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Guest Human Fly

What Should Be New NBA Team's Name

Pick A Name  

43 members have voted

  1. 1. Pick A Name

    • Charlotte Bobcats
    • Charlotte Dragons
    • Charlotte Flight

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Guest fazzle
Flight has an Historical connection that likely only 10% of Carolinas even realize...

I dunno if I'd say that, considering it's on the damn license plates.

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Guest PencilJobber

I can't believe someone got paid 100 grand for those suggestions they are all pretty bland but i would go for the Flight just to see a grown man running round with wings pretending to be an Aeroplane LOL

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Guest notJames
I'd go with the Charlotte Charlatans myself.

On the heels of that, I'd go with the "Charlotte Tens".


Seriously, though, there are too many expansion teams. I say get rid of the lot of them and spread those All-Stars around. Make true powerhouse teams like in the '80s.


Yeah, I know, there's money to be made and all, but I'm just an old codger yearning for basketball the way it was meant to be played -- as a team sport.


(sigh) I gotta go sit down…

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Guest Will Scarlet

I also went with Dragons, even if it has no real connection to Charlotte that I know of anyway.

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Guest Choken One

Dragons is an easy to market name...The logo is ready made and the color schemes is there already Black and Green...

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Guest starvenger

I say Flight because I like non-pluralized team nicknames for some reason.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

All those names suck!


I think a few more teams should consider a name change like the Clippers, Nets, Wizards and Cavs to name a few.

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Guest Choken One

NETS are good...



CAVS bad...



Wizards are mundane...

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620

No vote here. They all suck as bad as The Hornets did when they came up it.

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Guest El Satanico

None of the names are anything special.


I voted for Flight. It's something different that doesn't make them sound like a CBA team.


Dragons would be ok as well, since a good logo and good colours are built in.



Bobcats would suck and that type of name is way too common place. I mean how many teams must use a form of a tiger as a name.

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Guest El Satanico

Speaking of Charlotte. Are the New Orleans Hornets planning on changing their name?Charlotte Hornets sounded alright, but New Orleans Hornets just sounds wrong.


Also will the Memphis Grizzlies ever change their name? It's not actually that bad, but they could give it a name that better relates to the Memphis Area. If it wasn't for Sacramento the perfect name would've been Memphis Kings.

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Guest Bricks

I voted for Flight, but I think Charlotte Flying Dragon Bobcats would be cool. ^_^

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Guest Choken One
Speaking of Charlotte. Are the New Orleans Hornets planning on changing their name?Charlotte Hornets sounded alright, but New Orleans Hornets just sounds wrong.


Also will the Memphis Grizzlies ever change their name? It's not actually that bad, but they could give it a name that better relates to the Memphis Area. If it wasn't for Sacramento the perfect name would've been Memphis Kings.

About a year ago they were almost *-* that close to becoming the




Named after Fedex whom would own the team...



I thought that would've been a GREAT named...


N.O needs a Name change BAD...




Utah doesn't because Jazz has become synonmous with Salt Lake City.

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Guest Vern Gagne

Memphis Rhythm. St.Louis has go the Blues, Memphis can can have the Rhythm.

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Guest Choken One
Memphis Rhythm. St.Louis has go the Blues, Memphis can can have the Rhythm.

Sounds like a WNBA team...



I love the COMETS but not as WNBA team...

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Guest El Satanico

Utah should give the name Jazz back to New Orleans.


Utah can be renamed Utah Mormons


Memphis Express or Comets wouldn't be a bad name.

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Guest The Czech Republic
I voted for Flight, but I think Charlotte Flying Dragon Bobcats would be cool. ^_^

Actually I believe "Flying Dragon Bobcats" is being considered for a team in Japan. SUPAH FRYING DLAGON BOBCATS NUMBAH ONE MEGA POWAH GO!



Memphis Express would be awesome, has the FedEx connection, and makes me think of the Midnight Express.


Washington should go back to being the Bullets.


Utah kinda has to stay the same, anachronistic as it may be, because the only other choice would be the Fighting Polygamists. And then if the Hornets didn't leave Charlotte, the Fighting Polygamists could end up back in Louisiana and become the New Orleans Latter-Day Saints.


But I'm telling you, Charlotte Triple-X is the way to go.

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Guest Vern Gagne
Memphis Rhythm. St.Louis has go the Blues, Memphis can can have the Rhythm.

Sounds like a WNBA team...



I love the COMETS but not as WNBA team...

No it doesn't. If fits the Memphis area.

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Guest El Satanico

Well with the lose of Malone, Stockton and the other old white guard Utah has lost their "image". They should just give the Jazz name back to a New Orleans franchise and start the post Malone/Stockton era with a new name and uniform.

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Guest Lethargic

The Express thing fell through because it's not allowed for companies to pay for naming rights for teams. The NBA won't let them do it.


Remember, when Memphis tried to get a NFL Expansion team they wanted to name it the Memphis Hound Dogs. haha They're still pissed that we (Nashville) got a NFL team and they didn't. With a presentation built around Hound dogs, what did they expect? Hell, they hate us here so much that they're tring to block Nashville's Triple A baseball team from getting a new stadium to play in.

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Guest El Satanico

Well then maybe The Grizzlies shall become the Hound Dogs

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Guest Lethargic

They're gonna be the Grizzlies, they haven't said anything about changing their name around here. If anybody named their team the Hound Dogs they might as well just go out of business right then and there.

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Guest Choken One

Why not just call it the Express and not say its named after the Fedex?


Anyone remember


Louisville made an offer as the Kentucky Colonels and were donna play in the KFC Bucket? Yep...


I am convinced in 15 years sports teams will be named


Pittsburgh Home Depots

Cleveland Mountain Dews

Utah Winterfresh



I am just gonna cringe when the Reds become


Cincy Gold Stars...

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Guest the pinjockey

But what you are not realizing is that soon towns are going to be selling the rights to name the city. So we may soon end up with the:


Pepsi Home Depots

Sony Dunkin Donuts

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Guest GeneMean

Charlotte Dragons is the best of the three ..


On the upside they could have Trogdor the Burninator as their mascot!!

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Guest CED Ordonez
The Express thing fell through because it's not allowed for companies to pay for naming rights for teams.  The NBA won't let them do it.

Well that's fine since FedEx already has a team called the Express.




The PBA owns...except for the shitty logos...


Check out this page if you want to see the potential with company sponsored teams.


Anyway, I just put a vote for Dragons, though I still would kill for the Charlotte Horsemen.

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Guest Choken One

Charlotte Horsemen would be great but it would go over the heads of about 90% of America..But who cares anyways...


That would INSTANTLY give Charlotte a quick little logo "4" fingers...


The Logo shouldn't be "4" fingers like the actual Horsemen but Make the Jerzees Black and Lavender (Flair's colors)...


You already got the built in catchphase in "WHOOO!"


Flair/Jordan connection would be a GOD LIKE thing in the carolinas...

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