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Guest Mole

What's your biggest...

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Guest Mole

I haven't seen this topic before, so I thought I would start it. If there was one like this not too long ago, then just ignore it.


Mine are seizures, they bug the fuck out of me. My dad has had two of them both out of the blue, I was 11 the first time, and 12 the second time. The first time was at Disney World, the day we were supposed to leave to go home. My dad and I went to get some food at the cafe before we left, and on our way back to our room, he had one. I was only 11, and had no idea what was going on. I thought he broke his arm because he had his arm straight in the air. I ran to the room, got my mom, and told her what is up. She saw what was happening, and someone had already called 911. We had to wait till the next day to leave.


One day in October, I was in health class talking about stuff that happened in our life. I told them the seizure story with my pops, the first time I talked about it in a long time, and didn't think anything of it. That afternoon, my dad used to coach the middle school girl's soccer team, at the girl's game, I was on the sideline with him to help him coach. Then, out of the blue, he turned to me and had another. I remember him grabbing me, and I helped him down. Then I just screamed so loud, and then ran up the hill to call 911.


After a while, I couldn't be with my dad by myself because I thought he would have another. He took medication for the seizures, so he wouldn't have any more.


That is my biggest fear, either seeing a seizure or having one myself. They bug me out soo fuckin much. Sorry for the rant.


What about you fellas? What is your biggest fear?

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Guest HBK16

Hmm. I have a few fears that are really big. The one that stands out the most righ tnow is my fear of horses. Equinophobia is what its called. Its not just a stupid fear. I have actually once passed out because a horse passed by me at the beach. Everyone thought I was faking the dear at first till that day. I get white in the face and get goosebumps when I get near them. I have never had a bad experience with a horse too. Thats whats weird about it. Cant really explain it. I get made fun of because of it sometimes but the people that are close around me understand and dont bother me about it anymore.


My other one is of strangers at night. Since last summer actually. Some of you guys remember me telling but I did get taken kidnap for a few hours last summer. I told you guys the story a little while after it happened. I consider myself lucky though because first off they were not too old of guys. Probly in their early 20s. They wanted to take me to a house but they couldnt for whatever reason. So they threw me out after like 5 hours of being in the car with them. I had a pretty good concussion bruised ribs and shallow knife cuts on my back. Atleast thats what I said but it could have been anything sharp. My local news did an interview with me but they nevre aired it because I didnt want to show my face. After that I didnt really like to talk about it so I refused to do any interviews of any sort. I mean I was 17 at the time but Im a pretty small kid. I dont walk at night by myself anymore and even with friends, I am a bit cautious around cars. Since it has actually happened I have only brought it up twice. Now, and when my girlfriend and me where talking she brought it up. When friends or people tell me to tell them the story I tell them to ask someone who already knows it. I hate talking about it. I think it was harder for my mom to actually deal with it.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

Flying. I fucking hate flying. Planes bug me. The cramped atmosphere, the ear popping, the shitty food, turbulence. Woe be to the people near me on an airplane if we get anything beyond light turbulence. We had moderate turbulence on our flight into San Francisco in the summer and I felt very much that I was going to die. I don't want to feel like that again, so Curry no like flying.

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Guest Sandman9000

Failure. One of my mottos is "Succeed or Die Trying," and when I don't succeed or achieve perfection, I literally feel like less of a man.

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Guest HBK16

It doesnt bother me as much anymore because its one of those things that you try to hide away and not remember. I have been doing a good job at it too. I do have Insomnia though and I can lay in bed for hours trying to sleep and things pop in my head. It does sometimes but I quickly try to cover it up. I hear my mom talking about it still with my dad so I know she hasnt forgotten about it. I refused any help with it just because I hate talking about it. Im suprised Im talking about it now. But it helps sometimes.



And about flying. I love to fly. I get exicted when our plane goes through turbulence. I think of it as an adventure.

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Guest Vern Gagne

The Ocean, Rivers like the Mississippi, Big Lakes like Superior.

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

Shit that swims in the depths of the ocean. Have you ever SEEN a "Hagfish" ? Shit looks like my last girlfriend.



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Guest evilhomer

I fear that the guy I look at in the mirror will lose his feeble grip on the control that he fights so hard to maintain and will completely lose it on someone I love.

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Guest stardust

Heights and rats. I hate rats. If I see one on television, my feet will automatically leave the floor and be placed on the couch/chair/whatever it is I'm sitting on. One time at my parents' house, one randomly ran out of a closet and into the dining room (we actually have a slight problem with rats in my hometown, especially during the summer) and I kid you not, I climbed on top of the dining room table and started screaming bloody murder.


As for heights, even something as simple as being on one of the ladders at work bothers me (especially if it's the wobbly ladder). There have actually been times when I've asked my managers to please don't make me put stuff in upstock, simply because I'm so scared of heights and I'm afraid I'm gonna fall off the ladder.

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Guest DawnBTVS

Heights - I've always been terrified of simply falling off from a high height. I hate peering over the railing edges at the mall cuz of this. The worst experience was when we were at this camp during the end of 8th grade, 8th graders only. We had to do this course and me and a friend were standing on this tree with a small square around it, ready to glide down on those monkey bar things. Man...when somebody would glide off the whole tree would shake and I was so petrified I'd fall of or something(We were fairly high up) that I was hugging the tree for my life. I ended up gliding off but screamed bloody murder when I first jumped off but chilled as I got closer to the ground *shudders*


Dying Alone/Car/Plane/Etc. - One of my biggest fears is dying away from my family, alone just because I'm so close to them all. I also am afraid of dying in a car crash, plane crash, etc. because they are so unexpected and yet your hear about them a lot on the news.


Parents Dying

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Guest papacita

Mice...thankfully I've never seen a rat, but if I do...*shudder*


I'm somewhat claustrophobic. About a month or so ago, I had to go to the doctor to get an MRA...they sent me into one of those small x-ray tubes...messed me up. Plus, they put earplugs in my ears, which is another weird ass fear of mine, but I won't go into that.


I also have a fear of failure and a fear that life will pass me by.


And rabbits. Fuck rabbits. *shudder*

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Guest T®ITEC

A lingering and painful death... Ah, damn it, I *really do* want my death to be quick and pointless!


I'm always afraid of the people I care about dying. I know that once one of them dies, the rest will follow, one by one, and I'll be rules by some sort of pathetic depression.


I already know that life is passing me by, so I can't really fear that.



Heights don't really scare me as much as the thought of getting dizzy while I'm near the edge. Which I always do.


I've flown about four times in my life, and while I love the view... no.



I'm terrified that I'll never amount to anything, simply because it's close to becoming true. I'm inherently lazy and unable to control my own "depression" and "sadness". I'm worthless like that.


Also, I can see my future being lost in alcoholism... and murdering someone. I've got the will to do it, and a quick temper.

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Guest AM The Kid

Heights, I hate heights, I dont know why. I never climbed trees as a kid and I've always hated ladders. I hang out with my friends on the playground thing at my old elementary school sometimes and I even get scared standing on the higher edges there.


Flying, oh man I havent flown since 1999. Now with the terrorist attacks I'm scared to death of flying. I always get an isle seat too, looking out the windows is brutal.


Never amounting to anything, I've always wanted to have at least a little fame when I get older. I always had wanted to be a wrestler but I've decided on commentating, if I cant get anywhere with that my life will be a failure.


Wasps/bees/ants/spiders, bugs are weird, they freak me out and wasps and bees are pretty bad.


Death, I think all my fears trace back to a fear of death. I want to contribute and do so much in my life that death would be awful. Nobody even knows what happens after death and that's the scarriest part.


...I think I have more than that as well.

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Guest ViciousFish

I am completely afraid of dogs more than like 10 lbs. My neice once brought a german shepard into the house and I started to hyperventilate and had to leave until she took it away. It sucks too because my mother in law has a 125lb golden lab/african ridgeback cross. African ridgebakcs are bred to hunt lions.

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Guest Vern Gagne
Shit that swims in the depths of the ocean. Have you ever SEEN a "Hagfish" ? Shit looks like my last girlfriend.



That scares the hell out of me has well. Just something about the ocean that freaks me out.

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Guest Choken One

Nothing really...


Heights? Nah...It's just Space between where I am standing and the ground.


Death?- Nah, We all die. I welcome it.


Bugs/Insects?- Nah. Never bothered me.



Public Speaking?- Fuck No. I Love PUBLIC SPEAKING. It's the smoothest thing in the world for me...


Life of Lonliness-I've been there once and I survived...If I were to suddenly be alone...I would know how to survive...



The only fear I have is losing my wife without saying good bye to her...


that and Crocodiles.

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Guest hardyz1

Here's a timely one: Tornadoes.


It stems from the time my mom told me a tornado was coming but she was lying. Bitch.


EDIT: It's not that whenever I see one on TV I freak out. On the contrary, I love watching them on TV. I just get nervous when those ominous black clouds move overhead and the thunder and lightning start banging.

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Guest The Notorious CRD

My greatest fears are ending up completely alone and being a complete and utter failure at accomplishing the things I want to in my life.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

People I give two fucks about dying. I've already lost three, and I came close to losing a fourth last Friday when my best friend (and perhaps soon-to-be-lover) told me that she was going to kill herself. I don't take her suicide threats lightly, as she's a depressive, and she's tried to do it in the past.

I'm also afraid that my father will die. Or my nephew (who's only 8). Or my oldest niece (who's only 9). Or my baby niece (who's barely 9 months). Or my cousin Jamie (who's recently turned 11). I love them all so much, and Jamie has been like the little brother I never had, but always wanted. I still remember one time, maybe 4 years ago, tops, when I yelled at Jamie for breaking something of mine. I forget what it was, probably some wrestling figure, but I was pissed because he broke it after I told him not to play with it. So I just went loose on the kid, yelling and screaming at him, and then he ran away from me and started crying. I found him a few minutes later, and he was still crying. I asked him why he was crying, and I can still remember everything he said, word-for-word, how he said, the look on his face...everything. "I was afraid you didn't love me anymore."


That's another fear of mine. The fear of people not caring. The fear that, when it comes my time, the only people that will show up will be a couple of friends and some family. I mean, not to sound like I'm suicidal or have a deathwish or anything like that, because I'm not, and I don't (think I do, anyways), but I really want to die before I'm 50. That way enough people will know me that will attend my memorial service (cremation, beyotch), and I won't have died with others having to wipe my ass for me, or a dietician telling me I can't eat a cheeseburger.


And then there's the usual stuff. Minor claustrophobia, minor arachnophobia, I don't like anything with more than 8 legs...that sort of thing.

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Guest bravesfan

I basically fear the thought of losing the people around me, especially those that I love.


In terms of actual objects of matter, it'll be spiders.


Public Speaking?- Fuck No. I Love PUBLIC SPEAKING. It's the smoothest thing in the world for me...


I've always been good at public speaking, as well. Probably because I was pushed into leadership roles, so young in my life.

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Guest stardust
Here's a timely one: Tornadoes.


It stems from the time my mom told me a tornado was coming but she was lying. Bitch.


EDIT: It's not that whenever I see one on TV I freak out. On the contrary, I love watching them on TV. I just get nervous when those ominous black clouds move overhead and the thunder and lightning start banging.

Y'all get black clouds with tornadoes? We always associate greenish clouds with tornadoes here (central Texas...LOTS of tornadoes, we've had a couple the past couple of weeks, actually). We also associate pinkish clouds with hail (which we've also had a lot of here lately).


Oddly enough, I've lived in this area my entire life, and so I've been dealing with tornadoes for as long as I can remember, and they honestly don't scare me that badly for some reason. Neither to thunderstorms. I'm more likely to go outside with my camera in the middle of one and try to get shots of lightning rather than cower in my bathtub with a mattress thrown over my head. Tomorrow, well, today, actually, since it's almost one in the morning, is the 50-year anniversary of the Waco tornado that completely tore up this town 50 years ago (and almost killed my grandmother and aunt and cousins). So, yeah, timeliness.

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