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Guest SweetNSexyDiva

Who knew Powder Puff could be so brutal?

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Guest Vyce
Not everyone saw it the same way the girls did.


Many of the other students said the juniors deserved what they got.


I don't remember things being quite this sociopathic back when I was in high school.

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Guest Samurai_Goat

Yea, I saw some video over this. It was just brutal, man. If this happened to a group of adults, they'd all likely be in prison for a looooooooong time, so hopefully those seniors will get at least a few years.

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Guest Midnight Express83

what hazing will these girls get in jail?

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Guest Youth N Asia

I just saw that on Dateline NBC. I can't watch stuff like that cause it'll put me in a violent rage. I just yelled out "Hit back you fuckers!" durring the show.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

You have fists. You have feet. You have teeth. You have THE RIGHT TO NOT GET BEATEN TO DEATH IN A FOOTBALL GAME.


Fight back you pussies. It's obvious the "rules" were thrown out, so fight the fuck back.

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Guest bob_barron

Good to know you have compassion. These girls were probably scared to death and didn't realise it was getting out of hand until it was too late.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Well I can't feel too bad for someone who lets someone else beat the shit out of them. 99% of hazing is retarded anyway and when they start throwing kicks and metal buckets at you head it's time to leave or throw down.


The text can't do the footage justice.

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Guest Walter Sobzak

Three words to live by in situations like this:



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Guest Ace309

I dunno. Whenever hazing started getting out of hand with me, I'd just stiff the guy doing it and all would be well. I can understand, though, why the girls didn't fight back. I mean, they went in expecting it to be horrible... and it's a very thin line between expecting and accepting horrible and getting hazed half to death when it goes overboard. I'm sure they were very confused and, according to the article, probably a little too tipsy to be sure what was going on.


*shrug* Stupid tradition.

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Guest DrTom
Many of the other students said the juniors deserved what they got.

Whoever said that should be expelled, then shot in the back of the head as soon as they take one step off school grounds. This sounds like a silly tradition, but as long as it's all in fun and no one gets hurt, who cares? When girls are beaten on the field, though, that's way over the line, and no one "deserves" that. The school should expel every senior who participated in this, save the one who stopped it and took the juniors back to her house. She should be the valedictorian for having more sense than dozens of her classmates combined.

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Guest Vern Gagne

I can't believe Seniors actually care that much to haze the Juniors. The class ahead of mine, and my class where just exited to be graduating and didn't have time to mess around with the Juniors.

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Guest Choken One

Seniors shouldn't be wasting time with Juniors anyhoo...


Seniors oughta murda the Froshes...

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Guest MaxPower27

I heard a few soundbites this morning on it, but nothing stood out as much as this:


"It's nothing but a little bit of fun. So a few people got their heads split open. Nobody got killed!"


I wanted to go to this town and beat the fucking eyes out of this girl's head. It was hazing, true, and I definetly got my share my freshman year, but:



Marina felt her earrings ripped from her ears, and punches and kicks to her ribs and tailbone. Welts bloomed where Lauren and Dayna were pummeled and a bruise appeared on Cheryl's upper lip.


One of the girls said the juniors were forced to put paint thinner in their mouths and were throwing up. Some were smeared with excrement. One of the girls said pig intestines were wrapped around her face. Another said Spam and raw meat were crammed into their mouths. One of the girls said she was hit in the back of the head with a bucket. But it was the punches and kicks that were the worst.


Come the fuck on. That is just out of fucking control. The skanks that did this to "uphold tradition" should be doused in paint thinner and set on fire. They should be tried for something that results in jail time.

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Guest Slapnuts00

That is insane. Im a senior in high school, and we have a powderpuff game and its endorsed by the school, and as far as I know the girls play football (and the guys volunteer to dress as and be cheerleaders), its all in fun and school spirit. I've never heard of anything like this. Thats some sick shit and they should all be prosecuted!

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Guest SweetNSexyDiva

When I played it was sooo much fun! There was a little altercation of scratching and hair pulling, but that was as far as it got. Plus, there were lots of teachers, parents, etc., that were there for the game. Where were all those people while this was going on? Personally, they probably would have killed me because I will be damned if someone was going to put shit and paint thinner in my mouth!

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Guest Samurai_Goat

These girls did some interviews where they had been told they would be beaten if they ran. So, they were afraid that if they ran, it'd get worse. Plus, they were completely surrounded, except when one of them got really hurt and the crowd parted. They had no where to run, were visciously outnumbered, and were scared out of their minds. Plus, hey, they might have been tipsy.


But, I would like to say that, if this had happened to adults, no one would be saying "They knew what was happening" or "Why didn't they fight back?" Crimes in school have NEVER recieved the same respect as those done to or by adults. And they just sat on the question of IF they'd press criminal charges (They were seniors, a few HAD to be adults, and I dare you to prove that this initiation was legal). Pretty stupid. And sickening.


*edit: I mean crimes of school aged people to school aged people. This didn't happen on school grounds.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan

This is unrelated but, when we had two riots at my High School no one was punished.

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Guest Slapnuts00

This is unrelated too, but I love your sig pic! Im a huge Metallica fan (member of the Metclub too).

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Back in my day, they just played football -- not throw poo at each other...

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Guest SweetNSexyDiva

In any case, I think it is friggin wrong and disgusting. Especially if some of the parents helped, which I read in an article somewhere.

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Guest EricMM

They're trying to say that the parents helped buy alcohol, which is true.


But if they pawn any of the responsability off on the adults, they're mistaken. 17 and 18 year olds know right from wrong, and making someone drink paint thinner is wrong. Breaking someone's leg is wrong.


And like Dr. Tom said, people who accepted it and sat idly by are wrong too.

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