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Guest stardust

Texas House Democrats stage walkout

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Guest stardust
Texas House Democrats break quorum 



From Staff and Wire Reports



AUSTIN - Democrats angry with the new Republican leadership of the Texas House brought the chamber to a standstill by failing to show up Monday. GOP House Speaker Tom Craddick responded by ordering state troopers to find and arrest the missing lawmakers.


The walkout, which capped months of tension between Democrats and Republicans, occurred as the House was scheduled to debate a congressional redistricting plan opposed by Democrats.


The parties have also clashed over a bill to limit lawsuits and a GOP budget that would avoid new taxes but make deep spending cuts.



Craddick locked down the House chamber so that lawmakers already present could not leave, then he expressed his disgust with the Democrats.


"It is a disgrace to run and hide," Craddick said. After the roll call, he ordered that missing lawmakers be arrested and brought back to the chamber.


House Democrats said they were taking a stand for fair treatment of the minority party. They blamed U.S. House Majority Leader Tom Delay, R-Texas, for pushing the Texas House to take up redistricting against the wishes of Democrats and some GOP state lawmakers.


"We refuse to participate in an inherently unfair process that slams the door of opportunity in the face of Texas voters," they said in a statement read by state Sen. Rodney Ellis, D-Houston.


The absence of 59 of the 62 Democrats prevented the Texas House from conducting business because of the lack of a quorum. The Texas House cannot convene without at least 100 of the 150 members present. There are 88 Republicans.


Fifty-three Democrats told the House leadership in letters that they would be absent. They asked the parliamentarian to lock their voting machines until they returned.


"I do not know where they are," said Tamara Bell, chief of staff for House Democratic Caucus Chairman Jim Dunnam. She provided copies of the lawmakers' letters to reporters.


Only three Democrats remained; all are Craddick allies whom fellow Democrats have dubbed "cross dressers." At least one other -- Rep. Sylvester Turner of Houston -- was on his way to Austin, Craddick said.


The House doorkeeper kept watch over the chamber's front door, its historic brass lock turned shut. Inside, Republicans lobbed toy balls, whistled the "Star Spangled Banner" and dined on white-linen covered tables.


Several Republicans complained that they never used such drastic measure when the GOP was the minority party.


More than 100 people gathered in the rain outside the Capitol to rally in support of the Democratic walkout. Carrying signs that read "Tom DeLay, Go Away," "Don't tread on Travis" and "Sieg heil, Tom DeLay," they cheered as state senators spoke in support of the walkout. "I wish I was out there with them, wherever they are," Ellis said.


<b>The quorum-busters had planned to leave the state to avoid being located by the Texas Rangers or Department of Public Safety troopers, who could detain them and forcibly return them to the House floor.</b>


Bad feelings had been simmering since Craddick took the reins from Democrat Pete Laney in January. Laney, a close friend of President Bush from Bush's six years as governor, was among the missing.


Several walkout organizers told The Associated Press that the action was planned as retaliation against the Legislature's Republican leadership.


The lawmakers were preparing for the trip Sunday night and were packing clothes to allow them to stay away for four days, a legislative source told the AP on condition of anonymity.


If they stay away through Thursday -- the deadline for preliminary passage of House bills -- Democrats could derail major pending bills that have been termed a priority by the Republican-controlled Legislature and GOP Gov. Rick Perry, including a budget-balancing government reorganization proposal.


There are three weeks left in the legislative session. Craddick said Perry assured him he would call a special session after the regular session ends June 2 if it's needed.


Perry called the walked a "blatant abdication of responsibility" that endangered public school funding and homeowners' insurance reform.


"These legislators have been elected and paid to come to work by hardworking Texans," Perry said in a statement. "They are asked to work for 140 days every two years -- not to hide out because they don't like the way the debate is going."


Perry did not mention a special legislative session.


Rep. Joe Nixon, R-Houston, said Texans ought to be incensed by the walkout because work is not getting done.


"This is a political process. Everybody knows that. It is wrong for one group to take the ball and go home," Nixon said.


Rep. Ron Wilson of Houston, one of the three House Democrats who showed up Monday, said, "My whole philosophy is if you're going to impact on this process, you've got to be here." Wilson is chairman of the powerful Ways and Means Committee.


Bell, Dunnam's chief of staff, said the walkout was principled, not obstructionist.


In 1979, a group of 12 Democrats hid out to deny the Senate a quorum in anger over another political bill that would change the dates that the state held primaries. They were dubbed the Killer Bees and eventually returned to work after then Lt. Gov. Bill Hobby promised to kill the bill. Craddick dubbed Monday's rebels "the Chicken Ds."


Brenda Erickson, a senior research analyst with the National Conference of state Legislators in Denver, said she could not recall a walkout by legislators in any other state.


Dallas Morning News reporter Gromer Jeffers Jr. and The Associated Press contributed to this report.


House walkout reverberates in Washington[


Plan took cunning, secrecy and overnight bags


Honestly, I think this is great. Ever since the Texas House has been in session, the Republicans have been doing nothing but passing bills that are either infringing upon our rights (don't get me started on the abortion bill they passed...we're thisclose to having abortion banned in Texas) or increasing taxes or fucking up the Texas educational system even more than it already is.


What I find amazing is that the Democrats who walked are in danger of being arrested for protesting something that's bordering illegal as it is (I mean, c'mon, the Republicans are wanting to redistrict so that more Republicans will get more seats in the Texas house..isn't that called gerrymandering? and isn't gerrymandering technically illegal?).


Another thing that I find to be quite hilarious is the fact that the leader of this "group" of Democrats is the House representative from my hometown and the House Democrat Caucus leader.


Maybe the House Republicans will finally get the hint that the majority of Texans (well, those who actually pay attention to this sort of thing, at least) don't agree with the bills they've been passing and don't like the fact that they're getting so high-handed and not truly listening to their constituents.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Git' on over tah them there House, yeh varmints! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH ah hates dem dere childish attempts by minority parties to shut down the government!



What is wrong with these people?


"We're not even going to try to argue our points; let's just try to mess things up!"

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Guest Cancer Marney

The Rangers are hunting them down. Man, that's got to be embarrassing... having your ass hauled back to the Capitol by the people who're supposed to enforce the laws you're supposed to make.


I want the Rangers to go all Chuck Norris on them. I'd pay to see that.


o/~'Cause the eyes of the Ranger are upon you

Any wrong you do, he's gonna see;

When you're in Texas, look behind you,

'Cause that's where the Ranger's gonna be.


Don't say you wasn't warned, foo'.

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Guest MD2020
What I find amazing is that the Democrats who walked are in danger of being arrested for protesting something that's bordering illegal as it is (I mean, c'mon, the Republicans are wanting to redistrict so that more Republicans will get more seats in the Texas house..isn't that called gerrymandering? and isn't gerrymandering technically illegal?).



Boo fucking hoo. Guess what--if the Dems were in charge, then there is a fair chance of the new districts favoring Democrats. Both parties do it.


No where in this article did it say gerymandering. As I am not familiar with Texas politics, I don't know what the proposed new districts look like. However, if it is an obvious gerrymandering case, then the courts will take care of it.


Just because you or your party is going to lose doesn't mean you act like a bitch about it. Christ, I'm a Dem, but I feel more and more like leaving my party because of this type of shit. Go and do your job--don't be fucking pussies and leave the state because you're not getting your way.

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Guest stardust

One of the articles I linked to didn't say the word gerrymandering, but it did say "redistricting that would give Republicans more seats." I was under the impression that that equals gerrymandering. And one of the problems is that they're wanting to completely split up Bell Country, and people aren't too happy about that.


And, yeah, on one hand the Dems should've stayed and argued it out, but it would've been arguing for nothing, quite honestly. I'm guessing they thought they would make more of a statement by walking out and breaking quorum than staying, since (if I'm remembering correctly) filibusters aren't really allowed in the Texas government. I think there's a limit on them, but it's been a while since I studied Texas government.


At any rate, though, I found the whole thing funny and sad at the same time. Quite honestly, I guess you would really have to be living here right now and reading about the crap bills the House has been passing the session to understand why the Dems are fed up with it. The Republicans are the majority, but they don't have an overwhelming majority. And on a list I saw of the House Reps who had walked, at least three of them were Republicans, and a few Dems didn't walk.


Overall, it's a crap situation, but the way I see it, at least the Republicans are at least being delayed and being kept from passing yet another bill that will be nothing but harmful to Texans in the long run.

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Guest MD2020
One of the articles I linked to didn't say the word gerrymandering, but it did say "redistricting that would give Republicans more seats." I was under the impression that that equals gerrymandering. And one of the problems is that they're wanting to completely split up Bell Country, and people aren't too happy about that.


Gotcha. This in and of itself isn't true gerrymandering. It really depends on why you're redistricting.


For instance, in the last census, my state, PA, lost population, so it had to ditch a House seat. Since Republicans were in charge of the state leg., they basically kicked out a Democrat by combining his district with another one. Underhanded? Maybe, but no more so than if it was the other way? Gerrymanding? No, not really. They had to get rid of a house seat, so they did. To the victor go the spoils.

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Guest Midnight Express83

This is so fucking sad. Very fucking sad. Fucking cry babies.

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Guest I'm That Damn Zzzzz
This is so fucking sad. Very fucking sad. Fucking cry babies.

My thoughts exactly.

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Guest stardust
One of the articles I linked to didn't say the word gerrymandering, but it did say "redistricting that would give Republicans more seats." I was under the impression that that equals gerrymandering. And one of the problems is that they're wanting to completely split up Bell Country, and people aren't too happy about that.


Gotcha. This in and of itself isn't true gerrymandering. It really depends on why you're redistricting.


For instance, in the last census, my state, PA, lost population, so it had to ditch a House seat. Since Republicans were in charge of the state leg., they basically kicked out a Democrat by combining his district with another one. Underhanded? Maybe, but no more so than if it was the other way? Gerrymanding? No, not really. They had to get rid of a house seat, so they did. To the victor go the spoils.

Yeah, what's odd is that I haven't heard anything about WHY they're doing the redistricting, just that they're doing it to give the Republicans more seats in the Texas legislature. It's most likely because of population reasons, especially since Bell County (the one everyone's so pissed off about) is a growing county. It's pretty much right between Waco and Austin and Ft. Hood is right there, so there've been lots of people moving to Bell County and a lot of business growth, too. And if it is for population reasons, yes, the redistricting is underhanded, but like you said, it can't be considered gerrymandering. It just happens to be a smidge away from it, though.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

These state Dems are just taking a page out of Pat the-judical-vacancy-crisis-is-now-over-because-Clinton-left-office-and-now-it's-filibuster-time Leahy's playbook.


And people wonder why I don't read fiction -- real life is much more entertaining...

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Guest BDC

This is such a better use of the Rangers' time than being out enforcing the law.


I mean, come on, if your party is a minority in a legislature, then things aren't going to go your way. It's been that way for both national parties for YEARS. These people are no different except they're pitching hissy fits on it.

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Guest Cancer Marney

I want the Rangers on the Senate floor as well. I'd pay vast amounts of money to watch Walker do a flying side kick into Ted Kennedy's fat paunch, or Byrd's ugly face.


"Filibuster this!"

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Guest BDC

I have so much respect for Chuck Norris it isn't funny. The guy is in his sixties, still does fight scenes, is in phenomenal shape and is a respected martial artist. Hell, he even got to do a fight scene with Bruce Lee. He is honestly one person I do look up to, as a martial artist and a person, unlike several others that will remain nameless (unless asked).


I have this dream of hitting Congess one day, and I can just imagine myself hitting the boiling point during a filibuster:

"SHUT UP! You've said that eighteen times already and you're the only one that gives a damn! Mr. Speaker, with your permission, I'd like to kick the living hell out of a moron on the floor."

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Guest Cancer Marney

I'll vote for you if you promise to do that.


You know who was on the Hill the other day? Arnold fucking Schwarznegger. He's my idol. I'd planned to go to meet him and I fucking OVERSLEPT. I couldn't believe it.


Interestingly, Chuck Norris and my TKD teacher used to train together. I've met him briefly once or twice; he seems like a great guy. Someone who played Walker has to be, anyway.

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Guest BDC

His TKD connection doesn't surprise me. That's my original art, and I've branched out since. Norris started in Tang Soo Do, another Korean art. Now, if my internship on the Hill this summer for Jim Bunning takes off, I might be in good shape...

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Guest Some Guy
Honestly, I think this is great. Ever since the Texas House has been in session, the Republicans have been doing nothing but passing bills that are either infringing upon our rights (don't get me started on the abortion bill they passed...we're thisclose to having abortion banned in Texas) or increasing taxes or fucking up the Texas educational system even more than it already is.

Well, no you aren't. There's the Roe v. Wade thing that would block it and Planned Parenthood v. Casey that reaffirmed Roe's holding. Don't worry you'll have your abortions. I love how people overreact to these things.


What I find amazing is that the Democrats who walked are in danger of being arrested for protesting something that's bordering illegal as it is (I mean, c'mon, the Republicans are wanting to redistrict so that more Republicans will get more seats in the Texas house..isn't that called gerrymandering? and isn't gerrymandering technically illegal?).


Just a little food for thought. Everytime redistricting is done the party in power attempts to do it in a way to gain more seats. it's politics. I find it hard to believe that you'd be bitching if the Dems were doing it, as they've done in other states.


Maybe the House Republicans will finally get the hint that the majority of Texans (well, those who actually pay attention to this sort of thing, at least) don't agree with the bills they've been passing and don't like the fact that they're getting so high-handed and not truly listening to their constituents.


From the article:


The absence of 59 of the 62 Democrats prevented the Texas House from conducting business because of the lack of a quorum. The Texas House cannot convene without at least 100 of the 150 members present. There are 88 Republicans


More than 100 people gathered in the rain outside the Capitol to rally in support of the Democratic walkout. Carrying signs that read "Tom DeLay, Go Away," "Don't tread on Travis" and "Sieg heil, Tom DeLay," they cheered as state senators spoke in support of the walkout. "I wish I was out there with them, wherever they are," Ellis said.


So there are 88 GOP Reps and 62 Dems and "more than 100 people gathered" seems to me that since there is a clear GOP majority and more than 199 people in Texas that the majority of Texans just might be in favor of what the GOP is doing.


You're srying the blues because democracy is working and the majority is opposed to what you want. Sorry. Maybe the sign shouldn't read "Sieg Heil, Tom Delay" and should read "Sieg Heil, Texas Democrats." It's the Dems who are trying to block democracy, not the GOP.

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Guest Vyce
Texas House Democrats break quorum 



From Staff and Wire Reports



AUSTIN - Democrats angry with the new Republican leadership of the Texas House brought the chamber to a standstill by failing to show up Monday.

"Wahh! We're not getting our way! You're not being fair! My pussy hurts!!!!"




You're srying the blues because democracy is working and the majority is opposed to what you want. Sorry. Maybe the sign shouldn't read "Sieg Heil, Tom Delay" and should read "Sieg Heil, Texas Democrats." It's the Dems who are trying to block democracy, not the GOP.


Shh!! You'll frighten him with the truth.

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Guest NoCalMike

Politicians are almost ALL the same. This won't be the last time this happens, and the Democrats won't be the only party to do it. One step closer to Anarchy~!

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Guest Jobber of the Week

EDIT: Nevermind. That was the SENATE. I forgot there aren't filibusters there.

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Guest DrTom
Uhm... They just recently let GW's latest candidate pass to the courts with no filibuster.

How eminently considerate of them... :rolleyes: What's next, we hand out cookies to people who didn't break the law, even though they might have thought about it?

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Well, check my edit.


And filibuster is a legitimate tactic, although you don't agree with it. I imagine that over past couple hundred of years a filibuster has saved the US government of the past from doing something we wouldn't want today.

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Guest stardust
Well, no you aren't.  There's the Roe v. Wade thing that would block it and Planned Parenthood v. Casey that reaffirmed Roe's holding.  Don't worry you'll have your abortions.  I love how people overreact to these things.

Roe V. Wade isn't the "safety net" you make it out to be. It's constantly in danger of being overturned. And for the record, it's not the abortion rights I'm concerned about--I'm concerned about a woman's right to choose and the effect the law the Texas House passed a couple of weeks ago will have on that right to choose.


Just a little food for thought.  Everytime redistricting is done the party in power attempts to do it in a way to gain more seats.  it's politics.  I find it hard to believe that you'd be bitching if the Dems were doing it, as they've done in other states.


What's funny about that statement is I'm not even a Democrat. And I know redistricting goes on all the time, etc. etc. The problem with what is being proposed, though, is that for the city I live in, it's gonna have an adverse effect that has nothing to do with party lines, but to do with economics. Let me explain: I'm from Waco, which is right in between Dallas/Fort Worth and Austin, for those of you who don't know Texas geography. We're one of the 10-15 largest cities in the state, and yet economically, we're not so good. We're honestly just now really starting to remotely get on our feet and turn Waco's economy around (and I'm not talking the economical problems that are plagueing everyone right now), and lure businesses and developers to our town. We're also the primary seat for the entire central Texas area between Austin and DFW. The redistricting, however, will shift that primary seat to Fort Worth (which is 90 miles north of us) and will also shift even more economic control to Fort Worth. It makes no sense to shift that all the way up to Forth Worth, considering it's NORTH central Texas. Under this, basically all of the seats and economic control would be in Fort Worth and Austin, once again putting Waco in a position of being very low on the socio-economic scale for such a large city. They're talking MAJOR redistricting here, not just taking off a town or two or adding a town or two. They're talking FOUR COUNTIES here. That just seems a bit drastic to me.


And I do believe I've already said that maybe this wasn't the best possible method for standing up against something they were against.


As for the constituents...I'll give you that from what I'm hearing, a lot of people think this entire thing is stupid at that the Dems shouldn't have walked. Hell, even I've said it's stupid. And watching the news tonight I was laughing my ass off at how ludicrous this entire situation is. Hell, they went to ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA for crying out loud (no offense to any Okies). Ardmore is basically right across the OK/TX border, and I can almost guarantee that as soon as they cross back over to the Texas border (tomorrow, I do believe) the DPS is gonna be all over their asses.


And in a way, their efforts were all in vain anyway, since the Texas Senate just proposed a redistricting bill that's quite similar to the one the House proposed.


Yes, this is politics, and yes, the party with the majority is the party that has the control and the power. But there have been a lot of instances where it's seemed like the party in control has been abusing its power. The minority party, however, is completely shit out of luck for the most part. And that's the way it goes, I know.


This entire situation is nothing but a farce, and didn't really solve a damned thing. But maybe the Dems felt that walking was the only method they had of standing up for what they believe in and exercising their freedom of speech. If I'm not mistaken, that's a fundamental aspect of a democracy.

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Guest stardust
Shh!! You'll frighten him with the truth.

You honestly think a guy would have the username "stardust?"

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Guest Some Guy

I knew you were a girl. What ever happend tp WDI anyway?


I don't know hardly anything about Texas, I live in Mass, but it seems to me that if Waco is a major city then they should be able to attract businesses and developers. Unless the Brach Deividian deal is still hunting them or you have totally inept political leaders. It isn't really going to make a difference where the primary seat if that's the case. Plus you've presumably had the primary seat for a while and the city is still in a shitty condition. So I guess it didn't help you much anyway.

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Guest stardust

WDI's still up and running, and I still post there.


The thing with Waco is that we're in possibly one of the best spots in the state for businesses and developers. We're right on 1-35 between DFW and Austin. We're about 30/45 minutes away from Fort Hood. You would think that we would be doing great economically. Not so. Our city council (and the people who run the town in general) are from the "old, rich" families that've been here forever, and they're quite opposed to change. That, and Baylor has far too much control over this town. Ever hear the saying that small business is what drives the economy? One of our problems is that small businesses just don't do well here in Waco, primarily because they get absolutely no support from the city council, etc. It's been said that if you wanted to truly test your business, open it in Waco; if it survives, it would survive ANYWHERE. And the Dividians aren't really having that much of an impact anymore. They actually bring in a handful of tourists. It hasn't been a problem with our Representatives (especially on the national level--Chet Edwards has done an awesome job for us, which is why he keeps getting reelected), but more a problem with the people who've been running our city. We're finally starting to get new people in there who are open to change, and we're finally starting to attract more new businesses which will help to create hundreds of jobs. But if this redistricting thing goes through...Chet Edwards won't have the voice he once did, and he's been a lot of the driving force behind getting us those new businesses and jobs. Plus, Edwards has also helped out Fort Hood TREMENDOUSLY. When they wanted to shut down Fort Hood, Edwards fought tooth and nail to keep it open. Fort Hood closing would also be devastating to the economy of this region. So, yeah, this redistricting thing, it's not only on the state level, but will also effect things on the national level (which is why some of our senators and representatives on the national level have also spoken up against this redistricting). It's just a bad thing, and for me, it really isn't a party-line issue at all.

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Guest Vern Gagne
Politicians are almost ALL the same. This won't be the last time this happens, and the Democrats won't be the only party to do it. One step closer to Anarchy~!

I honestly don't think Republicans would do something like this. Alot of them tend to be spineless. More willing to except things they don't agree with.

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Guest Vyce
Shh!!  You'll frighten him with the truth.

You honestly think a guy would have the username "stardust?"

You'd be surprised.


This is the INTERNET, ma'am. I suspect that each and every one of you is a pimply-faced adult or teenaged male only PRETENDING to be a woman.

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Guest Walter Sobzak

No, she’s a female, sort-of, I think... well, you’ll have to decide for yourself. Personally, I think, judging by the pics she’s shamelessly posted of herself on her Angelfire tragedy of a website, I think she’s a mutant Cabbage Patch Doll made of recycled rubbers and

stuffed with puke and dog shit. I would have tried to keep an air of mystery about myself if I were you,Ziggy, but that’s your business. I just feel sorry for your friends and family who’ll have to own up to knowing you if anyone they know ever sees the pictures of them looking like the cast of a Harmony Korine film(That’s being gentle. Your friends make the town in “Gummo” look like Melrose Place. And what’s your family tree look like? A STUMP?) that you took the time and effort to disgust the world with. Your site made me feel like a took a wrong turn on my Internet canoe trip and found myself in cyber-Deliverance country, and I’m drowning in self-disgust by even admitting to having

visited it. But at least it proves your a girl-esque thing of sorts, if nothing else.


Star, Star, Star. In need of a custom title, eh? How about “I’m a retard” or “No One Wants Me Here.” ??? Either one fits you like a pair of Lane Bryants, if you ask me. You registered as a member of this board only a short time after I did, and you only needed to

get one sentence from your keyboard onto my computer screen for me to know that I hated you, and the moronic tripe you’ve clogged this poor folder with in this thread only reaffirms that hate.


First of all you have the audacity to post this story with your little one-peso “Good fer them” addendum, then when even this boards most ardent Democratic apologists criticize the disgraceful and cowardly actions of your state’s Democrats, you backpedal with that revolting “well I’m not even a democrat” bullshit and that “It didn’t do any good, but, blah blah blah...” self-contradiction. Not does that suggest that you are lying, saying that you’re “not a Democrat”, it also suggests lemming-esque blind allegiance, willing to support your party even when they are most unequivocally wrong.


You fucking moron. YOU. FUCKING. MORON. With that and each subsequent post, you’ve tainted the board with the noxious vapor of your pomposity and disgusted us with your scornful, venomous contempt for all things aimed even slightly to the right. In case you haven’t noticed, this forum is filled with intelligent people of all viewpoints, and intelligent discussion happens, here, and these people really shouldn’t have to be bothered with the pissing and moaning of a bloated trollop who’s pissed off by the fact that there are people in the world who might not approve of the wanton holocaust of unborn human life, occurring daily thanks to people like you, who I can only presume has a pelvis that has been broken in half on numerous occasions by the force of her fat jello-thighs spreading open for any inbred, slack-jawed piece of human shit drunk(DURNK LOL!!), confused (CONFUZZLED LOL BICHET!!!), and downright desperate enough to want to jam his Texas hotstick and shoot his diseased fuckpiss in your BUTT-pussy, while you close your eyes and pretend it’s Rob Thomas, John Mayer, Amy Lee with a strap-on, or Satan pounding your fatcrotch (On that same note, Amy Lee’s the only other woman you’d ever even consider getting with? If your ideal male fantasy is a big girl like John Mayer, YOU ARE A DYKE.). I guess you just don’t want to fuck up your life. Here’s a tip: don’t fuck every nine seconds. And if anyone thinks I’m being too graphic, know that star here pretty much blazed the trail for me by posting every last intimate detail of the most private elements of her private life in another folder on this same forum. Which is amazing in itself, a sad commentary on the male gender, as from where I sit, you’re not even fuckable if I’m on a three day bender and you’re paying me. I’d rather get fucked in the ass with a bottle rocket while Edward Scissorhands gives me a handjob.


Unnecessary “ad hominem” personal attacks aside, let me just say that you have thoroughly been made a fool of by everyone else here, (Not me, I’m just getting a month-and-a-half of pent-up hostility off my chest the only way I can), So my advice to

you, Miss Advice Column(just what the world needs, advice from a lonely fat girl), is as follows: 1) Go back to discussing Buffy and sex acts, 2) avoid discussing politics, you will only embarrass yourself, and 3) get off your ass and away from the computer once in awhile, YOU FAT FUCK. Whatever you wanna do is fine, whether it be writing shitty, cliched poetry, working at Old Navy for the rest of your life, or getting three-holed airtight at a family cook-out, it doesn’t matter. Just live your stupid little life, SHUT THE FUCK UP, and don’t piss me off again.


(I know CE isn't about personal attacks, but it had to be said, and since I was addressing the subject of this thread as well as the original poster of the topic, I felt it had to be said here. If anyone has a problem with that, I apologize. Anyone but stardust, that is. Fuck stardust.)

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