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Promo: "contenders"

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*** Promo: “Contenders” ***



*The view of Cutthroat slowly un-blurs it self and the screen becomes much more clear to show Cutthroat walking down the halls of the Gund Arena.*


It seems to be late at night on Tuesday on the week of SJL Metal before the show, and Cutthroat is walking down the hall, apparently in a bit of a hurry. You can tell by how his favorite orange shirt is waving behind him, and he is looking for some body. Who?


Cutthroat is walking down the hall rather quickly, and then he stumbles into whom else but, Ben Hardy who is talking with Funyon and Johnny Generic at the coffee table. Cutthroat quickly says “Hey Ben, have you seen Kojack around here? “  

“Nope sorry” Ben replies effortlessly. “Alright, see ya later Ben!” says Cutthroat as he runs off and Ben goes back to talking with Funyon and Johnny. Cutthroat goes to Kojack’s locker room and knocks on the door. “Knock knock knock!!” There is no answer at the door. So then Cutthroat does some more jogging around, looking for Kojack’s whereabouts.


A few minutes later Cutthroat walks by the work out room, and sees Kojack running on a treadmill. Cutthroat opens the door and walks in. “Hey yo! Kojack!” Kojack turns his head and sees Cutthroat. He stops the treadmill and jumps off of it. “Hey, can I help you?” asks Kojack, whom is a bit puzzled at why Cutthroat is here. “As a matter of fact you can.”

“And in what way could I be any help to you?” asks Kojack still puzzled. Cutthroat replies with “You have that triple threat match on Metal, Me versus Reaper versus you, right?


“Well, you want another shot at Brody’s TV title don’t you?”

“Yeah, of course I do…” Kojack snaps back quickly. “He*l! I would love to actually WIN the TV title!” Kojack snaps quickly again.  

“That’s what I’m here for…if you tag up with me against Reaper on Metal then we could take him out, so then there’s no doubt at all that you’ll get a shot at that TV title of Brody’s. Am I right, or am I right?


Kojack seems a bit hesitant and deep in thought on finding an answer for Cutthroat’s offer. But Cutthroat cuts in on Kojack’s thinking and says “Is it a deal, or what?” says Cutthroat putting out his hand for a shake. There is a brief moment of silence between the two men, and then a smirk appears on the face Kojack. Kojack reaches his hand out to Cutthroat’s, and they both shake on it as Kojack says “It’s a done deal Cutt…”. And then a smirk pops up onto Cutthroat’s face.


“Alright then, see you on Metal Kojack!“ says Cutthroat as he exits the gym room. And Kojack replies with a nod as he drinks some Gatorade from his squirt bottle. Cutthroat finally heads back towards his locker room with a smile on his face, with out a doubt in the world. Especially about the deal he had just made with Kojack. Cutthroat reaches his all too familiar locker room in the SJL's hometown and home arena, the Gund Arena of Cleveland, Ohio. He walks in, sits down on the sofa and turns on the TV still with out a care in the world…and still has that little smirk on his face. And Cutthroat mutters the words “Brody’s TV title is mine or Kojack’s” to him self and goes back to watching a new episode of Battle Bots on Comedy Central. The screen slowly fades away, and then there is nothing but blackness. Then there is a commercial…on Cutthroat’s TV.



*The view of Cutthroat slowly fades away into blackness and blurriness, and then the view of Cutthroat fully disappears on the screen…

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Guest Shawn
Cutthroat mutters the words “Brody’s TV title is mine or Kojack’s”


The he|| it is.

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Guest Suicide King

You know Cutthroat that was actually my thought about it.  We should keep using Generic in promos and matches until we can book him at a PPV against the ELK!!!

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