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Guest Jobber of the Week

Democrats: "She just can't hold up, cap'n!"

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Guest Vyce
The Demoncats NEED to develop alternate ideas and actual REASONS why they're a better choice than Republicans.

I officially petition that the name of the party be changed to "Demoncats." It just sounds way cooler.


. I'm just hoping we aren't in the middle of Great Depression II by the time we vote




.....Isn't having Marney back fun?


Yes. Yes it is.

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Guest TheMikeSC
Well, to start, by deficit spending to give the tax cut. If you wish to know more look up Alan Greenspan's opinion of Bush's tax cut.


My best friend's father is a State employee and his mother is a State employee and the State funds are so bad that his mother had to cut multiple staff positions and her entire department is at risk of being eliminated. Not because it isn't needed, but because the state can't afford. His dad is the director of a library. They almost did not buy books last year or this year. No, I am not kidding.


Basically the money is getting funneled to idiotic projects and pork in increasing amounts, what's getting cut are the "non-critical" budgetary items. Last month his mother had to make the decision of whether she should fire a single mother or two married employees. Another old friend of mine was recently was laid off because her company outsourced its IT department even though it actually could not accomplish its required tasks by outsourcing its IT department. My dad is in danger of losing his 10+ year job at a tech manufacturer, and you want me to take it on faith that cutting dividend taxes and providing across the board tax cuts while increasing the federal budget is going to work.



1) Greenspan's opinion of the tax cut doesn't mean a heck of a lot to me. People STILL view the economy as being static instead of dynamic.


2) You are aware that Washington isn't, technically, to blame for a bunch of governors who got fat and lazy (Republican AND Democrat) off of the money from the tobacco suit and ended up nearly bankrupting their states.


That WV is having problem is NOT Bush's fault. It's the fault of whomever the heck is in the State House.


You seem to blame Washington for West Virginia's problems.


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