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Guest SweetNSexyDiva


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Guest SweetNSexyDiva

Puffy or Crunchy? Regular, Flaming Hot, or Flaming Hot with Lime? The lime one is brand new. I haven't tried it yet. I like the crunchy flaming ones.

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Guest Flyboy
I just like the regular cheesey crunchy ones.

That statement rings true for me as well.

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Guest Choken One

Yep...Cheetos are an great example of Corrporate America trying to ruin things...


The regular crunchy cheesy cheetos is all we ever asked and needed.


We do not need bastardations of it in form of FLAMMING HOT or Chuncked with Lime...


Don't get me started on Doritos....

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Guest wwF1587

im eating a bag of regualr cheetos now.. and i couldnt be happier either.. well i could but... anyway regular are all i need

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Guest Vern Gagne

I think Cheetos should come with a little moist towlette attached to the side of the bag.


Like everyone else. Original crunchy is the best.

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Guest DrTom

I hate them all. Cheese curls are horrid, no matter who makes them, and no matter how they try to dress them up.

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Guest hardyz1
I hate them all. Cheese curls are horrid, no matter who makes them, and no matter how they try to dress them up.




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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

I ain't afraid of no stinking mod title.




Cheetos is a product that I don't buy but if someone offers me some I'll take a few...

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
I hate them all. Cheese curls are horrid, no matter who makes them, and no matter how they try to dress them up.

You fucking nazi. How, as an american, can you POSSIBLY dislike cheetos? This clearly shows your lack of manhood, your communist fetishes, taste bud discrepancies, and possible mental retardation. The corn puff was originally created while certain large AMERICAN agrobusinesses were developing new ways to save on feed. Take corn and water mash, force it into a very high-pressure tube, thus boiling the water, release said pressure, and POW, corn puff. Add AMERICAN cheese powder, and it's a tasty snack. I feel it's my duty as a citizen to petition congress to add "Cheetohs" to the pledge of alleigance. The stars and stripes? It should be the stars, stripes, and orange finger smudges.


From sea to shining sea.

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Guest DrTom
You fucking nazi. How, as an american, can you POSSIBLY dislike cheetos?

Vell, you zee, I have never liked ze cheeze. It made me very zick vhen I vaz very young, und I dezpized it ever zince. Ze eztent uf my cheeze eating zeze days is ze mozzarella, ze provolone, und ze monterey jack. Everyzing elze makez me zick und iz a dizgraze to ze Fatherland.

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Guest Vern Gagne
You fucking nazi. How, as an american, can you POSSIBLY dislike cheetos?

Vell, you zee, I have never liked ze cheeze. It made me very zick vhen I vaz very young, und I dezpized it ever zince. Ze eztent uf my cheeze eating zeze days is ze mozzarella, ze provolone, und ze monterey jack. Everyzing elze makez me zick und iz a dizgraze to ze Fatherland.

*Kisses Dr.Tom's ass. Are you ok, oh great mod.*

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Guest DrTom

Ztop zat, you mizerable zycovant.


::begins losing himself in the part::

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