Guest Three minutes Report post Posted May 13, 2003 Hey, guys love the forum--probably the best wrestling discussion forum I've been too. I have a question who do you think is the #1 star in WWE (both brands included) in the eyes of the marks? Is it HHH, who is obviously #1 with Vince and Steph. Or is it Brock Lesnar, he does get among the biggest reactions on an every week basis and he has defeated the Undertaker, the Rock and Hulk Hogan. Or is it Angle? I don't think the Undertaker is #1 because you can't argue that he is a bigger star than Hunter. Do you think it's still Austin or the Rock even though Austin is no longer active and the Rock is part-time. It's not Goldberg, RVD is more over than him. My own opinion is (and this is a copout) that Brock and HHH are tied for the #1 position, it's hard for the marks not to notice that HHH destroys everyone, but Brock's more over. Commen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Trivia247 Report post Posted May 13, 2003 Well its a hard question to answer because Smart Marks try their best not to be swayed by public opinion... hence if the Crowd chants for Hogan, we try not to without understanding why. you got your Mark favorites whom you feel are the top guys but thats personal opinion without basis The best guys are the ones whom not only work too their potential in the WWE Supports other wrestlers and will continue to do so for the years ahead. Career lockerroom leaders you got your Eddie Guerreros Kurt angles Chris Benoits Smark Darlings on Smackdown Raw's got RVD Lance Storm Jericho... what the WWE wants us to believe is that the Brocks the HHH's the Scott Steiners, Goldbergs etc etc are the top guys its up to the fans the marks and the Smarks who consider are the top guys... people who come down as faces by the WWE gets their asses booed out of the building by a Rare "SMART" Crowd tells you that the fans are > than the Storyline Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest razazteca Report post Posted May 14, 2003 Some casual fans that I know like Austin, Undertaker, and Kane. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChris Report post Posted May 14, 2003 As long as Austin and Rock are there, they're the top guys. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest caboose Report post Posted May 14, 2003 It's either Angle or Rocky. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kahran Ramsus Report post Posted May 14, 2003 Rocky is the #1 guy associated with the company. He is the only guy on the roster who can still draw a crowd all by himself. Hogan is over, but people don't pay to see him. He's a special attraction. Austin is #2, but Rock passed him by in late 1999 and hasn't looked back. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Space_Cowboy Report post Posted May 14, 2003 Whenever he's around the Rock is definately #1. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Tino Standard Report post Posted May 14, 2003 The Rock is head and shoulders above everybody else. Austin was above the Rock in their first meeting and at X-7, it was much closer, but Austin STILL seemed to be "The Man." By this year at WM, however, it became clear: the Rock is on top of the wrestling world as long as he's in it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted May 14, 2003 I think the #1 Guy is the person who is really pulling the load of the WWE whether the fans realize it or not. Who's really bustin it all the time and who's making the shows better whether or not the fans know it? That's the person who is the REAL #1. If Rock could stay around for a long time I would go with him cause he's both a good backstage person and a crowd favorite, but alas he's not around. I'll have to go with Angle. Say what you will. Whether you think he's overrated or not. He's a great backstage presence and a great wrestler who's over with the fans as a heel and works well with others. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest PencilJobber Report post Posted May 14, 2003 I'd have to say The Rock he is the only guy who can make a whole show watachable by himself when he was on Raw he carried that show to make it fun again since he has left its been shit again IMO. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest humongous2002 Report post Posted May 14, 2003 The Rock is the marks champion, he is mr. entertainment everytime he is taking a break from movies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites