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Guest mach7

Judgement Day PPV Question

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Guest mach7

I was going to see X2 and noticed a still promo for Judgement Day before the trailers started... I only glanced at it and noticed "$11.95"... is this the price of the ppv in-theatre?? Or was it some other advert?

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Guest CanadianChris

They used to sell out back when they first started in 2000...of course, that could be because the WWF actually put forth a watchable product.


Famous Players theatres still show WWE PPVs, but I don't know how well they do now.

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Guest bob_barron

They're lowering the price to get more people to see them. I know they have a lot of special deals

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Guest Lightning Flik
They used to sell out back when they first started in 2000...of course, that could be because the WWF actually put forth a watchable product.


Famous Players theatres still show WWE PPVs, but I don't know how well they do now.

Although I haven't gone to a PPV in Silver City in a while, I know for a fact that here in Edmonton they sell out at least a couple weeks before the show begins (I missed Royal Rumble because I hadn't bought my tickets a month in advance).


I don't know about regular PPVs right now though.

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Guest AllCanadian

Wrestlemania was pretty packed here in Victoria. They had a deal where you could get a backlash ticket for $9.95 if you bought it at the same time...damn I want that $10 back.

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