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Guest William E


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Guest William E

Have anybody in here been any fights in their lifetime??? Did you win or lose?? What started it?? Or have you had the luxury of not having to exchange blows with someone ever?



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Guest SweetNSexyDiva

I have never had to fight anyone before. There was a girl once in high school who talked a lot of smack to me because she thought I would never do anything. I got tired of it one day and finally said if she wanted to go at it, then I was game right then and there. She talked a lot of talk, but was not prepared to walk the walk. Good thing too because she probably would have kicked my ass! And I'm sure that my 10 plus friends standing behind me helped her make her decision! :)

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Guest Sandman9000

I haven't been in a fight in a while. Which sucks.


I could really go for fucking snapping someone's neck right now. Might put me into a good mood for a change.

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Guest Dean and Foam

Oh man, legit violence should never be courted outright, people. It can be freedom, it can be expression, but when you leave your own safety zone behind you lose almost 100% of your ability to have control over your own situation. That's a big loss, folk. The taste of blood and fear are not the same for no reason: metal foil in the teeth. Damn!


Stay in school.

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Guest Masked Heel

one time an ex got me in a fight by inviting me to see her so i could find her with another guy so after i called her a dumb bitch and left the guy calls me and says if he ever sees me again he'll beat me up long story short we end up in a parking lot of Jack in the Box and we fight with all our buddies cheerng us on he left with a swolen eye and a bloody lip and just left the fight good times

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Guest William E
Oh man, legit violence should never be courted outright, people. It can be freedom, it can be expression, but when you leave your own safety zone behind you lose almost 100% of your ability to have control over your own situation. That's a big loss, folk. The taste of blood and fear are not the same for no reason: metal foil in the teeth. Damn!


Stay in school.


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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

I was always in an out of the holding cell for misdemeanor assaults. I couldn't afford to pay the fines after awhile so I have to swallow my pride nowadays. Most guys say they stop fighting because they "grow up."


Growing Up = You're too much of a pussy to take an ass whipping and you need an excuse to back out of a fight.

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Guest WukenBloodstar

Five fights, lost once (To my father..don't even ask)

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Guest William E
Five fights, lost once (To my father..don't even ask)

you wouldn't mind telling how one of those fights started would ya???

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Guest mach7
Growing Up = You're too much of a pussy to take an ass whipping and you need an excuse to back out of a fight.

Well, one would think that if a grown man [who isn't a boxer] is getting into fights on a regular basis has a lot more to worry about than "being too much of a pussy."


What are you? 12?

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire



Case in point.


EDIT: Running your mouth talking shit usually takes longer than a fight anyway. If you've got time to talk you've got time to walk.

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Guest Zack Malibu

In second grade, some 5th grade numbnut was pushing me and my friend for no reason. He took a swing (either a sloppy punch or trying to grab me) so I ducked and came up with an uppercut that gave him a bloody lip.


6th grade in gym class, some schmuck was running around pantsing kids, and made the mistake of trying it on me. I tripped the kid, shoving him to the floor, thinking that was that. He got up and shoved me, so I shoved back. Before he could throw a punch I just kicked him in the stomach with a sidekick, knocking the wind out of him.


Never in any fights in high school, I was in with everybody. I don't count the "Crutches Incident" as a fight. For those wondering, I suggest you check the "Worst Break Ups Thread" back in LSD to see that one, it's too long to reprint.


I've never had to worry much about fighting, due to my last name actually meaning something around here. One of my friends was getting harassed outside his house about 2 years ago, and his neighbor (another friend) called me to come bail him out. I showed up and was greeted with the typical punk "who the fuck are you?" question. When I said what my name was, one kid freaked out, saying not to mess with me because someone in his family knew someone in mine. Needless to say, no blood was shed that day, simply by me being me.


Intimidation rules.

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire
Five fights, lost once (To my father..don't even ask)

you wouldn't mind telling how one of those fights started would ya???

It's not uncommon where I'm from to have your father teach you how to fight. After awhile you get to feeling like you can take your old man and don't want to hear his shit anymore.


No big deal, you usually end up bloody and laughing at eachother.

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Guest mach7
Five fights, lost once (To my father..don't even ask)

you wouldn't mind telling how one of those fights started would ya???

It's not uncommon where I'm from to have your father teach you how to fight. After awhile you get to feeling like you can take your old man and don't want to hear his shit anymore.


No big deal, you usually end up bloody and laughing at eachother.

And then ya finish it off with some nice wholesome incest, right?

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Guest William E
Five fights, lost once (To my father..don't even ask)

you wouldn't mind telling how one of those fights started would ya???

It's not uncommon where I'm from to have your father teach you how to fight. After awhile you get to feeling like you can take your old man and don't want to hear his shit anymore.


No big deal, you usually end up bloody and laughing at eachother.

And then ya finish it off with some nice wholesome incest, right?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Guest Choken One

Fights were quite common for me growing up...


Since I pratically grew up in the pits (Auto Racing)...Fighting was something the kids did to kill time...


Most were your garden Variety brawls...



I'd Say I've only been in about 6 *REAL* Fights...


The first major one was when I was 16...


My future wife (before we started dating) was being hit on by this guy and she was refusing to speak to him...He shoved her (this was at a Party)...I was across the room and I caught this and I flew at the guy leaping about 4 yards out...Landed right smack on him...I threw about 5 hard punches...I was pulled off by one of his cronies...I elbowed him and got a swift kick to the asshole pushing my wife...I grabbed Stace and I took her home...


Yep...That was my first *legit* fight...

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Guest swan



Lets go to the time I lost. I use to box for a boxing club at a major Big12 university. I got a big head (even though I was .500 when it came to wins and loses). One night I got lippy with a big dude and he cleaned my clock with one nice right. Otherwise I usually kick a little ass when paired with someone my size.

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Guest DawnBTVS

Almost got into one during a rec league basketball game. This guy I was guarding was being an absolute prick, I mean shoving me, elbowing me, etc. So anyways, he grabs my jersey(I'm playing defense IIRC) and practically slings me around so I'm shoving him to get off me and we get into a small shoving contest but it soon stopped cause I broke off down the court when my team got the rebound. Later on, the prick shoved me to the ground directly in front of the referee and got booted from the game haha. Generally I try to shy away from fights since I'm not the confrontational type and I'd be surprised if anybody at my school could answer to picturing me as a guy who'd get in a fight.

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Guest jimmy no nose

One time there was this flag football league in the school where I had a team and this one team of fat seniors kept trying to hit us real hard for no reason, so once I got pushed hard a few times by the same kid I just punched him in the face. That got broken up, and he tried it again, so I threw him down on the ground and punched him in the face a few times, kicked him in the head, then got sent home. I ended up just getting kicked out of the flag football league while he got kicked out and was given 2 detentions. That was about it and everyone made a big deal about it because he was a senior and I was a sophomore, but that didnt even matter because he was a huge pussy.

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Guest kingkamala

I mentioned this in an earlier thread that in third grade I beat up the biggest kid in our elementary school. The kid was also a third grader but he was a HOSS standing at 5'8'' and weighing 230. However the big bastard was slow as molasses so all I did was dodge his slow ass punches and use cheap shots to knock him down......I was the Spike Dudley of my elementary school for about a week.

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Guest SP-1
Oh man, legit violence should never be courted outright, people. It can be freedom, it can be expression, but when you leave your own safety zone behind you lose almost 100% of your ability to have control over your own situation. That's a big loss, folk. The taste of blood and fear are not the same for no reason: metal foil in the teeth. Damn!


Stay in school.

I disagree. There's a time and a place to go to arms. Control is not the end all be all of life. In fact, I think control is one thing that will smother life out of you sooner or later. I'd much rather have adventure.

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Guest papacita

I haven't been in a real fight since like 8th grade, but before then, I had been in a lot. I was always a good fighter, and that and my bad temper kept me in fights when I was younger. As I got older and learned how to control my temper, the fights just stopped...people generally don't mess with me for some reason.


I almost got in something senior year of high school, when I was play fighting with this guy and accidentally caught him with a right hook. He didn't seem mad at the time, so I apologized and it was over, but some guys were teasing him about it at lunch one day, and he starts talking tough, saying how he was gonna beat my ass if I ever touched him again. My friends overheard this, told me, I confronted him about it, and he didn't do shit. That was the end of it.

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Guest Dean and Foam
I disagree. There's a time and a place to go to arms. Control is not the end all be all of life. In fact, I think control is one thing that will smother life out of you sooner or later. I'd much rather have adventure.

Rock! Adventure! Hell yes, there's a time and place to go to arms. To refute wasn't my intention, my point was it's wrong to initiate. This guy Choken One is awesome, I respect the hell out of him and his situation. To respond to wrongness bravely is appropriate, to initiate wrongness for a visceral thrill is bad form. The Apollonian should always oversee the Dionysian, even when it's unleashed. But we should always seek adventure. Fantastic!

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

I've been in one real fight in my life.


In grade 8 i was playing soccer with a bunch of people and this one big guy on the other team was being unneccesarily rough - pushing people down, tripping them, etc. Well, when he pushed me down, i just decided to let him have it. i gave him a huge left to the head and we went at it for a good couple of minutes before everyone else came and broke it up. To this day, i'm still kinda mad it was broken up considering i was actually winning against this 6'2" monster. Pretty much everyone was shocked when they heard about it because i'm usually very passive and will try to avoid fights.


The only other time i got close to fighting was in grade 10. my teacher had stepped out for a bit so we had the class to ourselved. i'm not exactly sure why, but me and this other guy started arguing and we were about to fight when the teacher walked back in. i later found out this guy was going to attack me after the bell rang and everyone left, but his friends talked him out of it. Good thing too, cause looking back now i know he would have kicked my ass.

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Guest Choken One
I disagree.  There's a time and a place to go to arms.  Control is not the end all be all of life.  In fact, I think control is  one thing that will smother life out of you sooner or later.  I'd much rather have adventure.

Rock! Adventure! Hell yes, there's a time and place to go to arms. To refute wasn't my intention, my point was it's wrong to initiate. This guy Choken One is awesome, I respect the hell out of him and his situation. To respond to wrongness bravely is appropriate, to initiate wrongness for a visceral thrill is bad form. The Apollonian should always oversee the Dionysian, even when it's unleashed. But we should always seek adventure. Fantastic!

Wow. Jeff Hardy likes me.


I've never been this happy before in my life...

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Guest CED Ordonez

No, but I've seriously considered entering one of those lesser MMA events to answer my eternal question: "Can a 5'7", 160 lbs. Ced Ordonez survive a minute before getting his ass handed to him?"

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Guest JHawk

I only got into one real fight, and there wasn't exactly a winner because it got broken up, but in 8th grade, this one guy started some shit with me and threw a hard punch...and I no-sold it and smiled at him.


Never got into another fight after that.

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Guest Choken One

Smile is for the pussy...



Asshole grin is the way to go motherfucker...

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