Guest orville Report post Posted May 12, 2003 PERSONALLY, I don't think WWE Confidential is confidential enough. They pretty much just tell you stuff you already know, and there's not really anything confidential about going to a military base. I've got a few ideas that would truly make Confidential, CONFIDENTIAL!!! - Put a small miniature camera in Brian Kendrick's shoe buckle and have him film footage looking up the divas skirts and dresses. He could just be like, HEY LILIAN!!! What's your favorite color? Brian can have a meaningless conversation with Lilian Garcia all the while filming footage looking up her skirt, unbeknownst to her. Lather, rinse, and repeat with all the WWE Divas on the roster, well, with the exception of Jazz that is. - Show footage and play audio of the Road Warriors (for example) coming to terms with WWE. I'm sure people would interesting into listening into how the negotiations went down. What were the first words between Vince and Hawk? Who wouldn't want to know? - Have Stephanie give us the lowdown on her flucuating weight. No sugar coating please. I want the REAL DEAL!! Why does she continuouslly wear black? When and where did all the excess weight come from in the first place? Why did she feel the need to talk about body sizes three weeks ago on Smackdown? How much does she weigh now? What was the most she ever weighed? Did she pull herself off tv last month because of her size? I WANT THE SCOOP!!! - Go into booking meetings. Show us what a booking meeting is like and show us how they come up with their ideas. How did they come up with the necrophilia angle? The HLA? Molly's BUTT being ridiculed? Steph's breasts being ridiculed by Jericho? Particular gimmicks? - Speaking of a plastic surgery, why not go behind the scenes of when a diva gets plastic surgery? That would be something, seeing Steph or Sable in the operating room. Or have them tell the audience why they got their face/breasts/whatever done and ask them how they feel about it now? - Put a hidden camera in the diva's dressing room, but without them knowing!!! See them change, see them dress, listen in to their conversations, and put the nude portions on a DVD. - Do an expose' on Eric Bischoff's face over the years. It sure has aged quite a bit the last five years or so. Get his thoughts on it and what can he attribute his aging too. Also, do a piece on Hogan's baldness. Why is Hogan so bald? Why couldn't heels make mention of it in the 80's? Ask Hogan and other WWE stars thoughts on his baldness. - Have Vince McMahon give his personal opinion on wrestlers of the past. What does he think of Doink? Bastion Booger? Akeem? Sensational Sherri? Etc... - Do career profiles on the last people you'd expect WWE to do a profile on. Perhaps the life and times of Kamala? The story of Sid Vicious? The downfall of Tammy Sytch? These are just a few ideas, I'm sure that there could be many, many more. I just don't think WWE Confidential is confidential enough when it really can be. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisMWaters 0 Report post Posted May 12, 2003 - Put a small miniature camera in Brian Kendrick's shoe buckle and have him film footage looking up the divas skirts and dresses. He could just be like, HEY LILIAN!!! What's your favorite color? Brian can have a meaningless conversation with Lilian Garcia all the while filming footage looking up her skirt, unbeknownst to her. Lather, rinse, and repeat with all the WWE Divas on the roster, well, with the exception of Jazz that is. And later in the night, Kendrik lives up to his nick-name of "Spanky" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Polish_Rifle Report post Posted May 12, 2003 Personally, I would like to see more Cribs-like segments. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BorneAgain Report post Posted May 12, 2003 Do you really think we need all these changes to a D-level show on a Saturday Night that barely anyone watches? Plus I'd would give you more credibility if you hadn't made that thread about how Buff Bagwell should be in the WWE and Hurricane shouldn't Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Eagan469 Report post Posted May 12, 2003 Plus I'd would give you more credibility if you hadn't made that thread about how Buff Bagwell should be in the WWE and Hurricane shouldn't I second that Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Vitamin X Report post Posted May 12, 2003 I do like his ideas though. Except for all the divas ideas... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest edotherocket Report post Posted May 12, 2003 I'd love to see how a booking meeting goes down. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites