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Guest nWoScorpion

The Scorpion Indy Wrap Up!

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Guest nWoScorpion

Major League Wrestling: (MLW Underground 5/5/03)


- Raven promo opens the show. He says his path will cross with someone in one week. In one week, Raven and him will be on one show. Weird.


- MLW Underground Video Highlights opens the show. In reality, tonight, a big show was held for TV tapings.


- Christopher Daniels decked in full priest attire confronts Jerry Lynn outside. He tries turning Lynn to the fallen angels side, and offers him "salvation". Lynn tells him off though.


- Super Crazy Vs. Christopher Daniels Vs. Amazing Red:

This is gonna be hard to call. Red is calling himself Fuego Guerrero here, but I'll stick to Red.. Daniels shoves him off. Red get shoved down by Crazy and now Crazy talking to him. Headlock to Daniels by Crazy and a shoulder block puts Red down, and Daniels gets nailed by a Fed drop-kick, Daniels drops Crazy with one, and the independent pose position gets cheered. ECW chants! Lucha Libre chants now. Shut the F*ck up chants, and even Daniels tells them to shut up. Daniels pulls down Red and Daniels gets clotheslined by Crazy. Daniels taken down with a head scissors and Red with a bunch of twirls into a body scissors sends Crazy to the outside.


[Commercial Break]


Back from commercial, Red puts the boots to Crazy and scores some stiff Low-Ki like kicks for two. Styles brings up the Japanese Buzzsaw Tajiri. Super Crazy chants. they trade chops and double chop down Daniels. Double suplex is blocked, and Daniels hammers Red and scores a bulldog while clotheslining Crazy, and covers for two on both men several times. Red to the top rope takes Daniels down with a hurricanrana. Arm drag by Red on Super Crazy and he goes to the outside, only to eat railing by Crazy. Daniels sends Crazy into it now but he eats ring post when trying it again. Red goes to the railing again thanks to Crazy. Quadruple chops to Crazy and he nails a springboard moonsault on both men. Spinning heel kick to Daniels and the Crazy Factor to Red gets two. Daniels eats boot but he nails a chokeslam and the double springboard moonsault for two! Dragon clutch is stopped by Red and he nails a spinning kick to the head and sunset flip slams Daniels for two! Clothesline in the corner to Red by Crazy followed by a sit down powerbomb for two! Clothesline by Crazy to Daniels sends him outside, and Red with a basement drop-kick to Crazy ends his momentum and now Red chants. Somersault splash by Red to Daniels and Crazy comes down with a plancha to Daniels as well. Back in the ring and Red with a boot to the head and leg sweep and standing star press gets the win at 11:49!! **3/4 for a hot match. Crazy tries unmasking Red, and Los Maximos save Red from the attack, and now SAT chants. Spanish Announce Team (or Table, depending on who you ask) is Joel & Jose Maximo, and Amazing Red.


- Joey Styles hypes 1wrestling.com. He doesn't like WWE very much from what I can see.


- Mike Awesome cuts a promo about his up-coming #1 Contenders Match against Jerry Lynn.


- #1 Contenders Match for MLW World Championship:

Jerry Lynn Vs. Mike Awesome:

Lock up and Awesome shoves him off. Lynn hammers away as Styles runs down all of Awesomes stupid gimmicks in WCW & WWF. Clothesline by Awesome puts down Lynn. whip to teh buckle and Awesome with a splash, followed by a clothesline to the back of the head for two. Mike Sucks Cock chants. Lynn to the buckle and Awesome whips him to the buckle, only to get nailed with a cross body press by Lynn for two. Awesome with a big spear for two. Jerry chants. Awesome spills over the top rope at the hands of Jerry Lynn and he nails a guillotine leg drop to Awesome. Pescado by Lynn puts Awesome down again. Awesome whips Lynn to the buckle but gets back dropped over the guard rail and into the stands. Awesome slams Lynn throat first into the guard rail.


[Commercial Break]


We're back eventually, and Awesome accidentally knocks someone down. Awesome with a dive over the guard rail onto Lynn! Lynn with a dropkick in the ring but Awesome with a sling shot shoulder block for two. Rear chin-lock by Awesome. Lynn with a boot to Awesome followed by several clotheslines, and a hurricanrana! Tornado DDT by Lynn gets two! Daniels is at ringside now. Awesome with a back drop blocking the cradle piledriver, and he nails him with a big boot. Awesome Bomb gets...two!! Lynn blocks another and scores a DDT for two! Awesome catches Lynn witha huge over head belly to belly suplex. He nails a splash from the top rope...for two! Styles brings up Awesome unable to compete for three months thanks to WWE. Lynn with a school boy for two! Awesome catches him with a big clothesline and a running awesome bomb for three at 10:41. **1/2 match was good, but nothing to brag about.


- After the match, Christopher punks out Jerry Lynn by rubbing in he lost his chance to be the #1 contender, but its really hard to hear over the awful microphones and the crowd yelling. They DO join a handshake after all of that and I'm shocked cause these guys hate each other in NWA-TNA.


- Satoshi Kojima is currently the world champion, and Styles says Vampiro will face him tonight! Ravens name is mentioned, and I love it because Raven rules.


- Steve Corino cuts a promo on Terry Funk. Funk STILL hasn't retired...that's just sad seeing he's pushing 60! He does a hype job for upcoming show Friday evening.


- Joey Styles says the winner of the title match will face Mike Awesome on June 20 in Fort Lauderdale.


The card for this Friday features Terry Funk v. Steve Corino, Sabu v. La Parka, Mike Awesome v. Masato Tanaka, Vampiro v. Christopher Daniels, The Global Tag-Team Crown Finals, the MLW Debut of C.M Punk, and the arrival of Raven!


- MLW World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Satoshi Kojima © Vs. Vampiro:

Vampiro has ditched his dreadlocks and face paint since I've last seen him, and quite honestly, I don't like this look for him. This arena reminds me of ECW shows, but not as good. Vampiro offers a handshake but Kojima doesn't trust him. Collar elbow and Kojima takes him to the corner. Vampiro does the same and he breaks clean, and they shove. Vampiro with a headlock, and Kojima with a shoulderblock, followed by another. Vampiro throws in a plastic chair, and Kojima takes a seat and bows down. Go behind by Vampiro, and Kojima with a wrist lock. Vampiro with a drop toe hold and pulls the hair STF style. Headbutt by Vampiro, followed ay another. Kojima thrown outside and Vampiro whips him to the steel railing. Vampiro eats boot on a charge and Kojima with a snap suplex on the concrete! Kojima with a big chop sends Vampiro over the railing, and Kojima hammers in him in the crowd with a chair. Vampiro with a boot and slams him on the stage. Vampiro climbs a steel scaffold and comes down with a clothesline!


[Commercial Break.]


Back and Vampiro covers for two. Chokeslam by Vampiro, and he heads to the top rope, but me misses a corkscrew moonsault! Irish Whip reversed, but Kojima blocks a hurricanrana with a powerbomb for two. Regal neck breaker by Kojima gets another two count. Dragon screw by Kojima followed by a series of basement drop-kick. Another dragon screw to the knee and goes for a figure four, but Vampiro cradles him for two. Kojima catches an enziguri by Vampiro, but drops Vampiro with a drop toe hold and applies the STF, but Vampiro makes the ropes. Ace Crusher by Kojima and he nails a lariat for three at 10:25!! * Match kinda blew, but hey, at least it's not RAW.


- Mike Awesome comes to the ring after the match and he and Kojima trade slaps across the chest. Awesome with a boot and an Awesome bomb on the champion! Awesome retrieves a table and throws it into the ring. He sets it up in the corner, and gives Kojima the awesome bomb through the table! Awesome poses with the title and leaves Kojima laying.


- Video Package runs to hype the upcoming card. Clips of Funk/Corino/Rhodes match hype the 1 on 1 encounter of Funk & Corino. Ravens arrival has me excited as he most likely won't return to NWA-TNA for a while. Clips from a previous La Parka & Sabu match is shown. La Parka is busted wide open and his mask is ripped completely exposing his forehead and eyes. Plus...Paul London, CM Punk, Samoan Island Tribe, Norman Smiley, and more...For a MLW TV Taping! This Friday Night, May 9th, at TABU in Orlando, FL.


Final Analysis: Hot opener and the number one contenders matches were both fine, but the World Title match sucked ass. But, nothing was REALLY bad, so I got to give them props for a good show. This was taped from 12-20-02 By the Way, and tonight, is the return card for the promotion, for TV Taping.



AIW Slams & Jams! (5/9/03)


- Your Hosts are some guys I don't know, but they suck.


- I'm in Wrestlecrap Hell!!!! Note, this matches are taped years ago, a series of tapings from shows in the 90s as I see clips of Cactus Jack, The Patriot, The Bushwhackers, Doink, Damian Demento, Kamala II, and Rick Martel as the model in the opening video.


- Opening Match:

"Jumping" Joe Savolti Vs. Brooklyn Brawler:

What the HELL is this?! We get hella stalling to start. They are in Venezuela! Savolti with a clean break in the corner and Brawler says he pulled the hair. Brawler tries a cheap shot but he eats a hard left. Please, shoot me. MORE Stalling. Want stalling? Here's some more! Headlock by Savolti and he goes behind with an armbar. Drop toe hold by Savolti into an armbar. Arena is REALLY Dark, like MSG Show lighting. Brawler apparently has a legal object, since he's in another country. Loaded fist of doom by Brawler and this sucks. Stomp to the midsection by Brawler and he rakes the eyes across the top rope. Biting in the corner by Brawler and we get a FUCKING referee bump. Savolti uses some hard lets and finds the illegal object but the referee thinks SAVOLTI used it and DQs him at 6:01 giving The Brawler the win!! -* for this shit-fest. I think Larry Zbysko booked this match.


- Answer to the trivia question is...LARRY ZBYSKO!! (Clues are it was an AWA Champion, mentor was Bruno Sammartino, and something else stupid and I knew the answer before they told us!) How coincidental I mention Zbysko right before that?


- Msuic video to some losers fighting by a shitty band. The Bushwhackers...NO!!!


- Miguel Perez Vs. King Kailua:

Perez has some USA ring attire...oh wait, it's Puerto Rican flag colors. Both men pose, the spick is cheered, the other spick is booed...and fat. Take over headlock by Perez and Kailua with a head scissors. Kill me please. Arm ringer by Perez which is reversed, and Perez pulls an Owen and sweeps the leg and covers for two. Side headlock Kailua followed by a shoulder block. Perez with a series of leap frogs and arm drags followed by a drop-kick, sending King over the top rope. Perez is hairier than Albert. Perez with the side headlock back in the ring, and scores a cross body press for two. Arm drag into the armbar by Perez. Perez by the way was in Los Boricuas. Kailua scores a knee to the face and a clothesline. He stomps away and I hate typing his name. He chokes Perez across the top rope and covers for two. Forearm to Perez gets two again, and Kailua goes to a rear chinlock. Knee lift by the King puts Perez down again and he chokes him with his boot. Please ends this match soon Perez. Perez is sent to the buckle and Kailua with a running bulldog gets two! Perez with a sunset flip and it gets two. Choke hold by the guy I hate typing and Miguel hulks up. He nails a series of hard rights and waists Kailua in the corner. Mounted punches of doom but he gets whipped to the buckle. Perez gets the boot up and he scores a springboard swanton splash for three at 8:59! ** Better than ANY Miguel Perez match in WWF. Up Next...a Koko B. Ware match!


- Koko B. Ware Vs. Agent Gun:

Koko B. Ware is STILL over big and Agent Gun stalls forever. Introductions are clipped so I have to wait until a commentator says the guys names I don't recognize. Koko loses the lock-up and Gun poses. Repeat. Koko no sells the third and nails a big clothesline and Gun runs away as Ware acts like a fucking monkey...no I am not being racist. The announcer even says he's acting like George Steele. Gun hammers away on Koko and makes him eat buckle. Spinning back elbow connects and Koko tries working the crowd. Scoop slam by Agent Gun and get covers for two, and Koko B. Ware sunset flips him for three at 3:57!!! DUD What the hell?! Koko wins a match! Koko wins a match! Koko wins a match! I hate to ask what the next match will be...


- Classic Match: Six-Man Tag Team Match:

"Gentleman" Chris Adams, Jeff Jarrett, Jimmy Jack Funk Vs. Beauty & the Beast & "Freebird" Buddy Roberts:

From World Class. Chris Adams starts with Beauty. Jarrett is YOUNG as hell. Adams nails an enziguri out of the starting gate and sends Beauty to the buckle. Funk in and he nails a boot to the midsection followed by a shoulder breaker for two. JJ Funk with an armbar and Beast breaks it. Jarrett in and gets the Shawn Michaels pop. He tags in officially and nails an elbow to the arm of beauty followed by some bionic elbows. Adams with a forearm to Beauty and continues with the armbar. Funk with a big boot and he and Adams with a double elbow to Beauty, and he reapplies the armbar. Beauty tries fighting out but Funk with a belly to belly suplex for two. Jarrett in and more working on the arm. Roberts tags in and Jarrett with an armbar and Adams gets the hot tag...but Roberts runs. I'm guessing Roberts & Adams had a feud at the time.




We're back, and Adams sends Roberts to the buckle. beauty in and Adams kicks him hard in the gut, and Beast tags in only to get back dropped. Jarrett in and he hammers on everyone and snap mares Beast and hammers away and covers for two. Arm drag and wrist lock by Jarrett. Funk tags in and boots Beast and nails a shoulder breaker on him for two. Armbar and slam on the wrist of Beast. Jarrett back in and he works the arm again, and Adams completes the cycle, lather rinse repeat. Adams with a double axhandle to the arm followed by a slam onto the arm. Jimmy Jack with a knee drop from the top rope and Jarrett in again. Beast misses a charge in the corner and Jarrett makes it back to the armbar. Beauty in and he gets snapmared, and Jarrett with a chinlock. Hair pull slam by Beauty and he tags in Roberts. Roberts hammers away and slams Jarrett's face into the apron for two. Beauty with some pussy shots, but Jarrett scores a sunset flip for two. Roberts back in and he hammers away. Double clothesline puts Jarrett & Beauty down, and we all know Roberts stops Jarrett but he misses an elbow drop, as does Jarrett, and both men are down. Roberts tries a powerslam but its reversed, and Jarrett tags in Adams if you didn't know already. Adams loses it and hammers on Roberts, and double noggin knocker to him and Beauty. Pier-Six Brawl time Adams with the 10 mounted punches. Ice Fang runs in for the DQ and attacks all the good guys at 13:02. **1/4 match was fairly decent, but I didn't catch the name of the guy clearly so I'm guessing that's it.


- Doink the Clown Vs. Bastion Booger:

Doink silly strings Booger. Dink strings the referee. Doink plays the kids in the crowd and we get some goofy production going as they cut to Doink, cheer, he pints to booger, crowd is panned booing. Dink is playing around. Doink shakes his BUTT to Bastion Booger and makes kiddy faces at him, Doink kicks him in the BUTT, and Dink butts it. Dink shakes his fanny to Booger.


[Commercial Break]


Booger throws Doink into random objects on the outside. The commentators keep calling Booger a one man wrecking crew. Clothesline by Booger and nails a splash in the corner. Dink throws a role of French bread in the ring and Booger GOES FOR IT! Doink with a school boy for three at 5:40. -** for this crap.


End of Show, Thank God. The Show starts and ends with crap, has a few outside good matches, and the crust in the center was flat out suck too. I gotta love the classic match thing though, as I never seen any World Class matches.



IPW Hardcore Wrestling! (5/10/03)


- I'm not really a big fan of these Indies, mainly because of no name power to draw my attention, although I have heard about a few of the guys. Tough shame the Road Warriors won their titles but aren't officially in the federation.


- Taped From Someplace in Florida.


- Antonio Banks cuts a promo on Lex Lovett from a broom closet or a hotel room, I don't know.


- Some guys introduce the show and talk..and talk..and talk..you get the idea.


- Opening Match:

IPW-Florida Unified Cruiserweight Championship Match:

Naphtali © Vs. Jerrelle Clark Vs. Roach:

I never heard of any of these guys, so don't expect me to know shit about any of them. Roach is on loan from Jersey All Pro. I can't stand triple threat Cruiserweight matches. Badstreet U.S.A is his theme song...BOO! Clark and Roach lock up and double clothesline Naphtali a few times. Naphtali with a headlock to Roach, then to Clark, and he backdrops Roach at the same time, but Clark flips him onto the top rope to be hung out to dry. Roach with an armbar, and Clark reverses and locks a headlock. Clark hammers both men and hurricanranas Naphtali, then nails a leg lariat to Roach. Naphtali suplexes Clark onto Roach, and Clark with a powerbomb sunset flip for two. Naphtali with Clark in the corner and Roach dumps him. Clark with a boot to roach, and Naphtali walks the ropes to the other side of the ring and nails a kick to the head of Clark. Roach climbs on Naphtali's body and Clark nails Roach with a tornado DDT for two. Spinning Savat Kick by Naphtali to Clark, but he gets caught with a tilt-o-whirl back breaker. Roach has Clark on his shoulders, and Naphtali locks the abdominal stretch on him from the top rope. Clark with a hurricanrana to Roach. Naphtali goes for poetry in motion but Roach spine busters him on top of Clark! Roach to the top and he nails a frog splash to Clark, and a spear to Naphtali. Clark with a Death Valley Driver gets two on Roach. Roach with a reverses tombstone piledriver to Clark, and even the announcers don't know what to say. Naphtali screams at Roach and gets powerslammed for two! Naphtali's corner man trips up Roach and canes him with the staff of darkness. Naphtali with a chair, and tries a springboard onto the top rope, but slips several times before hitting a whack van terminator for three at 6:49. ** No real flow for the match here.


- Fidel Sierra (The Cuban Assassin) and Fantasy (his valet) have some words for...something, he talks really incoherently.


- Jerrelle Clark now with a promo for the up-coming Rage in the Cage event that took place already.


- Mideon (What!?) cuts a promo talking about getting revenge against Rastaman.


- More Whacky and Crazy videos from IPW that makes me yiern for some King of the Ring 1995. Yes, that bad, seriously. The video is clips to Jersey All Pro's Sheik and Fidel Sierra to the 1812 overture.


- Naphtali and his corner man bad mouth Justice for their up-coming match at Rage in the Cage for the unified Crusierweight Championship of Florida.


- IPW-World Heavyweight Championship & NWA Florida Championship Match: (Title Unification Match):

Billy Fives (NWA FL) Vs. Rod Steel: (IPW World)

I need a beer. It's been fifteen minutes since the last match. Face to face go both men. Fives shoves Steel, then the referee, and Steel shoves him back. Fives with a choke in the corner and some bad mouthing. Steel with a series of round house rights but Fives takes him down with a cross armbar into a leveraged chinlock. Fives stomps away and continues shoving the referee. Stiff savat kicks to the left shoulder by Fives but he gets caught with a hart attack clothesline for two. Steel works over Fives in the corner but Fives no sells and chops the shit out of Steel. Steel makes Fives eat buckle and catches him with a running bulldog for two. Steel with a leg drop and some sit-ups...he's Scott Steiner off the juice. Twisting Fisherman buster by Steel gets two again. Fives with a dragon sleeper and Steel taps out...but the referee is not looking intentionally, so Fives nails him with a death valley driver. New referee in, and Steel tries mounting a comeback. Fives applies a cross arm breaker to Steel. Fives with a twirling face buster gets the win at 5:53 with some shady shenanigans. The AOD rushes the ring and starts to attack Fives. *1/4 Match was not too good.


- Alliance of Defiance get some promo time and we all know that the referee (Mikey Tenderfoot) was bias. Billy Fives gets a tongue lashing by Agent Steele.


- Billy Fives declares he's going to take out the AoD one after another until everyone's out of his way.


- Main Event:

Antonio Banks Vs. Lex Lovett:

Finally, the last match of the show this week. We get a pose down to start. Lex takes Banks down and starts hammering away. Banks takes Lex down with a front headlock, but its reversed to a chinlock. Both men to their feet and Lovett with a headlock now. Banks bridges for two, and Lovett reverses it back to the hold. Banks with an armbar and both men to their feet. Armbar takeover by Lex and Banks reverses into a head scissors. Lovett with a kip up and nails a flying forearm, but runs into a big scoop slam by Antonio for two. Test of Strength and Banks is winning it with ease. Lex breaks free and lays some kicks to the sternum on Banks. guillotine elbow drop by Lovet, followed by a clothesline in the corner. Banks with an elbow to the face and a clothesline takes over the advantage, but he gets stun gunned. Rolling vertical suplexes by Lovett, but Banks blocks the third and drops him with his own. Forearm shots from a mounted position, and Banks with an upside down dragon sleeper! Front Choke Hold by Banks, but Jimmy Del Ray distracts the referee while Lovett taps. Lovett up and nails a DDT for two. Missile drop-kick connects. Banks with an over head belly to belly suplex for three at 10:48. * Way Too Long and boring.


End of Show.


Final Analysis: Crap. Crap. Did I say Crap? Yes, I did. Crap! This show sucks even for an independent wrestling company that tries to make themselves sound good.


Overall: MLW Is pretty good, IPW is ok if you actually KNOW who everyone is, but AIW is flat out garbage from years ago featuring wrestlecrap inductees.


Note: These Are All Independent Shows in florida ONLY (AIW & MLW are broadcasted on the Sunshine Network, IPW is on UPN 44)

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Guest Gatornibs

Way to cover the upcoming Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup Tournament. Easily the best thing in Florida you will see this year. Here's an idea. Instead of bashing everything, why don't you write some positive stuff?

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