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Guest Steve J. Rogers


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Guest Steve J. Rogers

Is coming soon. from tvshowsondvd.com:


Seinfeld is coming, Seinfeld is coming!!!



In the newest issue of Video Business magazine, their VidBits section contains this informaton:



Seinfeld prepping Seinfeld


The Seinfeld TV series is finally being prepared for a DVD release, according to co-creator/star Jerry Seinfeld. In the May issue of VB sister publication DVD Exclusive (formerly DVD Premiers), Seinfeld says he is helping to create interviews and commentaries and dig up the annual season-ending gag reels that could be included as extras. Seinfeld will be on The Tonight Show Starring Jay Leno, On the Record With Bob Costas, and Live With Regis and Kelly May 14-19 to promote the Miramax DVD of his theatrical documentary Comedian, which he produced and loaded with extras. He said the decision and timing of the Seinfeld series on DVD is in the hands of Columbia parent Sony Pictures, which owns distribution rights. Sources at Sony and CTHE said it's not a question of if it will come out, but when.



We thank "Jough", a Senior Member of DVDTalk.com, for relaying the news. But with news this hot, we could hardly believe it. So our site's very own David Lambert personally called the editor of Video Business and verified that the news is indeed accurate...every word! The news will also appear on Video Business and/or Variety websites within the next day or two.


Rejoice! The show about "nothing" is finally almost here!

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Guest bravesfan

Has anyone from this board seen Seinfeld's documentary?


I remember it being hyped like crazy on the talk shows before it's theatrical release, but it wasn't released in this state.

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Guest Marshall
Has anyone from this board seen Seinfeld's documentary?


I remember it being hyped like crazy on the talk shows before it's theatrical release, but it wasn't released in this state.

I've seen it. It's quite interesting, the best bits are about the other comedian. I forget his name, but he was more fun to watch.

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Guest razazteca

A DVD about nothing, the show maybe named after Jerry but the real stars are the character players like Newman, Putty, Elaine's boss, the Yankees, Soup Nazi, Crazy Joe, The Maestro, the Parents.


Watching a show about Jerry eating at a diner is not funny, its the people that interact with the principal characters that made the show. Jerry quit the show when he realized that George and Kramer were the reasons to watch and not himself.

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Guest Bruiser Chong

I heard that the Comedian DVD is good except for the portion with the other comedian who apparently comes off as a bit of an egomaniac and hence, quite annoying. I haven't looked into this DVD too much but if it's supposed to be about Jerry Seinfeld, then he should be it; no other comedians taking up the time.


As for this news on the DVD release--it's great to finally hear that they're doing something to get them out, although it could be until late this year or next year that we actually see these things materialize, as nothing's been confirmed; it's just Seinfeld discussing the seeds being planted for them. Quite encouraging to hear about commentaries though, as I've always been curious as to what producers and the actors themselves have to say about some episodes.


Watching a show about Jerry eating at a diner is not funny, its the people that interact with the principal characters that made the show. Jerry quit the show when he realized that George and Kramer were the reasons to watch and not himself.


Granted the supporting roles helped greatly to make the show the classic that it is, but to say that Jerry himself isn't funny on the show is insane. I wished they would have kept on going with the series, but in a way, Seinfeld made the right move by ending the series while it was still funny and not the shell of its former self.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling
A DVD about nothing, the show maybe named after Jerry but the real stars are the character players like Newman, Putty, Elaine's boss, the Yankees, Soup Nazi, Crazy Joe, The Maestro, the Parents.


Watching a show about Jerry eating at a diner is not funny, its the people that interact with the principal characters that made the show. Jerry quit the show when he realized that George and Kramer were the reasons to watch and not himself.

For years I said the same thing. I watched the show religiously and watch the repeats every day, sometimes the same show twice a day as 3 channels show it in my area. Jerry almost always plays off of the other characters and seems to be carried by them in each interaction. His acting almost comes off as fake and weak. I have always considered him the weakest of the 4 main characters. With that being said, I have recently begun to appreciate a lot of his one-liners.

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Guest godthedog

it was the writing that made that show. all of kramer's goofiness couldn't have saved it if it hadn't been one of the most cleverly written things on television.

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Guest El Satanico

The article didn't really come out and say, but this will be a season set right?

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Guest converge241

glory be


now i can dump my vhs tapes of almost all the episodes (slowly little by little)

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Guest oldschoolwrestling
The article didn't really come out and say, but this will be a season set right?

I'm sure it will be but man, season 1 sucked.

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Guest Bruiser Chong
When is it coming out though?!?

Sometimes I wonder if you even read these things or not. From the initial source of this (contained in the posted article):


He said the decision and timing of the Seinfeld series on DVD is in the hands of Columbia parent Sony Pictures, which owns distribution rights. Sources at Sony and CTHE said it's not a question of if it will come out, but when.


They've just begun to prep some things for a DVD release but basically NOBODY knows when it'll be put out. Read a little next time.

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Guest Kingpk

Here's an idea: Have each of the principal actors (Seinfeld, Dreyfuss, Alexander and Richards) pick out their favorite episodes that deal with their character and base the sets on that. Call them "Kramer's Favorites" "George's Favorites", etc.

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Guest Brush with Greatness

What's with all the hate for Jerry? Like someone else said the show is funny because of the writing, Seinfeld's writing (and that other guy). And of course he's not going to be the best actor, he's a fuckin comedian. The rest of the cast are actual actors with acting backgrounds.

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Guest Bruiser Chong
Here's an idea: Have each of the principal actors (Seinfeld, Dreyfuss, Alexander and Richards) pick out their favorite episodes that deal with their character and base the sets on that. Call them "Kramer's Favorites" "George's Favorites", etc.

Sorry, but I haven't waited years for Seinfeld to finally come to DVD just to get what would essentially be a "Best Of" deal. Seinfeld is one of those shows that NEEDS to be released in complete season sets because anyone who loves the show will enjoy just about any of them. Even the ones that aren't the greatest have something good within them if you watch it again. Season 1 wasn't that great, but I enjoyed a lot of it and it'll be nice to have the whole series on DVD and then you can appreciate how much it evolved over the years.

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Guest godthedog
What's with all the hate for Jerry? Like someone else said the show is funny because of the writing, Seinfeld's writing (and that other guy).

larry david. i think david might have been more responsible for the show's success than seinfeld, honestly. sienfeld has that quirky way of making a big deal out of the smallest everyday things, but david has that mean streak in him that's probably the man reason for all the characters being such assholes to each other. i also can't see seinfeld as the guy to put the nice little touches in that keep the whole thing together.

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Guest Mole
What's with all the hate for Jerry? Like someone else said the show is funny because of the writing, Seinfeld's writing (and that other guy).

larry david. i think david might have been more responsible for the show's success than seinfeld, honestly. sienfeld has that quirky way of making a big deal out of the smallest everyday things, but david has that mean streak in him that's probably the man reason for all the characters being such assholes to each other. i also can't see seinfeld as the guy to put the nice little touches in that keep the whole thing together.

But Jerry's 'acting' made it soooo good.

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Guest The Hamburglar

When I first started watching Seinfeld I thoght of Jerry as the normal guy, the wisecracker, a little bland compared to the other three. The great thing was that as I watched more and more of the show I realised he was actually as crazed and demented as any of them. Come on, whenever he gets really stupid hang-ups over anything its classic.

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