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Guest wwF1587

The One And Only Velocidenta Thread 5-10-03

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Guest MillenniumMan831

I actually fell asleep after the Jesse segment (Not that it was boring, but I'm pretty tired). Anyways, I taped the first half of the Liz segment awaiting to tape the rest of it, but from what I've been reading, I'm glad I dodn't tape it or watch it.

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Guest justcoz

Personally, I'm not against this type of programming at all. Vince's WCW comment was stupid granted but the piece itself was no different than Inside Edition or the evening news for that matter. Those types of programs play 911 tapes, show mug shots and report countless "possible" scenarios while the actual facts are still pending. I remember listening to River Pheonix die on his brother's 911 call on Entertainment Tonight.


Elizabeth died not of natural causes but in tragic circumstances associated with possible homicide, drug involvement and criminal charges. That tragic circumstance is tied to WWE and pro wrestling on countless news channels, newspapers, tabloids, etc. The company probably isn't doing a bad thing by reporting on it from an outsider's stance with Vince pretty much saying that they were both important parts of WWE history and it was sad and disappointing to see things end this way for both of them.


I can't necessarily say I disagree with that and that it wasn't wise for WWE to separate themselves from what could potentially be pro wrestling's version of OJ Simpson. You can question what the point of the 911 call was but were your own opinions of that night altered by hearing what seemed to obviously be a f'd up Luger on the phone? It was 5:30am and Elizabeth was sitting down with a plate of food? Doesn't sound like breakfast to me. There was obviously more things going on in that house that night than two glasses of vodka and some painkillers for that 5:30am rise and shiner.


And I just know the Meltzer's, Shearer's, Ryder's and Keller's are going to diss this and condemn the WWE for airing such a tasteless story despite the fact that they've been trying to outdo each other when it comes to coverage. It took you about two minutes to scroll down past the "inside story on Ms. Elizabeth" in the next Observer/hype this week on Meltzer's web updates. That's not exploitation though - that's journalism?

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Guest Choken One

Ladies and Germs...He just said it better then anyone else would ever do.

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Guest JediLuke



WWE really outdid themselves on this one. Using Elizabeth's death to make themselves look good and trash Macho Man, Lex Luger, WCW, and Liz herself is soooooooo fucking crude and tasteless. I hope when Linda dies Shane and Stephanie do a show inpliying Vince was responsible. :rolleyes:


The story the WWE told tonight was bullshit. How do they know what Liz's personal and professional life was like after she left WCW? How do they know Liz had no life outside wrestling? How do they know she was such a depressing individual? They made it sound like Liz was a poor battered woman with Randy and after she left the WWF.


The 911 call is such a violation of good taste. I can't imagine one of my loved ones dying, me calling 911 not knowing what to do, and then seeing my former employer playing the tape on tv one week afterwards and implying bad things about me. That would be so horrible. I don't care if other news organizations do it, because it's still bullshit.


I feel so sorry for Elizabeth. Sorry that she died and sorry for how her whole life outside the WWF was made to look like misery. I'm sorry for everyone who was made out to look bad but had nothing to do with Liz's troubles and death. And I really feel sorry for the WWE....for being the biggest dicks in broadcasting!! The jouralists who are saying that Elizabeth Smart wanted to be with her kidnappers are better than the WWE. How shameful! :throwup:


Rest In Peace Elizabeth! I'm so sorry your "family" couldn't have given you a better send out. But you're fans will still remember you for the beautiful woman you were in WWF, WCW, and outside of wrestling.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

Well despite people claiming he would condemn it, Meltzer was pretty ok with the Confidential piece. The main criticism was the sleazy way they used the lure of the 911 call to try and get ratings.

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Guest RedJed

I didnt have a problem with the piece since they weren't trying to put an unfair spin on things. They were quoting newpaper sources, etc and whatnot. I sensed a sort of unwritten purpose of the piece MAYBE being Vince sticking it to Luger one last time since their past is so jaded, but I could be wrong. I just didn't see the point in throwing all that information on Luger out in the open on a wrestling show like that, unless the purpose was to bury him in public.

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