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Guest BoboBrazil

Radio Ads Promoting Nash As Champion Next Month

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Guest JHawk

Remember guys, several times already Hunter was supposed to lose the title but didn't.


Until he actually loses the title...ya know, I was gonna say "Pray for the best" but we're still fucked

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

As I've said before, screw Raw.


That belt dosen't mean anything, even in the hands of smark saviors such as Chris Jericho or Booker T..


..so why do you care if Nash gets a paper title?

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Guest wildpegasus

Unbelievable. Nothing more needs to be said but hey; I will say more. Does anyone out there think that this could eventually lead to HHH coming over to Smackdown before the year's out?

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

Well let’s take a look at some of Big Kev's past title reigns.


WWF Title- 1995: Business hits an all time low, produces some of the lowest buyrates in WWF history, house show attendances plummet, sending the WWF to the brink of folding.


WCW Title - 1998: Ends the run of Goldberg, a man drawing good money for the company purely to feed his own ego, this leads to the finger poke of doom incident that sends WCW into a downward spiral from which it never recovers.


WCW Title - 1999: Produces some of the lowest PPV buyrates in wrestling history, and his infamous feuds with Randy Savage, Sid and Hulk Hogan result in some of the worst television that I personally have ever witnessed. Puts the final nail in WCW's coffin.


And Vince thinks it is a GOOD IDEA to give this man a title run. Face it guys it is over. Once again the WWE has booked to please the son-in-law rather than their fans, the end begins here.

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Guest Youth N Asia
Then Nash will job the title to Shawn at Summerslam who will lose it back to Hunter at Survivor. Then the next night on Raw Nash, Hunter, and Shawn have a 3 way where Hunter wins and he renames the belt the "Clique" title.

And at Royal Rumble next year, Sean Waltman comes back and wins the title. :throwup: However, it will be quickly dropped to Scott " :cheers: " Hall.

Which would lead to a Justin Credible title win at next year's Wrestlemania.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
::Takes a whole lotta pills, gets loaded gun, and turns on TV, and waits for this event to take place::

If you accidentally screw up while under the influence of pills and kill yourself with the gun, I just want you to know that I will do the Nelson Laugh in your honor.

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Guest Max Danger

So, is the idea to redo the whole Bret Hart/Bob Backlund feud? Only, you know, not as good.


Have Ric Flair "snap" and turn on Triple H(and no, I don't know who will be the face and who will be the heel - won't matter though) and beat him for the title(using the Figure Four instead of Crossface Chicken Wing, of course).


Then, after all the build up there(okay, two weeks or so of build-up to Flair taking the title from HHH), have Diesel return at a house show and beat Bob... er, Ric, in eight seconds for the title.


Yay! Business'll be booming then! I can't wait.

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Guest Choken One

I would imagine HHH over hyping himself and starting to put himself over flair in Promos and Flair *snapping* during a PPV (let's say Summer Slam with HBK or Goldberg or Nash or whoever)...HHH loses the match via DQ


Flair cuts a Promo and turns Face (won't be hard)...HHH calls Flair an has-been broken down shell of himself.


Flair calls HHH a Wanna be Jet Riding, Limo riding, Stylying n Profiling, Nature boy.


HHH attacks Flair and busts him up...


HHH claims he thought it would be impossible to beat up his idol but it felt better then anything else in the world...


Flair returns the next week and takes Hunter all over the arena...leading to a Beatdown *Horsemen* Style with The Enforcer...


The Next week...HHH gets Bischoff (or whoever the GM is) to book flair into a Match with...random heel (we'll go with Test)...While this match occurs...


HHH and Orton *kidnap* Anderson and take him to the parking lot and PILLMANIZES him...Enforcer is busted and bleeding a river.


Flair never knows this and puts TEST into the F4 and then they show Anderson being loaded into a Paddy and Flair rushes out...


Flair cuts a Promo at his House...With his Family...He announces that he will put up his career against Triple H at No Mercy in his Hometown in Charlotte or Greensboro (Might as well book it there).


HHH is cool with that.


So We have three weeks of Hype for Flair Vs Triple H at No Mercy.


Hunter and Flair each sign a Zerp Tolerence Contract. Hunter taunts Flair and his family every chance he gets and Flair simply grins at him and vows to Kick his ass like his daddy should've.


We head to Carolina for No Mercy...


The Main event of all main events in Carolina...


Ric Flair arrives in style...He brings back the 20 Women enterance...The Hair is full and thick...He has on his Treadmark Lavender Tights...


HHH comes out with his Metal Gear...Wearing his treadmark Black Iron Cross Tights...


They get the Earl Hebner dramatic Face to Face instruction speech....


Match Starts...


It goes 30 minutes as the crowd can sense that this WILL be Flair's final defining moment of truth....


Flair and Hunts continue to brawl in the blood soaked canvas...Arn Anderson is ringside on crutches cheering Flair on...His Family ringside.


Legends are all over the front row...From Rock Stars to Politicians to Atheletes...all for the Nature Boy.


HHH hits the pedigree for the first time and Flair miraciously kicks out at 2.999.


Flair gets an comeback working as the sold out crowd chants "Let's Go Flair!"...HHH's pedigree is countered again...Flair Hooks the legs and signals for the Figure Four...HHH counters with a Cradle but Flair shoves himself off and reverses the cradle and one, two, and THREE!


The Nature Boy has defeated The Game! Carolina EXPLODES!


The Next night...


Flair arrives (still in a Carolina city)...


The crowd gives him the Hogan treatment...


Flair gives a teary heartfelt thank you to the fans...He walks backstage...All the wrestlers, Production crew and Writers are in a line...


Flair shakes hands with them all...


He comes up with Arn whom walks by his side...


A door opens...It's Triple H.


They stare each other down and HHH sheds a tear and flair extends a hand but HHH grabs him and gives a tight hug...and whispers "Thanks for everything"...


Flair walks to his Limo...his family waiting for him...He opens the door...Arn steps in...


and He lets out one Final WHOOO!.

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Guest Memphis

Why'd you waste so much energy designing a scenario involving a 30 minute Flair/HHH match.


Face it, it'd SUCK.



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Guest Choken One

It only took me about 10 minutes...Didn't really waste much energy.


Would it be a Classic Techical match? No. But with that scenario it would be Magical with the Carolina crowd and the magic of flair...

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Guest j.o.b. squad

does that mean that we will get the kevin nash vs scott steiner feud. well it has to be beter than to have nash do a ""run"in" for the next month

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Guest CanadianChris
does that mean that we will get the kevin nash vs scott steiner feud. well it has to be beter than to have nash do a ""run"in" for the next month

AAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!!!! :firing:


DON'T SAY IT!!!!!!!!! THEY MIGHT BE LISTENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Vince is a genius, it all makes sense, let's give the belt to the laziest wrestler in the world , it doesn't matter if he's got bad knees, old and not over with the fans, he is a seven feet tall hoss, a monster and the fans will buy into our bullshit. :rolleyes:

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Guest j.o.b. squad

well coude be worse I coude of mentioned a nash vs steiner vs hhh vs goldberg 60 minite ironman match

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Guest FeArHaVoC

A little off topic


WWE.com Daily Poll


Who do you think will win the main event next week on RAW?


Chris Jericho 5.91 %

Kevin Nash 94.08 %


Fuckin' sheep!

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Guest RugbyDiva
Nash vs Flair is being promoted on the radio for house shows next month with Nash defending the belt.

What? Ugh.. I feel for the fans going to watch house shows. Take your blankets and pillows and get ready for a nice lonnnggg nap.

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Guest Danny Dubya v 2.0

*crosses fingers*


Oh please, oh please give Raw a 2.0 rating after Nash is champion... or, by the end of the year at least!

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Guest AndrewTS
A little off topic


WWE.com Daily Poll


Who do you think will win the main event next week on RAW?


Chris Jericho 5.91 %

Kevin Nash 94.08 %


Fuckin' sheep!

It didn't say "want" it asked who we'd think would win.


That sounds about right.

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Guest j.o.b. squad
Nash vs Flair is being promoted on the radio for house shows next month with Nash defending the belt.

What? Ugh.. I feel for the fans going to watch house shows. Take your blankets and pillows and get ready for a nice lonnnggg nap.

or just leave after nash and flairs introduction. that way you beat traffic. since it is the title match it will be on last.

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Guest JHawk

Actually, I like Choken One's scenario. Flair would get a fluke victory over Hunter in his hometown to go out on top. The perfect end to a great career.


Of course, Hunter'd get the belt back at Survivor Series anyway, but what the hell

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Guest Choken One

Nope...I never mentioned the title...I was going that the title was never a part of the deal...

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Guest JHawk

Well...um...I guess that makes more sense with Hunter jobbing...but...um...


You ruined my markout fantasy, dammit!

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Nash's toothpick legs can't hold support his bodyweight. How long will it take him to get injured again? Would it be his third one since rejoining the WWF?

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly
or just leave after nash and flairs introduction. that way you beat traffic. since it is the title match it will be on last.


or just drive behind the ambulance that carries Kevin Nash away after his legs give out.

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Guest Choken One

Nope...It's Live each and every Monday night on TN...Spike Tv.

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