Guest Mole Report post Posted May 7, 2003 I doubt it will happen this summer, but what movie do you think will dethrown Titanic? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Lethargic Report post Posted May 7, 2003 How can we predict if movies that don't exist yet will beat Titanic? I don't think it'll be beaten for many years. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Satanico Report post Posted May 7, 2003 It'll be unexpected when it happens. I guarantee that no one had a clue Titanic would do as well as it did. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Urine Sane Report post Posted May 7, 2003 Matrix: Reloaded This movie is going to make an unbelievable amount of money. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest fazzle Report post Posted May 7, 2003 I'm not sure what the name of the movie will be, but I bet it involves three chickens and a lot of lard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest razazteca Report post Posted May 7, 2003 Lord of the Rings or Matrix sequels. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Satanico Report post Posted May 7, 2003 Two Towers didn't get close to Titanic...the fan base for the final film won't get much bigger than Two Towers fan base. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mole Report post Posted May 7, 2003 Matrix: Reloaded This movie is going to make an unbelievable amount of money. Matrix isn't going to break any records like that. The movie is rated R, and the highest grossing rated R movie is Beverly Hills Cop with $234.8 million. Rated R movies limit who will see the movie, so I doubt it will gross that much. Yes, it will make atleast $200 million, but it won't make $300 million, IMO. In Premier magazine, they predicted the movie to make $350 million, which defiently won't happen. That would put the film at 8th all time, way above any other rated R movie. I remember reading in EW in 99 right before Episode 1 came out, and they predicted that it would beat Titanic. I believe it would of beaten Titanic if the movie was better, like as good as the first three Star Wars. I should rephase my question then, in how many years do you think it will take for the record to be broken? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest fazzle Report post Posted May 7, 2003 8 years, 3 chickens, and 1 bucket of lard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mik at Cornell Report post Posted May 7, 2003 Never? It's a huge GAP between one and two. Look at the numbers Spiderman put up and it still ended up 150 mil short. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest fazzle Report post Posted May 7, 2003 er..Spider-Man was more like $200 million short of Titanic. Unless we're talking worldwide, in which case it's... *checks* Holy Farquaad! 1 billion short of Titanic's worldwide record. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mole Report post Posted May 7, 2003 TItanic did so well because he had like 500 weeks in a row of $20 million. I hated that fuckin streak, it pissed me off every time I saw the results on Entertainment Tonight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted May 7, 2003 I don't see any beating Titantic for a LONG time even though inflation will make it possible one day. Titantic made so much because everyone had to see the movie and each week a new group of people was going out to see what all the fuss was about. Then there was the repeat business that had to see Winslet's boobs and feel what it was like to be King of the World again Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Amazing Rando Report post Posted May 7, 2003 if a movie ever came out with 3 chickens and a bucket of lard as main characters...i'd go see it.... TWICE~! But I think the movie will be something along the vein of Titanic...a part of history with romantic overtones.... my choice... A real-time account of two people who meet, fall in love, and end up torn apart by Wrestlemania III .... with the girl cheering Hogan and the guy Andre...and having them part their seperate ways in the Pontiac Silverdome parking lot...all the while her Hulkamania t-shirt is ripped and torn and run over by passing motorists who want to be the traffic of 93,000 people... the theme will be "Tell Me A Lie" as sung by some diva they find on the street... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mole Report post Posted May 7, 2003 I don't see any beating Titantic for a LONG time even though inflation will make it possible one day. Titantic made so much because everyone had to see the movie and each week a new group of people was going out to see what all the fuss was about. Then there was the repeat business that had to see Winslet's boobs and feel what it was like to be King of the World again And to see how 'cute' Leo was. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest fazzle Report post Posted May 7, 2003 But I think the movie will be something along the vein of Titanic...a part of history with romantic overtones.... They already tried that, they called it Pearl Harbor. It's hard to tell which one of the two was the bigger bomb. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Amazing Rando Report post Posted May 7, 2003 But I think the movie will be something along the vein of Titanic...a part of history with romantic overtones.... They already tried that, they called it Pearl Harbor. It's hard to tell which one of the two was the bigger bomb. I thought that movie made money /The New Guy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest fazzle Report post Posted May 7, 2003 I dunno, it might have. I just wanted to say Pearl Harbor sucks again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Satanico Report post Posted May 7, 2003 Whenever you see a magazine, TV show or any entertainment info site say a certian movie will break the Titanic they will be wrong. The movie that breaks the record will be a movie that no one predicts to do amazing business. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Amazing Rando Report post Posted May 7, 2003 The movie that breaks the record will be a movie that no one predicts to do amazing business. So you are saying we better watch out for The Lizzie Macguire Movie? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Satanico Report post Posted May 7, 2003 yeees! That is exactly what I'm saying! Even after the target audience moves on, the perverts will keep it going for months on the $1 circuit. The perverts will power Lizzie to the top of the all time box office mountian. Remember, you heard it here first. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest fazzle Report post Posted May 7, 2003 Stop invading my mind Rando. I was gonna say that a few minutes ago but decided not to. Bastard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mole Report post Posted May 7, 2003 El is right, whatever movie will break it, no one will expect it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Lethargic Report post Posted May 7, 2003 The Matrix not only has the R rating to deal with but it also has to deal with the fact that it's the second movie of a trilogy and part 3 only comes out 6 months later. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NoCalMike Report post Posted May 7, 2003 Are we talking just box office, or total gross? Including DVD, I bet Star Wars will dethrone it once the original is put out on DVD. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Downhome Report post Posted May 7, 2003 I love Titanic, and feel it's is a FANTASTIC film. When it came out, I was with my g/f with whom I'd been with for over two years at the time, so we ended up seeing it IN THE THEATERS about seven or so times. I didn't complain, because I really did love it, heh. It was much better than Pearl Harbor, in every aspect possible in my eyes. At least Titanic presented the true trama, drama, and horror which was a part of that event. Pearl Harbor made that event look not so bad, what with their taking the blood out of the film, and just everything else. Anyway, back to the point of the thread... ...on opening weekend, Titanic only brought in $28,638,131. Hell, the most it made in a single weekend overall was $36,014,544 and that was in it's 5th week. The thing about this film, is that it did very well throughout the week, and not just on the weekend. Word of mouth was a MONSTER with this film. Hell, when it started it was only in 2,674 theaters and it wasn't untill it's 16th week that it reached it's peak theater release, that being 3,265. This film was basicly a result of the same thing that My Big Fat Greek Wedding had happen to it, just on a much larger scale. I also feel that the film that defeats Titanic will basicly come out of nowhere, and no one will expect it to happen at all. It will not be something like a LOTR film, a superhero film, some wild Sci-Fi flick like The Matrix, etc... I don't think Titanic will be defeated for years myself, and I think it will be a film that none of us even have any idea about at this time. So far, nothing has really been able to touch Titanic, and the film that is behind Titanic is Star Wars, and it's still around $140Mil short. Whatever tops Titanic, will be a fucking monster, that's for sure. By the way... ...I think Pearl Harbor sucked every kind of ass, in EVERY WAY, but it was in no way a bomb. The film is at #48 of all time, with a total of $198,542,554. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Vern Gagne Report post Posted May 7, 2003 The next Star Wars movie. If it receives praise from movie goers and critics alike. It increases the likelyhood of people going numerous times. But if it's mediocre like the last two than it won't stand a chance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted May 7, 2003 It will happen ONLY when ticket prices take a huge raise. For example: Dances With Wolves made a bunch of money...but ticket prices were at most 4 dollars at the time. Now you pay twice that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NoCalMike Report post Posted May 7, 2003 Also, 140 million is NOTHING, when you consider how many more movie screens there are today. Remember back in the 1970's there was probably ONE SINGLE theater in every town/city. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big McLargeHuge Report post Posted May 7, 2003 What was the highest grossing movier ever before Titanic? and before that? and before that? Seriously, I'm curious. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites