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Guest Youth N Asia

How long till Benoit headlines Velocity?

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Guest gwf0704

His mic skills probably dont help his title push. Face it, if youre going to be a champ, you have to be able to coin catchphrases, blabber on and on and on and come up with witty responses. Lesnar was able to get away with it but only because he was playing the "man of a few words" heel.


I think Benoit needs to be turned heel again, that way he could be the "silent but deadly" heel who needs a mouthpiece, a la Heyman, but can credibly beat Lesnar, Undertaker or any other big man by using sneaky tactics with brutality mixed in.


Am I really one of the few fans who feel that a face Benoit is somewhat lacking in character????


Examples of WWE/F champions who could hold the crowds attention by their words: Rick Rude, Hulk Hogan, Ted DiBiase, Ric Flair, Stone Cold, The Rock, Undertaker, Randy Savage and so on...

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Guest Anglesault
Examples of WWE/F champions who could hold the crowds attention by their words: Rick Rude, Hulk Hogan, Ted DiBiase, Ric Flair, Stone Cold, The Rock, Undertaker, Randy Savage and so on...

DiBiase won the world title? Or Rude for that matter?

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Guest Youth N Asia

Examples of WWE/F champions who could hold the crowds attention by their words:  Rick Rude, Hulk Hogan, Ted DiBiase, Ric Flair, Stone Cold, The Rock, Undertaker, Randy Savage and so on...

DiBiase won the world title? Or Rude for that matter?

Debiase only got the belt in a "kinda-sorta" way, him having the title was veto'd by Tunney and it never went down as an official reign.


Rude only got the IC belt.

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Guest Anglesault

Examples of WWE/F champions who could hold the crowds attention by their words:  Rick Rude, Hulk Hogan, Ted DiBiase, Ric Flair, Stone Cold, The Rock, Undertaker, Randy Savage and so on...

DiBiase won the world title? Or Rude for that matter?

Debiase only got the belt in a "kinda-sorta" way, him having the title was veto'd by Tunney and it never went down as an official reign.

The Andre feud, right?

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Guest Austin3164life
How is it they "got" Bret Hart?


Or did they actually not "get" him too

Bret Hart (and Shawn Michaels, two non-hoss great wrestlers) got to the top spot because Vince did not have anything else to work with (or anyone else). Vince saw Diesel's pathetic run as Champion (although it took a year) take the WWF to the shits, so he let the smaller guys (Bret, Shawn, some guy named Steve Austin) shine in their matches and promos, and led to the eventual rise of the WWF in 97.


I think the reason Benoit, Eddy and other small, better workers are shunned right now is because Vince is replaying the early nintees in his head. He's thinking short-term. He's saying "I'll milk whatever I can out of nostalgia, and once I'm all out of ideas, the little guys can do whatever they want". I believe Vince is trying to keep the business cyclical. Problem is, he (and management) need to be VERY careful because there isn't another promotion to keep pro-wrestling afloat.

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Guest gwf0704

Examples of WWE/F champions who could hold the crowds attention by their words:  Rick Rude, Hulk Hogan, Ted DiBiase, Ric Flair, Stone Cold, The Rock, Undertaker, Randy Savage and so on...

DiBiase won the world title? Or Rude for that matter?

Debiase only got the belt in a "kinda-sorta" way, him having the title was veto'd by Tunney and it never went down as an official reign.


Rude only got the IC belt.

I said champions. I did not specify world champions only. I included IC and World in my list but you could also include tag champions as in DX, LOD and E and C...

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

A heel turn would kill Benoit. It was stupid to do it last year and he only now is recovering.


Benoits promos are fine enough. Fans want a change of pace and that is what Benoit is. His promos are not eXXXciting~! but they get the job done.


With that said - he so needs Arn Anderson as a manager. They'd rule the world.

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Guest wildpegasus

A heel turn now would definitely hurt Benoit. However, I think in a ideal world a heel turn would be pretty good once Benoit wins the title after a hard, long rewarding chase. Perhaps around 6 months into the reign.



"he so needs Arn Anderson as a manager.They'd rule the world"

Truer words have never been spoken

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Guest gansobomber

Yeah, Benoit is someone like Tajiri. Best as a face.



He can play the grizzled veteran to perfection. He should bring some OVW wrestlers as his students to counter Team Angle. Now that would rule!

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Guest Lord of The Curry

*marks out for Rudo's pimping of AA putting over Benoit at Great American Bash 96*



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Guest wildpegasus

On the other hand though, you're more in control of a match when you're the heel as compared to a face. That's why I proposed Benoit turn heel during his hopeful title reign.

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Guest Heel In Peril

So... it looks like Benoit is being used to "elevate" Big Show for his title shot at the PPV. I can't say I was very surprised when it went down on Thursday. A little shocked, sure. But, not very surprised. When he jobbed to Cena CLEAN *grinds teeth*, I was upset that Benoit was jobbing yet again. Clean, yet AGAIN. ("Again" referring to his recent losses to Angle and proceeding tag matches) But even then, I understood that this can possibly lead to a Benoit/Cena feud once Benoit wins the title that the man who defeated him couldn't seem to get done. Not to mention elevating a deserving John Cena quite a bit. Fine! And with regards to that ordeal, I hope Cena wins the WWE Title soon, like within a year. If not he can probably look forward to "elevating new talent" for the rest of his days. Overall, I knew going into their match that Benoit's losing cleanly (remember, I said "cleanly") would only lead to even more clean jobbings from Benoit when left up to the trustworthiness of a Heymanless writing team.


Unfortunately, I have this really bad feeling that Benoit's gonna get one WWE Title reign if he's lucky and when some party of higher ups decide Benoit's overness as a titleholder is GARBAGE, they'll surely blame HIM as opposed to realizing the faulty booking, and thusly stick him in elevation hell. The WWE could've gotten away with the 2 clean jobs in 2 days to Angle. But jobbing him in tags afterwards (which in regards to Benoit went nowhere), jobbing him to Cena, even Palumbo, and now to the Big Show, Benoit has no real chance at defeating Lesnar clean. Who's left for Benoit to go over for contendership? Undertaker? Yeah right! If he managed to pull off beating Brock anyway, it would be awesome for any die hard fan, sure. I'd mark the FUCK out! But it would really just be a handout at that point, and I would SEE that, since Benoit wouldn't have been on a real roll (as far as we can tell) nor would he have proven anything leading into it considering the lengthiness of his career without a world title. "If he's so good, why hasn't he won one world title in three major promotions? That has to mean something," is what I predict a lot of average fans would start to think; if they're not already. Turning him into a take-no-prisoners kill'em-all heel could be a cool ride but would most likely only hurt his credibility considering how he's spent so long successfully driving his technical expertise aspect into everyone's heads, which "technically" means: short of interference of some sort, he should always win---technically. The WWE needs to change something FAST or sadly enough, there will be no one left to believe in him; not on a major market level anyway... If only TNA had the money to sign him. ::sighs::

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Guest gansobomber

Y'now, Benoit really does not need a title reign. I mean how big is a world OR Smackdown tielt now anyway? It would be meaningless. Everyone knows hes a damn good wrestler anyway, smark or not.

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Guest Heel In Peril

Understood! However, the point is that pro wrestling is supposed to be booked for the entertainment of the fans. And we on TSM are, for the most part, smart marks, a term generally implying that we have a strong understanding of how the business works and appreciate workers and ideas with more detail than the average fan would. Therefore, those who we feel truly deserve to be at the "top" of the company, pretty much should be. Not necessarily because they'd be more entertaining there or even showcase their talents more. But simple because they deserve it. And, by God, Benoit's time is passing by. It would be a crime for him to blow us away in mid-level feuds and non-title matches when championships are made for men like him. A crime!

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Benoit WCW Champion for a day or something before he jumped to the WWF? Not that it actually constitutes a "reign", but he did finally win it.

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Guest gansobomber

Yeah, but he was in the process of beinmg screwed out of it...


And about the topic, think about it this way, Benoit is one of the few wrestlers not tainted with a predictably crappy WWE booked title reign. If he was in NJPW, he'd probably get booked much better.

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Guest CanadianChris

Examples of WWE/F champions who could hold the crowds attention by their words:  Rick Rude, Hulk Hogan, Ted DiBiase, Ric Flair, Stone Cold, The Rock, Undertaker, Randy Savage and so on...

DiBiase won the world title? Or Rude for that matter?

Debiase only got the belt in a "kinda-sorta" way, him having the title was veto'd by Tunney and it never went down as an official reign.


Rude only got the IC belt.

I said champions. I did not specify world champions only. I included IC and World in my list but you could also include tag champions as in DX, LOD and E and C...

Good thing you included tag champs, because DiBiase never held a major singles title, and will probably go down in history as the best wrestler never to do so.

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Guest Anglesault

Examples of WWE/F champions who could hold the crowds attention by their words:  Rick Rude, Hulk Hogan, Ted DiBiase, Ric Flair, Stone Cold, The Rock, Undertaker, Randy Savage and so on...

DiBiase won the world title? Or Rude for that matter?

Debiase only got the belt in a "kinda-sorta" way, him having the title was veto'd by Tunney and it never went down as an official reign.


Rude only got the IC belt.

I said champions. I did not specify world champions only. I included IC and World in my list

::wonders how DiBiase made it::

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