Flesher inch closer… and closer… before, at virtually the same second, they lunge forward, connect with their partners hands with a ‘Smack!’ Edwin: Hot Tag! Hot Tag! Hot Tag! The crowd explodes into cheers, as Z bounds off the bottom rope and over the top! Kojack steps through the second rope, and easily ducks a hasty clothesline by Z. Skidding to a stop and circling, Z cracks Kojack across the face with several quick overhand punches! Flesher, having pulled himself to his feet with the ropes, shakes the cobwebs out and lets loose with a palm blow… which Z blocks with his forearm! Snatching Tom’s by his hair, Z brings an elbow down on his forehead. Flesher staggers back, turning around, and Z delivers a soccer kick to his ass! Z gets a tremendous ovation as Flesher topples through the ropes! Edwin: Someone said ‘let’s go!’ Flesher asked ‘where?’ and Z ass-ered the question. Bahahahaha! Axis: Sigh. Spinning to scamper away from one of Kojack’s huge right hands, Z belts Kojack with a stiff back elbow to his stomach. Whipping him to his own corner, Z charges after him, scoring the dreaded BUTTBUTT. Kojack limps from the turnbuckle, out of breath. Not getting any time to catch it, as Z kicks Kojack in the gut, before underhooking both of his arms and face-planting him with a double arm DDT! Axis: I… can’t believe I’m saying this, but Z’s is just dominating! Edwin: He’s a house of fire! Ced, now recovered, climbs up to the top, garnering Z’s attention with a sharp whistle. He gives some quick hand motions, as Z nods in understanding. On, the mat, Kojack sees this out of the corner of his eye… and as Ced prepares himself on the top rope, Z turns back to Kojack, and is tackled in the legs, inadvertently hitting the top rope, sending Ced dropping to an… unhealthy position. Axis: Good lord! The turnbuckle just kicked a field goal with Ordonez’s testes! Yow! Edwin: Galatea Special! Erm… not that he meant to. Referee Matthew Kivell attends to Ced, helping him back up and urging back to the apron. Seeing an advantage, Kojack nods to Tom, who enters the ring and has Z served to him. Tom jogs forward a few steps, before leveling Z with a Yakuza kick! Edwin: Festival of the boot, baby! Sacred: House of fire, hmm? More like house of cards. Axis: This is one of Flesher’s signature moves, he only does this when he’s getting serious! With Matty K still occupied, Kojack and Flesher have one more discussion, before Kojack nods with a grin. Flesher locks in a front face lock as Kojack grabs hold of Z’s legs. In the blink of an eye, Flesher falls back for a DDT and Kojack drives Z’s legs down! Z’s head connects with the mat with a sickening ‘thud’. Axis: BARETTA DRIVER! BARETTA DRIVER! That’s one of the AWS’s old moves! Edwin: Moves, music, hmmm… Sacred: Ah yes, an EVIL conspiracy. Flesher and Kojack exchange a quick handshake, before Flesher retreats to the apron. Getting down onto his back, Kojack lays across Z’s chest, folding his arms behind his head. With a few stomps from the heel of his boot, Kojack gets the attention of Kivell, who slides across the ring for the count. One! Axis: Please… Have some sense of decency, Kojack! Two! Axis: Come on, Z, kick out! Three—NO!! Axis: Z kicked out! I don’t believe it! Edwin: Whether the toughness of Z, the sloppy cover, or the sheer force of his luck, he kicked out! Kojack is jolted out of his position on the mat, looking stunned. He looks at Z, who crawls to the ropes, trying to pick himself up. Kojack uneasily gets to his staring at the man as he slumps into a corner, the look on his face reading “ Just what the #### ARE you?” Before Kojack can do anything more, Z leaps from his corner, ducking under a sloppy Kojack clothesline. He skids, spinning himself around, before thrusting his leg forward into Kojack’s chin! Axis: Blizzard of Oz! That’s Z’s finisher! Kojack’s head snaps back, before he collapses to the ground. Z does the same, falling to his knees, and propping himself up with one hand. Axis: Can Z do it!? Can he get the pin? Edwin: Listen to the crowd, they want him to! The crowd’s electric “LET’S GO Z!” calls across the Adelaide Oval. Hand over hand, Z crawls to the seemingly unconscious Kojack. With all the effort he can muster, falls onto him hooking the leg. The crowd chants along with Kivell’s hand ONE! TWO! THRE—NOOOO!! Desperate, Tom Flesher slingshots himself across the ring, getting a flying headbutt on Z’s chest! Seeing it slip away, Ced dives into the ring, throwing as many punches as he can on Flesher backing him to the ropes! Ced rears back, and dives at Flesher with a clothesline, sending them both over the ropes! Axis: This is degenerating into chaos! Sacred: EVIL chaos, Muahahahah! As Ced and Flesher brawl on the outside, Z gets up on wobbly legs, staggering to the turnbuckle. He steps between the ropes, climbing up on the outside. He quickly looks at still unmoving Kojack. Taking a deep breath, Z jumps and turns, soaring off the top-rope with his Shotgun Moonsault! Without warning, Kojack pops up, grabbing Kivell and pulling him in the path of the backflip! Axis: He was playing possum! Edwin: With all the acting rage of Keanu Reeves! Sacred: Ughhh… and aura of EVIL even more powerful than mine! Z crashes into Kivell, completely unknowing. As Z recovers, Kojack runs for the ring bell throw into the match ealier. Z pathetically attempts to wake up Kivell, before Kojack’s ‘Yo!’ makes him turn his head… to see Kojack charging him with ringbell in hand! Kojack leaps forward, ringing the bell off Z! On the outside, Ced senses the state of emergency. Quickly, he pulls Flesher to him with a shortarm, and ties him left leg up with his own, pulling it out with a Russian Legsweep! Ced slides into the ring, taking a stance. Kojack turns to regard him, clutching the ringbell. Edwin: Uh-Oh. Axis: This might not have been a good idea on Ced’s part… Sacred: Hahahaha! Only good must lose to win! Before anything can happen, Tom Flesher jumps on the apron, leaning over and locking Ced in a full-nelson! Kojack smirks at Ced as he struggles, sizing him up for the ringbell. Making a decision, Kojack runs forward, and time slows down. With a moment to spare, Ced back kicks Tom in the shin, loosening his grip! Ced rolls away. Tom blanches. Kojack brings the bell down with full force on Flesher’s head, resulting in the most satisfying ding ever heard. Axis: Flesher!! Kojack K-Oed Flesher!! Edwin: Look at Ced! Kojack looks at the out-of-it Flesher, before turning around… and getting caught by Ced! Sizing him up the entire time, Ced spins Kojack around, holding him in the S.T.O. position. He kicks his leg out, sweeping out Kojack’s and slamming him to the gound with the Final Surge! The crowd pops huge! Not skipping a beat, he walks over to the unconscious Z, pulling him over onto Kojack. Through a haze, Matty K begins the count, as the crowd chants along once more… ONE! TWO!! THREE!!! **Ding!Ding!Ding!** Axis: Again! Z stole a match AGAIN! Edwin: And he wasn’t even conscious! Funyon: The winners of this bout… Z and Ced Ordonez!! The crowd gives another massive cheer, and Faith No More’s ‘Epic’ Funks up. Gleefully, Ced pulls the semi-awake Z to his feet, raising his arm to an even louder cheer! Axis: Next up, Van Siclen/Brody comes to a head in a sure to be brutal match! Don’t go away! The scene fades to commercial with a shot of the cheering crowd, and one of Edwin holding out his hand and Sacred reluctantly handing a small amount of cash over. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest crusen86 Report post Posted March 24, 2002 The SmarkTron comes to life once more, showing the mug of Mike Van Siclen, who stands backstage next to everyone's favorite secondary interviewer, Nervous Sheep. Sheep looks at the camera and flashes a smile, raising the mic to his lips before speaking. "(Sheep) Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here with Mike Van Siclen, who will momentarily be going one-on-one with the Fallen Angel, Shawn Brody. Mike, we just saw Shawn Brody, and we'd like to know… what do you think of what he said?" Mike looks at Sheep, who holds the microphone in front of his face. Smiling, Mike begins to speak. "(Mike) What do I think of what Shawn Brody said? Well, Shawn Brody said I could walk away from this match in good health, before saying he knew I was too stubborn to do so. He's #### right. Shawn Brody says it is hopeless for me to try to beat him in a Stairway to Fuck match. It is hopeless for me to get back not only, the love of my life, but also the title, the Television Title. Those are the two things… that mean the most to me. Melissa… she is the one, Sheep. Have you ever felt that way, Sheep?" "(Sheep) Sorry, Mike, I can't say that I have." "(Mike, after a sigh) ####, Sheep, you really don't know what you're missing… but I… I know that there's something missing… something that is mine, something to which I belong as well… and that is Melissa. I would do anything… anything… to get her back… so if he says it's hopeless for me to try? If he wants to say that I have no chance, that he'll beat me so easy? He better not underestimate me, Sheep, because I'm bringing my A game tonight…" Mike looks to the camera as he continues, a focused look on his face. "(Mike) I have never met someone, ever, in my life, that I have respected more than I respect Shawn Brody. He has beaten me two straight times. That takes some talent. He took my girl. He took my title. And he took… no… he stole my pride." Mike looks back at Sheep, locking eyes. "(Mike) ...and tonight, I plan on getting everything back." With that, the interview ends and Mike heads down the hall. "Runaway," Van Siclen's theme music, picks up over the speakers as the SmarkTron fades to black and Axis speaks. "(Axis) And folks, coming up next, it's Mike Van Siclen and Shawn Brody in a Stairway to Fuck for the Television Title! Stay tuned!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest crusen86 Report post Posted March 24, 2002 “Welcome back to another addition of SJL Crimson!” Edwin greets you back to the show, beaming as always. “I am Edwin MacPhistooooo! ...Here with Axis and, making his return to the commentary table, Sacred!” “EEEVIL!!!” “It feels great to be back home, Edwin.” Axis grins. “EEEVIL!!! ...Aw man this song isn’t very evil...” We fade back in to Linkin Park’s “Runaway” already blaring over the speakers as Mike Van Siclen struts out from behind the curtains. He poses, a little less joyful than usual as he looks out into the cheering fans for a second, then starts down the ramp. “The following contest is a Stairway to for the Smarks Junior League Television Title and Melissa!” The fans’ interest perks and Funyon continues after a deep breath. “Introducing first, the challenger... Weighing in at 237 pounds, hailing from Harrison, Illinois... ‘THE AMAZIN’ MIKE... VAN... SICLENNN!!” WHAM! A blast of white pyro illuminates Siclen at the bottom of the ramp before he sprints forward and slides into the ring to pose on the turnbuckle, milking some more cheers from the fans. “Well Van Siclen is doing pretty well for having,” Sacred counts on his fingers, “...his girl taken, his belt taken, his health nearly taken on a few occasions and well, you get the idea.” “Stifle yourself, Sacred.” The camera swings around to the top of the stage as the eerie intro of Stabbing Westward’s “Darkest Days” starts to emanate from the PA system. The slow jingle of bells and the beat of a drum catch the fans’ attention as they turn their heads to the entranceway. The lights dim and start to strobe against the black velvet curtains as the anticipating fans await his arrival with the music growing in volume. A figure in a black robe steps out from behind the curtains to a mass of mixed emotions from the fans as flashbulbs start to pop and sparkle all around. “And here he is, the man who has been putting Van Siclen through for the past weeks.” Axis finishes as Tom Flesher pops out from behind the curtain, holding Melissa tightly by the arm. “Well Van Siclen’s will hopefully end here tonight and he will be reunited with Melissa.” Boos and insults echo in Brody’s ears as he strides to the ring, his black robe flowing behind him and Flesher dragging Melissa. Brody rolls into the ring and hops up onto the second turnbuckle, looking out into the hateful fans as Flesher stands with the visible distraught Melissa at ringside, a tight grip on her arm. “Weighing in tonight at 227 pounds... He is a member of the Clan and the Smarks Junior League TELEVISION CHAMPION... ‘THE FALLEN ANGEL’ SHAAAWN BRODY!” Brody disrobes and hangs it over the ring post, exposing the gold around his waist and his lean muscular physique. He looks down at Melissa and then nods to Flesher before hopping down of the turnbuckle... but takes an ax-handle to the back from MVS as he drops to his knees and stands back up. “MVS with the early advantage! He’ll need to keep the pressure on if he’s going to survive here tonight.” Edwin comments. “Van Siclen is no stranger to hardcore, Edwin, but a Stairway does have its differences.” Axis retorts. MVS turns Brody to face him and dishes out an eager right hand jab... and another after tasting the pleasure of decking the man who has 0wned him for weeks. With Brody reeling, MVS drives a shoulder into his midsection and two more, wearing the champion down and making the belt fall from around his wait. MVS scoops up the title and slings it behind him in the middle of the ring where the referee gets it and passes it to the ring crew. MVS drives a final shoulder into Brody’s gut and then lifts him up on the turnbuckle. “Brody on the top turnbuckle pad,” Edwin says awaiting a big move as MVS climbs up. “He boxes Mike’s ears.” MVS staggers back and then forward and right into a facelock from the corner. Brody swings around but MVS carries him and deposits him on the top rope, crotch first. “Ouch,” winces Axis. “He’ll be feeling that one for a while.” “Ohh! That must have felt... EEEVIL!” MVS backs up and then charges at the corner, springs off the top turnbuckle pad and knocks Brody to the outside with a Springboard Dropkick. Brody takes a spill on the thin black mats and Flesher drags Melissa as he runs to him, helping Brody up with his free hand. Brody soon finds his feet and Flesher gives him space... Brody dodges a Baseball Slide from MVS. MVS slides out of the ring and Brody grabs him by the head and tries to slam him into the ring post, but MVS blows and retaliates with a jab before slamming Brody’s head into the steel. Brody staggers back as MVS pulls up the ring curtain and pokes his head under as a “LADDER” chant builds. Finally MVS pulls a ladder halfway out before Brody is back on him. MVS blocks a punch and decks Brody... and decks him again. “The Fallen Angel isn’t fairing too well in the brawling department.” Axis notes as another right hand sends Brody stumbling back until he finds the guardrail. MVS takes a step back and then charges at the worn Brody... but gets Back Dropped over the rail and into the first row. Excited fans go scattering as security makes them give the two grapplers space. The fans part, making an open area for the two men and shows Ced Ordonez in a leather jacket and jeans, looking less than amused. “What is Ced doing here tonight?” asks Axis looking at Edwin. “Maybe he came down to watch the show.” Sacred chimes, “You think he could have gotten a better seat since he works here...” MVS tries to get to his feet as Brody springs up onto the rail, wobbles for a second and then jumps off, twisting sideways into a Tornado Plancha and the two men to crashing into more empty chairs. Brody shakes the cobwebs loose for a moment and fans eagerly fight security just to pat MVS on the back. “A show of athleticism by Brody,” Edwin chimes. “Clannie or not, his talents still shine through.” “You and your Anti-Clan ways...” Sacred mumbles. “The Clan embodies everything I dislike in the Federation and now has tainted MY League!” The two men make it to their feet. Brody grabs MVS by the back of the head and throws him back over the guardrail and tries to follow but MVS stands and grabs him in an inverted facelock. Brody hammers MVS with his free hand and then takes control of the grapple and lifts MVS up as if for a Suplex but drops him back down face-first into the guardrail. “Van Siclen might have just cracked his beautiful teeth!” Axis marks as MVS staggers back toward the apron. Brody comes over the rail and rolls MVS in the ring before heading over to the ladder. He stands it up and tries to get it in the ring, going over the middle rope and MVS, now standing, slams his hands on the end in the ring and the other end smacks Brody in the face, sending Brody staggering back. “Ouch!” yells Edwin as Brody holds his chin. “Van Siclen used that ladder as a teeter-totter and got Brody in the face.” “Serves him right,” chimes Axis as MVS pulls the ladder into the ring and stands it up in the center. “...Ladders are EEEVIL!!” Sacred mutters in his stream of EEEVIL nonsense. MVS looks up at the coils of barbed wire hung above the ring as Brody holds his chin on the outside. MVS sees Brody slide in and puts the ladder between the two. They fight over it for a second and then Brody kicks around the side of the ladder. MVS dodges easily but that distraction lets Brody shove the ladder with one hand and smack MVS in the face. He stumbles back as Brody takes the ladder and throws it at the reeling MVS, hitting him again and knocking him into the corner. Brody grabs the ladder and holds it sideways again and presses it into MVS’ neck, feeding off boos that quickly come. “The Fallen Angel is trying to choke the life out of Van Siclen with that ladder! That cannot be allowed!” “But yes it can, Axis,” Edwin corrects. “There are few rules here.” Finally Brody takes the ladder off of MVS and he gasps for air as Brody leans the ladder against the opposite corner and then goes back to MVS who is just starting to come out of the corner. Brody takes him by the hand and whips MVS...reversed! Brody is set to the ladder but stops himself short...but MVS Dropkicks him in the back and Brody eats metal. Brody staggers back and turns around, holding his jaw with one hand...he eats a kick to the gut and MVS grabs him with the facelock...he spins… “Code Red!” Axis marks after the DDT-to-Bulldog! “Brody might be out cold!” MVS grabs the ladder from the corner and throws it down onto Brody, slamming it on his upper torso. The ladder bounces off and MVS steps out onto the apron. “Siclen’s going up top...” announces Edwin as MVS scales the turnbuckles. MVS takes to the air and pumps twice before coming down in a Bullfrog Splash... Brody grabs the ladder and puts it over his raised knees, with MVS taking it in the midsection. MVS rolls to the side of the ring, holding his insides as Melissa tries to get to him, but is stopped by Flesher. Brody gets back onto his feet and stomps MVS once before grabbing the ladder. Brody stands the ladder, still folded up, over MVS’ neck and chokes him with it until MVS manages to shove it off. Brody raises the ladder and slams it down into MVS. Brody lays across the ladder pinning MVS to the canvas as the official makes the count. One! Two! “...And MVS kicks out!” Brody takes the ladder and drops it in the center of the ring and aids Siclen to his feet and into an inverted facelock. Brody hooks Siclen’s tights and snaps him over onto the ladder. Brody floats over into the lateral press... One! Two! “...And MVS kicks out again in another show of resilience!” calls Edwin. Brody peels Siclen off of the ladder and takes him over with a Snapmare before kicking him square in the back. MVS writhes in pain but Brody grabs him and makes him lay back down. Brody takes a step back and raises his knee before dropping it across MVS’ forehead and rolling forward to slow his momentum. MVS sits up in pain and grabs his head. He makes it back up onto his feet with some help from Brody who makes him into the ropes. Brody whips him off the ropes and sends him across the ring. MVS ducks a Reverse Elbow upon rebound and sprints to the ropes ahead with some added momentum. He rebounds and catches Brody with a Head-Scissors and swings around...but gets catch and planted in a Backbreaker! “Nice counter of the Tilt-A-Whirl Flying Head-Scissors!” yells Edwin calling the match. Brody drops MVS off of his knee and drags him towards the ladder. Brody opens it and pulls MVS inside with the ladder around his midsection. Brody stomps on the end of the ladder, pinching MVS and testing it out and then stomps MVS once in the head to keep him warn down. Brody steps to onto the apron and grabs the top rope before diving over it and flipping forward to land on his foe. “Beautiful Slingshot Senton Atomico sandwiching Van Siclen in the ladder!” yells Edwin. “What an EEEVIL contraption, the ladder...” MVS squirms out of the ladder and Brody gets to his feet, favoring his back a bit. Brody sees MVS sitting up and hits the ropes. He runs back at MVS...and takes a Drop Toe Hold sending him face first into the ladder. MVS takes this bought time to stand and catch his breath. “...And Brody eats the steel!!” “That’s aluminum, Edwin.” “Oh... right then.” Brody makes it back onto his feet and MVS is up right after. MVS tries to get in control of the match by going to Brody and whipping him but is reversed and sent across the ring. MVS comes back fast and gets Back Dropped over the ropes but lands on the apron. Brody turns around and takes a right hand but Brody blocks and bounces MVS’ head off of the top turnbuckle pad. MVS stumbles down the apron as Brody hops up onto the top turnbuckle pad and springs at MVS, taking him off the apron with a Hurricanrana! “Springboard Who-nan-con-rana off the apron!” marks Edwin. Brody rolls MVS back into the ring and goes over to Flesher and exchanges a few words before pull two tables out form under the ring. Flesher sets up one and Brody sets up the other on the outside before sliding into the ring. “I don’t like the look of this. It could get dangerous with those... TABLES.” “I sure like it. Tables equal EEEVIL!” MVS goes to Brody and hammers him with axe-handles, trying to keep him down but Brody still gets to his feet and fights back scoring a few hard right hands, slowing MVS. MVS swings a finial punch...ducked and Brody tries to grapple up. “Brody synchs Van Siclen up... for what looks like a T-Bone Suplex and he’s trying to Suplex him over the ropes to those tables!” Brody tries to grapple him up... but MVS battles out after a few hard elbows. Brody staggers back and regains his senses before swinging a clothesline...ducked. They spin around to face one another and MVS scores with a kick to Brody’s midsection. MVS latches on a facelock and... “Impact DDT out of nowhere!” yells Axis as Brody lays stunned. MVS makes the cover... One! Two! NO!! Brody fires his shoulder clear of the canvas. MVS pulls him up and ramps him into the corner with his shoulder. Then Siclen snatches on a side headlock and pummels him with right hands. MVS backs up and goes to the ladder as Brody slides is hand into his boot. MVS grabs it and turns to Brody...Brody pulls out the hook and stabs it into MVS’ forehead. “Holy shit!” “That hook is fucking hardcore EEEVIL!!” MVS drops the ladder as a thin stream of blood starts down his forehead. It grows as Brody digs it in, gouging him for ‘juice’. Brody holds the hook high and then goes back to working on MVS, digging it in. He finally puts it back into his boot. “He’s just full of tricks!” adds Edwin. Brody backs MVS into the corner and stomps him in the gut, doubling him a bit. Brody straightens him back up with a forearm shot and takes his hand for a whip, sending MVS across the ring. Brody follows at his heels but MVS hops up onto the top turnbuckle, facing away from the ring. Brody sees it and turns away, running into the ropes at the side and causing MVS to get crotched other the top turnbuckle pad. Brody goes to MVS and hooks his head and then leg, pulling MVS off of the corner and into a reverse fireman’s carry... “Angle’s Wings!! Van Siclen might be out already!” yells Axis after Brody flips MVS’ legs over his head and plants him with a DDT. After a second of rest, Brody stands and picks up the ladder. He steadies the ladder in the center of the ring, eyeing the downed MVS before he starts to climb. “Brody’s climbing the ladder...” Edwin announces as excitement grows. Brody puts one hand on the top step and keeps climbing as he notices MVS start to stir and finally get to his feet. He heads to the ladder and start to climb. “Both men are on the ladder,” notes Axis as MVS meets Brody at the top of the ladder. “This could get dangerous.” Brody grips the ladder with his left hand and nails Siclen across the face with some hard rights. With Siclen reeling, Brody grabs his head with both hands and smashes it into the top of the ladder, but Siclen holds on for dear life. Brody pulls Siclen’s head back and smashes it into the metal of the ladder... Siclen slips but manages to hang on. The ladder shakes so Brody grabs it for support and when stable, he grabs Siclen with a fistful of hair with his free hand and rears back before bashing Siclen’s face into the top of the ladder a final time... “VAN SICLEN JUST FELL OFF THAT LADDER!!!” Axis screams as Siclen’s limp body crashes hard to the canvas and the fans look on, yelling and hollering. Brody hugs the ladder as the ring shakes from the impact. The fans band together in as MVS’ body trembles. “S-J-L!! S-J-L!! S-J-L!!” They chant together, growing as more join in. Brody steadies himself once more and starts to climb. He makes it to the third step and continues carefully not to lose his balance as he doesn’t have the ladder itself to lean against. Brody makes it to the second step and holds onto the top of the ladder with one hand while reaching up in for the barbed wire with the other... he’s still too far. MVS stirs and struggles, trying to make it to his feet as Brody reaches up with both hands, straightening up for more height but sacrificing stability to do so... “Brody has the barbed wire!!!” Edwin screams as Brody pulls the coil off of the hook and holds it up triumphantly... The chant stops... “AAHHHHHH... CRUNCH!!” The fans start to scream again, louder than ever... “OH MY GAWD!!!” Axis screams at the top of his lungs in shock!! “Van Siclen just knocked over the ladder and sent Brody crashing through the tables below!!” The worn MVS braces himself against the ropes as the fans pick up the pieces and form into another chant. “HO-LY SHIT!! HO-LY SHIT!!” The arena shakes as fans stand and pump their fists in the air. Flesher races to Brody on the outside and flings the remains of broken tables left and right to get to his comrade, all the time holding Melissa and dragging her with him. The lively fans save the show from dead air as Flesher attends to Brody and Siclen tries to recover in the ring. “He might need some serious medical attention!” Edwin looks on. “That fall was over twenty feet to the outside!” Finally Flesher aids Brody onto his feet and to the apron where he rolls him into the ring. Immediately MVS goes to him and rolls him onto his back. “He hooks the leg... Brody might be done!” Axis says as the official drops down to the canvas for the count. ONE! TWO!! THR-NO!! “Brody somehow fires his shoulder off of the canvas!” Edwin yells as MVS looks at the referee in disbelief. MVS gets to his feet and takes Brody up with him and backs him into the corner. MVS grabs the barbed wire and comes back over to Brody and scrapes it over Brody’s forehead, digging in and cutting him open. MVS backs off for a second as the bloody slowly builds up and starts to run down from the cuts to Brody’s left eyebrow and then it runs off to the side. Brody feels the warmth and touches it to make sure. The crimson red covers his fingertips and start to run down the side of his face. “Brody’s cut!” yells Edwin. MVS heads back to Brody, brandishing the barbed wire in his hands... he takes a kick to the nads, stopping his momentum. Brody grabs the bared wire and puts it over MVS’ head before digging it in and drawing more ‘juice’ from Siclen’s cuts. Siclen stumbles back, covering his head to prevent more damage but Brody takes a stance, measures MVS and knocks him back with a high right roundhouse, then a high left aimed to the head as MVS coves up. Brody smacks him in the exposed side with a lower roundhouse to distract MVS’ defenses, prepping him for a high right roundhouse that floors him. “Brody is kicking that barbed wire right into Van Siclen’s skull!” shouts Edwin. Brody stands over MVS and turns him over before grabbing the barbed wire and pulling it around Siclen’s neck and pulling on it, choking MVS. MVS pulls at the wire but can’t free himself as the barbed scratch and claw at his neck. After what Siclen’s feels as an eternity, Brody stands back up and pulls MVS back to his feet with the wire. Brody grinds the wire into Siclen’s head once more but Siclen fights Brody off with a few forearm smashes. Brody swings another high right roundhouse, but Siclen ducks and hits an Edge-O-Matic! “Van Siclen bought some time with the Blade Cutter!” calls Axis as Siclen pulls the barbed wire form around his head. MVS gets up and pulls Brody up with him. MVS grabs the barbed wire and places it over Brody’s head and digs it in with Brody trying to fight it. He scoops Brody up and takes him to the corner here he places Brody in the Tree of Woe and goes to the ladder. MVS sets it up in the center of the ring, facing Brody in the corner. He climbs to the third step and turns to face Brody... MVS jumps up and comes down with a Dropkick, kicking the barbs into Brody’s face. The ladder falls from the force of MVS jumping off and Brody falls out of the tree of woe, his legs falling over his head as he now lays flat on the canvas. “My God!” Edwin winces as the blood stains the ring. “That’s nothing on the EEEVIL Scale...” “Evil Scale?” “EEEVIL!!” MVS stands, his posture showing his exhaustion as he waits for Brody to stand. Brody soon does with MVS lurking behind him. Brody turns around and right into a One-Handed Stunner from MVS. He positions Brody just right and heads out onto the apron, looking out into the fans, showing home much he wants to get this over. He springs up onto the top turnbuckle, facing the ring as he crouches... but Flesher jumps up onto the apron and shoves him off of the turnbuckle, crotching him over the top rope. MVS falls to the ring, holding himself as the official warns Flesher who grabs Melissa’s arm again. “This match would’ve been over if it wasn’t for Tom Flesher. He has done nothing but interfere during this whole match! It gives Brody the unfair advantage.” “As I’ve said, the rules are few in this type of contest.” “But it’s basically two on one out here!” Axis fires back. Brody makes it to his feet, worn and beaten as he pulls MVS up and into a standing head-scissor. Brody is happy to hook MVS’ arms, thinking it will all be over soon. On the outside, Melissa back-kicks Flesher in the nads and slides into the ring to try and save her man, MVS. Brody releases him and he falls down to canvas. Brody turns to Melissa who tries to get out of the ring but Flesher, still pained, jumps up onto the apron and grabs Melissa by her beautiful blonde locks. MVS stands and looks around the ring, spotting the ladder, he grabs it and stands. He spins Brody around and tosses him the ladder... Brody catches and gets floored with a special Van Siclenator! Melissa turns to Flesher and gouges his eyes, causing Flesher to release her and drop back off of the apron. “Van Siclen! Van Siclen and Melissa!!” shouts Axis as the two embrace in the center of the ring and then Melissa plants a kiss on Siclen’s lips. “Aw man, this sappy stuff—” “Zip it, Sacred.” Edwin pipes, “You don’t know how much this means. Van Siclen and Melissa are reunited... and it feels so goooood!” As the two lip lock, Melissa slips her hand into her skirt and grabs something... “MELISSA JUST SPRAYED MACE IN SICLEN’S EYES!!!” Axis screams as MVS rubs at his face, fighting the burning pain as Melissa steps back and laughs. “That must feel like his face has gonorrhea with those cuts!” “Strangely I agree with you, Sacred,” Edwin says. Melissa exits the ring as Brody stands with a devilish smile. He looks to Melissa sporting the same grin and then turns to Siclen now on the ground clawing at his face. Brody pulls him back up and jams him head-first into the standing head-scissors... He hooks Siclen’s arms... “THE DESCENT!!!” screams Edwin as Brody spikes MVS in the center of the ring with the Double Underhook Piledriver. “NOOO!!” yells Axis as Brody hooks MVS’ leg and awaits the three-count... ONE!! TWO!! THREE!!! The official stands and calls for the bell ...and here come the boos. “DING! DING! DING!” “THE FALLEN ANGEL RETAINS!!” screams Edwin over immense boos from the fans. Flesher grabs the TV Title as the referee raises Brody’s arm in victory with Melissa laughing at the downed MVS from ringside. Funyon takes his mic and tries to rival the volume of the fans. “Your winner and still... Smarks Junior League TELEVISION CHAMPION... ‘THE FALLEN ANGEL’ SHAAAWN BRODY!!!” Brody snatches his hand back form the official and goes over to MVS. He drags his limp carcass to the ropes near Melissa and then goes back and grabs a coil of barbed wire, the blood starting to dry on it. He puts the coil over Siclen’s head and pulls it around his throat, putting him back into the Barbed Wire Camel Clutch. Melissa sadistically smiles and rears back before smacking the lifeless MVS across the face. “Oh come on! This is enough! The match is over!” Axis yells in disgust. “Haven’t you done enough yet?” Siclen holds the TV Title in front of Siclen’s face and Brody opens one of Siclen’s eyes with his hand. Finally, Brody releases the bloody Siclen and rubs his face in the canvas with one hand, looking at his opponent in disgust. Brody turns to see eager EMTs crawling in the ring and more heading down the ramp. He charges them, making them scatter and then slides out of the ring to his friends with his sadistic grin. They head to the ramp as EMTs rush MVS. “This isn’t wrestling...” says a sadden MacPhisto. “Yeah,” Sacred pipes in, “it’s spots entertainment.” The three same it to the top of the ramp and turn, looking back as the EMTs carefully pull the barbed wire off of MVS and try to bandage him over his many cuts. “I hope you like what you’ve done.” Edwin glares at Brody. “This is sick.” Just then a solemn Kojack strides past the three and heads down the ramp at a good pace. “It’s Kojack! What is Kojack doing out here?” Axis questions. Kojack slides into the ring and heads to MVS, looking at him with solemn eyes. The EMTs look at Kojack and try to work around him, not taking him as a threat. “Maybe he has put aside the bad feeling between them and...” Edwin stops. Siclen looks up at Kojack with weak eyes... Kojack grabs him by the head and pulls him up before and jamming him into a standing head-scissor. The EMTs plead with him to stop but are ignored. “WHAT THE...” Edwin’s jaw drops... “...Or maybe Kojack just wants to destroy Van Siclen.” Sacred puts it bluntly. “He’s EEEVIL!!” Kojack lifts up and then drops him down with the Jack Bomb in the center of the ring! Brody looks on and grins as Kojack drops down onto Siclen and holding him by the throat, yells something at him that isn’t picked up on sound. “My god...” Fade out as Kojack rolls out of the ring and heads up the ramp. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest crusen86 Report post Posted March 24, 2002 We fade into the Fallen Angel, alone, staggering down the hall in his torn, black ‘So Says The Clan’ T-Shirt and signature, loose black pants with ‘FALLEN’ and ‘ANGEL’ running down the sides in white. He clutches one hand to the back of his head, his fingers lost in his black braids. The white face paint is dried and flaking off, half mixed in the blood from his forehead and various other cuts. He finally stops when his eyes stop a leather jacket blocking his path. The Angel’s eyes trace the figure down to his blue jeans, then boots and back up to the jacket before catching sight of his face. “That’s Ced Ordonez!” Axis shouts. “He was just watching the Fallen Angel’s match, sitting in attendance.” The Fallen Angel looks up at Ced with disgust, trying to drill a hole in him with his eyes to get past but Ced doesn’t budge. “I bet you’re really proud of what you did in there...” Ced says in a firm, yet quiet voice. The Fallen Angel cracks a smile through the throbbing pain and tries to walk around Ced, but he sidesteps to block his path. “...but I didn't like it one bit. I'm sure you noticed I was watching you the entire time out there in the crowd. I was watching you all that time, Brody, and I didn't like what I saw one bit. Beating a man within an inch of his life is one thing, but you were trying to go a yard beyond that tonight.” Ced looks at the title belt on The Fallen Angel's shoulder, which has flakes of white face paint and blood on it. “The things you did tonight put tarnish on that belt you hold in your hands. You may be the champion, but you don't act like one.” Ced sidesteps out of the Fallen Angel’s way, allowing him to pass. Brody looks at his cleared pathway down the hall and then back to Ced. He sneers and spits in Ced’s face. Ced calmly wipes away the saliva and glares at Brody, holding back his temper. Brody lets the title slip down his arm and slings it back over his shoulder, reminding Ced who’s the champ. The Fallen Angel smirks and heads down the hall. “Well it looks as if there are tensions rising between Ced and the Brody,” Edwin reports. “I guess we’ll have to wait and see what will come of it.” Cut to the next segment... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest crusen86 Report post Posted March 24, 2002 Axis: Now it's time for Xero vs. Mafia! Both competitors are already in the ring! Let's go! DING DING DING Edwin: I'm looking forward to this Axis. Unfortunately, the match was interruped last week. Hopefully, we can get a clean match here. Suddenly, the SJL theme kicks up, and Johnny Generic sprints down to the ring! Edwin: Well, there goes that thought. Mafia and Xero spin around, apparently rather shocked. Before they can work out what's happening, Generic picks up Mafia... Scoop slam! Just as Mafia hits the ground, Xero is up... Scoop slam on Xero! Johnny Generic then sprints back up the ramp, leaving Mafia and Xero left lying in the ring... Axis: ...Erm, ok... I guess that match is a write off then. Edwin. Back after the break, I guess. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest crusen86 Report post Posted March 24, 2002 (The Adelade Oval goes collectively out of their gourds as SJL Crimson returns. The camera pans over the audience, all screaming and cheering as the theme song for Crimson plays over the speakers. Cut over to the announcer table where Comissioner Edwin MacPhisto, Axis, and Sacred sit waiting to call the next match) Axis: It feels great to be home, and even better to be here on SJL Crimson, because up next, the first of two Main Events tonight, both matches for a SWF Contract! Edwin: We've waited a little over two weeks to see who will be the newest inductees into the SWF, an honor that comes with great privelages, like being beaten down by the likes of us! Wooooo! Fresh meat is tasty! Sacred: Mmmmmm, mad cow disease... (Axis and Edwin look at Sacred quizzically) Sacred: What? No, I never tainted the meat in your burger, honest! Edwin: Well, lucky for me, I ate a VEGGIE BURGER! Take that you evilly evil thing! Yeah! Sacred: ####! Axis: Aaaaaanyway........ We have a great matchup next, two out of three falls as the Undercard King Ash Ketchum takes on the Clan's Assassin, Lady Red. The last time we saw these two fight, well, you could say we first saw Lady Red appear there as the "Angelic" Annie Eclectic commited one of the most heinous attacks inside a JL ring. Sacred: Hey, if beating someone within an inch of their life, then decorating yourself in their blood and then drinking it is wrong, then I don't want to be right! Edwin: Then it's good you never are.... RULES, fruntgrubbily! Tell them the rules my friendly imaginary globe bisector! Axis: ... At least I'm not being compared to Germany in World War I. This match is two out of three falls, disqualifications and count outs count as falls, first to win two falls wins. So simple, Sacred can't hem and haw about the rules. Natch. Sacred: Hey! Edwin: Axis! You're getting good, maybe a little Eddie Mac is rubbing off on you after all this time. Axis: Never.... ever say that to me. Edwin: All right, as long as I can do my entire commentary for this match in Iambic Pentameter. Axis: No. Edwin: All my commentary to the tune of 'Putting on the Ritz'? Axis: No. Sacred: Can I do my commentary whilest ripping out a virgin's throat and... Axis and Edwin: NO! Sacred: But it's eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil!!! Axis: We do commentary tonight like we do every night. Edwin: By trying to take over the world? Axis: Enough! Dammit, we still haven't properly set up this match yet! (The lights illuminating the Adelade Oval go out suddenly as U2's 'Elevation' blares throughout the stadium. Funyon rises to his feet and puts his microphone up to his lips...) Axis: The match is starting now! Argh... you two are more frustrating than a Steve Urkel marathon! Funyon: This match, set for two falls, is final number one for the SWF Contract tournament! (crowd roars) (Matching pyrotechnics flow downward in front of the SmarkTran and upward from the ground below. As the lyrics to 'Elevation' begin, the pyro shoots off on elast burst, and a spotlight appears on the entrance ramp immediately, lighting up a solitary figure at the entrance) Funyon: From Pallet town, and weighing in at two hundred fifty five pounds, he is the Undercard King.... representing X Force Nine... Ash Ketchuuuum!!! (The crowd pops again as Ash turns to face his crowd. Walking to the ring, pointing to the "Who better than Ketchum?" shirt on his chest, covering the top of his denim shorts, Ketchum slaps some of his fans five then runs to the ring, leapign gracefully up to the ring apron. Stepping in between the ropes, he jogs to the far corner and motions to Funyon for the microphone, the crowd cheering even more for getting to hear their hero speak to them) Edwin: Oooooh, speech! Speech! Sacred: Heart Failure! Aneurysm! Axis: Sacred, shut up. (The lights return to brighten the Oval, and Ash Ketchum stands in the center of the ring, smiling, waiting for his adoring crowd to finish their adulation before speaking. Having waited out the crowd, the music stops, and Ash brings his microphone up.) Ash: Well lookie here, it's Ash Ketchum, here, at the Contract finals! (Crowd cheers) You know, not a lot of people picked me to be here, even some of my own diehard fans. 'He's the Undercard King... he isn't ready yet.....' Well, fear not, for Ash can understand why you might think that. But even my own diehard fans can be proud to be wrong because I... AM .... HERE!!! (huge pop) And for those that didn't know... I AM THAT MOTHER.... (The lights suddenly go out again, a low electronic tone resonating throughout the Adelade Oval) Axis: Oh how I hate that sound.... Oval PA System: (raspy woman's voice) It started..... with a man named Robert. It ends with a man named Ash. My complete dominance will be foretold for ages to come.... and you.... will be lost in time. A mere trivia answer... to the question.... 'Who... was Lady Red's... last JL victim...' Prepare, Ash Ketchum. Prepare, and DIE! (The Theme to A Clockwork Orange plays over the red lit Adelade Oval, as the Smarktron shows two inverted crimson teardrops, the tips of each dripping red blood to the bottom of the screen. From behind the entrance curtain appears a figure in a hooded kimono, walking slowly down the entrance ramp.) Funyon: (crowd booing) And from the Shinjuku region of Tokyo, Japan. Weighing in at one hundred forty pounds, representing the Clan.... LADY RED! (Lady Red steps forward and stands still at the middle of the entrance ramp, reaching behind herself to unclasp her kimono's silk belt. With her kimono loosened, the Clan's Assassin swiftly drops the ornate garment to the ground, revealing her lithe oriental body. Rushing towards the ring, Lady Red rolls underneath the bottom rope and comes up quickly, backing up to the opposite corner. Standing back, the psychotic woman simply stands and smiles until the lights return to normal color.) Axis: This woman is one of the most deranged... (looks at Lady Red) ...WHAT IS THAT? Sacred: Ohhhhh... that's truly evil... I like her. (Ash Ketchum stares in shock, finally getting a good look at the Assassin under regular lights. The audience gasps as they realize the signifigance of the Clan member's outfit. A light pink doublet, with white wings scattered across it, largely stained in dried, red-brown blood. Dumbstruck, the Undercard King drops his microphone, and isn't prepared for the quick rush attack of Lady Red, splashing Ketchum against the turnbuckle, and crumpling him to the canvas. Bending over, the woman picks up the dropped microphone, and stands straddling her fallen opponent.) DING DING DING Red: Don't you like it Ash? ...I wore it just for you.... I thought you *liked* me in this? Sorry about the stains, but I wanted to keep some memnto of who brought me in this league... just as I take you OUT! (The Assassin drops to her knees, placing most of her weight to land on Ketchum's chest, knocking the wind out of him. With stunning speed and ferocity, Lady Red begins to pummel Ash Ketchum's head with her right hand. The shock of pain momentarily clears Ash's head, as his arms swing upward, trying to blindly land a punch against his antagonist. The official walks in and begins to count...) Axis: What a primer on mental instability! What... Sacred: Evil. Axis: What evil could possibly bring such a garment to the ring... who could possibly *save* and *preserve* it? Sacred: Evil. Edwin: Family Matters. Axis: WHAT? Edwin: Family Matters. You wouldn't be watching a 'Steve Urkel' marathon, you would watch a 'Family Matters' marathon. Steve Urkel was simply a character on that show. Axis: Fine Edwin, great. Although that statement might have had more relevance.. oh... five minutes ago. Edwin: I was listening to 'Putting on the Ritz' in my personal brain stereo, what did you expect. Axis: Exactly that. (On the count of four, Lady Red rises, releasing her opponent from the physical onslaught, only to stare into the eyes of the referee. The official stares back, but only briefly, backing away after a second. Turning around, Lady Red sees nothing but flesh as Ash rebounds off the ropes and catches the Assassin by surprise with a Lou Thesz Press. The crowd cheers heavily as Ash punches away at the exposed face of Lady Red.) Axis: Poke Ball Press! A quick turn of events, as Ash Ketchum catches the wily Assassin off her guard and lands some punishment of his own! Sacred: Do you think Lou Thesz is happy with that renaming? Edwin: Don't be silly! Lou Thesz is a huge Pokemon fan! Axis: ... I don't think I can even comment on that. (Ash dismounts his opponent on the count of four, only to stand and drop back down again immediately, landing a vicious elbow strike to the face of Lady Red. Pain shoots through the Assassin's head, as she rolls over and over in the ring, holding her face and kicking. Walking to his fallen opponent, Ash drags Lady Red up painfully by her hair and whips her hard into the ropes. On her return, Ketchum scoops up the tiny woman in his arms and turns, falling forward at the same time, driving his weight into hers as he slams her to the mat. On landing, Ash hooks a leg up as the referee slides into position...) ONE.... TWO.... THR.... No! Kickout. Axis: A failed pin attempt after an Irish Whip Powerslam, but Ash Ketchum has the start of this match firmly under his control. Sacred: Is it to be a Poke-man rout? Or will it be the Clan's to take? Edwin: Hey!!! I wanted to do the Iambic Pentameter commentary! Sacred: Ooooh! Snatch! I am pure evil! Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha! Edwin: I hate you. Sacred: I'm touched, really. I'll write you a valentine's day card next year. Edwin: Really? Sacred: Sure, something like... I'm glad I took your style away, for I am best to commentate! Wa ha ha! Edwin: You can't accent two syllables in a single word! That's not Iambic! Mac Daddy wins this round! Sacred: #### redeux! Axis: *sighs* We used to have at least fifty percent match commentary... why does this happen in my hometown? (Ash Ketchum pulls his opponent up to her knees, but reels back as a surprise left catches him in the stomach. Ash throws a left to counter, but Lady Red blocks, throwing another left hook into the Undercard King's ribs. The Assassin lands another punch, allowing her time to make it to her feet. Another left reels the Poke Freak backwards into the ropes. Grabbing her opponent's arm, Lady Red whips Ash into the ropes, leaping in the air on his return to land a dropkiss to the mouth of Ketchum. Ash staggers back, holding his mouth and turning away. Lady Red gets back to her feet and steps forward for another attack, but gets a swift back kick to the face from the faking Ash Ketchum.) Axis: The Flash Kick! You had to know that was coming if the dropkiss didn't drop him, and Ash turns momentum back in his favor! Sacred: Momentary lapse, evil shall sweep both falls and take this. Axis: You know, evil doesn't always win. Sacred: Yes it does, sometimes the bell just rings too early. (Following his opponent, Ash takes advantage of the Assassin's pain land quick lefts and rights to Lady Red, backing her up to the ropes. Having cornered his opponent, Ash locks up with the Assassin and pushes back, bending the small woman over the top rope. The two combatants struggle against each other, when the Assassin pushes back enough to get an opening. Ducking quickly, Lady Red brings Ash's left arm with her, cinching in a quick hammerlock behind her opponent. The Assassin brings her right arm around, attempting to get a crossface in, but Ash blocks the attempt, bringing his arm up to stop her. Another struggle occurs, Lady Red trying to work around Ash's arm, while Ketchum looks for escape. Ash pushes the Assassin's right arm away long enough to duck and reverse the hammerlock. Taking advantage of Lady Red's shock, Ash puts his right arm across the throat of the Assassin, and locks hand-to-wrist, cinching in a crossface chickenwing. Entwining his right leg with his opponents, Ash pulls his leg back and forces his weight forward, crashing both to the mat. Keeping the hold locked, Ash sits up and back, resting his elbows on his knees, completing the complex submission maneuver.) Axis: TRIPLE C!!! Ash Ketchum is using his opponent's trademark submission on her! Ash is over two fifty, Lady Red is one forty, there is *no* way the Assassin can escape this in the middle of the ring! Edwin: He's crafty, he's outta sight, he's crafty... and he's.. uh... NOT my type! Yeah! Mac Daddy gets the Beastie Boys in! Wooooooo. (Lady Red struggles with triple C, desperately looking for escape. HEr arm shoots out straight ahead, not allowing the referee to think for a second that she isabout to submit. Ash stis up straight, not putting any effort in tightening the hold, but it is insignificant, the larger arms of Ketchum keeping Lady Red in place. Her back arching in an almost unnatural way, Lady Red begins to kick her legs backward, hoping for some momentum to allow herself space to move. Ash notices the movement, and simply flexes his muscles, tightening the clamp-like grip on the Assassin's throat. Her face turning blue and her back beginning to strain, Lady Red realizes she has no escape and taps the mat furiously.) Axis: Ash got the submission! Round one to the Undercard King!!! DING DING DING Funyon: First fall, by submission, goes to Ash KETCHUM! (The crowd roars in a pproval as Ash releases the Assassin and stands in the center of the ring, raising his arms in victory. Ash turns to face another section of the crowd when he is unwittingly blindsided by the enraged Lady Red. the Assassin rushes Ash's back with a hard clothesline, sending the Undercard King over the ropes and to the floor outside. Lady Red grabs the top rope and hurls herself over it, flying out and crashing on top of Ash Ketchum in a hard splash as the referee begins to count.) ONE.... Axis: Typical Lady Red, if you can't win in the ring, take it outside where you can purely punish your opponent. Dispicable. Sacred: She is simply playing to her strengths, she has to win two straight falls to take this match, wouldn't you do the same? (Lady Red gets to her feet, wobbling slightly from the sheer force of her attack. Shaking her head to clear it, she heads towards the ring steps.) TWO.... Axis: I'm noting her inability to win *inside* the ring. Sacred: And I'm noting your stupidity. Edwin: Ooooh, score one for Mr. "I'm evil so fear me or some stuff" Sacred! (Ash Ketchum begins to stir from the blindside attack as Lady Red steps up to the ring apron....) THREE.... Axis: Sacred, she pummeled both her previous opponents outside the ring, rolled one into the ring for the pin, or just left the other outside to lose. I'd call that inability to win inside the ring wouldn't you? Sacred: I'd call that taking advantage of your strengths. (Standing atop the ring apron, Lady Red crouches, and eyes her fallen opponent, now struggling to rise to his knees. The Assassin simply waits on the apron, for the perfect timing to strike...) FOUR.... Edwin: Anyone care about my opinion? Axis and Sacred: No. (Ash gets up on one knee, and straightens up, looking for his opponent. Ash fails to look upward however, as Lady Red launches off the ring apron...) FIVE... (... and lands a perfect missle dropkick to the head of Ash Ketchum! Lady Red lands, tumbling away as Ash Ketchum again crumples to the floor.) Axis: Ten bucks says she rolls back into the ring and expects a count out. Sacred: You're on. SIX.... (Lady Red gets back to her feet and looks at the downed Ash. With a hardened face, she runs back up to the top of the apron, looks back down at Ash, and begins to climb the turnbuckle...) Sacred: That doesn't look like waiting out a count out. I win! Axis: There's still a count, and this might be just to make sure of the win. Bet on. (puts ten dollars on the table) Sacred: All right. (follows suit) (Lady Red reaches the top of the turnbuckle, makes a quick glance backwards, and looks to the sky, crossing her arms over her chest. With a hollow smile, the Assassin closes her eyes and falls backwards....) SEVEN...... (Arching her back so that her head is first to make any contact, Lady Red makes a suicide dive off the turnbuckle, aiming for Ash Ketchum's exposed cranium... which moves out of the way, causing Lady Red to land head first onto the concrete floor...) Edwin: Neither! Ash moves out of the way! Eddie Mac wins again! (takes the money on the table) Waitress! I need cotton candy and Jolt cola! Axis: You wouldn't want Jolt Cola all of a sudden because of new sponsorship would you? Edwin: Ratings and sponsors, Axis. Ratings and sponsors. EIGHT.... (Rising to his feet, Ash Ketchum drags the fallen Lady Red, now in a fetal position and not moving, up to her feet and rolls her back into the ring. Following in himself, Ash breaks the count much to the delight of the crowd. Ash lands a swift rib kick, keeping the Assassin down. Pointing to the crowd, Ash makes a rush towards the far ropes....) Axis: Could it be? Ash to the ropes for a possible... (Ash returns from the ropes, and once close to his opponent, tumbles forward in a roll, leaps from his feet into the air, and crunches his body while in mid air. Ash comes down, splashing hard onto... Lady Red's raised knees! The Assassin's counter rolls Ash Ketchum away, clutching at his ribs, giving the Clan member needed breathing room.) Axis: Ash went too the well too early for that, allowing Lady Red to counter his Rolling Five Star Frog Splash! Edwin: Where's my cotton candy? Sacred: (muffled voice) I*mmph* don't knomph.... Edwin: YOU! Sacred: Nevermph! Edwin: I'm the commisioner here, and *I* get the cotton candy! Axis: Are *either* of you paying attention to the match? Edwin: There's a match? (Axis groans) Edwin: (to Sacred) You have my Jolt too don't you? Give it! ... (Lady Red struggles to her feet, as does her opponent. Seeing his position near the turnbuckle, the Assassin makes a rush, and splashes her opponent hard against the turnbuckle, slumping him against it. Stepping back, the Assassin lays a hard slap across the chest of Ash Ketchum, eliciting boos from the crowd. Another slap, this time even harder, firmly sets the audience against Lady Red. WhippingAsh to the opposite corner, Lady Red rushes after with a clothesline, but Ash ducks underneath at the last second, forcing Lady red herself to slump against the corner in pain.) Axis: An incredible exchange of counters and maneuvers here in the middle of the match, with neither fighter able to get a firm hold on momentum. This is a critical fall for both fighters, Lady Recd trying to stay alive in the fight, and Ash looking for ascention into the SWF! Edwin: The stakes have never been higher! Sacred: The Jolt has never been colder! Edwin: I KNEW IT! Give me my Jolt #### you evilly evil guy! Sacred: Mwa ha ha! I drank it all, Sacred takes this round, because EVIL SHALL PREVAIL!!! Edwin: I hope they spit in that Jolt. Sacred: No, I personally bribed the concession stand to only spit in food being served to... you..... oh no. Edwin: Huzzah!!! Axis: I'm so glad this is the last Australian stop.... (Ash sends a hard elbow to the tender back of Lady Red's head, and another, the crowd cheering each strike. Turning his opponent around, Ketchum sends hard lefts and rights about the face of Lady Red, even as the referee warns Ketchum to stop. Heeding the referee, Ash grabs the arm of Lady Red, and whips her hard into the opposite corner. Staring at his stunned opponent, Ash screams at the Clan's Assassin, and rushes the corner, flying forward with a shoulder block spear... just as Lady Red hops up to sit on the top rope, forcing the Undercard King to fly shoulder first into the steel post! Sacred: Oooooh! Ash tries to shut up the beautiful Lady Red, but misses and instead brings pain and suffering onto himself! That's what you get for trying to go against pure evil! Mwa ha! Axis: I'd insult you, but at least you're paying attention now.... (Lady Red brings herself down into a sitting position onto Ash Ketchum's back and hooks her legs backward around Ash's arms. Driving her body forward, Lady Red rolls both herself and Ash head over heels, landing in a pin rollup on the mat! The referee slides in to count...) ONE.... TWO....! kickout! Axis: Close call for Ketchum, who nearly had this match tied up one for one on him. Sacred: It is only a matter of time. Edwin: You owe me *so* much Jolt, Sacred... Axis: How much are they paying us? Edwin: Who said anything about *us*? Axis: Of course... (Lady Red screams at the referee in frustration, but catches the rising Ash Ketchum in the corner of her eye. Rushing over to her opponent, she lands a hard front kick to the gut of Ash, doubling him over. Putting his head between her knees, she looks straight into the audience, and double underhooks Ash Ketchum's arms. With a leap, Lady Red comes down, driving Ash Ketchum's face hard into the mat. Rolling him over, Lady Red hooks a leg for the cover as the referee slides into position...) ONE.... TWO.... THREE!!! DING DING DING Funyon: Winner of the second fall, by pinfall, Lady RED! Axis: In a shock move, Lady Red goes back a bit to her old self, landing her ex-lover's Daybreak on Ash Ketchum! (Lady Red rolls off of Ash and rises to her knees, staring at Ketchum lying on the mat. The camera zooms in to get a closer look of Ash's face...) Axis: Ash is busted open! The Assassin broke open Ash Ketchum again! Sacred: And look at the look on her face, I dare say I see evil lust in those eyes! (Lady Red smiles looking at her opponent's bloodied face, and then slides outside the ring quickly, grabbing the fallen microphone outside the ring. Sliding back in, Lady Red straddles Ash Ketchum's chest while standing, pinning his arms to his sides with her feet.) Red: Well look at this... This is so familiar... (bends over and wipes some of the blood on Ash's face onto her fingers.) Weren't you the one who questioned me? Told me that no one could love me? You made me like this Ash..... YOU MADE ME! YOU MADE LADY RED AND ANYTHING I DO TO YOU IS YOUR FAULT!!!!!!! Axis: She has LOST it! Completely lost it, someone get in here and kill this match, I don't want to see what she is going to do to Ash... Sacred: Shut up and let the woman speak Axis! (The crowd is booing so lound, even Lady Red's amplified voice is hard to hear...) Red: You will understand what you have unleashed... it is destiny! It is.... *AAAAIGH*! (Lady Red suddenly straightens back up in shock as a swift slap to her buttocks shocks her. Ash uses the momentary confusion to force his torso upwards, effectively head butting her midsection, doubling her over. Falling back to a lying position, Ash sends a right hook to the side of Lady Red's face, knocking her over and allowing him to rise back to a standing position, the crowd bursting with applause at Ash Ketchum's brilliant escape) Axis: And the Undercard King comes back again! Never have I seen two so evenly matched foes in the heat of battle before, and Ketchum refuses, flat out *refuses* to give up! Edwin: You're taking your usual non-biased side I see. Axis: We have to balance Sacred somehow, and there isn't Snowball's chance in #### that I'm going to randomly shout "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!" Edwin: You mean 'a snowball's chance in ####' right? Sacred: No, 'Snowball'.... greedy bastards.... (Ash rushes towards the Assassin, locking up with the staggering woman. With force, Ash lifts the woman vertically in the air, landing a quick suplex hard on the mat. Rolling up quickly, Ash lifts to woman to her feet and whips her into the corner before she can even realize what is happening to her. Running in, Ash Ketchum hits a hard clothesline in the corner, leading into a whip into the opposite corner. The crowd cheers as the momentum swings violently in Ash's direction, even as Ash runs back, landing another hard clothesline to Lady Red, slumping her against the corner. Ash bounces off the vicious lariat and drops to his knees, suddenly slutching his right shoulder.The crowd gasps in worry as they watch their hero cringe in pain.) Axis: What happened, Ash suddenly goes down after and incredibly quick run of moves, leaving Lady Red stunned in the corner. Sacred: Ash overcompensated for the botched spear attack in the corner, and now he's feeling the effects. Axis: I hate to agree but I think you're right, all those whips, clotheslines and suplexes might just have taken their toll on the already battered right shoulder of the Undercard King! (Still holding his right arm, Ash gets back to his feet, satisfied that Lady Red is still in the corner. The crowd's scared murmuring has quieted down, and turned into more support for Ash Ketchum, who rolls his hurt arm around in a circle, making himself used to the pain. With a rush, Ash Ketchum back elbows Lady Red with his left arm, dropping her to a sitting position on the mat. Grabbing one of the Assassin's feet with his good hand, Ash Ketchum awkwardly drags his opponent to the center of the ring. Running over to the near corner, Ash climbs the turnbuckles, slowed by the inability to put weight on his right arm.) Axis: Such bravery to continue while hurt, you have to root for this man to win and take his competitive streak to the next level! Sacred: Or you caould root for the gimp to fail and let true ability and talent survive, like Lady Red. Edwin: You just like watching her breasts jiggle as she fights. Sacred: What? NO! She is a talented and competitive... Edwin: Pervert. Axis: Edwin, as funny as that is, stop. There's still a match to call. (Reaching the top rope, Ash carefully balances himself enough to turn around and face his opponent, now rising to her feet. Timing himself perfectly, Ash Ketchum leaps off the top rope, entwining his legs around Lady Red's head in mid air and twisting himself, forcing the Assassin's body to flip around, landing hard head first on the mat.) Axis: Hurricarana from Ash Ketchum! Daring aerial maneuver from Ketchum... and hooks a leg for the cover! (The referee slides into position for the count....) ONE.... TWO....! Kickout in the nick of time! Axis: So close! But Lady Red gets a kickout in time to save this match. Remember, this is for an SWF contract, something every SJL fighter wants, and these warriors are going to lay everything they have out on the line! Edwin: Now who's saying things that would have been better put at the start of the match? (Ash comes up to his knees in frustration, but comes straight up silently, picking his opponent up with him. A hard roundhouse kick catches Lady Red on the chin, sending her staggering backwards. A front kick to the gut doubles her over, and with his left hand holding her head still, Ash brings a hard knee strike upwards, sending the Assassin backwards and reeling in pain. A left jab misses the mark slightly, and the Assassin barely ducks a spinning roundhouse kick.) Sacred: Even clouded with pain and fatigue, the skill of Lady Red allows her to survive! Edwin: Funny, it looks more like she's getting lucky with where she staggers. Sacred: Shut up, that's pure skill! (Another front kick hits the mark, but gets caught in the quick hands of the Assassin! Lady Red looks to her opponent and smiles, but only for a second as Ash leaps off his free foot, flipping upwards and catching Lady Red on the chin with the flip kick, allowing Ash to land perfectly on his feet. Seeing his fallen opponent near the corner, Ash slides in for a cover as the referee comes in to count...) ONE.... TWO....! Kickout! Axis: What does Ash Ketchum have to do to win this match??? Sacred: The power of evil! Never count us out, for evil... Edwin: Always wins... blah blah, shut it. Sacred: Hey.... Edwin: Hey, first you steal my theme song, then you steal my Jolt, you get no sympathy from me. Axis: Don't look at me either. Sacred: Fine! See if I come back to announce another show. Axis: ... You *aren't*! This is the last of the Australian Tour, and you were only here for the tour! Sacred: See! I knew this would happen, I'm evil incarnate! Woooooo! Edwin: Now he's stealing my 'Woo'. I'll be glad to get back to the U.S. (With some effort, Ash Ketchum gets back up to his feet, with Lady Red brought up with him. A fatigue-slowed forearm to the head brings Lady Red back to the ropes, where Ash whips her into the ropes. Bouncing off himself, the two running fighters collide in the center of the ring, Ash landing a clothesline off his right arm. The impact downs both fighters, Lady Red falling to her back, Ash rolling back and forth, clutching at his arm in pain.) Axis: A turn of events as Ash in the heat of battle forgets the arm he was favoring, and hurts himself almost as bad, if not more than his opponent! (Lady Red turns over and gets to her knees, panting, her face a mask of fatigue and pain. Looking over, she sees Ash Ketchum writhing in pain beside her. Getting to her feet, Lady Red leans against the ropes, watching Ash nearly fail pushing himself up to his knees. Stepping forward, Lady Red viciously side kicksd the hurt shoulder of Ash Ketchum, sending him hard face first into the mat. Walking over, Lady Red stands, straddling the exposed back of Ash Ketchum, then leaps into the air and come crashing down on Ash, knee first. With her opponent temporarily immobile, Lady Red leans forward, and intertwines her left arm around Ash Ketchum's, pulling it behind his own back. Her right arm slides across the Undercard King's throat, and pulls up, interlocking her hands to her wrists.) Axis: No! Dammit, this match belonged to Ash, he had the momentum fully on his side, and one mental mistake could have cost him this match! (Lady Red, oblivious to the massive booing elicited from the crowd, pulls back with her crossface chickenwing, summoning just enough energy to lock in the hold, planting her elbows onto her knees. Ash Ketchum screams out in pain, the referee checking in on his status to see if he submits.) Axis: Triple C! Triple C from that damned Lady Red, and on the already hurt arm of Ketchum... Edwin: No, Ash hurt his *right* arm. Lady Red has the hold on his left. Axis: Wait, that's right! A mental mistake could now hamper Lady Red, not capitalizing as she has before on the hurt arm of Ash Ketchum! Can he escape the hold? (His throat begins to close, the force of his opponent's forearm closing it for him. His back arched painfully, and his shoulder being pulled away from its socket, Ash thought desperately for escape. Making sure not to drop his hurt arm on the mat, Ash tries to reach forward for one of the ropes, but the punishment laid upon the arm won't allow him to stretch it enough to reach the rope just... beyond.. his.... grasp.... Lifting his arm high, he tries to grab a hold of something, anything to allow his escape. With a shock, Lady Red's head gets grabbed by Ash's arm, the crowd cheering at the hope that all was not lost for their hero.With a jerk, Ash tries to bring both Lady Red's head and his own together to break the hold.... but the resistance put up by the Assassin is too much for his hurt arm to pull on. The pain from the exertion forces him to let go, keeping his hand high, not giving up.) Sacred: Intelligence comes from evil too! Axis: What are you talking about? Sacred: Ash can't escape! His only way out is by using *his hurt arm*! This is over, he cant even pull on Lady Red's head! Edwin: Axis, why did you let him make that point? Now people will be tricked into thinking that he has any amount of brains. Sacred: Exactly! ...HEY! (The hold on his neck getting tighter and tighter, Ash starts to lose some of his sight... his conciousness slipping, but refusing to give up, Ash keeps his hand high, even as he loses the concious ability to tell if it's up. The crowd begins to chant for Ash, cheering for his escape, but with no more air allowed to his brain, his hand falls to the mat. The referee lifts the hand high, letting it drop to the mat, signalling one drop to the timekeeper. The referee lifts the hand high again, the crowds screams becoming frantic for Ash Ketchum to get up.... the hand drops for a second time...) Axis: Dammit, not her! Anyone but her, I'd hate to see such a worthless waste of life succeed over someone worthy as Ash Ketchum! Edwin: Life isn't always fair Axis, although I agree with you... (The referee raises Ash's hand for a third time. The crowd refuses to believe that their hero will fall, chanting his name in the hopes that they can engage his adrenaline, allow him to make it through.... but the hand drops again. The referee signals for the bell as the first monotonous electronic note of the Theme to A Clockwork Orange resonates throughout the Adelaide Oval. Lady Red rolls Ash over onto his back, and slides out of the ring.) Axis: Dammit, no! DING DING DING Funyon: Your winner, winning the third fall by forced submission... (the microphone is yanked out of Funyon's hand by Lady Red. The Assassin rolls back into the ring, microphone in hand) Axis: Now what is this mental case going to say? Red: Cut the music! (The music stops) ... Red: ...I told you. You brought me into this league.... you brought out Lady Red from the depths of my mind.... you brought me to the SWF. You killed Annie Eclectic.... and gave birth to Lady Red. And now.... my fury shall be unleashed on the SWF, as you languish here forever more. You are the last, and this is all on your head. (Lady Red drops the microphone as her music starts anew. Exiting the ring, she leaves the Adelaide Oval, picking up her kimono as she passes it on the ramp.) (cut back to the announcer table) Axis: I could not think of a more depressing end to that match, but there is still hope for a happy ending! We have one more match for you all tonight, Erek Taylor takes on the World Champion and Clan member, K-Os in a Stairway to #### match! Stay tuned! Edwin: And don't steal anyone's Jolt! Ever! Axis: Shut up about your jolt.... (cut to Ash Ketchum's bloody unconcious face, as we fade to black.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest crusen86 Report post Posted March 24, 2002 [it races down through the high tension wires crisscrossing the streets of Adelaide, the streets of every city. Silently screaming through the night, intensified at the transformer, split apart, desperately searching for an outlet. It’s hunger unquenchable, it travels at a dizzying speed with no end in sight. As though preordained, it takes a sudden turn and travels down a suburban street. Blind, yet knowing exactly where it is headed, it blazes down another wire, towards its target. Around the house, jumping across ragged wires, it senses freedom. Arcing through the outlet in the living room, the charge blasts across the power bar, now on the final leg of its journey. Through the back of the television, across the circuitry, simple data is changed into beams of light and colour which are emitted; each one lacking meaning, together creating a tapestry. An image of destruction, a symbol of fury, holding all the meaning in the world for some......... the SJL logo flashes on the blank screen......... then fades away leading to an entirely different kind of electricity........] “YAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!” [Eighteen thousand wrestling fanatics jump out of their seats in unison, yelling their guts out as the Crimson theme blares from the speakers! The Adelaide Oval is filled to the rafters with raucous cheers, and guys with beers, as heavy rock provides a grim omen of what’s to come. Flimsy signs are raised in the air, but not nearly as high as the hopes of two men in the back. Each crowd, each night, similar to the last, yet a unique event with no equal. And tonight is no different........] Axis: “Welcome back to SJL Crimson!!” [Panning the crowd for a few last seconds, the focus is removed from the thousands, and put on a trio in front of a desk. One a symbol of mirth and gaiety, one the embodiment of pure evil, the other a neutralizing force, all together the voice of the league. A smile, a scowl, and a straight face sit opposite the camera lens, as each one hears the two words they‘ve been waiting for over their headsets......] “We’re live!” Edwin: “I pity any of you who, for some unknown reason, are just joining now. This Crimson has been the bestest one in a long time, and is ready to be capped off with the second half of the bestest main event in this league’s illustrious history!” Axis: “Joining our show halfway through....... for shame!” Sacred: “I tip my evil top hat to those of you who avoided this trash until now. Keep up the bad work!” Edwin: “Anywhoodle, as if this double main event isn’t great enough, I whipped up a doozy of an undercard. After a nitty-gritty triple threat match, we watched as four of the hottest young talents in this league battled for supremacy in a tag match.” Sacred: “Bah! That was just filler until my favourite match of the night, which isn’t saying that much, the Stairway to Fuc......” Axis: “The match between Shawn Brody and Mike Van Siclen for not only the TV title, but the hand of the fair maiden Melissa.” Edwin: “Fair maiden? This ain’t Shakespeare bro. This is down and dirty, bare-fisted, knock down, drag out WRASSLIN’! Just as Xero and Mafia proved in their singles match!” Axis: “Just before the break, Ash and Lady Red suffered through a Two out of Three Falls match, with the winner’s arm raised and a contract in their hands.” Sacred: “It’s pathetic..... these JLer worms wriggle around in this cesspool of jobbers, struggling for a one way ticket out of here, only to have me kick their jobber rear-ends all over the SWF.” Axis: “Hmmm...... I’ll be watching with baited interest when the two winners come to the WF after having seen this show played back.” Sacred: “................ you’ve won this round Aussie. But just you wait and see! My evil mind will whip up a deliciously evil serving of an evil plan! Oh, you’ll rue this day! Rue you shall, muahaha!” Axis: “......Just one more match........ less than an hour....... I can do this.......” [The crowd dies down during the course of the announcer’s babble. As the referee’s trade off, leaving a fresh zebra in the ring, Funyon gargles some salt water, prepping himself for the task at hand. Daydreaming of jumping to the apron and doing that snazzy water spray thing into the air, Funyon snaps back to reality and gets out of his seat. With no hurry, Funyon casually walks up the steps and enters the ring, returning a token nod to the ref.] Axis: “Two champions in a battle outside the mere limits of a rivalry, greater then a championship match, a match that will alter their career’s forever.” Edwin: “The European AND Tag/Stables champion High Flyin’ Erek Taylor takes on the monster that is our World Champion, K-Os, in one of the most gruesome matches around these here parts. Just the thought of it sends a chill up my spine!” Sacred: “Perhaps its simply because my dark presence scares you....” [speaking into the microphone, and hearing absolutely nothing, Funyon looks around in shock. Fiddling with the mike, Funyon hits the mute switch off causing a horrific signal of feedback over the P.A system. Turning red, he adjusts his shirt and stammers into the mike.] Funyon: “The following match is the second finals match in the SWF contract tournament, and is a LAST MAN STANDING MATCH!!!” [The crowd’s roar is so loud it escapes the confines of the building’s walls, the noise audible within a few blocks each way. As the crowd gradually begins to subdue, Funyon continues on with his tirade.] Funyon: “Introducing first.......” [As the word “first” cuts across the speakers, the house lights suddenly shut off, immersing the crowd in darkness! Lighters are raised as the spotlights flash on, their white beams of light swarming over the arena, a frantic mood in the air. To the crowd’s delight, “Toxicity” begins to pound from the speakers as a projectile flare shoots down from the ceiling!] FHOOMP! ........wwwssssssssssssssssssshhhhhh........... ****BOOM**** [Exploding on impact with the stage, the flare sets off a giant mass of pyrotechnics, drowning out System of a Down! The lyrics begin to kick up as smoke creeps across the entranceway, concealing the ramp in a dense fog. Bursting back to life, the arena lights project a shadow down the ramp, sending the crowd into a frenzy. Trying his best to settle the butterflies in his stomach, the figure spins around then settles into a crouching pose before heading towards the ring.] Funyon: “Standing six feet two inches tall and weighing in at two hundred fifteen pounds, he is the European AND Tag/Stables CHAMPEEEEEEEN............... ‘THE PRINCE OF FURY’ EREK TAAAAAAAAAAYLORRR!!!” [Walking out from the smoke, Erek is met with a symphony of cheers as the crowd in Adelaide see the heart and soul of X Force Nine with the European Belt around his waist. The gold plating glittering from the bright lights, Erek shakes out his hands as he reaches the ring and dives under the bottom rope. Rushing across the ring, he bounces off the ropes then comes to a halt, soaking in the crowd’s reaction as the ref goes over the rules.] Axis: “A Last Man Standing Match, between two champions, both wanting to prove they are top dog in this league. Pain is irrelevant in this type of match, you simply have to ignore it. It’s all about survival here, and the winner, whatever is left of him, will have his dream come true.” Sacred: “Man, you are worse then those pansy Hallmark cards, give it a break!” Edwin: “Back off boy-o, only *I* may deride Axis’s announcing abilities. You just go back to being evil and bitter.” Axis: “This is a no-DQ, no holds barred war. The goal is simple, take out your opponent so that he cannot stand before the ref can count a ten count, and you walk out of this arena the winner, you fly out of this continent an official WF wrestler.” Sacred: “You think you’re so tough Edwin?” [before Sacred and Edwin can enter a war of words, “Toxicity” comes to an abrupt halt followed by a split instant of quiet in the arena. The calm before the storm.......] ****CRACK**** [A peal of thunder crackles across the sound system, as the lights shut back off, immersing the Australian fans in darkness once more. And once again, the pitch black is broken up as hundreds of people with their lighters still out raise them high and proud again. A red spotlight above the entrance shines down, as blood red pyrotechnics cascade over the entranceway, the curtains lost in the inferno. From the sound system, the droning sound of “Down” by S.T.P heralds the World Champ. Stepping through the fire, his head bent towards the ground, he wipes the sweat of his brow. Not caused by the heat, but by the anxiety rushing through his veins. Closing his eyes, he raises his head..........] *****BOOM***** [setting off a pair of enormous pyros from the side of the stage! Hotter than the heat from the crowd, the two flames slowly die down as he slowly walks to the ring.] Funyon: “And his opponent, standing six feet one inch tall and weighing in at 259 pounds, he is the SJL WORLD CHAMPEEEEN................. KAAAAAAAAA-OOSSSS!!!!” Sacred: “Now the Clan, THAT’S a group you can respect. Way better than those X Force Nine people.” Axis: “And how do you figure that?” Sacred: “A simple evil measurement. It’s pretty obvious to me.” Edwin: “These two groups have been locked in an everlasting battle since the dawn of time. The Clan versus X Force Nine, both finals have portrayed this conflict, as seems appropriate. Always at the top of their games, it’s the immovable thing versus the unstoppable doohickey. And my money’s on the doohickey.” Axis: “This show will have a gigantic impact on both leagues, the JL and the WF. We could see the XF9 stable move on up to the WF, we could see stables split apart, we could see the champions of our little league ride off into the sunset.” [Axis isn’t the only one to realize this fact. The JL fans of Adelaide are red hot as K-Os walks up the steel steps, and with a glare at Erek, enters the ring. Stopping in his tracks by the far left corner, K-Os never removes his eyes from the European champ, who returns the favour. The music slowly dies from the speakers, but nobody evens realizes this. The words of the ref drifting in one ear and out the other, K-Os watches as Taylor slowly steps forward. With the crowd a din of noise, Taylor stops in the middle of the ring, and looks straight ahead as K-Os walks up to him. Noses mere inches apart the two men, roughly the same height, K-Os slightly bulkier, remain still as the arena is filled with cheers of anticipation.] Axis: “Feel this moment! This is a once in a lifetime match, and these people know it!” Edwin: “Neither man is willing to blink! This could prove to be a straining method of attack minutes from now!” Sacred: [Pulls out a Personal CD Player] [Looking to the side, Taylor glances over the thousands of fans cheering for him, before glancing to the other side and seeing thousands more! Stepping back, Taylor slowly reaches at his waist, and ever so slowly removes the European belt. Holding it out slightly and looking into his reflection, Taylor glances up as he sees K-Os stepping back and removing his World Belt. The referee watches nervously as the two men hold their titles in front of themselves, looking down at them, then at each other. The crowd’s roar continues to grow louder and louder, as two of the best ever look down at their pasts, straight at the present, and glance up looking to the future.] Edwin: “Look! Goosebumps! Kiyahahaha!” Axis: “How can you be listening to music at a time like this?!” Sacred: “What?! It’s a evil song!” [Cautiously stepping between them, the referee meekly puts out his hands, as K-Os drapes his belt over the right hand and Erek does the same over the left. The heavy metal straining his scrawny arms, the ref moves to the right side of the ring as the two back up into respective corners, waiting for the bell. Focused on each other, the crowd still insane, neither sees as the referee passes the gold between the ropes, and with his unweighted arms, signals for the bell.] Axis: “What are you listening to anyways?” Sacred: “Oh, you might have heard of this one. [Holds the earphones up to his mike, as “Battleflag” is heard] By some Allstars group or something.” Edwin: [Jaw drops, then closes his mouth in a scowl] Axis: “Easy there boys..... we gotta last through this match.” Edwin: [breaks into a smile] “That’s okay Sacred. I’m fine. No problem really.” Axis: “Hmmmm....... when will the other shoe drop?” DING DING DING!! [The three piercing notes slice through the cheers, causing them to intensify while the two men begin to circle around one another. Shaking out his right arm, and flexing his fist, K-Os hunkers down preparing for the war before him. Watching for any sign of attack or weakness, Taylor forgets about the crowd that he played towards so much before. Realizing this transcends popularity or revenge or ego-stroking, Taylor skips over his right foot and stops, crouching down as well. In the blink of an eye..........] Axis: “Here we go!” [Charging forward, the two men lock up in a collar and elbow tie-up, jockeying for leverage and looking for an opening. Straining up, almost on his tip-toes, K-Os throws all his weight behind himself and slowly forces Taylor into a retreat to the near left corner. Pushing up against the left ropes, Taylor rolls off the ropes to reverse the advantage, but K-Os follows suit and spins, pushing Taylor up against the turnbuckle. Each man with a death-grip, neither Clannite nor XF9er is willing to give an inch. Seeing this the referee shoves between them and pushes with all his might. Finally broken apart, K-Os uses the temporary distraction to land a hard slap to the face of Taylor! The crowd launches a volley of boos as Taylor touches his reddened cheek with his hand, then glowers at the smirking K-Os.] Sacred: “That’s what I like to see!” Edwin: “A man slapping another man?” Sacred: “No!.... I mean I like it....... curses!” Axis: “How the heeeeeelllllllllllll did you get this announcing job in the first place?” Edwin: “Why’d you say it like that?” Axis: “I’ll tell you later. But in the ring, as if there wasn’t enough tension before........ someone is gonna snap!” [With the crowd yelling for blood, Taylor begins to charge at K-Os, then thinks twice and stops dead. Shaking his head ‘no’, Taylor slowly begins to stalk around his opponent once more.] Edwin: “Seems K-Os is trying to enrage Taylor, but it ain’t working.” Sacred: [sarcastically] “Oh, how astute you are, grand commish.” Edwin: “What did you call me?!” [The crowd, on the edge of their seats, watch in awe as the drama unfolds before them. Stopping opposite each other, Taylor and K-Os begin to dash forward, when K-Os nails a cheap kick to the stomach! As his organs re-arrange, Taylor finds himself pushed back against the far ropes. With a hard Irish whip, K-Os attempts to follow up with a stiff clothesline, but Taylor easily ducks the shot! Bouncing off the ropes again, Taylor takes aim............. and nails a diving forearm, square against the temple of K-Os, sending him head over heels backwards! The crowd pops as the World Champ bounces hard off the mat, landing right shoulder first!] Sacred: “Ah come on! I could of scouted that one a mile away! My evil sense was tingling the whole time!” Axis: “It’s tough, but the rest of the world has to suffer being lesser than you I guess. Nice Diving Adelphia though by Taylor.” Sacred: “#### right.” Edwin: “Cripes.......... I think his evil sense doesn’t come with a sarcasm sense.” Sacred: “Evil has no need for humour.” [sitting up on the mat, K-Os rolls his right shoulder as the joint is numb from the jolt. Rushing in for the kill, Taylor nails a low dropkick to the back of K-Os’ head, sending him rolling towards the far side of the ring. Standing up, Taylor looks with determination to the crowd, who cheer madly as his face looks out from the Smarktron. Hearing the pained grunts of his opponent, Taylor walks over to K-Os as he pulls himself up by the ropes. Reaching his feet, K-Os turns around, right into...........] CRACK!! WHOOOOOOOOOO!!! CRACK!!! WHOOOOOOOO!!! CRACK!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooo.......... [Three hard chops, numbing the chest of K-Os! Leaning back against the ropes, K-Os grimaces as fire blazes up the front of his torso. With a grab of the right arm, Taylor takes an eye for an eye and sends K-Os hurtling towards the near ropes. Bouncing off them, K-Os feels a twinge of deja vu, and compensating for the mistake last time, ducks beneath another Diving Adelphia! In mid-air, Taylor realizes with shock that he won’t be stopped by K-Os, but by the mat. Falling down, Taylor scrambles back to his feet and whips around a second too late as K-Os clotheslines both of them up and over the near top rope! Cameras flash and the crowd groans as the twisted bodies feel gravity’s pull and slam ten feet down to the rubber padding!] Axis: “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice........” Sacred: “What the heeeeelllllllllll.......... is wrong with this guy? Why can’t he talk normal?” Edwin: “He’s trying to remove some of the heavy burden of being a Commish-nnouncer, by doing my emotional anecdotes for me.” Axis: “I’m running out of cue cards. What do I do now?” Edwin: “...................” [Poking his head out between the top and middle ropes, the referee looks in disgust at the car wreck below and begins a ten count.] ONE!!!!! TWO!!!! [Realizing it’s chant-time, the fans of Adelaide begin to count along with the referee as the two combatants begin to stir on the outside.] THREE!!!!! FOUR!!!! [While Taylor pushes slowly up to one knee, K-Os grabs the ring apron cloth and uses it to pull himself up. In mid-five count, the referee stops raising his arms in the air as both stand up. The crowd hits six before the chant begins to die out, and on the sixth count, both men stagger forward with hard right hooks! Jarred back, Taylor goes on instinct and uses his finesse to duck around the second right, and slam a knee into the gut of K-Os! Doubling over, K-Os cannot react before Taylor cinches in a front face lock! Falling backwards for the DDT............ Taylor is shoved to the mat as K-Os plants his feet and powers out of the move! His back hitting the ground again, Taylor is slightly stunned but goes to bolt back up when K-Os pounces on him, nailing punch after punch!] Edwin: “Not only is this a classic feud, XF9 versus Clan, but it is also a scene we’ve seen re-enacted many times with differing endings, speed versus power. Personally, I love speed.” Axis: “Well....... that would explain a few things.......” [While fans lean over to pat the two wrestlers, Taylor covers his head with his arms, blocking the majority of the blows. Realizing it is a lost cause, K-Os gets to his feet and lands a hard soccer kick as Taylor gets to his hands and knees! Clutching his torso, Taylor’s sixth sense kicks in as he hears metal grating upon metal! Instinctively rolling away, Taylor saves his chances, BARELY avoiding the top section of the steel steps! The crowd “Aaahh”s and K-Os swears as he slams the steel to the ground where Taylor once lay!] Sacred: “Gotta love these no-DQ matches.” Axis: “Taylor, just barely avoiding a shot that could’ve sealed his fate!” Edwin: “I don’t know how either of these wild and crazy guys will be able to put the other down for an entire ten count.” [His finger jammed by the steps crashing to the ground, K-Os steps back shaking his right arm. Knowing pain is no reason to slow down, K-Os lets his pained limb fall to his side as he stalks the crouched Taylor. Bending over to drag the High Flyin’ Prince to his feet, K-Os feels a sharp elbow jab into his sternum! Another elbow staggers him backwards, as Taylor re-energizes with the crowd’s cheers! Lacing in with a few more stinging chops, Taylor eyes the bottom steel steps. As grim ideas rush through his head, the temporary distraction is the instant K-Os waited for, as he lands a quick thumb to the eye! Stumbling back, Taylor’s eye clenches shut as K-Os leans back against the crowd barrier, replenishing his lungs. With a push, K-Os moves towards Taylor and winds up for a chop as Taylor looks through his blurred vision............ and ducks the shot! Turning right around, Taylor wraps his right arm around the head of K-Os and runs forward, dropping K-Os FACE FIRST into the remaining steel steps!! The crowd pops as skull meets steel, knocking out K-Os!] Axis: “Oh lord........” Sacred: “Oooh, the Prince of Fury actually lives up to the name, showing his evil side!” Edwin: “Good thing there’s no count outs here, these two men have been brawling outside for way longer than ten seconds. Now, to see if one can stay down on the ground for that long.......” [Luckily for K-Os, his body sags forward, his upper body draped over the steps propping him up. Rolling to the outside, the referee sees him over the steps and shakes his head, not beginning the count. The crowd, throats sore from yelling, quiet down a bit as Taylor rolls over and stands back up, slowly stumbling towards the near right post and K-Os.] Axis: “K-Os isn’t down on the ground, so there is no ten count.” Edwin: “When he comes to he better count his lucky stars.” Sacred: “Tch, leave it to these do-gooders to not get the job done. Tch, indeed.” [Leaning against the right apron, Taylor rubs at his eye as he looks around at the present situation. Slowly pushing his body off the steel, K-Os falls to the side, sitting on the ground. With a method of attack chosen, Taylor walks towards the announcing desk and begins to remove the monitors and microphones from the top!] Edwin: “Hey! I was starting to like this desk!” Axis: “Someone save the Pepsi Max!” Sacred: “That’s right Taylor, don’t even look at me. You know better than to mess with an evil genius.” Edwin: “As soon as we get used to one of these, someone gets driven through it.........” [Evacuating the vicinity, the three announcer’s drag away their headset cords as Taylor turns back and sets his sights on K-Os. Walking up behind him, Taylor takes a fistful of long black locks, and forcibly brings K-Os to his feet. Pulling his opponent behind him like a tired, stubborn child, Taylor drags him right to the end of the desk. The crowd begins to build up to a dull roar as he looks to them, then latches on a front facelock! Grabbing a hold of K-Os’s tights, Taylor plants his feet and begins to lift K-Os up and over................. when K-Os kicks wildly, causing Taylor to drop him back down to his feet! Before the European champ can try attempt number two, K-Os grabs around his legs and turns to the side, dropping Taylor to the ground with a spinebuster! The crowd boos as K-Os rolls off of him, holding his right arm.] Sacred: “Close but no cigar there......” Edwin: “Taylor nearly destroyed poor lil’ Betsy there!” Axis: “Betsy?” Edwin: “This announcing desk!” Axis: “.......well, it’s better than Beatrice at our last venue.” Edwin: “Ah, that desk served me well.........” [Pushing to one knee, then to his feet, K-Os looks around at a sea of jeers and middle fingers. Seeing someone to his right, K-Os turns............... facing right at one of the cameramen. His face blanching white, the cameraman swallows nervously as K-Os stalks towards him. Lunging forwards, K-Os grabs the camera from his shoulder and shoves him to the ground, eliciting a chorus of boos! Paying no mind, K-Os looks to the near right post, then chucks the camera up and over it!] Axis: “What in blue blazes?...........” Edwin: “I think the tension has gotten to him.” [Turning back to Taylor, who has just risen to his feet, K-Os grabs him by his head and drives it forwards into the steel post! Getting up a hand at the last second, Taylor weakens the blow, but is still dazed by the impact! Stepping beside Taylor, K-Os grabs the cable of the camera and wraps it around his throat! With three quick punches, K-Os rushes to the other side of the post, and grabs the cable on the other side. Pulling down, with it looped over the cable of the turnbuckle, K-Os causes the cable to cinch tight and raise Taylor off the ground!! Reacting quickly, Taylor grabs the cable at his throat with both hands for good and bad!] Axis: “K-Os just created a hangman’s noose in the corner with the camera cable!” Edwin: “This is too far!” Sacred: “Death...... what better way to end an evil episode of Crimson?” [The good, Taylor’s fingers keep the cable from choking him completely. The bad, elevated in the air with his hands tied up, Taylor cannot escape the snare of the noose. Pulling back with all his might, K-Os tries to choke all the life out of Taylor, as the crowd unleashes a barrage of heat. Easing up, K-Os redoubles his grip and pulls again! This time though, Taylor grabs the top rope with his right hand and pulls himself up to the apron! The crowd cheers as he loosens himself out from the cable, coughing and gasping for air. Entering between the ropes, Taylor collapses to the mat as K-Os lets go of the cable, and dives into the ring after his prey.] Edwin: “Taylor was hanging by a wire there wasn’t he?? Eh, eh??” Axis: [is elbowed by Edwin] “Ha..........ha.......” [Getting to his feet, K-Os begins to stomp on Taylor as a chant of “You suck” emanates from the crowd. Looking up, K-Os snarls and begins to stomp harder. Finally letting up, K-Os grabs Taylor by the arm and pulls him to a vertical base. A kick to the stomach doubles up Taylor, and K-Os quickly applies a head scissors!] Axis: “K-Os is going for the #### Helix!” [before K-Os can even grab for the waist, Taylor strains the muscles in his back and lifts K-Os up and over with a back body drop! Slamming hard to the mat, K-Os has the wind knocked out of him as Taylor slumps to his knees. The referee looks to begin a ten count, then sees K-Os rolling over and Taylor standing up. As Taylor reaches K-Os, K-Os lands a punch to the side of Taylor, who quickly retaliates with a hard right to the forehead! Sagging back, K-Os gets desperate and........] DING! Axis: “Oooohh.........” Edwin: “Aaaaahhhh........” Sacred: “That’s gotta hurt!” [The low blow stops Taylor dead in his tracks, as the male portion of the crowd groans. Grabbing around the waist of Taylor, K-Os stands up and pushes him all the way back to the near left corner, his shoulder slamming into Taylor’s gut! Pulling back, K-Os drives his shoulder into the stomach again! Going for the third time, K-Os moves forward........... as Taylor cinches in a headlock! Turning K-Os and his momentum around 180 degrees, Taylor jumps up slightly and PLANTS K-Os to the mat with a spinning DDT! The crowd pops as K-Os looks like an exclamation point before collapsing to the mat. Rolling to the side, Taylor crawls between the middle and bottom rope, and ever so slowly pulls himself up on the apron.] Edwin: “The High Flyin’ Prince is looking to prove his namesake!” [slowly climbing up each rope, Taylor reaches the top and carefully stands up with both feet on the turnbuckle. Looking to the hundreds of flashes, Taylor sees his moment, ready to be etched in the pillar of history. Closing his eyes, and hearing the roar of the crowd, Taylor opens them and.............] Axis: “Oh my gawd!” [struggling with every ounce of energy left in him, K-Os fights to his feet and dives forward, pushing Taylor off the top! His weight moving out of the ring, Taylor can do little else but prepare himself for the impact, as he crashes to the ground by the bottom of the ramp! The crowd’s roar grows quiet as Taylor slams down, and crumples to the ground. Inside the ring, K-Os rests his head on the turnbuckle, watching this awkward flight with a smile. Following the lead of the referee, K-Os begins to exit the ring to the left. Crouching over Taylor, the ref makes sure he isn’t too badly hurt before beginning a ten count.] ONE!! TWO!! [before the crowd can even get into it, K-Os bends down and gradually pulls up the sluggish Taylor to his feet. Landing a right punch, with noticeably less bite then earlier on, K-Os begins to herd Taylor up the ramp to the stage.] Axis: “K-Os broke up the count. I think he knew that wouldn’t be enough.” Sacred: “Geez, we ALL knew that wasn’t enough. Taylor may be a pansy, but even a pansy can withstand that fall. Take Edwin for example.” Edwin: “I would resent that remark, if pansies weren’t so pretty and nice smelling. But they are, so thank you.” [The crowd comes alive as the cameraman rush after the two competitors up the metal grating. Turning around, Taylor swings wildly and connects with a hook, causing K-Os to stumble back down slightly. Regrouping, K-Os returns an old favour by nailing Taylor with a hard chop that echoes through the building! Holding his chest, Taylor backs up towards the right side of the stage. Following after him, K-Os winds up for another chop, but Taylor blocks it and grabs K-Os by the hair! With all his might, Taylor drives the head of K-Os, right into the metal frame beneath the Smarktron! The crowd pops as K-Os falls to one knee, head bent over. Seeing an opening, Taylor latches on a front face lock and signals to the crowd!] Edwin: “Could it be?!..........” Axis: “The Fame and Fury!!” [beginning to twist over so they are back to back, Taylor feels his sweaty hands beginning to slip! Almost losing his grip on the facelock, Taylor tries to quickly twist over, but K-Os wriggles out! His back to K-Os, fear rushes up and down the spine of Taylor as K-Os plants both hands on his back............. and SHOVES HIM towards the edge of the stage! His momentum ready to carry him over into the 15 foot drop, Taylor digs in, but slips on the metal! Off balance, and a foot from the edge, Taylor tries again to plant his feet................. and stops on the edge of the stage, teetering over! As the crowd begins to die back down, Taylor looks straight down at all the stage gear below, and then hears the crowd picking up again. Turning around......] Axis: “Sweet Mary!” Sacred: “.............Holy heck................” Edwin: “GORE! GORE! GOOOOOOOORE!” [A gasp of shock races through the crowd as K-Os charges at Taylor and NAILS a Gore, sending them both over the edge!! Time slows to a halt, as the two bodies begin their descent. Flipping backwards, Taylor turns parallel to the ground, with K-Os on top of him! Their legs flailing, neither man can prevent the inevitable.........] ***CRACK*** [Crashing through two tables side by side, K-Os and Taylor miss the bare concrete by a matter of feet, and instead settle for thin pieces of pine! A few boxes beneath the tables, filled with miscellaneous junk help to cushion the awful fall, but K-Os’ body crashed right on top of Taylor’s, his shoulder into the chest of the Prince of Fury! The crowd is a mix of whispers and yells as the referee scrambles down to the collision site!] Edwin: “What the.......... what was K-Os thinking?!” Axis: “Both men may be down for the count!” Sacred: “They’re down and out. Not even PURE evil could survive that....... well, unless it was me. But they’re not me, so oh well.” [Getting little to no response from either wrestler, the referee looks around hopelessly. Seeing no other course of action, he raises one finger in the air and begins a count.] ONE!! TWO!!! [The crowd joins in.] THREE!!! FOUR!!! [At the fourth count, K-Os begins to rustle, pulling his right arm tightly to his chest. Pushing off of Taylor, K-Os rolls to his back as the count continues.] FIVE!!! Axis: “If either man can get up, the contract is his!” [As though he can hear the words of motivation, K-Os pushes with his left arm, propping himself on his elbow. In the middle of the tables, Taylor’s hand begins to raise up.] SIX!!! [Going to push with his right hand, K-Os immediately holds it to his chest again, wincing in pain. Taylor rolls to his side while K-Os rolls to his left hand and one knee.] SEVEN!! [First to one foot, then the other, K-Os staggers around then drops back to one knee. Taylor begins to slowly push up, the referee’s count cutting through the haze in his head.] EIGHT!!! [Getting back to his feet, K-Os stumbles away from the stage to the crowd barrier and props himself up. Turning his head, K-Os looks in shock............ as Taylor sits up!! The crowd goes wild as he strains every muscle in his body, fighting that count!!] NINE!!! [With a last burst, Taylor bolts to his feet, stopping the referee’s count!! The crowd goes wild as he fights valiantly to stay upright! Not believing his eyes, K-Os limps over to Taylor and nails a left hand hook! The single punch alone seems enough to topple Taylor, but he staggers and lands a punch of his own! K-Os reels back, and begins to back away, walking alongside the ramp. Seeing his opponent headed back for the ring, Taylor ignores his screaming muscles, and follows.] Axis: “How are they still standing?!” Edwin: “This is amazing.......” [Tossing himself towards the apron, K-Os awkwardly slides in and pushes himself to the far ropes. Taylor, like the walking dead, with a slow but deliberate pace, follows K-Os’ path. As K-Os pulls himself up by the ropes, Taylor slowly and carefully rolls into the ring. Standing to his feet, the European champ looks into the eyes of the World champ, both seeing the same thing. Not anger, not fear, not pain....... determination............] Edwin: “The referee is sliding into the ring now, and I don’t think even he can believe it!” Sacred: “I’m somewhat surprised....... somewhat.....” [Moving forward, K-Os hits a hard right which snaps back Taylor’s head, but also sends a jolt of pain through his body! Looking at his arm, K-Os tries to move it, but can barely lift it up straight anymore! Paying attention to what he shouldn’t, K-Os’ face is twisted as Taylor lands a hard punch of his own! The crowd cheers as the two men duke it out, K-Os with his left hand only. With stronger right hand punches, Taylor slowly gains the advantage and pushes K-Os back into the far right corner! All his struggles are focused in each fist as the crowd rallies behind him! Climbing to the middle rope, Taylor begins to lay in harder, as K-Os flinches at each shot!] ONE! TWO! THREE!! FOUR!! FIVE!! [Counting along with the punches, the crowd is cut short in an instant as K-Os pushes Taylor off, slamming him to the mat! Rushing over, K-Os turns around and hooks the legs of Taylor, beginning to step over!] Edwin: “He’s going for the Herat of Darkness!” [Halfway over, K-Os suddenly releases the right leg, his arm giving out! Twisting his left foot, Taylor spins out of the hold and bolts to his feet! Grabbing the right arm of K-Os, Taylor twists it into an armbar then plants a boot in the stomach of the World champ! Latching on a front face lock, Taylor begins to turn K-Os over again! The crowd goes wild as Taylor finally gets them back to back............. and K-Os claws wildly at the face of Taylor! A rake of the face causes Taylor to break the hold, inches from the Fame and Fury! Staggering away from each other, both turn around and charge, but K-Os grabs the left leg and trips up Taylor! Turning around, K-Os holds the one leg and steps over into half of the Heart of Darkness!] Axis: “A single-legged reverse crab!” [The crowd begins to boo as K-Os wrenches the hold for all its worth as Taylor screams below! The referee can do nothing but watch as Taylor’s leg is contorted. The pain searing through him, Taylor looks up to the red bottom rope and sees his last chance at sanctuary. Slowly, hand over hand, Taylor begins to crawl............. and crawl.................... and crawl. The crowd is insane as he nears the right ropes, his fingers inches away............ but K-Os drags him back to the middle! Sitting back into the hold, K-Os yells out a warrior’s cry as Taylor ceases to struggle. Motionless beneath K-Os, Taylor gives no more yells of pain, no more struggles for safety. The referee yells to break the hold, but K-Os refuses holding onto the leg for dear life!] Axis: “K-Os is ripping the leg apart!” Edwin: “Taylor’s unconscious!” [For seconds, as the crowd boos K-Os holds the leg, until he finally breaks the hold. Stepping away, K-Os watches the count begin..............] ONE!! TWO!! THREE!! FOUR!! FIVE!! [The crowd, lifeless watches in silence as the numbers get higher............... suddenly, movement! The crowd breaks into a roar!] SIX!! [Taylor pushes off the mat, his face twisted in agony!] SEVEN!! [Getting to his hands and knees, Taylor shakes his head, blocking the pain!] EIGHT!!..................... [Pushing to his right foot...............] NINE!!................... [To his feet, Taylor begins to stand..................... as his left leg buckles beneath him! Collapsing to the mat, Taylor watches the hands fall, ten fingers out.] TEN!! DING DING DING! Funyon: “The winner at 27:28..................... KAAAAAA-OSS!!!!” Axis: “What a match!” Edwin: “A horrific war, with K-Os left standing and a contract in the WF!!” [The crowd boos as the referee raises K-Os’ hand in victory, and hands him the belt. Stepping to the turnbuckle, K-Os stands up belt raised, his face a mix of joy and pain..........] [Fade to commercial] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest crusen86 Report post Posted March 24, 2002 TRIPLE THREAT Cutthroat vs. The Dark Reaper vs. "Deathwish" Danny Williams WINNER: Danny Williams! Shawn Brody Promo TAG MATCH Tom "Superior One" Flesher & Kojack vs. Z & Ced Ordonez WINNERS: Z & Ced Ordonez! Van Siclen Promo STAIRWAY TO FUCK TV TITLE MATCH WITH A LADY ON THE LINE Shawn Brody © vs. Mike Van Siclen WINNER: Shawn Brody! Shawn Brody Promo SINGLES RE-MATCH Xero vs. Mafia WINNER: Johnny Generic! They will suffer! DOUBLE MAIN EVENT - THE SWF CONTRACT TOURNAMENT FINALS! TWO OUT OF THREE FALLS MATCH FOR AN SWF CONTRACT Ash Ketchum vs. Lady Red WINNER, AND GOING TO THE SWF: Lady Red! LAST MAN STANDING MATCH FOR AN SWF CONTRACT K-Os © vs. Erek Taylor © WINNER, AND GOING TO THE SWF: K-Os! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites