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Guest nikowwf

How bad will crowd turn on HHH/Nash?

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Guest nikowwf

This is the weakest ppv lineup I can remember in quite some time. There is honestly no guaranteed good match, although there is some guaranteed bad ones. The crowd's are not that into HHH/Nash to begin with. After 2 hours of what should be a pretty lame show without a miracle or two in there, the crowd should be testy enough to sh*t all over the match. I think at the least they are going to turn HHH face for the match, and if there is a title switch it is really really really going to go over badly. Also, with HBK involved, there is really a chance for an ill advised turn which would also be sh*t upon.


BTW, if anyone is going you will have my eternal graditude if you can get a THIS MATCH SUCKS chant going through the title match.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

There should be a pool started...


... I say 6minutes and 13 seconds in.


Oh, and VERY badly. But there will be a lot of smoke and mirrors in it, no doubt. Flair will get involved, HBK will run down, Jericho will run down, HHH will grab the sledgehammer, do a lot of colour - it should take the attention away from the horrible match... but that all won't start happening until about the 11th minute - so there is like 5 minutes of the crowd totally shitting on the match.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

99% chance of them being one of those middle of the card main events then.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I feel bad for the people who bought tickets thinking that ppvs are usually pretty good.


Then they get THIS lineup.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Oh and HBK and Jericho will probably have a mini-match IN the HHH/Nash match - ladder and table spot.


It's in the main event, whatelse would there be?

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Guest Youth N Asia

I don't think the fans care to see either world title match. Big Show is damaged goods and can not be saved. He could work when he got the belt the first time, but now he's embarassing. And we know Nash and HHH only work at half speed now, which for Nash is normal though.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

It's great how the WWE knows they have nothing for this card, and rather than stack with a whole bunch of pointless (but GOOD) matches, they stack it with a whole bunch of pointless (and BAD) matches. They didn't even try to save this PPV and that reflects A LOT on what they think about their fans.

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Guest Redhawk

I can see one of two things happening, and maybe (a BIG maybe) a third:


1. They re-do the Undertaker-Mankind HIAC match. As in, someone will do something "heinous" right away that causes like a 15-minute injury angle during the match. Then the guy recovers, match continues, but ends after a few moves. If done right, like Mankind's fall from the cell, it can completely overshadow a bad match (which Taker-Mankind was) because all people remember is the big spot. In this case, maybe HHH does a sledgehammer job on Nash's quad or puts him through a table off the ramp or something. Nash comes back after being carried out and they wrap it up soon after.


2. Lots of run-ins, weapons, blood, crowd brawling, so they can say it was a "physically intense brawl."


3. They pull out a good match. Don't think it can't happen. We've seen that, when motivated and working with his homies, HHH can pull out a great match. And if HHH was able to deliver a classic with Cactus Jack at Royal Rumble 2000 -- and Nash is just as immobile and slow as Foley -- he might be able to get it done here.

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Guest nikowwf

Dude, immobile Foley was flying all over the place in that match. He went 50/50 with HHH at least. Thats a terrible comparison, if Nash tried half the stuff in the match that Foley did he'd get hurt. Plus, that match was built up a hundred times better than that match, and HHH had much more goodwill with the crowd at that point and was a much stronger heel, and Foley was a super-over face, and Nash is arguably not over at all as a face.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo





*You're kidding, right?


**Seriously, kidding, right?

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Guest wildpegasus

HHH/Nash II the sequel will grace us with its presence. As long as Nash's knee holds up, you know it's coming. HAHAHAHAH!

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Guest Downhome

The match will be a horribly worked, TOTALLY over-booked pile of rubbish, and there is no doubt in that. We'll see both HBK and Ric Flair get involved, A LOT, and that leads me to this...


...the PPV is in Charlotte, it's THE Ric Flair country. I think the match will get a reaction, but it'll be more so because of Flair than anything else, which just might in turn have HHH be almost a face in the match, while Kevin Nash will be booed...a lot.


Either way, there is no doubt that Ric Flair will be the most over, and if it is the main event, a lot of people who would otherwise leave, will stick through it just to see their "hero" and legend.


I ask this question again. Has Kevin Nash RAN even once since he's been back? If not, is it because he just CAN'T or is it just another example of WWE "slowing down" the action?

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Guest notJames

Nash can't run because he has corned beef hash for knees.


Of course, that doesn't stop him from kneeling at the almighty altar of whatever demons gave him the Clique Seal of Approval.

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Guest ViciousFish

The cnearest thing to running was being thrown into the ropes by Jericho last night and even then he only took like 3 steps.

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Guest Redhawk




*You're kidding, right?


**Seriously, kidding, right?

1. I didn't say their match would be as well-received as Mankind-Taker HIAC, but that is what WWE would be going for. Here's how I see that one unfolding (this is after Bisch makes it No-DQ during Heat):


a) Long stare down, followed by Nash punches.

b) HHH clips the knee

c) Flair distracts ref (although he doesn't need to since it's no-DQ) while HHH grabs sledgehammer.

d) HHH bashes Nash's quad just as he gets up.

e) Nash gets stretchered out or limps away with help from HBK in a lengthy segment. Ambulances may be involved.

f) HHH and Flair pose, then HBK comes back and fight with HHH and Flair.

g) Nash limps back to the ring.

h) The match ends after a sleeper, some knees, and someone's finisher.


2. This one seems most likely because it takes the least thought in booking.


3. I said it was a big maybe. Haven't you ever been surprised by a match you thought would suck?

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Guest cabbageboy

What is with Nash being booked as a face in other people's home territory? I mean, they had him trying to get a face reaction against Jericho in Canada, then now he's booked to face HHH (w/Flair) in Charlotte. Due to Flair HHH is obviously going to be cheered by the crowd, and Nash will get booed for a variety of reasons.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

It's Nash/HHH - I haven't heard a single good report from their house show matches. Nash won't take *any* bumps, and when HHH is the main bumper in a match, there is no way it could be good. The biggest bump I see is HHH getting powerbombed through the announce table - which will be botched.

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Guest CanadianChris

I'd say they need to try something like the Nash/HBK brawl at Good Friends, Better Enemies...but they wasted that at the Halifax Raw. I honestly don't think there's ANYTHING that could save that match from negative stars.


That said, given that promos have been running with Nash announced as champion, what do you think are the chances are that they'll do a 180 and keep the belt on HHH? I mean, they must realize by now that putting the belt on Nash would be a horrible mistake, right?

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Guest treble charged

I honestly don't think Nash can take a Pedigree. Apparently, the end to all of the HHH/Nash house show matches have been the same (Nash gets his face rammed into an exposed turnbuckle, HHH rolls him up for the win).


Get the hot pokers ready.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

Will they turn on Nash like they did Steiner? If so, then Nash and HBK will be off to the tag ranks feuding with 3MW.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

You think Nash would get pinned two straight times on PPV?

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Guest HartFan86

Crowd will be more focued on Flair at ringside then the match itself. They should just do fucking HBK vs. Flair.

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Guest Cerebus

Ooooh that smell

Can't you smell that smell

Ooooh that smell

The smell of death surrounds you


And its starting to smell a lot more like Russo's WCW...

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Guest Memphis

This is such a horrid situation.


Do we want the belt on Triple H? Fuck no but at least he can, in some capacity, wrestle to an extent.


Watching Nash take those leg shots on RAW this week was an omen of what is to come. That classic contest scored about a 1/4 * or so and that was with JERICHO in it working his ass off.


Giant Gonzales vs The Undertaker has a rival.



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Guest Choken One

I still stay if WWE were smart...They would make this the 1000 Match and give them 15 minutes of a *Physically Intense Brawl*...


Have the Chick 4 Way for 7 minutes and end it with Lesnar/TBS...


Why? Because At least the fans aren't going to be apathetic and walk out...


They like Brock...So Brock Winning sends them happy...


Or They just can throw the Ladder Match to Certain jerk for 10 minutes...and give us a 35-50 minute Classic with Nash and His buddy...




I would just book an continuation of Jericho/HBK from the Rumble into the Nash match to get the crowd rocking...Have Nash and Flair and HHH start throwing shots...


Jericho whom STOLE the battle royale runs to assist HHH is chased around by Shawn and They do a little *impromtu hardcore brawl* while the others rest...

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Guest Memphis

Using '35-50 minute Classic' and 'Nash' in the same sentence is punishable via dick chopping.



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Guest JDMattitudeV1

Of course the fans will turn on it, just like they did 2 weeks ago, but will the WWE listen, hell no as it is more important to keep Steph's boyfriend and his crippled buddy happy than it is their fans. Nash becomes the new champ as the vultures begin to circle the WWE, awaiting the inevitable.

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Guest Sakura
Of course the fans will turn on it, just like they did 2 weeks ago, but will the WWE listen, hell no as it is more important to keep Steph's boyfriend and his crippled buddy happy than it is their fans. Nash becomes the new champ as the vultures begin to circle the WWE, awaiting the inevitable.

But it could be worse......

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Guest Memphis

Yeah, Hulk Hogan could still be the main focus of one of their shows...


Oh wait..



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