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Guest Trivia247

Top ten Celebrity involvement in WWF

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Guest Trivia247

in no Discernable order


Samuel L Jackson as Shaft protecting Crash Holly from Patternson & Brisco


Leslie Nelson as Frank Drebbin investigating the Undertaker case


Jennifer Flowers interviewing the Rock at WM14


Arnold Laying HHH out after HHH getting in his face at Smackdown


Mike Tyson Laying out HBK at Wm14


Ben Stiller taking a Figure four by Jeff Jarrett for no Apparent reason


Jonathan Taylor Thomas playing chess with Bob Backlund and beating him. At Wm11


LT vs Bam Bam at Wm11


Mr. T at Wm1 and Wm2


and the Immortal.... Z E U S era of wrestling...

God Bless Tiny Tim Leston


what are your memories of skits involving Non wrestling Celebs in WWF?

Edited by Trivia247

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Guest Lightning Flik

Actually.. It's kinda funny, but since I remember THOSE the most, I'd have to say those.

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Guest the pinjockey

Cindy Margolis showing up and taking a Jeff Jarrett figure four during his woman hating days.


For some reason that has just stuck in my head because it seemed so pointless, and not a JTT playing chess with Backland over the top type segment.

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Guest CED Ordonez

LT vs Bam Bam at WM11


Mike "My Favorite Wrestler is Cone Stold" Tyson


I have to mention Cindy Margolis for the worst selling of the figure four ever by a celebrity.

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Guest the pinjockey

Oh come on now her selling was great.


She just kind of sat up and went



That was gold

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Guest Choken One

Well Tyson in the end was the only one save for Cyndi Lauper that MEANT something...


Tyson was the REAL reason people tuned back into wrestling...

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

Ozzy Osbourne in the corner of the British Bulldogs (WM 2). Didn't do anything, just cool.

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Guest edotherocket

Special Enforcer Chuck Norris at Survivor Series 1994, baby.

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Guest Choken One

Shocked vince didn't try to convince Ozzy (during the Osbourn Craze) it was 1986 again and put a snake on him again...

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Guest Mole

Drew Carrey from Royal Rumble when he tried to give Kane money instead of eliminating him. That was gold.

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Guest WhenDanSaysJump

Rebecca Romijin-Stamos and the APA.



"I love her!"

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Guest alkeiper

William Shatner's mini-feud with Jeff Jarrett and the Roadie, around RR '95.


Bob Uecker at WM IV.

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Guest Trivia247

heres some more.....


Ice T singing for the Godfather and Dlo at Wm 2000


Alice Cooper Wrapping the snake around Jimmy Hart


Steve Allan running around the Arena interviewing people during Wm6


and the Legendary Pete Rose Kane feud

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Guest The Tino Standard

LT-Bam Bam is considered the gold standard for matches involving celebrities, that's gotta be on.


Tyson's involvement from Jan 98-Mar 98 worked out PERFECTLY for the WWF, so that was pretty big for them as far as getting the company back in the national spotlight.


And we all know that Piper-Mr. T was the REAL money feud of the 1980s ;-)

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Guest Choken One
LT-Bam Bam is considered the gold standard for matches involving celebrities, that's gotta be on.

Wow. That is scary. Bam Bam having the best *Celeb* Match ever...


Here is an dumb question WHY Bam Bam?


WWF only made them look like IDIOTS for having a Tattoed Fat Freak with missing teeth as the headliner...


I'M sorry but Why not have Crush or Owen Hart or Backlund...


Whom were better heels, had better work rate and wouldn't be a joke to wwf...



I imagine the choose Bam Bam because he was a hoss and was expendable...

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Guest RenegadeX28

That was a pretty sweet mini-feud that Arnold and HHH had. At the time....I got REALLY into the angles with HHH always getting his way, AND I HATED HHH. When Arnold knocked HHH down, I was going crazy! It was great.

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Guest Choken One

Yep...That was kinda cool...Don't they still play it up at House Shows and stuff?

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

WWF/WWE: Pete Rose vs. Kane has been one of the most downright entertaining feuds I've ever seen on WWF/WWE programming. Too bad it was ended without a blowoff. Rose needs one more Tombstone, dammit!


OVERALL: Kerry King in XPW at the first Baptized In Blood, if only for making Kris Kloss his bitch (King replied "I play guitar!" to Kloss' statement that King was Slayer's vocalist), and for saying "I don't know about you guys, but I've been waiting for this one all fucking night" before introducing the main-event. The show's only highlight, as "Angel Of Death" was played when he came in.

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My favorites for some reason was at WrestleMania 7....Alex Tribek interviewing Jake "The Snake"...just the thought of Damien being a guest on Jeopardy like Jake suggested. Also...Ray Combs being the ring announcer at WM8, and Steve Allen with Volkoff & Zhukov at WM6.

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Guest TheHulkster




Technically it can be considered a W/WWF/E event, anyway


Backlund losing in chess to Jonathan Taylor Thompson was funny as hell just for Backlund's reaction. The highlight of a rather lousy Wrestlemania.


I always loved it when celebrities would sing the national anthem at Wrestlemania. Ray Charles' version of America the beautiful tore the house down.

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Guest Downhome

I actually liked the Savage/Rodman match, as I thought it was a LOT better than what it should have been.

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Guest Austin3164life

Mike Tyson is the best celebrity involved in the WWE. Where else can we hear him say "Coln Stode" or however he said it. Him decking HBK was a sight to see as well.

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Guest ViciousFish

No celebrity moment can ever beat the Pete Rose stuff although Arnie punching out HHH was a damn close second.

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Guest tank_abbott

My favorite actor Mr.Burt Reynolds, at Wrestle Mania 10 (?) !!!

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