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Guest dpac

Judgment Day=Uncensored

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Guest dpac

Judgment Day seems to be turning into quite the gimmick ppv. We have the Lesnar/Show in stretcher match, IC battle royal, Tag Title ladder match. Well atelast 1 out of the three doesn't suck. Hopefully we can get HHH and Nash fighting on the back of a semi bed.

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Guest Sakura

Nash vs. Crips

Show vs. Brock

Tag Ladder match

IC Battle Royal



Only 4 matches. What's the deal with that? When was the last time they had a full card in advance 3 weeks before a ppv?

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic
Wait don't forget the Torrie/Sable bikini contest!

In keeping with the JD=Uncensored theme, this match should have been Torrie vs Nidia, Dawn and Sable in a guantlet match..

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Guest AndrewTS
Wait don't forget the Torrie/Sable bikini contest!

In keeping with the JD=Uncensored theme, this match should have been Torrie vs Nidia, Dawn and Sable in a guantlet match..

Chief Morely will revert back to VAL VENIS and COME BACK to SD and run the "gauntlet." How many of these STD-infested skanks can the Big Valbowski nail in a row?

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic
Wait don't forget the Torrie/Sable bikini contest!

In keeping with the JD=Uncensored theme, this match should have been Torrie vs Nidia, Dawn and Sable in a guantlet match..

Chief Morely will revert back to VAL VENIS and COME BACK to SD and run the "gauntlet." How many of these STD-infested skanks can the Big Valbowski nail in a row?

while doing so, he gets attacked by Jamie Knoble, the Ghost of Al Wilson, Billy Kidman, and Marc Mero.


Id pay..err...no I wouldn't..but it would still be funny.

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