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Guest Trivia247

Smackdown House show results 5-10-03

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Guest Trivia247

WWE Smackdown Tour de Force: Odyssey Arena, Belfast, Northern Ireland

Total Show Length: 2hrs 45mins

Each Match Length: Around 15mins (And I mean on every match!)

Report By: Colin Donnelly


The show started with Beautiful People and Tony Chimmel came out with the warnings of WWE copyrights, using video cameras etc etc etc.


# WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Rey Mysterio vs. Jamie Noble (w/ Nidia) vs.

Matt Hardy ©(w/ Shannon Moore)

Started with a double team until at least half way through when Rey reversed everything that was thrown at him and soon after, it finally became a triple threat when Jamie hit a neckbreaker on Hardy stopping him from hitting a twist of fate. Shannon Moore interrupted whenever the chance appeared and Nidia didn't but still seemed to get the attention from the crowd. Matt won with a Twist of Fate to Noble.


# John Cena vs. Chris Benoit

Cena rapped about how he hated Ireland and couldn't wait to get the hell of it. Benoit came out and talked about how he "demands respect from others but to do that he has got to be the man and tonight that man his him". This match went back and forth and even ended up around the arena floor. Cena won with a roll up using the ropes.


# Torrie Wilson vs. Nidia

Tony announced Sable as the special guest arrival and was a complete fan favourite until she hit the ring and grabbed the mic, then she got some major heat. She welcomed Torrie and Nidia to the ring and every few minutes Nidia would challenge Torrie to "Let's see who can gather the best cheer from the audience". No questions on who got that. The end occurred when they "accidentally" rolled over the referee who then went on the second turnbuckle and posed. Nidia was enraged by this and confronted him, Torrie seized an opportunity and hit Nidia with a spike ddt for the pin.


# Sean O'Haire vs. Brian "Spanky" Kendrick

O'Haire came out to some major heat and no body realised that Piper was missing. Spanky was the complete baby face and even sported an Ireland Rugby hat. O'Haire seemed like a giant with nothing stopping him until half way through when he started to sell things. Everything was going Kendrick's way until O'Haire hit with a reverse Death Valley Driver and then he got the pin.


# WWE Championship: Big Show vs. Brock Lesnar ©

Show came out to alot of boos and Brock seemed to be taken back by his reaction once he stepped through the curtain. He ignited some pyros on the ramp and then got into the ring. Brock took the mic and stated that Big Show "wasn't just a big ugly giant, he was a big smelly giant". Brock played on this for five minutes and even the referee got involved. Show had the biggest advantage all the way through the match until the last minutes. Brock, in a Hogan-to-Andre tribute it seemed, body slammed Show to the mat and the whole ring shook. Brock hit a few more major damage moves before finally getting an F-5 in and pinning for the 1, 2, 3.


After the match was over, Big Show walked up the ramp giving the one figure salute to the fans. Brock brought a six year old kid to the ring along with his "Here Comes The Pain" banner. For a minute there was a new champion as Brock handed him the belt. Lesnar then said "Belfast.. Here comes the pain!" This got a huge fan reaction and Brock dissapeared.


Tony announced a 15 minute intermission and said not to go anywhere because we still have a tag team championship match to look forward to.


After the fifteen minutes was up, A-Train (complete with smoke pyro) came to the ring. Rhyno came out after and played with the fans cheering. He got the mic and said "Belfast, I love you! Oh, and A-Train, Shave you back BITCH!". A-Train got frustrated at one point and through two chairs in the ring which provided theref and Rhyno a seat. Rhyno even convinced the referee (Earl Hebnar) to tell A-Train "F**k You!". There was a sleeper hold but the fans did not fall asleep, instead this got them excited. They "revived" Rhyno three times while being in that hold. The match ended when Train reversed a gore to a scissors kick.


# WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championship: Team Angle © vs. Los Guerreros (w/

Kurt's Medals)

Team Angle came out to a huge "You Suck" chant, so much that you couldn't hear Chimmel announce. Guerreros where definitely the favourites and the crowd started an Eddie chant, he then got them to start a Chavo chant. Everyone thought it was over when Eddie hit a frog splash but the pin was interupted. Haas then did a major move on Eddie (couldn't see what is was) and this allowed Shelton to get the pin. After the match, Team Angle stole back the medals and then got attacked. Los Guerreros then stole the title belts and ran out of the arena.


# F.B.I. - Chuck Palumbo & Johnny Stamboli (w/ Nunzio) vs. Tajiri & Rikishi Everyone loved Tajiri and Rikishi during this match and why not since they were interacting with the fans non stop. So were the FBI but not in a good way. Rikishi won the match with a bonzai drop. After the match, FBI attacked and then Chris Benoit ran out followed by Team Angle followed by Los Guerreros and followed by Cena and followed by Rey & Torrie. This turned into a battle royal with Rikishi, Tajiri, Rey, Los Guerreros, Benoit and Torrie left standing in the ring. Rikishi declared that they needed to bust a move for the Irish fans but was interupted when Nidia came running out and started her own five minute dance session. She was hit with a green mist from Tajiri and Noble came and helped her to the back.


There was now a dance-a-thon for a full fifteen minutes and each wrestler did their own freestyle dance. Eddie did a moonwalk, Chavo did a moonwalk too, Benoit did his thing (whatever that was), Tajiri did a "FIVE TIME! FIVE TIME! FIVE TIME! FIVE TIME! FIVE TIME! WCW Champion Spin-a-roonie!" and Torrie did what she did on SmackDown, only a grind was included in that too and finally Rey did a worm. Then all seven superstars rump shaked with Rikishi on all sides of the ring before Rikishi finally closing the show with his hands crossed.


Other things: Arn Anderson was in attendance as he was at the top of the ramp with the WWE SmackDown referees watching from the end of the FBI/Rikisi & Tajiri tag match until the very finish. Some other people were reported to have been seen since the curtain fell down but was quickly put back. All of the arena was filled and there would have only been 5 rows not.

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