Bored 0 Report post Posted May 11, 2003 Fairly eventful week in Raw history as we come up on the 10th anniversary of one the best Raw's ever which featured two HUGE upsets. May 17, 1993 The Smoking Gunns def. Glenn Ruth & Tony Vadja The Kid def. Razor Ramon Tatanka def. Scott Taylor Yokozuna def. Kamala Marty Jannetty def. Shawn Michaels to win the Intercontinental Title May 16, 1994 Bam Bam Bigelow def. Sparky Plugg; KOTR Qualifier Diesel def. Mike Moraldo Owen Hart def. Tony Roy Earthquake def. Yokozuna in a Sumo Match May 15, 1995 Yokozuna def. Nick Barberry & Bill Weaver in a handicap match Man Mountain Rock def. Iron Mike Sharpe Bob Holly def. Mantaur; KOTR Qualifier Bam Bam Bigelow def. I.R.S. May 13, 1996 Ahmed Johnson def. Zip Vader def. Duke Droese Justin Bradshaw def. Aldo Montoya Shawn Michaels def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley May 12, 1997 Ahmed Johnson def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley by DQ; KOTR Qualifier Scott Putski def. Leif Cassidy The Legion of Doom def. PG-13 The Undertaker def. Savio Vega by DQ Rob Van Dam def. Jeff Hardy Owen Hart & Davey Boy Smith def. Doug Furnas & Phil LaFon (1st elimination), The New Blackjacks (2nd), and The Headbangers (3rd) in a four-way tag team elimination match May 11, 1998 Vader def. Barry Windham Skull (with 8-Ball stealing the pin) def. Hawk Faarooq def. Jeff Jarrett by DQ Sable def. Marc Mero Hunter Hearst Helmsley NC Owen Hart Kaientai def. Terry Funk & 2 Cold Scorpio by DQ The Rock & D’Lo Brown NC Steve Austin & Vince McMahon May 17, 1999 Road Dogg, X-Pac, & Kane NC Mr. Ass, D’Lo Brown, & Mark Henry Val Venis & The Godfather def. Jeff Jarrett & The Blue Blazer Test def. Meat by DQ The Undertaker def. The Rock in a Casket Match The Hardy Boyz & Michael Hayes NC The Brood The Big Show def. The Big Bossman Steve Austin NC Triple H May 15, 2000 The Dudley Boyz def. Al Snow & Steve Blackman Rikishi def. Kurt Angle by DQ Hardcore Crap Segment: Crash retains HC title after pinning Godfather Ho Hardcore Holly def. Chris Jericho in a hardcore match The Big Show def. T&A by DQ in a handicap match Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn def. Eddie Guerrero & Chyna Edge & Christian def. The Acolytes and The Hardy Boyz (pinned) in a Triple Threat Match for the Tag Titles Chris Benoit def. The Rock in a Submission Match May 14, 2001 Rikishi def. Kurt Angle by DQ The Hardy Boyz def. Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn Rhyno def. Crash; HC Title Match Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit def. Edge & Christian Chyna & Lita def. Ivory & Molly Holly The Big Show, The Goodfather, & Bull Buchanan def. A.P.A. & Test Kane def. Steve Austin & Triple H by DQ in a handicap match May 13, 2002 The Hardy Boyz def. Brock Lesnar by DQ in a handicap match Eddie Guerrero def. Shawn Stasiak Molly Holly def. Terri Hulk Hogan def. Ric Flair in a No-DQ Match for the WWE Undisputed Title Bubba Ray Dudley & Trish Stratus def. Steven Richards & Jazz in a HC & Women’s Title Match; Trish pins Jazz to win the Women’s Title The Big Show & X-Pac def. Bradshaw in a handicap match Steve Austin def. Booker T in a Lumberjack Match Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheOriginalOrangeGoblin 0 Report post Posted May 11, 2003 May 17, 1993 The Smoking Gunns def. Glenn Ruth & Tony Vadja The Kid def. Razor Ramon Tatanka def. Scott Taylor Yokozuna def. Kamala Marty Jannetty def. Shawn Michaels to win the Intercontinental Title One of the best Raws ever with, IMO, the biggest upset in WWF history and one of Raw's best moments: Kid pinning Razor. HBK/Jannety was good too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Your Olympic Hero Report post Posted May 11, 2003 Chris Benoit def. The Rock in a Submission Match Definitely don't remember this... but it couldn't have been a clean win. Crips interferes? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bored 0 Report post Posted May 11, 2003 Chris Benoit def. The Rock in a Submission Match Definitely don't remember this... but it couldn't have been a clean win. Crips interferes? This will come as a shock...ok not really...but your right! Well also Vince had the timekeeper "RING THE FUCKIN' BELL" too. Here is CRZ's recap of the match: CHRIS BENOIT v. LA ROCA in a nontitle submission match - WWF Judgment Day is brought to you by 3DO's Army Men: World War - this Sunday at the sold out War Memorial in...Tommy? "Louisville." Benoit wants at him while he's smelling it but referee "Blind" Tim White holds him back. Before the match starts, TREBLE H & STEPHANIE ONO appears at the top of the ramp. Rock apparently takes a gander in that direction, because when we look back at the ring, Benoit is all over Rock with kicks and elbows. Rock absorbs all of it and punches back - elbow. Benoit with a gutshot, Dragon screw legwhip! Going for an Indian deathlock - Rock grabs the bottom rope. Benoit grabs the knee and drives it into the mat. Benoit picks up the left leg for more punishment, but Rock punches, right, right, Benoit right, off the ropes, gutshot by the Rock, DDT! Rock with a stomp, stomp, stomp, elbow to the back of the head, right, Benoit chops, Rock with a right, into the ropes, reversed, Benoit catches him, knee to the gut, headbutt, Rock with two gutshots, armdrag takeover (!), Fujiwara/Kunze armbar (!!), and Benoit walks backward and laces the bottom rope with his foot. White breaks the hold. Rock stomps, stomp, kneelift, right, into the ropes is reversed, Benoit buries a knee in the gut. Commentators speculate that while Rock KNOWS the holds, he just chooses to never use 'em. Uhh. Benoit stomping. BILLIONAIRE VINCE is out to join the party. Nice snap suplex by Benoit - hell, his snap suplex is ALWAYS nice. Big backdrop driver by Benoit - Benoit going for the Sharpshooter? Got it! Ross calling it the Sharpshooter - now even invoking the name of Bret "the Hitman" Hart - what planet IS this? Rock grabs the bottom rope. Hold broken - Benoit back to stomping, right, into the ropes, reversed, Rock hits a forearm shiver and both men are down. Benoit up first - stomp. Into the corner, sternum first - Benoit grabs him in a waistlock as he backs up - German suplex - holding on for two - Rock elbows out of the third attempt, Benoit tries to grab onto the arm and hook in the Crippler crossface, but Rock punches out of it - spun around, Rock Bottom! Both men are down again. White puts on the count, despite the fact that Ross says we won't get a countout with these rules. Both men up at 8. Rock with "Iblockyourpunchyoudon'tblockmine," again, right, right, right, right, right, NOW KISS THAT RIGHT! Benoit comes back with a gutshot, chop, chop, into the ropes, Rock reverses and catches Benoit in a spinebuster! Rock going for the figure four! MAN that's an ugly figure four - Benoit screaming, but he won't give up. Stephanie up on the apron to draw over White, while behind his back Triple H comes in and grabs a tapping Benoit, pulling him to the bottom rope. White turns around, sees the rope being held, and breaks the hold. Rock is up, over to the apron and decks Triple H with a right hand. He turns back around...and falls into the Crippler crossface! Vince goes into wild gesticulations telling the timekeeper to ring the bell, then forcing Garcia to proclaim Benoit the winner. (6:50) Triple H gets in the ring and he and Benoit doubleteam the Rock - until the Rock manages to block a punch and make a superhuman comeback. Vince gets in the ring...then thinks better of it and slides out. As he starts back up the ramp, we look behind him to see CHRIS MONDAY JERICHO making his way down. McMahon, cornered, backs up - and Rock picks him up and brings him into the ring...but Triple H unloads on Rock from behind before Vince can get over the top rope. Jericho slides in and it's a Pier Four brawl. Jericho gets Triple H in the Walls of Jericho, while Rock hits Rock Bottom on Benoit. Hey, Triple H, tapping out won't help you, I think. Now X-PAC & ROAD DOGG are THOSE DAMN DUDLEYZ are out with a table - it's a Pier EIGHT brawl - the Dudleyz take out DX and follow outside - now Benoit and Jericho are out - H and Rock trading punches - getting closer to the table - now H battles back and they move away from the table - now Rock getting the upper hand and they're moving BACK towards the table - man, they're milking this crowd somethin' fierce - gutshot by Triple H - Rock ducks a punch and catches him in Rock Bottom through the table! Play his music! Give us a replay! Put up the credits and WWF logo! Now switch to MTV! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest tank_abbott Report post Posted May 12, 2003 Yokozuna def. Kamala The Smoking Gunns def. Glenn Ruth & Tony Vadja OMG! Your totally right! I couldn't believe the results of those 2 matches!!! I marked out like a lil bitch! BTW... Bored You can start doing SD! and Heat, I've lost interest Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bored 0 Report post Posted May 12, 2003 BTW... Bored You can start doing SD! and Heat, I've lost interest Ummm okay but I'll just do Smackdown since Heat is such an insignificant show now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites