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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Weekend Box Office Report: 5/9/03 - 5/11/03

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

New Releases:


"Daddy Day Care" ( Eddie Murphy, Steve Zahn )


Box Office Top 10:


1. X2: X-Men United - $41,400,000/$149,000,000


2. Daddy Day Care - $27,600,000/$27,600,000

3. The Lizzie McGuire Movie BV $7,800,000 $27,200,000

4. Identity - $6,300,000/$39,205,000

5. Anger Management -$5,500,000/$122,944,000

6. Holes -$4,600,000/$51,400,000

7. A Mighty Wind -$2,870,000/$9,349,000

8. Malibu's Most Wanted -$2,135,000/$31,754,000

9. Bend It Like Beckham -$1,650,000/$13,084,000

10. Confidence -$1,500,000/$11,000,000


Next Week's New Releases:


" Some Movie About Some Guy Named Neo " ( Anyone ever heard of it ? )


" Down With Love ( Ewan McGregor, Renee Zellweger )

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Guest razazteca

Down with Love will make money because it is a chick movie, maybe $10 mil.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

There is a chance that "Down With Love" might do decent business.


Their main target audience is Female. Not all of them are gonna see Reloaded.

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Guest razazteca

Rene Zelwijowietjoawr and Obi 1 remaking a 60s style romance chick movie

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Guest fazzle

27.5 million for Daddy Day Care? What the fuck?


Doesn't that beat the last few Eddie Murphy movies combined?

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Guest fazzle

Well, approximately 6 times. Pluto Nash made like $4.5 million...on a $100 million budget.



Seriously, how the FUCK do you lose $95 million on a movie? At some point wouldn't you realize the movie was shit, and that it's not worth putting $100 million into?



And, supposedly, DDC had a $90 million budget, so, even with a decent opening weekend, it's gonna be a bomb. With Matrix next week, I say it'll be lucky to get $8 million.

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Guest the pinjockey

How the hell could DDC have a 90 million dollar budget? Isn't the whole movie just him and little kids, what kind of special effects could you have to rack up 90 million dollars?


I wonder how much Murphy got to do this movie. After Pluto Nash, I would offer 3-5 mil to him for any movie and that would be it. So that can't be a big part of the 90.

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Guest fazzle

*shrug* Got me.


$60 million production, and $30 million marketing.


I still have no idea how much it could cost that much to make it.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Next weekend, it should make about $10Mil...

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Guest Mole

Where did you hear that it cost $90 million?


I predict it will make $80 million all together.

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Guest MaxPower27
X-Men got $7.75 from me this week. I loved it.

It's gotten close to $25 from me. I've seen it 3 times.

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Guest Youth N Asia
X-Men got $7.75 from me this week. I loved it.

It's gotten close to $25 from me. I've seen it 3 times.

Oh, it'll get my money again before it hits DVD...then again when it hits DVD

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Guest Mole

I'm saving my money for Matrix on Wednesday. It's weird because it is on at 10 on Wednesday night, but isn't that against the law?


I know this one movie cinema where the owner lets people who work there watch the midnight showing and lets them smoke weed and drink beers in the cinema. However, he won't start the movie early, not even 5 minutes because it is against the law. Makes little sense to me.

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Guest El Satanico

Down With Love will do alot better then most of you think. It will be a very solid #2.


It's a movie I plan on seeing, but I doubt i see it or matrix at the theater.

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Guest HHH123007

I haven't seen one TV spot for Down With Love....I don't think it will be that high...

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Guest El Satanico

The target audience for Down With Love know all about it, so that's what matters.

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Guest Lethargic
I haven't seen one TV spot for Down With Love....I don't think it will be that high...

That's what I'm screaming. I haven't seen a commercial, a trailer, a poster or anything about it on any movie websites. Nothing, zilch. It's a ghost, a vapor. You have a movie here starring an actress that was just nominated for an Oscar, fresh off Chicago, and it gets ZERO marketing? What was the last romantic comedy with a cast like this one that didn't get plastered all over the place?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

How in the HELL did the Lizzie McGuire Movie cost 15 mil in production?




To paraphrase Chirs Rock: "Somebody's walking around with 14 million dollars in their pocket"

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins
Down With Love will do alot better then most of you think. It will be a very solid #2.


It's a movie I plan on seeing, but I doubt i see it or matrix at the theater.

#3 or #4 if it's lucky.



Matrix = 1

X-Men = 2

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