Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted May 9, 2003 - NWA-TNA WEEK 4!!! - Your Hosts are Mike Tenay, Don West, and Ed Ferarra. - Video Package Highlights the Week 3 Tag Team Title Tournament. Americas Most Wanted defeated The Johnsons, The Rainbow Express defeated Buff Bagwell & Apolo. Later in the night, someone attacked James Storm, resulting for a substitute team...Jerry Lynn & A.J Styles! They had no trouble defeating the Rainbow Express and won the Tag Titles. - Opening Match: NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championship Match: A.J Styles & Jerry Lynn © Vs. Disciples of the New Church (Tempest & Slash): Tempest is Devon Storm, Slash is Wolfie D, and A.J Styles seems to be a tool here. He so rules now though. He's also the X-Division Champion. Slash tries jumping Lynn but gets hammered in the corner. Slash grabs a headlock and nails a shoulderblock. He misses an elbow and Lynn hammers on him more and ends up taking him down with a bulldog for two. Hurricanrana is turned into a x-factor by Lynn for two. Swanton splash by Styles gets two. Tempest in and Styles with a go behind. Tempest with a big back suplex slam but Styles works in an armbar. Tempest with a slam, but Styles mule kicks him away and kicks away at the legs of Tempest and nails an enziguri for two. Armbar by Styles but Tempest reverses and slams him to the mat. Headlock by Tempest and shoulder block. Styles drop toe holds sends Tempest sliding to the outside, and Styles pulls a 619 like move by threatening to do a springboard but flips back into the ring. Tempest in control again with several knife-edge chops, and Styles dishes out some of his own. Tempest with a form of the Hurricanrana off the top rope followed by a clothesline. Powerbomb is reversed and Styles goes for the Styles Clash, but he's back dropped onto the apron, but Styles nails a missile drop-kick and whips Slash to the corner and scores a monkey flip. Lynn whips Tempest into slash and the champs with a double clothesline to Slash sends him outside. Styles with a cross body block over the top rope and Lynn follows suit with a sunset splash onto everyone. Lynn with the guillotine leg drop between the middle and top rope and Styles with a springboard moonsault gets two! A.J gets tripped up, but Slash is sent into the railing, but he walks into a Death Valley Driver by Tempest for two! Spinning back elbow by Tempest and he rakes the face a lot. Double head shots to the turnbuckle followed by a double chokeslam by the new church gets two! Slash with the snake eyes on Styles, but picks him up and tries a drop-kick and he misses. Catapult sends Slash to the corner and Styles nails a clothesline. Lynn gets the hot tag and clotheslines the hell out of everyone. Spinning DDT by Lynn to Slash followed by a front bulldog on Tempest gets two! He calls for the cradle piledriver, but Tempest nails him low and sets him on the top rope. Hurricanrana is blocked and he throws Tempest off and nails a cross body press for two! Lynn blocks the DVD and nails the cradle piledriver! (badly I might add) Styles makes the tag and scores the corkscrew moonsault for the win at 10:34! ***1/4 Styles & Lynn rule the earth. Fireworks go off as Styles celebrates, but Lynn looks none-too happy with Styles. - Highlights from Last Weeks Scott Hall & Brian Christopher Vs. K-Krush & Jeff Jarrett match. Brian Christopher turns on Hall in the process and helps Jeff & Krush get the win. - Brian Christopher gives us his explanation, which sucks, and even takes a few shots at his father Jerry Lawler. He re-christens himself Brian Lawler form here on. - "Screamin" Norman Smiley Vs. Brian Lawler: Well we all know when there's going to be a squash match, and this is one right here. Hard to take Lawler serious when he continues to wear the Too Cool gear. Lawler attacks to start and puts the boots to Smiley. Spinning neck breaker by Lawler but Smiley with a series of drop-kicks and a shoulder block. Wined up Slam by Smiley and he dances. Atomic Drop by Smiley and he plays the crowd more and...humps Lawler from behind. Lawler catches Smiley with a DDT. Lawler nails the corner charge, TWICE! He tries for a third...and FINALLY misses. Smiley with a few rights and a big headbutt and clothesline gets two! Lawler throws off Smiley from the mounted punches position, and nails the Tennessee Jam for the win at 4:45. * Is all this was worth. - Bill Behrens suspends Jeff Jarrett from getting any kind of championship match, which Jarrett replies with a "Suspend this" and grabs his crotch. James Mitchell can be heard in the background yelling at his proteges. - History Package of the up coming K-Krush/Hermie Sadler match. Krush bitched out him in Week 1, then on Week 2, Sadler interfered in the Krush/Christopher match. Last week, a Face to face confrontation resulted in a pull apart brawl. - Hermie Sadler Vs. K-Krush: Don't ask. Hermie Sadler is a NASCAR racer who TNA was using to hype some kind of NASCAR race. Cameraman has the balls to give us a close up of a fat chick who has hygiene problems. Krush has more heat in TNA than he ever had in WWE. Hey, a first! First time I see Athena as a ringside attendant. Pushing contest to start and they trade slaps. Krush with a boot to the midsection and a few rights, but he misses a side kick and gets hung out to dry, and Sadler clotheslines him to the floor, jumps on him and hammers away. Krush with a choke and he rams him against the steel post, but punches it after Sadler ducks. Sadler sends Krush back in and Ferarra says this match is gonna be uglier than Mark Madden's prom date. Sadler with the mounted punches in the corner! and he slams Krush's face into the mat and covers for two! Krush with a big boot and the scissors kick for...two! Big Suplex by Krush and that gets two. Running Powerslam connects for two! Figure Four by Krush and he uses the ropes for leverage. Sadler fights it off and reverses it. Sit down powerbomb by Sadler! Two Count! Krush trips him up and pins him with his feet on the ropes at 5:05. *1/4 Krush continues the the referee has no choice but to reverse the decision! The winner, Hermie Sadler! Crowd was hot for this match, and that is something that astounds me. - We go backstage and catch Takao Omari stretching for his match...and suddenly Alicia appears. He stops, goes to his bag, and pulls out some money and gives it to her. Alicia was Ryan Shamrock, and apparently is playing a hooker or something. - The Hot Shots Vs. The Briscoe Brothers: The Hotshots are Cassidy O'Reilly and Chase Stevens, and the Briscoe Brothers are Mark and Jay. Mark and O'Reilly start and reverse an armbar. Mark with a big arm drag on Chase and they do the independent pose. Both teams tag out and Stevens scores a big spinebuster on Jay and Mark comes from the top rope and nails a missile drop-kick. Mark is back dropped to the floor and Jay follows suit. Double Plancha by the Hot Shots connects. Malice comes out and the bell rings at 2:10 for a no contest. Malice chokeslams Stevens, big boot to Cassidy, and a double clothesline to the Briscoes. O'Reilly eats a chokeslam as does one of the Briscoe Brothers. - James Mitchell calls out Ken Shamrock and says his Disciples won't leave the ring until Shamrock comes out and means Malice face to face. The Disciples sends the fat time keeper in the ring and Malice is about to powerbomb him when Shamrock finally comes out and beats on the two lackeys, until Malice takes over. Omari comes out...late and makes the save, and he and Shamrock fend off the evil. - The Dupps (Bo, Stan, Fluff) Get more interview time and well, nothing notable is said. A lot of "shit" is said. - Jasmine St. Claire comes out and gives Jeromy Borash (ring announcer) a lap dance! She starts to take off her dress...when a TNA official enters the ring and Ed Ferarra tackles him! I guess he thought he was some nut who jumped the railing. The crowd loves it, and Ferarra is all apologies and continues to try and stop him anyway. Crowd is all boos. Borash is pissed so Ed has to hold him back! - The Dupps (Stan & Bo) Vs. Flying Elvis' (Jorge Estrada & Sonny Siaki): Jimmy Yang is back in Japan for this show. The Elvis' competed in the first ever TNA match, and defeated three great X-Division superstars. They jump the Dupps but get sent out. Stan with a spine buster and Bo with a splash! Mortimer Plumtree comes out looking especially gay. Jorge & Bo in the ring and Bo wins the power battle. Jorge with a headlock but he runs into a shoulder block. Bo with a series of headbutts and a clothesline. Estrada misses a moonsault but nails a crescent kick, but gets rammed in the corner by Bo. Stan tags in and nails a shoulder tackle and nails a leg drop for two. Stan snaps Estrada from the buckle to the mat for two. Bo tags in and hammers away. Estrada fights back but gets caught with an awesome powerslam. Siaki with the Siakolypse Now (not named yet) and comes in to take over. Siaki with a few chops in the corner but Bo nails his own, but gets nailed to the ground and Siaki with a split leg moonsault. Snap Spinebuster by Bo and Stan gets the tag. Big boots to both men followed by bionic elbows. Bo gets sent outside and Estrada with a plancha. Bo with a full nelson slam on Siaki but Siaki comes back with a form of pump handle slam and Estrada with a springboard splash off the ropes gets three at 5:03. *1/2 Match was OK but that's it. - Backstage and Jerry Lynn is beating the crap out of A.J Styles! Styles whips him into some tables and chairs and they brawl. Styles send Lynn into a steel door, and Lynn slams Styles face into some steel security walls and whips him into some security railings and nails a cradle piledriver on a production box. - NWA-World Heavyweight Championship Match: Ken Shamrock © Vs. Takao Omori: This match is not going to be pretty. Shamrock doesn't even have the title with him. Shamrock wins the lock up and lands a few stiff kicks and a DDT for two. Shamrock with some hard rights, and I notice Harley Race is at ringside. Shamrock with a head scissors on Omori. Stiff kicks to the back of Omori by Shamrock and he lays in somebody shots to Omori in the corner. Omori fights back and nails a spinning heel kick. Omori with some clubbing rights and a drop-kick, and he applies a rear chinlock. Boot the midsection and Shamrock eats buckle. Spinning kick connects but he misses a second try and Shamrock works on the leg that's hung in the ropes. Shamrock chokes Omori across the top rope. More rights by Shamrock but Omori catches him with a swinging neck breaker for two. Full Nelson slam connects and Omori goes to the third floor but misses a knee drop. Omori nails a massive clothesline out of nowhere for two. Shamrock with some hard shots to the side of the head followed by a drop-kick. Grapevine leg lock by Shamrock and Omori makes the ropes. Omori scores a spinning back elbow on Shamrock but Shamrock fights off the powerbomb attempt and does more kicking. Full Nelson by Omori and Shamrock with the armbar and the ankle lock is applied! Here's Jeff! He's got a chair and he plasters Shamrock with it. Omori is a victim too, and Jarrett nails HARLEY RACE with the steel chair. Match is called at 7:51 with no decision. 3/4* Match was boring as hell and killed the crowd until Jarrett beat the snot out of some security, the two wrestlers, and legend Harley Race. - Jerry Lynn is bothered by Goldylocks backstage so he tells her off with a somewhat disgusting remark. Bill Behrens is found tied up and gagged with F.U written across his chest. - #1 Contenders Match for X-Division Championship; Six-Pack Challenge: Low-Ki Vs. "Primetime" Elix Skipper Vs. Kid Romeo Vs. Tony Mamaluke Vs. "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels Vs. Jerry Lynn: Daniels is making his NWA-TNA debut, and so is Elix Skipper. I don't mention Mamaluke or Romeo cause Romeo disappeared after this and Mamaluke made 3 or 4 appearances while everyone else is a regular on the roster. Daniels and Romeo start. Romeo hammers away to start and works the arm. Daniels reverses into an armbar and Romeo reverses back and slaps him. Side headlock and shoulder tackle connects, Daniels blocks a clothesline, we get a hip toss reversal, Daniels with an arm drag, and Romeo with a drop-kick, and he misses a leg lariat, and we get the stand off pose. Skipper in and he locks a full nelson on Daniels and a snapmare. Daniels gets caught with a spinning heel kick for two. Skipper misses a clothesline and Daniels with his own. Daniels hammers on Skipper and Mamaluke tags in against Skipper. Running knee lift by Mamaluke and Daniels with a Hennig snap mare gets two. Jaw breaker by Mamaluke followed by a bridge suplex for two. Skipper tries a series of slams that are blocked and Mamaluke with a victory roll for two. Basement drop-kick connects but Skipper nails a clothesline and Lynn tags in versus Mamaluke. Side headlock and shoulder block by Lynn followed by a monkey flip but Daniels with an arm drag but he runs into a Lynn back breaker. Lynn with a tilt-o-whirl back breaker and Low-Ki in with some VICIOUS kicks and the final kick right to the face...only gets two. Mamaluke catches Ki with a back suplex for two. Double-arm DDT by Mamaluke and he has a dragon sleeper like submission locked on. Mamaluke slaps Romeo and tags in Daniels and he stomps a mud-hole in Low Ki and connects with an awesome powerslam for two! Rolling heel kick by Low Ki and Kid Romeo in and he hammers Daniels. Stiff Chops by Romeo and Daniels catches him with a running leg lariat. Lynn in against Romeo and applies the Gory Special. Romeo breaks free and applies it himself. Lynn fights off and sunset flips Romeo for two. Lynn with a boot in the corner and catches him with a tornado DDT for two! Daniels tags in but he misses a swan dive headbutt. Lynn tags in against Daniels and pushes him over the top rope and both men spill outside. Daniels slams Lynns face into the ring apron and nails a split leg moonsault to the outside! Romeo with a top rope dive on both men! Mamaluke now and he scores a swanton splash on all three men. Skipper and Ki goes at it in the ring nail a double plancha on everyone!! Skipper sends Ki into the railing. Lynn gets back dropped on the apron, and he connects with the guillotine leg drop. Mamaluke posts Lynn and he is out on the outside. Jerry Lynn is counted out for the first elimination at 10:15. Mamaluke with a snap face first suplex on Daniels and scores a Russian leg sweep. Jaw breaker by Daniels and Skipper in with a big-time clothesline to Mamaluke. Skipper with a back slide but its reversed but he nails the over drive on Mamaluke and eliminates him at 11:32. Low-Ki nails a series of headbutts on Skipper and whips Skipper through the ropes. Skipper obviously slipped cause that was a nasty spill. Ki with a fucking vicious chop and throws him back in. Skipper tries the over drive again but Low Ki reverses with a fisherman slam into the turnbuckle! Ki covers for two! Stiff kick to the jaw by Low-Ki and these shots are just brutal. Springboard kick is dodged matrix style and Skipper with a belly to belly suplex! Springboard missile drop-kick by Low Ki, and Daniels tags in against Skipper, and walks into an overhead belly to belly suplex for two! Skipper with a reverse suplex for two again! Daniels with a knee lift and a hart attack clothesline! Skipper blocks a German suplex, but Daniels catches him with the last rights (swinging face buster like Siakis move) for three eliminating Skipper at 14:54. Kid Romeo in and he hammers away on Daniels. Big Front face slam gets two! Daniels gets nailed with a bulldog for two again! Romeo goes up to the top rope and gets buckled thanks to Daniels. Daniels to the top rope but he eats a low blow and Romeo legally kills Daniels with a cradle-bomb...for three?! But wait! Daniels landed with his feet in the ropes so no elimination. Low Ki in the ring and he nails a springboard kick to the face of Romeo followed by a somersault kick followed by the dragon clutch and Romeo taps out at 17:03. Daniels & Low-Ki remain and Daniels is STILL out of it. Low-Ki covers him for two. Another cover in the center of the ring gets two again. Chops by Low-Ki in the corner and Daniels Angels up and makes Low-Ki his bitch. Low-Ki trades chops again and Daniels catches him with the downward spiral! Back heel trip by Daniels puts down Low-Ki and he gets posted going for a springboard move. Dragon clutch on the top rope is blocked and Low-Ki falls to the mat. Daniels up and he nails the double springboard moonsault!! Daniels! Low-Ki with a victory roll on Daniels gets two and they cradle each other several times for near counts. Daniels with a double underhook but Low-Ki blocks and locks on the Dragon Clutch! Snapmare removes the hold and Daniels rams him into the buckle. Major knife-edge and Daniels with the Fall From Grace for TWO!!! Low-Ki reverses the last rights and nails a fisherman driver!!! Low-Ki covers! One....two...three!!! Low Ki wins the match at 21:44. ***** for an EXCELLENT match. The Flying Elvis' come out to take out Daniels & Low-Ki and Skipper tries making the save, but he soon is taken out. The rest of the competitors drive them off minus Jerry Lynn as the show comes to a close. Wait...Jeff Jarrett says screw NWA and wants a title shot. Then he pisses off some Tennessee Titans players and they jump the rail after some insults and one of them starts attacking Jarrett, and here comes the Church and they eat chair shots, as do some of the Titans and Malice and Jarrett start brawling into the crowd!!! What the HELL is going on?!!? Final Analysis: The Opening match and Main Event saved this show from the toilet. Everyone who competed in that 6 man match earns props from me as I'm not really glad to see too many guys in a X-Division match mainly because of blown spots left and right, but this had nothing blown! Only thing that looked to be a mistake was Skipper slipping and landing awkwardly on the back of his head falling to the outside. Everything else was crap. This would be the final episode of NWA-TNA that I would watch as I got tired of reading pathetic show results until this year. Now I'm hooked on it because of actual flow in storylines. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites