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Guest Jobber of the Week

Michael Savage: "McCarthy was right"

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Guest Jobber of the Week

This guy is like the Ultimate Troll. Not only did he say McCarthy was right, he was calling for a new "House Committee on Un-American Activities." Yes, McCarthy did find Communist agents here and there, but he had no knowledge and no proof of any of the accusations he made. He repeatedly talked about a list that never existed and used the issue purely to get himself more power, in the process ruining many innocent people's lives and rampaging over civil liberties. It's true that if you fling enough shit at something as massive as the American government, eventually some of it is going to stick. It's also ridiculously self-destructive and detrimental to due process, and so on. It's just goofy shit. That means really McCarthy wasn't 'right' so much as just blowing flaming chunks of hot sticky turd on whoever got in his way.


I stay in touch with a lot of righty circles and aside from a few jackasses that get mocked nearly to suicide as a result, this guy doesn't have many fans even on that side of the fence.


I listen to his show because it makes me laugh (as opposed to the belief that it has some sort of real point) but I'm thinking his fanbase consists of basically dittoheads who will believe whatever they're told to believe, like how liberals are with Michael Moore. Savage used to be alot better (for comedy value, anyway) when he'd get REALLY angry about EVERYTHING. All the issues came down to Manderin Chinese taking over America. It was interesting and entertaining, for all the wrong reasons. Now he's calmer and crappier. His book is terrible. It's like he had an intern sit down in front of a computer and then said "Type the shit I'm ranting about, and we'll bind it and sell it as a book!".


O'Reilly is arrogant, but that doesn't bother me, his particular brand of arrogance endears him to me. I'd rather he just did news analysis instead of going on fucking crusades, that's where he loses me.


I wish I could say conservatives are just stupid sheep looking for a shepard, and liberals are free-thinking intellectuals that don't need to be told what to believe (although, as noted above, Moore blows that out of the water), but I have been proven time and time again that stupidity knows no political affiliation.

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Guest Powerplay
I wish I could say conservatives are just stupid sheep looking for a shepard, and liberals are free-thinking intellectuals that don't need to be told what to believe


I'm hurt. I really am. But I do agree that there are idiots in every ideology and generally they are the easiest to find in a crowd of generally good people. So I guess we agree here, but I'm puzzled as to why you post this now. Did he just do a column of sorts or something?

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Nah, I'm just kind of rambling, kind of like my "ethical and moral standards" posts. The chatterboxes are popular right now and it's more of a CE issue than a General Chat issue, so...

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Guest Powerplay
Nah, I'm just kind of rambling, kind of like my "ethical and moral standards" posts. The chatterboxes are popular right now and it's more of a CE issue than a General Chat issue, so...

Ah, righty-o, then.

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Guest Tyler McClelland

Ideological and optimistic would be more accurate.

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Guest SupaTaft

Not accurate, more PC.


PC Communists does sound odd though.



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Guest Tyler McClelland

I wouldn't call communists stupid, specifically because many of them are quite intellectual. Blind, perhaps.

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Guest Slapnuts00

Don't take Michael Savage seriously, he makes Rush Limbaugh cute and cuddely. He doesn't represent mainstream conservatives anymore than Michael Moore or Al Sharpton represent mainstream liberals...

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Guest Vyce
I wish I could say conservatives are just stupid sheep looking for a shepard, and liberals are free-thinking intellectuals that don't need to be told what to believe

But if you did say that, you'd be dead wrong. But you didn't, so you're not.


Savage seems to be going for the whole shock jock brand of political commentary. The real question is why anyone is paying this guy any attention at all?

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Guest Crazy Dan

Well I am glad to see someone else thinks Savage is a troll. What he said was very ignorant and stupid. The McCarthy Witch Hunts were a very dark period of this country. McCarthy was a drunk who abused his public office. It's one thing to have proof of Communist wrong doings/agents amongst the American public. It's another to make claims, and then not back it up with evidence. This is an American who makes my Hall of Shame.


And for Savage to think that McCarthy was right and that we should bring back the Commitee of Un-American activities, just shows to me how far this guy has his head up his rear end. I honestly think he wishes he was still in the 1950's.

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Guest Tyler McClelland

There are now 102 communists in the State Department.


That is all.

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Guest NoCalMike

The main problem with political radio shows, is the hosts are not really accountable for the lies they spew. No matter where they stand on an issue or what party they are affiliated with. Both sides act similar when it comes to political radio. They usually rant about something, take about five to ten callers that slobber all over their very words, and then when they finally take a caller that disagrees, they let them get about two words in until they are either muted or hung up on, so the host can go back to ranting.

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