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Guest Trivia247

Raw is Houseshow results 5-10-03

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Guest Trivia247

Thanks to Danny C. for the following report:


# Hurricane and Maven defeated Chief Morley (yes still called Chief even after getting fired) and Lance Storm.


# Christian defeated Tommy Dreamer.


# Jazz defeated Trish Stratus and Victoria in a triple threat match.


# The Dudleys (Bubba, D-Von and Spike) defeated 3 Minute Warning and Rico in a 6-man tag table match with the 3-D. Nice moment came when Bubba went into the crowd and hugged a handicapped child in a wheel chair.




# Kane defeated Rodney Mack with the Playa Teddy Long. At first Chris Nowinski came out and said that he though Long and Mack were the "shiznat", he then proceeded to say he would take care of this "white boy". Kane destroyed the Harvard Grad and then turned his attention to Mack.


# The French guys defeated Scott Steiner and Test. Did the "Stacey gets knocked off the ring into Steiner's awaiting arms" bit, led to Test getting double teamed and pinned. Steiner cleared house afterwards, and actually remembered he was in Newark when he got on the mic for his "freak speech".


# Chris Jericho had his "highlight reel" which had 2 folding chairs as his set. Hurricane was his guest, who proceeded to have a 5 second match with a chokeslam and pin on Jericho. Jericho called him back to the ring asking for 5 more minutes. When Hurricane ran back to the ring, Jericho quickly added "tomorrow" and left.


# In a the main event, which should have been in the middle so I could use the bathroom during it, was HHH vs. Kevin Nash for the World title. We should have known we were in trouble when the first thing they did was redo the whole "aisle brawl" before the match started, you could hear a pin drop. Nash was on his back the whole match. End came when Nash hit an exposed turnbuckle and HHH pinned him. Nash got up and powerbombed HHH to end the show. Worst match of the night.


Arena was about 3/4 full and the crowd was live for all the matches except the World title match. They just sucked the life out of the crowd. Also I know heels like HHH are supposed to stop the "babyface", but he just about buried Nash. In the first place, Nash got a very little response coming out, now you would think that HHH would do everything possible to get the crowd going for what is to be a main event match at the pay-per-view. But no, whenever Nash was down and the crowd started clapping, HHH stopped Nash, killing the crowd and making most people head for the doors.


Biggest Pop was easily for Hurricane.


Most Heat was for Jericho.


HHH + Nash= "lets beat the traffic".

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